junkew Posted May 30, 2017 Posted May 30, 2017 Hi, I have a reproducible way that breaks the things (First I could not reproduce and was happening when I dont want it offcourse) include "clr.au3" then to fix the # typo I go to the first line back then start typing # and then the intellisense #include pops up When I then hit enter I get garbage on my first line and then the whole IDE freezes and exits (without save so loosing the work) FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
odaylton Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 Text translated from Portuguese by google - please apologize for any errors Debug improvements A years ago I tried to make a debug and I managed although at the time I did not have much knowledge in autoit And I'm currently using the famous Autoit Debugger that suits me very well. I recently discovered your Studio and finally had time to enjoy it. Actually, the work environment is very good. But Debugger is much more efficient and useful than your Automatic Debug. I would like to know if I can collaborate on the development of a more practical Debug Window than the one currently in existence. As I downloaded the source code I can debug and improve the debug but I would like your help in this. Another topic. A facility that could be implemented in the studio, which in my opinion would be very useful, the insertion of a "Script Tree" item being dragged to a part of the code and with that the auto-typing of the same In the case of a function I noticed that my creation style is not compatible with the "Script Tree" Note that the MyBox function does not enter Functions lists And it should show the already used of Includes and patterns like in the MsgBox case And if possible in this style of display as follows this ex crude: ;***************************************** ;Forun.au3 by RoboAutomato ;Created with ISN AutoIt Studio v. 1.05 ;***************************************** Global $hMyForm Local $Answer $Answer = MyBox(4097, _ ;; Flags of MsgBox $MB_SYSTEMMODAL+$MB_OKCANCEL "", _ ; Title "") ; Text ;.... ;Obtained from the function line layout ;.... Func MyBox($Flag=4097, _ ; Flags of MsgBox $MB_SYSTEMMODAL+$MB_OKCANCEL $Title = "", _ ; Title $Text = "") ; Text if $Flag=Default Then $Flag= 4097 ; My Layout is easier to understand listing and prevents errors ; It would be good to have this adopted as a new standard ; UDF type Local $a = MsgBox($Flag, _ $Title, _ $Text, _ 5, _ ;5 min $hMyForm) ; MyForm ; I find it much more elegant than: Local $a = MsgBox ($Flag, $Title, $Text, 5,$hMyForm) Return $a EndFunc ;==>MyBox See the image error
ISI360 Posted July 28, 2017 Author Posted July 28, 2017 Hi odaylton! Thanks for your feedback! Have your tried the advaned debug mode in the ISN? You can enable it via Tools -> Debugging -> Advanced Debugging -> Enable. Then every script is started via the Dbug Autoit debugger. And about your coding style. Hmm yeah it´s not really autoit default...so it´s not supported at the moment.
musicstashall Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 I continue my observations. Hotkeys began to be rejected. Along with this, the preservation also stops working before the test starts. As it seemed to me, this happens when I write something and start autosaving, after such a moment and a bug happens.
ISI360 Posted July 28, 2017 Author Posted July 28, 2017 Thx, but I know of all these stuff...version 1.06 is hard in work and has tons of fixes on board. Stay tuned!
TweedleDoo Posted July 29, 2017 Posted July 29, 2017 Very cool! I'm excited to give it a whirl and see what features it has. The GUI editor especially sounds handy.
odaylton Posted July 30, 2017 Posted July 30, 2017 On 28/07/2017 at 1:57 PM, ISI360 said: Hi odaylton! Thanks for your feedback! Have your tried the advaned debug mode in the ISN? You can enable it via Tools -> Debugging -> Advanced Debugging -> Enable. Then every script is started via the Dbug Autoit debugger. And about your coding style. Hmm yeah it´s not really autoit default...so it´s not supported at the moment. As I commented, yes I used it quickly but as I already had some experience in developing my debug I would like to help improve your. I've never been involved in anything as grand as your project but I trust in my ability to contribute I would like to know how I can contribute. I do not know if you had the opportunity to see the image I posted. I noticed that ISN does not interpret a function when its line contains "_" as I have previously shown.
