ISI360 Posted March 16, 2017 Author Posted March 16, 2017 Thanks for your Feedback! Feel free to contact me! On my website, there are links to forums, bugtracker and so on. (Under Support) And the next update (1.04) is coming soon! Xandy 1
InunoTaishou Posted March 29, 2017 Posted March 29, 2017 So this happened to me a long time ago when I was trying to create a dark theme, somewhere, in some setting, the color of the tree view text has been turned white. I have no clue where it's doing it. I've attached a screenshot of what i mean, and here's my config.ini file expandcollapse popup[config] autoitexe=D:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoIt3.exe helpfileexe=D:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoIt3Help.exe autoit2exe=D:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Aut2Exe\Aut2exe.exe language=english.lng registerau3files=false registerisnfiles=true registerispfiles=true registerinexplorer=false SciTE4AutoIt_au3mode=Open startups=930 lastproject=D:\Users\Kyle\Dropbox\My Documents\ISN AutoIt Studio\Projects\Example autoupdate_lastdate=2017/03/28 closeaction=close runonmonitor=1 autoupdate_searchtimer=14 proxy_server= proxy_port=8080 proxy_username= proxy_PW= scripteditor_font=Consolas scripteditor_size=10 scripteditor_bgcolour=0x1F1F1F scripteditor_rowcolour=0x000000 scripteditor_marccolour=0x4A5CFF scripteditor_highlightcolour=0x4A5CFF treefont_font=Segoe UI treefont_size=9 treefont_colour=0xFFFFFF default_font=Segoe UI default_font_size=9 runbefore= runafter= releasemode=1 backup_folderstructure=%projectname%\%mday%.%mon%.%year%\%hour%h %min%m backupmode=1 backuptime=15 deleteoldbackupsafter=30 restore_old_tabs=false enable_autoupdate=true fullscreenmode=false showfunctions=true expandfunctions=false showglobalvariables=true expandglobalvariables=false showlocalvariables=true expandlocalvariables=true showincludes=true expandincludes=true showforms=true expandforms=false scripteditor_doubleclickparametereditor=false showregions=true expandregions=false trophys=true autoend_keywords=true auto_dollar_for_declarations=false debugbuttons=true auto_save_enabled=true auto_save_only_script_tabs=false auto_save_only_current_tab=false auto_save_once_mode=true auto_save_mode=1 auto_save_timer_secounds=0 auto_save_timer_minutes=5 auto_save_timer_hours=0 auto_save_input_secounds=0 auto_save_input_minutes=1 auto_save_input_hours=0 protect_files_from_external_modification=true enable_intelimark=true scripteditor_backgroundcolour_forall=true run_always_on_primary_screen=false askexit=false manage_additional_includes_with_ISN=false autoload=true show_projects_in_projecttree=false enablelogo=false autoloadmainfile=true useisntoconfigtidy=false hideprogramlog=false hidefunctionstree=true hidedebug=false autoit_editor_encoding=2 globalautocomplete=true search_au3paths_on_startup=false globalautocomplete_current_script=false disableautocomplete=false run_scripts_with_au3wrapper=false disableintelisense=false showlines=true loadcontrols=false allowcommentout=false enablebackup=true enabledeleteoldbackups=true showdebuggui=true Use_Proxy=false savefolding=true use_new_au3_colours=true skin=#none# additional_includes_paths= 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enhanced_debugging=false scripttree_sort_funcs_alphabetical=false scripteditor_auto_manage_filetypes=true additional_api_folders= additional_properties_folders= scripteditor_caretcolour=0xFFFFFF scripteditor_errorcolour=0xa50000 scripteditor_caretwidth=1 scripteditor_caretstyle=1 macro_security_level=0 VSplitter1X=278 HSplitter1Y=843 HSplitter2Y=513 debugguiX=1475 debugguiY=960 au3infoexe=D:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Au3Info.exe au3checkexe=D:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Au3Check.exe au3stripperexe=%isnstudiodir%\Data\Au3Stripper\AU3Stripper.exe tidyexe=%isnstudiodir%\Data\Tidy\Tidy.exe [history] pj1path=D:\Users\Kyle\Dropbox\My Documents\ISN AutoIt Studio\Projects\Example pj2path= pj3path= pj4path= pj5path= pj6path= pj7path= [trophies] TROP1=1 TROP12=0 TROP3=1 TROP6=1 TROP10=1 TROP4=1 TROP2=1 TROP9=1 TROP14=1 TROP8=1 TROP5=1 TROP13=1 [warnings] warnreadonly=1 confirmeditormode=1 formstudio_confirmgeneratecodeinfo=1 confirmencoding=1 confirmtempproject=1 [hotkeys] key_dublicate= key_save_all_tabs=11+10+53 key_previoustab=11+10+09
ISI360 Posted March 29, 2017 Author Posted March 29, 2017 The color is set in treefont_colour. Here you have 0xFFFFFF, which is white. You can also find this under settings -> Display. Here under Font for projecttree / scripttree you can set a new color. (Or reset to default) If you are interessted on an dark theme, try Settings -> display -> skins -> dark theme
