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ISN AutoIt Studio [old thread]


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Thx Rex for your feedback!

Yeah i know that problem. And indeed i am currently planing to reconstruct the whole update progress. In future it should also be possible to install the ISN under C:\program files (wich is currently not possible because of Admin (write) rights).

There are a lot of "old" stuff from the early versions i had to rebuild. For example the Plugins in the Data Dir (wich need write access to the directory) was also not the best Idea i had xD
Step by step i already "excluded" the user files from the ISN Directory. (For example the API and Properties files can be placed in the "userdir" and is independently from the update process.

Long speak short meaning...i know the problem and i am trying to solve it as best as i can ;)

And a tip for your abbr file(s): You already can put your user file in the user directory (by default documents\ISN AutoIt Studio\Data\Properties), so it will not be overwritten.

Edited by ISI360
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Just a thought, couldn't you do some combining of installing to the prog dir, and then "link" those files that need writing access in the user dir (local/Roaming) - I know that many programs do that.

And regarding the update thing, If you only includes the files that have changed in the update packed, there should be no big problems, with overwriting - though there's no reason to include files that already would/should exist, and who hadn't been updated. :)

For the abbrv files, I pref to "reuse" those from scitie course I use the abbrv tool in scitie to create my own abbrvs, and don't want to maintain the files 2 places (I use both the studio and scite to code, depending on what I'm coding)


I was looking at the PELock that you have included in the 1.04, did you know that the author of PELock has been permanent banded from the AutoIT community, for stating that he would create a AutoIT decompiler?



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Yeah somthing like that will be the plan. The ToDo List is long :P:P

Ah ok. Hmm yeah an abbrev tool...also on the ToDo List ^^

Yes, i know this. But in this case it´s about obfuscation and as far is i know this is nothing illegal. (Correct me if i am wrong)

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I can imagine that, I would gladly help if I could, but your source is commended/written in German witch I don't read well :(

Why create a abbrv tool, when one already exists? I know that one have to start Scite to use it but if you set the studio to use most of the default's from the autoit installation, then you don't need to maintain so many things in your installation either, and when an update exist to SciTE, the studio users can benefit from that also :)
For my part I always keep an eye out for updates to SciTE, and thinking that a lot others also do that.

Or maybe you could get Jos's permission to use the abbrv manager in the studio?


No I don't think that's illegal to use the obfuscator from PE, it was only be course I could remember the name PElock from the forum, and that he was banded.

Though I like the idea of the obfuscator, I don't like he's way of pricing it :(
But hopeful some one creates a good free one at some point :), until that I just use the AUStripper - and some random txt scrambler I have coded, to make my scripts harder to read if one should decompile it. Not that my programs is critical or any thing :D


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The "problem" here, is that you inserted the text manualy as extracode on the tab control.
So select the tab control -> click extracode and you will see some Autoit code. Remove this and the problem is solved.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think I found a bug in the Form Studio: Read only input controls are not being coloured in my GUI: Test.isf (Ignore the GUI, I am too lazy so I uploaded the GUI that I was working on...)

Also here is the code which was generated by my Form Studio:

; -- Created with ISN Form Studio 2 for ISN AutoIt Studio -- ;
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#Include <GuiButton.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>

;Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)

Global $h_MainGUI = GUICreate("ProxAllium",580,350,-1,-1,$WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,-1)
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "GUI_WindowExit", $h_MainGUI)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("Proxy Details",5,5,570,117,-1,-1)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("IP Address:",10,52,60,15,-1,-1)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Proxy Type:",10,102,60,15,-1,-1)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("Control Panel",5,192,570,42,-1,-1)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("Tor Details",5,125,570,64,-1,-1)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Tor PID:",10,144,60,15,-1,-1)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Tor Version:",10,169,60,15,-1,-1)

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE



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Hmm i have no problem with your GUI. I can color the background and the font color of the inputs with no errors. I attached you the edited isf for testing. (Background of "hostname" should ne green, Fontcolor of "IP Adress" should be red.

Declaration of variables inside functions has nothing to do with the ISN itselfe. I guess you have inserted Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) anywhere in you script?!
And about the aero problem: Yeah i guess it´s a probelm with the USkin wich the ISN uses. But sadly this UDF
has stoped further developed..so sadly no bugfixes there.
You could fix it, when you use the native ISN theme. (No skin) This is the default windows style, and there should be no problems.


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@ISI360 Your isf file works :o! But when I change the background colour of hostname to white (0xFFFFFF) it doesn't work :(. Probably the bug is only triggered when the background is white... Can you please test it once? I get a gray background instead of white

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Yeah, this is the point. And its an issue in the FormStudio. I fix it in the next update!

For now you can made a simple workaround: Just insert "GUICtrlSetBkColor($control_handle,0xFFFFFF)" as extracode in the control.
This will work as it should.
Tip: You can insert the code as it is with the variable $control_handle. The Formstudio replaces it automatically!

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The ISN should save the script before testing IF there was any modification. You can easily check this in the tab icon. If the icon has an "blue" layer on it, it means there are changes in the file. Then it should save the script before testing.


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