ISI360 Posted August 15, 2017 Author Posted August 15, 2017 (edited) Hi Guys! Again, it´s update time! ISN AutoIt Studio verson 1.06 is finaly out! And since this update is quite extensive, I cut down the whole stuff on a few highlights: Completely reworked (and cleanly documented in English) plugin system! The system now no longer uses the Maillot UDF, but native WM_COPYDATA. Important: Old plugins must be equipped with the new isnautoitstudio_plugin.au3 file to work again. (More in the help) Printing is now also possible in color! The ISN AutoIt Studio has now several threads. (Autoit_Studio_Helper.exe) These threads will be used in the future to expose complex or ISN blocking functions. For the beginning, it only affects the testing a script / project and the search or installation of ISN AutoIt Studio Updates. In the "Data" folder of the ISN AutoIt Studio is now a new .exe with the name "ISN_cmd.exe". This allows the ISN Autit Studio to be controlled via command line switches. (See help) Plugins can now be packed into package files (* .icp file). This is also the new default format for plugins from my homepage. Furthermore, the standard directory for user-installed plugins has changed from the ISN AutoIt Studio folder to the folder % myisndatadir% \ Data \ Plugins. I would like to thank Dave Thijse for the numerous tests and bugreports of this update! So there is a lot of work in this update. Of course I would appreciate your feedback! Have fun with it! And here is the complete changelog (translated by google): expandcollapse popup-> ISN AutoIt Studio: <- ----------------------------------- [Fixes] - Various bug fixes - Bug fixed in the parameter editor. (Empty parameters between completed parameters are now automatically filled in with "-1") - When creating a new task in the ToDo list, the wrong date was used. This is now fixed. - Sometimes the Autocomplete did not work properly. (No suggestions were displayed when writing) This should now be fixed. - Changes in the script by various actions were often not recognized as changes in the ISN. This is now fixed. - The window of a plug-in was placed over the windows of the ISN AutoIt Studio. This is now fixed. [Improvements] - After the compilation, open au3 files are only read-in again into the editor when changes are made to the file. (Eg increase of the version by the AutoIt3Wrapper) - The ISN AutoIt Studio now contains version 17.224.935.0 of the "AutoIt3Wrappers" - Some GUIs have an icon next to the title - The ISN AutoIt Studio now starts a bit faster. - Due to persistent problems with the ISN hotkeys (especially with multiple instances), the ISN AutoIt Studio now uses Yashied's HotKey UDF. These problems should now be fixed. - The testing of a script or project now blocks the ISN no longer! (Testscript is now put into a separate thread) - Mini Debug GUI Graphically revised - The "last used files" are now also saved with path variables. - The last selected element in the script tree is now selected again after updating the script tree - If the CTRL key is released after CTRL + CTRL, you can quickly switch to the previous tab - Help file of ISN AutoIt Studios updated (German and English) [New features] - Printing is now also possible in color! Furthermore, the entry "Print" has been added in the context menu of the script editor. If text is selected in the script editor, only this is printed. If not, the whole file is printed (currently limited to 50,000 characters for performance reasons!). - Intermediate markers (CTRL + F2) can now also be jumped back and forth. (F2 / SHIFT + F2) - Attention: The AutoIt tools "Tidy" or "Au3Stripper" are now NOT included in the ISN AutoIt Studio package. The paths to the tools must therefore be specified in the program settings. However, you can download and install these tools from the autitscript.com website at any time. (Tidy and Au3Stripper are included eg in the AutoIt complete package (SciTE4AutoIt3.exe)) If you are able to manage the settings of the Tidy.ini via the ISN AutoIt Studio, the path to the tidy.ini must also be specified here! - Hotkeys can now also use the following keys: Windows Logo Key, Delete, Insert, End, Print, Home - Added new hotkeys: Print, Clear all parameters (Parameter Editor), Clear current parameters (Parameter editor) - In the Mini Debug GUI (When testing a script), there is now a new button (Details) showing additional information about the running script. (Eg a graph of CPU or RAM utilization) - The default directory for user-installed plugins has been changed from the ISN AutoIt Studio folder to the folder %myisndatadir%\Data\ Plugins. Standard plugins, such as. The Form Studio 2, but still remain in the ISN AutoIt Studio folder. - Whether a plugin is active or inactive, is now no longer saved in the plugin itself (plugin.ini) in the config.ini of the ISN AutoIt Studios. By default, the active plugins are set