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Posted (edited)

Well I asked it before in an other topic but no one replies there so I thought I'll start it as a seperate topic.

Ok I'm kinda stuck & hope somebody can help me with this here.

I'm following this tutorial but I can't get stuff to work.

I have a dll & it has like COM Properties or idk like "_class::propperty" but how do I call them?

using DLLCall (like I tried) or do I need the ObjGet function? Or both of them combined?

I haven't used dll's & com stuff before but now I need to and now this tutorial did help me understand DLLCall better.

Anybody can push me in the right direction? Do I need DLLCall or ObjGet or both? And how do I use those things from the dll (those that look like "_class::property") in AutoIt?

Edit: I also found a function called "DllGetClassObject" in the dll, can I use that to create an object and then use that to call the properties? If so how?

When I tried it myself it crashed with exit code -1073741819.

Edit: I now noticed some of them are methods and others properties, can I both use methods and get properties?

Edited by 1RV34
MsgBox(0x40040, "", "Hello Forum!")
  • 2 weeks later...

Some aditional information:

Using a DLL viewer I saw these functions:

  • DllCanUnloadNow
  • DllGetClassObject
  • DllRegisterServer
  • DllUnregisterServer
Which indicate I can register the DLL using
regsvr32 "C:pathtothedll.dll"
and I think I should then be able to use ObjCreate("obj.type") to continue.

But how do I find that "obj.type" and then call to "_clsClass::mtdMethod" & "_clsClass::prpProperty"?

I'm really stuck and any hint or push in the right direction would help a lot :/

MsgBox(0x40040, "", "Hello Forum!")

hi 1RV34,

ObjCreate is fine for COM objects.

Unfortunately you gave us very little (relevant, specific) information ;) so that's about all the help I can offer at the moment.

What is the name of the dll? Where can one find it? and its documentation?

Also, please post the code you tried, and any errors you might have encountered.

Help us help you :)


Posted (edited)

If the COM dll was compiled with type information you should be able to load it into a Type Library Viewer to see the supported interfaces. Basically if the library is really an ActiveX Control or has Automation support, you can load from a scripting language. Otherwise if it's virtual method table only, you need to access it from a compiled language. If it supports Automation chances are it has a Type Library. So try a Type Library viewer. I'm sure you can download a free one someplace.

It's been quite a few years since I did COM programming. So this is just from vague memory. Hope I pointed you in the right direction.

Edited by MilesAhead

What is the name of the dll? Where can one find it? and its documentation?

The name is "SnelStartGateWay.dll". It is ment to make communication between your program and SnelStart possible.

It can be found in "C:Program Files (x86)SnelStartV1000" (V1000 is version dependable but my script finds the right path). It comes with the program.

The documentation is in Dutch so I don't know if that will help you much, but what I can do is give the (vb6) example in it if that might help.

Private Sub mtdToevoegenJournaalPost()
  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
  'Declaratie variabelen
  Dim mvrGWaySnelStart As clsGWaySnelStart
  Dim mvrAdmiInEuro As Boolean
  Dim mvrGbOmschrijving As String
  'Aanmaken nieuwe ToegangsObject
  Set mvrGWaySnelStart = New clsGWaySnelStart
  With mvrGWaySnelStart
    'Openen administratie
    .mtdGWayAdmiOpenen "C:SnelStartAdministraties", "SnelStart Voorbeeldbedrijf"
    'Uitlezen of Administratie in Euro's is
    mvrAdmiInEuro = .prpGWayAdmiInEuroGet
    Debug.Print "Adminitratie in Euro is " & mvrAdmiInEuro
    'Uitlezen omschrijving van Grootboek 9990
    mvrGbOmschrijving = .mtdGWayGrootboekOmschrijving(9990)
    Debug.Print "Omschrijving van GrootBoek 9990 is " & mvrGbOmschrijving
    'Journaalpost openen
    .mtdGWayJpAanmaken Now, 9990, "ABC", "OmschrijvingXYZ"
    'Regels aan JournaalPost toevoegen
    .mtdGWayJpRegelToevoegenV616 8001, "DebetZZZZ", 100, 0
    .mtdGWayJpRegelToevoegenV616 8002, "CreditYYYY", 0, 75
    .mtdGWayJpRegelToevoegenV616 8002, "CreditYYYY", 0, 25
    'Journaalpost sluiten
    'Sluiten administratie
    'Starten applicatie
    .mtdGWayRunSnelStart "C:SnelStartAdministratiesSnelStart Voorbeeldbedrijf"
  End With
  Exit Sub
  mtdMsg mtdGWayFoutBoodschap("mtdToevoegenJournaalPost"), vbInformation
End Sub

