ISI360 Posted September 28, 2016 Author Posted September 28, 2016 Hmm thats strange. What OS do you use on the computer with the problems? And de isntaller version is the same as the compiled. Maybe the path to your .isf file is to long? (Or has some special chars in it?)
shaqan Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 I tried both, installer and unpacked zip (compiled). Same issue with both. OS is Win7 Pro SP1 (et-EE language pack) screenshot Is there any command line debugging option for executable? a la Autoit_Studio.exe /debug
ISI360 Posted September 28, 2016 Author Posted September 28, 2016 (edited) Is strange...the " This program is part of.." message apperas, when the formstudio is started without any parameter. You can post an Debug Log from the ISN. You can find it unter settings -> General -> Advanced -> Debug. In Addition: In this Debug text your find a entry called "config.ini path". Open this file and add "showdebugconsole=true" (without quotes) in the section [config]. Next time when you start the ISN, you should see a Debug Console showing whats going on in the ISN. Maybe it helps me for debugging. PS: You can write "clip" in the debug console to copy the whole output in your clipboard. Edited September 28, 2016 by ISI360
Kaimberex Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 This issue happens to me from time to time as well. Usually I just close and reopen Studio and it works again.
ISI360 Posted September 30, 2016 Author Posted September 30, 2016 (edited) Here i can give you access to the current build of ISN version 1.03 for testing: Link In 1.03 i changed the way a little bit, how the isn starts a Plugin. Maybe it solves your problem. Note: This Version is NOT finished yet! Please use it for testing only!! USE IT IN AN OWN ISN AUTOIT STUDIO FOLDER! Not in your "real" environment. Edited September 30, 2016 by ISI360
kmasal Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 Can some one help me please ?? The installer and the zip files doesnt work and i m getting the below msg :/ I am using win 10 64bit Is there any new ver or something ?
ISI360 Posted October 10, 2016 Author Posted October 10, 2016 Maybe your anti-vir program modified your download. Try to temporary disable it. And the compiled package has no installer.
swoop Posted October 13, 2016 Posted October 13, 2016 Is there anyway to add my own event handling in the AutoIt Studio Form editor? When I look at the generated code feature, I can see the AutoIt Studio create a while loop and a case for GUI_Close. But is there anyway from the Form editor to add my own events to this loop? While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd Also, I noticed that when I click on the form's [X] close button at the upper left of the dialog, it closes when I run it from the form editor-- which is expected. But when I compile and run the program created with the Form Editor, it does not close the window. The $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE doesn't seem to trigger a close of the window.
ISI360 Posted October 13, 2016 Author Posted October 13, 2016 (edited) So this is all by design. When you click the "generate code" button in the formstudio, you see 2 Tabs over the code. .isf code, and standalone au3 file. The standalone code runs, when you test the form in the Formstudio. (This is needed, otherwise the GUI won´t show up) The .isf Tab shows the real content of the isf file...wich is used when you include the form in your script. So when you correctly include your can of course make your own while hande (beacuse in the isf in no such handle). The .isf contains only the GUI. No loops etc. But you have to create the loop in your Script, not in the GUI (isf)! See the testproject for an example. (Settings -> Generals -> Advanced -> Create testproject) Hope i can help you! Edited October 13, 2016 by ISI360
TheDcoder Posted October 13, 2016 Posted October 13, 2016 3 minutes ago, ISI360 said: Skript Isn't it script? EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time) DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion
ISI360 Posted October 13, 2016 Author Posted October 13, 2016 Yeah ...i english is from hell Xandy 1
swoop Posted October 13, 2016 Posted October 13, 2016 Hello ISI360, When I open the test project, the .isn file (when I double click on it) does not open a Form Editor. And I see in the test project that the form and loop are placed in the main program file. Was the test project form generated as code from the AutoIt Form Editor and copied manually to the testprojekt.au3? Thanks
Anas Posted October 15, 2016 Posted October 15, 2016 Hello ISI360, Amazing work, this will make handling project much easier, Thank you for sharing! On 4/6/2012 at 10:41 PM, ISI360 said: At this time you can not import .kxf files or regions from an au3 file into the isn form studio...but we are working on it! Is this still not possible? especially the "regions from an au3 file" part. Is there a way to set $WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL as an extended style for a GUI?