InunoTaishou Posted March 29, 2017 Posted March 29, 2017 Finally. I could not find the tree color lol Thanks I modeled my dark theme after Visual Studio 2015 Dark Theme. I couldn't change the controls on ISN Studio but I could at least change the editor
ISI360 Posted March 30, 2017 Author Posted March 30, 2017 Sooo...after long waiting the ISN AutoIt Studio Version 1.04 is finally out! Happy testing! Changelog: (translated by google)-> ISN AutoIt Studio: <------------------------------------- Bugfix: Various bug fixes- Bugfix: The navigation menu in the program settings now has a scroll bar (if too many elements are open)- Bugfix: CPU utilization of the ISN optimized at idle- Bugfix: MDI windows of the ISN AutoIt Studios can no longer be moved out of the desktop by accident- Bugfix: If the ISN Form Studio was active, the ISN could not be restored from the taskliste. This is now fixed! (FINALLY!)- Bugfix: Chinese Encoding improved- NEW: Italian language update (thx to Stefano cerbioni)- NEW: Chiesian language update (thx to bfgxp)- NEW: The position and size of the main window can now be saved when the ISN AutoIt Studio is terminated and restored the next time you start it. This option can be activated in the program settings under "Display".- NEW: Under "Edit" you will find a new entry: Select line (s) / Remove marking (Hotkey: CTRL + F2)- NEW: The area in which are now only the program log was displayed, is now marked as "QuickView" area. This window area can now have several functions. (The contents can be changed via Tabs)- NEW: In the new QuickView window of the ISN there is now a small code storage. In the end, only a small text field in case something is fast Down, or copy. The code store will not be saved and will automatically empty as soon as the project is closed.- NEW: The ISN AutoIt Studio now has its own ToDo list for your projects! You can assign your own categories here and enter tasks. The ToDo list is also displayed in the new "QuickView" window area. Info: The ToDo list requires Windows Vista or higher for correct display!- NEW: The full screen mode is now activated on the monitor on which the ISN window is currently located.- NEW: In the program settings there is now a new entry named "Tools". Here you can deactivate various integrated tools of the ISN AutoIt Studio. (Eg the bit-operation tester or the new PELock AutoIt Obfuscator)- NEW: The PELock AutoIt Obfuscator is now integrated in the ISN AutoIt Studio! (To be found under Tools or in the context menu of the project tree) The whole can be deactivated, of course, on request. (Program Settings -> Tools) In order to use the Obfuscator in full, a license is required! Find out more about the PELock AutoIt Obfuscator at NEW: The ISN AutoIt Studio can now also use language files (* .lng) in UTF-8 format.- NEW: The config.ini is now created as standard UTF-16 (LE) file. The file is automatically converted to the new format when the ISN is started.- NEW: The project files (* .isn) are now saved as standard with UTF-16 (LE) coding. This should solve problems with other languages (eg Chinese) or umlauts. The conversion is started as soon as a project is opened. (Infomission is displayed) The current project file (* .isn) is renamed to * .bak and can be deleted, if no problems occur.The whole also applies to templates! (The "Default" template is automatically converted when the ISN is started!)-> ISN Form Studio 2: <------------------------------------- Bugfix: Various bug fixes- Bugfix: Chinese Encoding improved- NEW: Chiesian language update (thx to bfgxp)-> Homepage ( <------------------------------------- NEW: The homepage, the forum and the bugtracker are now all accessible via HTTPS!-> Plugin SDK: <------------------------------------- NEW: Function _ISNPlugin_Get_langstring extended by the new UTF8 encoding. Xandy and Mbee 2
Mbee Posted April 5, 2017 Posted April 5, 2017 Hello, Christian, and thanks enormously for this amazingly great tool! But I need help with the new release, and I can't read German, so I can't use your forum. The very severe problem I keep having is that Form Studio 2 files (.isf) simply will not open within ISN Studio any more (though I can open them in text editors and the like). I need to modify some of the GUIs represented by those .isf files, but at least for me, that's apparently impossible with ISN release 1.04. Even brand new ones will not open for viewing or modification in ISN Studio (or Form Studio 2). I've tried fully uninstalling then re-installing ISN Studio 1.04 (in the default location at "C:\ISN AutoIt Studio"), but nothing allows me to open and modify .isf files, even if I store them as UTF-16(LE). Please advise!
