hezi Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 Hi all, i need your advice or idea how can i create auto update to my script. my big problem is how to create and read version number from compiled script. i tried use get version function but it always return the autoit version (which always the same...) using the version in script name can work (i.e my_script_1.0.1.exe) but im looking for more elegant way. can I push version or number to compilation description or something like that? (then use get version from auto it) thanks.
hannes08 Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 Maybe this is a better solution $version = FileGetVerion(@ScriptFullPath) Because @AutoItVersion just displays the AutoItVersion (e.g. Regards,Hannes[spoiler]If you can't convince them, confuse them![/spoiler]
hezi Posted February 8, 2012 Author Posted February 8, 2012 both methods return me the autoit version ( 3.3.X.X)however after playing with compilation advance options i succeed to push product number to file properties. (it also can be seen from windows file properties )now when i use FileGetVerion(@ScriptFullPath)i get the right number i pushed, and can compare it.Thanks!
Exit Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 @hezi Here is my solution for automatic update of my programs. Perhaps you might do something like this. expandcollapse popup; _Softwareupdate UDF include file by Forumer100 ; Example: #cs #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=Y ;P #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=%scriptfile%.exe SoftwareUpdate #include '_SoftwareUpdate.au3' _SoftwareUpdate('O:\Data\Homepage\forumer\ftp\software\', 'HTTP://MyDomain.de/forumer/ftp/software/') ; insert your working code here Exit ; please copy %scriptfile%.exe and %scriptfile%.exe.ini to remote HTTP server after compile. #ce Func _SoftwareUpdate($LocalServerURL, $RemoteServerURL) If Not @Compiled Then Return SetError(100) Local $EXE = @ScriptName Local $INI = @ScriptName & ".ini" If StringInStr($CmdLineRaw, "SoftwareUpdate") Then IniWrite($INI, "SoftwareUpdate", "Version", FileGetVersion($EXE, "FileVersion")) IniWrite($INI, "SoftwareUpdate", "Timestamp", FileGetTime($EXE, 0, 1)) FileCopy($EXE, $LocalServerURL & $EXE, 1) FileCopy($INI, $LocalServerURL & $INI, 1) Exit Beep(440, 200) EndIf $ahost = StringSplit($RemoteServerURL, "://", 1) If IsArray($ahost) Then $ahost = StringSplit($ahost[2], "/") If @error Then Return SetError(100 + @error) For $i = 1 To 10 If Not Ping($ahost[1]) Then ContinueLoop Next If @error Then Return SetError(100 + @error) If InetGet($RemoteServerURL & $INI, $INI, 1) = 0 Then FileDelete($INI) Return SetError(105); Download failed EndIf $ServerTimeStamp = IniRead($INI, "SoftwareUpdate", "Timestamp", "0") $ServerVersion = IniRead($INI, "SoftwareUpdate", "Version", "") FileDelete($INI) If $ServerTimeStamp = "0" Then Return SetError(109) $LocalVersion = FileGetVersion($EXE, "FileVersion") If String($LocalVersion) = String($ServerVersion) Then Return 0 ; no new version If InetGet($RemoteServerURL & $EXE, $EXE & ".new", 1) = 0 Then FileDelete($EXE & ".new") Return SetError(110); Download failed EndIf $rc1 = FileMove($EXE, $EXE & ".old", 1) Sleep(500) $rc2 = FileMove($EXE & ".new", $EXE, 1) Sleep(500) Run(@ComSpec & " /c PING -n 3 && DEL """ & $EXE & ".old""", "", @SW_HIDE) Exit Run($EXE & " " & $CmdLineRaw) EndFunc ;==>_SoftwareUpdate Don't forget to copy the two files to the HTTP server after compile. Forumer100 App: Au3toCmd       UDF: _SingleScript()                Â
hezi Posted February 8, 2012 Author Posted February 8, 2012 wow thats great!!! probably it will save me work... Thanks
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