Private Sub mtdWijzigenJournaalPost()
  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
  'Declaratie variabelen
  Dim mvrGWaySnelStart As clsGWaySnelStart
  Dim mvrGWayJournaalPost As clsGWayJournaalPost
  Dim mvrGWayJournaalRegel As clsGWayJournaalRegel
  'Aanmaken nieuwe ToegangsObject
  Set mvrGWaySnelStart = New clsGWaySnelStart
  With mvrGWaySnelStart
    'Openen administratie
    .mtdGWayAdmiOpenen "C:SnelStartAdministraties", "SnelStart Voorbeeldbedrijf"

    'Voorbeeld 1 met verwijderen van een journaalpostregel
    Set mvrGWayJournaalPost = .mtdGWayJournaalPostGet(502)
    'Wijzig het GrootboekNummer op vierde journaalpostregel
    mvrGWayJournaalPost.mtdGetJournaalRegelOpIndex(4).prpGWayGrootboekNummerSet = 3006
    'Voeg 4e en 5e journaalpostregel samen
    mvrGWayJournaalPost.mtdGetJournaalRegelOpIndex(4).prpGWayDebetSet = mvrGWayJournaalPost.mtdGetJournaalRegelOpIndex(4).prpGWayDebetGet + _
    mvrGWayJournaalPost.mtdGetJournaalRegelOpIndex(4).prpGWayCreditSet = mvrGWayJournaalPost.mtdGetJournaalRegelOpIndex(4).prpGWayCreditGet + _
    'Verwijder de 5e journaalpostregel
    mvrGWayJournaalPost.mtdJpRegelRemove 5
    'Voer wijziging door
    .mtdGWayJpWijzigen mvrGWayJournaalPost

    'Voorbeeld 2 met toevoegen van een journaalpostregel
    Set mvrGWayJournaalPost = .mtdGWayJournaalPostGet(503)
    'Wijzig totaalbedrag
    mvrGWayJournaalPost.mtdGetJournaalRegelOpIndex(1).prpGWayDebetSet = mvrGWayJournaalPost.mtdGetJournaalRegelOpIndex(1).prpGWayDebetGet + 100
    'Voeg extra regel toe
    Set mvrGWayJournaalRegel = mvrGWayJournaalPost.mtdJpRegelAdd
    'Vul de nieuwe regel
    mvrGWayJournaalRegel.prpGWayDebetSet = 0
    mvrGWayJournaalRegel.prpGWayCreditSet = 100
    mvrGWayJournaalRegel.prpGWayBtwIDSet = encGWayBtwIDGeen
    mvrGWayJournaalRegel.prpGWayBtwPercentageSet = 0
    mvrGWayJournaalRegel.prpGWayBtwTypeSet = encGWayBtwTypeNvt
    mvrGWayJournaalRegel.prpGWayFactuurNummerSet = "20050918"
    mvrGWayJournaalRegel.prpGWayFactuurRelatiecodeSet = 2
    mvrGWayJournaalRegel.prpGWayGrootboekNummerSet = 8095
    mvrGWayJournaalRegel.prpGWayOmschrijvingSet = "extra regel"
    'Voer wijziging door
    .mtdGWayJpWijzigen mvrGWayJournaalPost