ISI360 Posted April 6, 2017 Author Posted April 6, 2017 Hi! Please check the following: Open Settings (File -> Settings) und check under Plugins, if the ISN FormStudio 2 Plugin is active. Secound check in settings under General -> Advanced -> Debug -> the last entry "Loaded filetypes". Check if there is a isf extension in the line. (Or you can also Post the full content of the debug screen. May also help me.) Mbee 1
Mbee Posted April 10, 2017 Posted April 10, 2017 Thanks for your reply, ISI360! When I followed your first instruction to check if the Form Studio 2 Plugin was active, I discovered that NO plugins were shown at all, active or otherwise. In other words, it once again was user error (oops). The path to the Plugin folder must have been wrong, because once I reset the Plugins folder path to the default, everything started working fine! Thanks, Oh Wise and Mighty Universalist!
nend Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 (edited) Thanks for this wonderfull program you made. I've tested it before but back then there were to many bugs, but now it's a perfect editor for Autoit. I came across a few bugs/things. The installer installed the desktop icon for all users, I think this has to be only for the user wich installed it. I couldn't get the macro file operations to work after the compile options, it just wont move/copy the file. Is there a log file output from the macro? Is it possible in the macro to assign the icon from the exe file in the option "Run Program" ? Gui builder is only in German, I don't think it is a bug but it isn't translated yet. Debug window looks stange, the color and the form doesn't look like it's a part of the software. Everything is square in the program and the debug window has round corners. Autoit syntax check keeps saying "warning: $ghGDIPdll: possibly used before declaration." but this is declared in the main file and not in the include file (GDI+ include file), and there for is allready declared and is not a error. Typo see the screenshot (Overwrite with a "e" on the end) Thanks for making and sharings this program. Edited April 12, 2017 by nend
Skeletor Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 Hey ISI360, Thanks for making this program. I'm still getting my teeth into it. Please continue with updating this program. It really helps using this to speed up my work flow. Kind RegardsSkeletor "Coffee: my defense against going postal." Microsoft Office Splash Screen | Basic Notepad Program (Beginner) | Transparent Splash Screen | Full Screen UI
TheDcoder Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 3 hours ago, nend said: Gui builder is only in German I have used the Gui Builder and as far as I remember, I was using the English version EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time) DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion
nend Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 2 minutes ago, TheDcoder said: I have used the Gui Builder and as far as I remember, I was using the English version I have tested it again but the most of the text of the formstudio 2 is in german, mabey I have a wrong configuration but can figure out what configuration it is.
TheDcoder Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 This is how it looks for me: EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time) DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion
nend Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 (edited) @TheDcoder The total pogram is in the English accept for the formstudio2, I can't find any configuration wich set the language for the formstudio2. Edited April 12, 2017 by nend
TheDcoder Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 Hmm... since I no longer use ISN AutoIt Studio, I have forgotten most of the options . @ISI360 might be able to help you! EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time) DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion
nend Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 6 minutes ago, TheDcoder said: Hmm... since I no longer use ISN AutoIt Studio, I have forgotten most of the options . @ISI360 might be able to help you! Ok thank you!
ISI360 Posted April 12, 2017 Author Posted April 12, 2017 Hi nend! Thanks for your feedback! I will write you a PM with more details of your bugs/things. But about the problem of the german Formstudio. I think you have installed the ISN unter C:\Program Files, right? When yes, this could be the problem. The ISN does not have enough rights to edit a file in this this case the plugin.ini for the it will stay german. (as fallback) You have 3 options to solve this: Run the ISN as Administrator. (Rightclick on the icon) Edit the security of the ISN AutoIt Studio folder, so that your user have full write access to it. Install it on another location
nend Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 1 hour ago, ISI360 said: Hi nend! Thanks for your feedback! I will write you a PM with more details of your bugs/things. But about the problem of the german Formstudio. I think you have installed the ISN unter C:\Program Files, right? When yes, this could be the problem. The ISN does not have enough rights to edit a file in this this case the plugin.ini for the it will stay german. (as fallback) You have 3 options to solve this: Run the ISN as Administrator. (Rightclick on the icon) Edit the security of the ISN AutoIt Studio folder, so that your user have full write access to it. Install it on another location Yep that was the problem, I've change the language with admin right and change to a other language and back and now it's Englisch. Thanks!
TheDcoder Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 7 minutes ago, nend said: Englisch English spelling in German? EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time) DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion
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