to the ISN FormStudio 2 and the Fileviewer plug-in. If further plugins are installed, they must be activated again if necessary. - Plugins can now be packed into a separate package (*.icp file). In this format, Now also the plugins offered by my homepage. A simple opening of this file is sufficient and the plugin is installed. (Manual installation is also possible in the program settings -> plugins) The plugin does not have to be copied into the Plugins folder "by hand" anymore. - The ISN AutoIt Studio includes a new plugin by default. The plugin named "ISN Plugin SDK Tools" provides some useful tools for developing ISN plugins. So plugins eg. With this tool into compressed * .icp files. Or even when translating * .lng files, the plugin can be helpful. (BETA! The tool is extended!) Furthermore, you will always find the latest "isnautoitstudio_plugin.au3" file for your plugins. The plugin is disabled by default. - New function in the script tree settings: Select the last modified function in the script tree. The last modified function is always selected in the script tree. (But is not active by default and has to be activated in the program settings under "Script editor -> Script tree"!) - The ISN AutoIt Studio now has several threads. (Autoit_Studio_Helper.exe) These threads will be used in the future to expose server-intensive or ISN blocking functions. For the beginning, it only affects the testing of a Script / project and the search or installation of ISN AutoIt Studio Updates. - Elements in the script tree can now be dragged and dropped into the script. - new translation: Portugues-Brasil (thx to Odaylton) - In the "Data" folder of the ISN AutoIt Studio is now a new .exe with the name "ISN_cmd.exe". This allows the ISN Autit Studio to be controlled via command line switches. The whole is however only in the initial stage! So be further developed! You can find current commands with ISN_cmd.exe /? - The plugin system now no longer uses the MailSlot UDF to communicate with the plugins. The whole thing now runs over WM_COPYDATA. (For further information, see below in Plugin SDK) -> ISN Form Studio 2: <- ----------------------------------- [Fixes] - Various bug fixes - No white background color (0xFFFFFF) could be defined for InputControls. This is now fixed. [Improvements] - Adaptations to the new plug-in system (WM_COPYDATA) - Inconsistent specification of the $ character in handles fixed. Handles should now be given (as actually standard) with the $ character. If not, the FormStudio does not correct this independently. -> Simple File Viewer: <- ----------------------------------- [Fixes] - Various bug fixes [Improvements] - Adaptations to the new plug-in system (WM_COPYDATA) -> Plugin SDK: <- ----------------------------------- - The plugin UDF (isnautoitstudio_plugin.au3) was completely re-created and cleanly documented in English. Furthermore, the UDF has been expanded by numerous new functions. - The plugin SDK now no longer uses the MailSlot UDF! Data is now exchanged via WM_COPYDATA. If you have created plugins yourself. These must only be easily adapted so that they can function again! You only have to replace the new "isnautoitstudio_plugin.au3" file in your own plugins (from the PLUGIN SDK FOLDER) and recompile the plugin. If you have used the function "_Mailslot_abhore" for ISN events from the demo plugin, this must be easily updated. (Check out the new demo plugins on my homepage) Old plugins communicating via the MailSlot UDF are no longer supported! - All plugins offered on my homepage have been upgraded to the new plugin system (WM_COPYDATA). - Many known functions now offer more possibilities than before. For example, the command "_ISNPlugin_Call_Function_in_ISN_AutoIt_Studio" (old UDF: _ISNPlugin_Starte_Funktion_im_ISN) now returns the result of the call. The same is true for "_ISNPlugin_Execute_in_ISN_AutoIt_Studio". - With "_ISNPlugin_Get_Variable_from_ISN_AutoIt_Studio" you can now also transfer arrays from the ISN AutoIt Studio into the plugin. - There are no plugin types anymore! (So far, there were Type 1, 2 and 3, with different possibilities in each case) From now on: Plugin is Plugin! The desired options can be controlled as before via the plugin.ini. However, from now on, the plug-in type is no longer required. You can find information about the plugin.ini in the help file of the ISN AutoIt Studio. - Events from the ISN AutoIt Studio (eg save) can now be easily registered with the function "_ISNPlugin_Register_ISN_Event". Thus no separate "monitoring" function is necessary. (Such as in the Demoplugin with _Mailslot_abhoeren was the case) - Many many new features with which the ISN Studio can be controlled. (Or can retrieve data from the ISN) Edited August 15, 2017 by ISI360 nend, mLipok and Xandy 3
nend Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 And again a world class program, keep up the good work!