    'Sluiten administratie
    'Starten applicatie
    .mtdGWayRunSnelStart "C:SnelStartAdministratiesSnelStart Voorbeeldbedrijf"
  End With
  Exit Sub
  mtdMsg mtdGWayFoutBoodschap("mtdWijzigenJournaalPost"), vbInformation
End Sub

Private Sub mtdInkoopOrderToevoegen()
  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
  'Declaratie variabelen
  Dim mvrGWaySnelStart As clsGWaySnelStart
  Dim mvrGWayJournaalPost As clsGWayJournaalPost
  Dim mvrGWayJournaalRegel As clsGWayJournaalRegel
  'Aanmaken nieuwe ToegangsObject
  Set mvrGWaySnelStart = New clsGWaySnelStart
  With mvrGWaySnelStart
    'Openen administratie
    .mtdGWayAdmiOpenen "C:SnelStartAdministraties", "SnelStart Voorbeeldbedrijf"

    'Inkooporder aanmaken
    .mtdGWayInkoopOrderAanmaken 1, 30123, Now, "Inkoop via gateway", "memo-tekst", "bk inkoop"
    'Regels toevoegen
    .mtdGWayInkoopOrderRegelToevoegenArtikelMetDefaults 12, 100
    .mtdGWayInkoopOrderRegelToevoegenArtikel 12, "Eigen omschrijving", 50, 1.12, 10, 1
    .mtdGWayInkoopOrderRegelToevoegenTekst "Echte tekstregel", 0, 0
    .mtdGWayInkoopOrderRegelToevoegenTekst "Tekstregel met bedrag en kostenplaats", 10, 2
    'Voer wijziging door

    'Sluiten administratie
    'Starten applicatie
    .mtdGWayRunSnelStart "C:SnelStartAdministratiesSnelStart Voorbeeldbedrijf"
  End With
  Exit Sub
  mtdMsg mtdGWayFoutBoodschap("mtdWijzigenJournaalPost"), vbInformation
End Sub

Private Sub mtdVerkoopAbonnementOrderToevoegen()
  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
  'Declaratie variabelen
  Dim mvrGWaySnelStart As clsGWaySnelStart

  Dim mvrSjabloonID As Long
  Dim mvrRelatieCode As Long
  Dim mvrDatum As Date
  Dim mvrOmschrijving As String
  Dim mvrOrderMemo As String
  Dim mvrKostenplaatsenNummer As Long
  Dim mvrBetalingsKenmerk As String
  Dim mvrVerkoperLoginNaam As String

  Dim mvrAbonnementIntervalSoort As enmGWayAbonnementInterval
  Dim mvrAbonnementIntervalAantal As Variant
  Dim mvrAbonnementTijdstipMaand As Variant
  Dim mvrAbonnementTijdstipWeekDag As Variant
  Dim mvrAbonnementTijdstipMaandDag As Variant
  Dim mvrAbonnementTijdstipWeekVanMaandDag As Variant
  Dim mvrAbonnementBegindatum As Variant
  Dim mvrAbonnementEindDatum As Variant
  Dim mvrAbonnementEindeNaAantal As Variant

  'Aanmaken nieuwe ToegangsObject
  Set mvrGWaySnelStart = New clsGWaySnelStart
  With mvrGWaySnelStart
    'Openen administratie
    .mtdGWayAdmiOpenen "C:SnelStartAdministraties", "SnelStart Voorbeeldbedrijf"

    'Verkooporder aanmaken
    mvrSjabloonID = 1
    mvrRelatieCode = 10001
    mvrDatum = Now
    mvrOrderMemo = "memo"
    mvrKostenplaatsenNummer = 0
    mvrBetalingsKenmerk = "BK"

Also, please post the code you tried, and any errors you might have encountered.

I have tried some codes, none worked (they are probably very noobish because I have never used them before).

Codes i tried:

$dll = DllOpen($dllPath)

If $dll = -1 Then
    _Err("Kon SnelStartGateWay.dll niet openen!")

