eManF Posted January 18, 2012 Posted January 18, 2012 SimpleCode to Change Caret of SciTE Editor.(AutoIt Editor). I wrote this code cuz SciTEConfig cant change Caret Color.(or i cant find it) I hope be useful. Help: Ctrl + Shift + R --> Run. Ctrl + Shift + Q --> Exit. expandcollapse popup; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: SciTE Caret Changer(Color and Width) ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: SimpleCode to Change Caret of SciTE Editor.(AutoIt Editor) ; Author(s) .....: eManF ; Dll ...........: user32.dll ; =============================================================================================================================== ;--- InClude <scintilla.h.au3> converted to au3 format by lokster --; ;(Simple); ;{ Global $user32 = DllOpen("user32.dll") Global Const $SCI_SETCARETFORE=2069 Global Const $SCI_GETCARETFORE=2138 Global Const $SCI_SETCARETWIDTH=2188 Global Const $SCI_GETCARETWIDTH=2189 ;} ;### You can change these ### ;{ Global $iColor = 0x000000 ;---> CaretColor. 0x000000 = Black. Global $iWidth = 1 ;---> CaretWidth. Can be 0-3(0 = hide). ;} $iSci = ControlGetHandle("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]","","Scintilla1") ;---> Get SciT Handle HotKeySet("^+r","iCaretSet") ;---> Set HotKey(Ctrl+Shift+r) For Run HotKeySet("^+q","iExit") ;---> Set HotKey(Ctrl+Shift+q) For Exit While 1 Sleep(50) WEnd Func iCaretSet() AdlibUnRegister("__CaretSet") AdlibRegister("__CaretSet", 1000) EndFunc Func __CaretSet() If Sci_CaretGetColor($iSci) <> $iColor Or Sci_CaretGetWidth($iSci) <> $iWidth Then Sci_CaretSetWidth($iSci, $iWidth) Sci_CaretSetColor($iSci, $iColor) EndIf EndFunc Func iExit() DllClose($user32) Exit EndFunc ;--- InClude <_SciLexer.au3> By Kip --; ;(Simple); ;{ Func Sci_CaretSetColor($Sci, $iColor) Return SendMessage($Sci, $SCI_SETCARETFORE, $iColor, 0) EndFunc Func Sci_CaretGetColor($Sci) Return SendMessage($Sci, $SCI_GETCARETFORE, 0, 0) EndFunc Func Sci_CaretSetWidth($Sci, $iWidth) Return SendMessage($Sci, $SCI_SETCARETWIDTH, $iWidth, 0) EndFunc Func Sci_CaretGetWidth($Sci) Return SendMessage($Sci, $SCI_GETCARETWIDTH, 0, 0) EndFunc Func SendMessage($hwnd, $msg, $wp, $lp) Local $ret $ret = DllCall($user32, "long", "SendMessageA", "long", $hwnd, "int", $msg, "int", $wp, "int", $lp) If @error Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else SetError(0) Return $ret[0] EndIf EndFunc ;==>SendMessage ;}SciTE Caret Changer(Color and Width).au3
iAmNewbe Posted September 26, 2016 Posted September 26, 2016 I was looking for the samething, how to change the color of the caret because on black background it disappears. In the Options -> Open User Options File add the following line somewhere. caret.fore=#FFFFFF This changes the caret to white, I suggest NOT using white because on white backgrounds the carets can't be seen instead I use #8C8C8C for the color but you can choose anything you want it does not have to be just black or white. Width can be changed by using caret.width=1 Might depend on your chosen font for me anything less than 4 gives a thin caret anything 4 or more gives a thicker caret, seems to be only two modes thin or thick at least on my setup. 1 == Thin, 4 == Thick I did not try the script by eManF above, apparently the fore and width option is built-in to Scite, just not written down anywhere I can find even in the help.
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