ISI360 Posted October 18, 2016 Author Posted October 18, 2016 (edited) @swoop: Yeah the .isn file is only the project file. No GUI..just the project for the ISN. Guis are stored in .isf files (not isn). If you open a .isf file in a text editor (eg notepad) you see the raw code, which will be included when you include the isf in you main script. So you can experiment with the testproject...just open the .isf..make some edits in the the gui..and run the project. You will notice that your changes are already active..all without copy/paste any code! @Anas and @BamBuVn: I will include it in the next version. For the GUI Style: You can also insert it "per hand" in the Style input. And no..import from kxf or au3 is still not possible. And just for info: I hope to release 1.03 in the next few weeks! Edited October 18, 2016 by ISI360
ISI360 Posted October 31, 2016 Author Posted October 31, 2016 Hi guys! It´s update time! ISN AutoIt Studio version 1.03 is online NOW! Changelog: (translated by google) -> ISN AutoIt Studio: <------------------------------------- Bugfix: Various bug fixes- Bugfix: Tidy Source can now be added again to the toolbar- Bugfix: The automatic inserting of the $ character after Global, Local etc. (if activated) in comments is now always deactivated.- Bugfix: Icons of new controls were not displayed in the script tree of the ISN. This is now fixed.- Bugfix: When writing "," the parameters should be displayed correctly in Autocomplete.- Bugfix: Editor mode now works again correctly. (For example, no more macros could be created)- Bugfix: "Start Scripts via the AutoIt3Wrapper" now functions again normal- Bugfix: The dbug tool should now work again- Bugfix: As soon as a parameter with the character "(" was created in the parameter editor, any content in the listview disappeared immediately.- NEW: Many windows in the ISN can now be enlarged or maximized as desired!- NEW: The ISN is now optimized for monitors with high resolution (High DPI)! Furthermore, you can select any DPI scaling factor in the program settings under "Display"!- NEW: When testing the project, open files are saved only if something has been changed. The whole also applies to compiling, tidy, syntaxcheck, and compiling the macro file.- NEW: When creating a new file, umlauts (äöü) are now renamed automatically. (Ae, oe, ue)- NEW: The "ISN AutoIt Studio" logo at startup can now be moved with the mouse.- NEW: The Macrotrigger "Compile Project" and "Compile File" have been renamed "Compile After Project" or "Compile After File". In addition, there are 2 new triggers: "Compile Before Project" and "Compile Before File".- NEW: The Macrotrigger "Compile Before File" and "Compile After File" now also work for the "Compile Project" menu point as well as for each additional file compiled.-> ISN Form Studio 2: <------------------------------------- Bugfix: Various bug fixes- Bugfix: Fixed some translation errors in the English version.- Bugfix: Alignment lines "dock" now only to controls, which are also on the same tab page as the control to be moved.- Bugfix: Bug fixed, which means that the FormStudio 2 was not started correctly.- NEW: Now you can double-click on controls. The action for this can be defined in the settings. Default is here open the extracode.- NEW: Direct application of extracode to the GUI design process can now be deactivated in the program settings.- NEW: Many windows in the FormStudio can now be enlarged or maximized as desired!- NEW: The FormStudio is now optimized for monitors with high resolution (High DPI)!- NEW: New Control: Toolbar (_GUICtrlToolbar_Create). Since a toolbar can be quite complex or dynamic, an editor (such as for menus) was not included in the FormStudio. The toolbar should be "configured" via your script or extracode.- NEW: The text mode for a control now also affects the icon or image path.- NEW: The selected skin of the ISN AutoIt Studio can now also be applied to the FormStudio. (To maintain a uniform design) The whole is however deactivated by default, as this has unfortunately also effects on the controls in the GUI Designer. (And thus possibly making the design difficult) If desired, the whole can be activated in the program settings of the FormStudio.- NEW: In the GUI properties there is now an extra point: "Extracode before GUI". This code will be added before the actual GUI. This can be eg. Variables, custom includes (for complex GUIs), or other declarations in the GUI.- NEW: New Control: Statusbar-> Simple File Viewer: <------------------------------------- Bugfix: Various bug fixes- NEW: The selected skin of the ISN AutoIt Studio is now also applied to the plugin. (To maintain a uniform design) kcvinu, Xandy and Rex 3