$result = DllCall($dll, "none", "_clsGWaySnelStart::mtdGWayAdmiOpenen"); also tried "DllGetClassObject" as function, this made AutoIt time-out/crash after a while
$error = @error

If $error Then
    _Err("DLLCall #1 Error: " & $error)

_Msg("DLLCall #1 Result: " & $result)

$obj = ObjCreate("SnelStartGateWay.application")
$error = @error

If $error Then
    _Msg("SnelStart Sync maakt een poging om SnelStartGateWay.dll te registreren." & @LF & "Druk op OK.")
    RunWait('regsvr32 "' & $dllPath & '"')
    $obj = ObjCreate("SnelStartGateWay.application")
    $error = @error

    If $error Then
        Run('regsvr32 /u "' & $dllPath & '"')


    If $error Then
        _Err("ObjCreate #1 Error: " & $error)

$dll = _WinAPI_LoadLibrary($dllPath)

If $dll Then
    ; ... (didn't know what i would have to do here :P)
    _Err("Kon SnelStartGateWay.dll niet openen!"); it did not give this error message tho XD
MsgBox(0x40040, "", "Hello Forum!")
Posted (edited)

Does the VB6 code work? If not then the dll is likely not registered on the system. Search the registry for the string you use in ObjCreate() function. If that string is not found then it's not registered. Try regsvr32 or one of those shell extensions that registers and unregisters COM libraries.

edit: also if it's a licensed ActiveX Control designed to drop on a form such as in VB6, it won't work without the .lic file. It would need a design time license before it would instantiate on the form(the .lic file.) A program using it will run but you can't use it in a form designer without the license if it's a licensed control.

First thing I'd do is try to get the VB6 example to go. If it doesn't you're likely wasting your time.

Edited by MilesAhead
Posted (edited)

Hi 1RV34,

Now that's a greatly informative post! :)

I don't understand a word of dutch however ;) , but with Google Translate I managed to cobble up a couple lines to get you started,

$oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") ; Install a custom error handler

$oSnel = ObjCreate("SnelStartGateWay.clsGWaySnelStart")
If IsObj($oSnel) Then
    MsgBox(64, "", "Object created successfully")

MsgBox(64, "Version", $oSnel.prpGWayVersieGateWayGet())

$oSnel2 = ObjCreate("SnelStartGateWay.clsGWArtikel")
If IsObj($oSnel2) Then
    MsgBox(64, "", "Object created successfully")

; This is the custom error handler
Func MyErrFunc()
    $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number, 8)
    MsgBox(0, "", "We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & _
            "Number is: " & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _
            "Windescription is: " & $oMyError.windescription & @CRLF & _
            "Source is: " & $oMyError.source & @CRLF & _
            "Description is: " & $oMyError.description & @CRLF & _
            "Helpfile is: " & $oMyError.helpfile & @CRLF & _
            "Helpcontext is: " & $oMyError.helpcontext & @CRLF & _
            "Lastdllerror is: " & $oMyError.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _
            "Scriptline is: " & $oMyError.scriptline)
EndFunc   ;==>MyErrFunc

Hope this little tidbit helps ;)


Edit: some spelling, greets

Edited by smartee


$oSnel = ObjCreate("SnelStartGateWay.clsGWaySnelStart")

Just that line helped a lot already!

I didn't know which function I needed (DllCall, ObjCreate or _WinAPI_LoadLibrary) and also if I needed ObjCreate I didn't know I needed "SnelStartGateWay.clsGWaySnelStart" I tried stuff like "SnelStartGateWay.application" XD (never used it before o.o)

Thanks for this example & making me understand ObjCreate more! :oops:

MsgBox(0x40040, "", "Hello Forum!")

The name of the automation used for IDispatch is always in the registry somewhere as a clsid. For instance if you have Scripting Dictionary installed you'll see "Scripting.Dictionary" defined somewhere. Usually things that support IDispatch have type library information. Languages like C++ often you can import the type library and the Intellisense will automatically pick up the methods once you create an instance. A lot of program code is in English when the language of origin is not just because so many compilers etc.. were created in English.

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