Rex Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 Uhmm have been looking forth to the update When running thru 1.06, I saw this Think that the button text might should be reset to initial configuration? Also, when using std studio skin and color settings - I get this Q. Is there some way I can create a hotkey shortcut for New temp file? Q/Feature request. Is there some way to get the studio to throw a warn when hitting F5 and an other tab than the main is active? The reason I ask is that I more that once have by default hit F5 and not F9 to test a temp script, and with F5 the main script runs regardless of witch Tab that is current active. As always Keep up the good work. Regards /Rex
ISI360 Posted August 15, 2017 Author Posted August 15, 2017 (edited) Hi Rex! 1) Hmm i think the current button text is ok. It does not reset the config. It only deletes the key to the config.ini, so the ISN thinks it´s fresh installed. But the whole config is still there. So no real reset 2) Not directly a bug. Look like you changed from the dark theme back to the normal. The ISN asks you in this case to reset the colors back to default...and i looks like you choose no..so the colors from the black theme are still there. But no problem: Press Reset all colors and you´r on the default color theme. 3) About temp file: Yes, and no. Currently it´s not there is the native hotkey page. (But it´s a good idea for the next update). Meanwhile you can to it with a macro: Create a new macro with a macroslot as trigger. As action iclude "execute command" and insert "_erstelle_neues_temporaeres_skript()". Assign a Hotkey to you macroslot and it should work. 4) The F5 stuff: Hmm this works how it´s designed. F5 (Test project) should always run the main file of the project, no matter which tab is active. F9 instead runs the currently active tab. Feel free to change these hotkeys in the settings. But i understand your request..i think of some switch in the settings in the next versions Edited August 15, 2017 by ISI360
Rex Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 Hi ISI Hmm it removes the link to the config okay, but it don't shows it - and that's what cut my eye Ahh yes that right, I didn't change back to default colors Oki, macro works fine for me Yes I know that it's pr design that it works like that, and the hotkeys is perfect like they are - it was only course last time I accidentally hit F5 and not F9 the main script was a login script for a server that, that moves user profiles, and doe's som reg tweaking, and that didn't work so swell with my local pc witch only a single user account Regards /Rex
ISI360 Posted August 15, 2017 Author Posted August 15, 2017 What about "Reset to initial configuration assistant"?? OK yeah i a little hint would be possible. I write it on the to do list
Rex Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 yeah that could work I guess that, that to do list is quit long Regards /Rex
ISI360 Posted August 15, 2017 Author Posted August 15, 2017 Yeah it is..but with 1.06 it has shrunken significantly!
odaylton Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 (edited) On 15/08/2017 at 5:27 AM, ISI360 said: Hi Guys! Again, it´s update time! ISN AutoIt Studio verson 1.06 is finaly out! ... And here is the complete changelog (translated by google): -> ISN AutoIt Studio: <- ----------------------------------- [New features] - new translation: Portugues-Brasil (thx to Odaylton) Thank you for including my small participation in this great project. I ask the "Brazilians" on duty to locate and comment on me for possible mistakes and adjustments. Obrigado por incluir a minha pequena participação neste grande projeto. Peço aos "Brasileiros" de plantão que localize e comente comigo por eventuais erros e ajustes. Edited August 17, 2017 by odaylton
Rex Posted August 19, 2017 Posted August 19, 2017 When using project log, the inputs is white and so are the txt My color settings But as you can see the input is all white, and I have to select the text to see it If I use 1.5 the inputs is gray as they should Cheers /Rex
ISI360 Posted August 20, 2017 Author Posted August 20, 2017 Hi! I just released a new build of version 1.06 with the latest fixes. If you search for updates in the ISN, it should find a new one. Then the error should be gone.
musicstashall Posted August 21, 2017 Posted August 21, 2017 When you first start your project. Previously, this was not. How now to be?
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