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I'm working on a new project that is going to immitate a RPG I play online. It's a pretty simple Isometric/Tile Based project and I am trying to figure out how to target all the controls on the screen (mainly pic controls) so that when I click and drag they all will move in the same fashion. I know I could go through and specifically pick on each control but I was looking for a way to grab them all in a general manner without pointing out each variable name. I figure I could put them all in an array and some how loop through the array but If there is a quicker means to this I would love to know how. I've searched through the forum but I think the words I search are just too general. Any help?


Well I've set it up using an array but I'm having timing problems. While moving the mouse the controls don't follow through correctly...

Here is an example of my script:

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "end")
Const $title = "_Project"
$wX = @DesktopWidth / 3
$wY = @DesktopHeight / 3
Dim $Array[3]
Dim $mArray[6]
GUICreate($title, $wX, $wY, 0, 0)
$Array[0] = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "ball_red_01.jpg", 50, 100, 30, 30)
$Array[1] = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "ball_red_01.jpg", 100, 100, 30, 30)
$Array[2] = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "ball_red_01.jpg", 150, 100, 30, 30)
GUICreate($title & " Vars:", 200, 400, @DesktopWidth - 205, 0)
$mProdX = GUICtrlCreateLabel("X Change: ", 5, 5, 190, 20)
$mProdY = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Y Change: ", 5, 25, 190, 20)
While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
$uArray = UBound($Array)

case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
case _IsPressed(01)
case _isPressed(20)
  MsgBox(2, $title, $uArray, 10)

Func drag_screen()
$ii = 0
For $i = 0 To $uArray - 1 Step 1
  $_mouse = MouseGetPos()
  $mArray[0] = $_mouse[0]
  $mArray[2] = $_mouse[1]
  $_mouse = MouseGetPos()
  $mArray[1] = $_mouse[0]
  $mArray[3] = $_mouse[1]

  $mArray[4] = $mArray[0] - $mArray[1]
  $mArray[5] = $mArray[2] - $mArray[3]
  GUICtrlSetData($mProdX, "X Change: " & $mArray[4])
  GUICtrlSetData($mProdY, "Y Change: " & $mArray[5])
  $_Array = ControlGetPos($title, "", $Array[$i])
  GUICtrlSetPos($Array[$i], $_Array[0] + $mArray[4], $_Array[1] + $mArray[5])
  $ii += 1
Until $ii = $uArray - 1
  $ii = 0
Func end()

Ofcourse you will have to fit in your own pictures and change the directory if you wish to run it.

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