kcvinu Posted October 31, 2016 Posted October 31, 2016 (edited) @ISI360 Some doubts about version 1.03 1. How to change a form's font ? 2. Most of the windows in this program are exceeds under taskbar. That means we can't see the button's in any windows. Some windows will show all controls when maximized. Some are not and we can't resize the windows. Especially ISN Form Studio's settings window. 3. After clicking the Generate Code button, it says that "You don't need to do this actually , ISN studio is capable for do it automatically and you can see it in an example in TestProject. I created a project and clicked on test project. (In both options). But nothing happened. So i request you to post a step by step tutorial on this. You know that when we change the gui's font, all the controls will inherit the same font. So its easy to get an option for change the font of gui. Edited October 31, 2016 by kcvinu Spoiler My Contributions Glance GUI Library - A gui library based on Windows api functions. Written in Nim programming language. UDF Link Viewer --- A tool to visit the links of some most important UDFs Includer_2 ----- A tool to type the #include statement automatically Digits To Date ----- date from 3 integer values PrintList ----- prints arrays into console for testing. Alert ------ An alternative for MsgBox MousePosition ------- A simple tooltip display of mouse position GRM Helper -------- A littile tool to help writing code with GUIRegisterMsg function Access_UDF -------- An UDF for working with access database files. (.*accdb only)
ISI360 Posted October 31, 2016 Author Posted October 31, 2016 (edited) Hi! 1) Currently not possible via Option. But you can solve this via Extracode and GUISetFont. (But it´s a good idea...i add it to the Never ending To-Do List ^^) 2) Wich DPI value do you use in windows? (You can also check in ISN: Settings -> General -> Advanced -> Debug. ISN DPI scale) Since 1.03 you can set a custom DPI Value for the ISN. For example when Windows use a 125% scale, you can define a own for the ISN under settings -> Display (custom DPI Value). This has also an effect to the plugins. (formstudio) So you can scale the GUIs to your resolution. If your display has a really low resolution (for example 1366x768) and you allready at 100% need a better display And you are right, the settings window of the formstudio is not scalable. Looks like i forgot this one. I will fix it! (But most of the other windows are scalable now since 1.03) Edited October 31, 2016 by ISI360
kcvinu Posted October 31, 2016 Posted October 31, 2016 My display is 1366 X 768. and scaling is 115%. But iam fed up with this setting. It don't have an OK button. It has only a reset window button. I do change display to custom scaling and clicked this button. Then i restart ISn, but it doesn't changed there. Spoiler My Contributions Glance GUI Library - A gui library based on Windows api functions. Written in Nim programming language. UDF Link Viewer --- A tool to visit the links of some most important UDFs Includer_2 ----- A tool to type the #include statement automatically Digits To Date ----- date from 3 integer values PrintList ----- prints arrays into console for testing. Alert ------ An alternative for MsgBox MousePosition ------- A simple tooltip display of mouse position GRM Helper -------- A littile tool to help writing code with GUIRegisterMsg function Access_UDF -------- An UDF for working with access database files. (.*accdb only)
ISI360 Posted October 31, 2016 Author Posted October 31, 2016 (edited) Have you try to maximize the settings window? Can you reach the OK button on the bottom? Otherwise the setting won´t have an effect. I try to find a way to fix this in the next update. (maybe a scrollbar?!) Otherwise if this does not work you can edit the config.ini of the isn to the following: highDPI_mode=true enable_custom_dpi_value=true custom_dpi_value=1 This should enable custom dpi value with 100%. Edited October 31, 2016 by ISI360
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