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Getting remainder from a division problem.


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I'm writing a small bit of code for a large project. What it does, is gets the remainder left over from a division problem... for example 223/200 and it will give you 23. I wrote a working program... but if I use large numbers it fails... e.g. 4561698 .It seems to fail on $calc3 = $calc1 - $calc2. I see no logical reason why it's doing this... So thanks in advance for any help.

$input = InputBox("Input a random number", "Input any random number")
$input2 = InputBox("Input the number to divide it by", "Input any number to divide it by")
If $input < $input2 Then
MsgBox(0, "Cannot divide", "This program cannot calculate this remainder")
$calc1 = $input / $input2
$calc2 = Int($calc1)
$calc3 = $calc1 - $calc2
$calc3 = $calc3 * $input2
MsgBox(0, "Result", $calc3)
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Ah... I see, I couldn't find it when I was looking through the help file :) I guess I need to learn how to look harder.

There are times when given all the information, we're right back at square one, wondering where to look. I find myself there again from time to time.
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