ezzyfarhanz Posted January 18, 2012 Posted January 18, 2012 HiFirstly sory for my broken english . I'm try create software for my own usage at my workspace , all the function working well , right now i want to improve it by put some background to my software . I manage to set GUICtrlCreateLabel text as transparent , but i cant make grouping and button look nicely .Sory again if my coding was messy .expandcollapse popup#RequireAdmin #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=..\Lessons\Auto INstall ITG\Script\ICON.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compile_Both=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=izi ITG #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> #include <NetShare.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <GuiButton.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) local $destination $destination = "K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\ITG.jpg" ;SplashImageOn("", $destination,450,440,-1,-1,1) SplashImageOn("ITG V - Izi -", $destination,450,250,-1,-1,1) Sleep(3000) SplashOff() MsgBox(4096, "Info", "Not all button will work nicely , some are not auto install") ITG() Func ITG() Local $Button_1, $Button_2, $Button_3, $Button_4, $Button_5, $Button_6, $Button_7, $Button_8, $Button_9, $Button_10, $Button_11 Local $Button_12, $Button_13, $Button_14, $Button_15, $Button_16, $Button_17, $Button_18, $Button_19, $Button_20, $Button_21, $Button_22, $Button_23, $Button_24 Local $Button_25, $Button_26, $Button_27, $Button_28, $Button_29, $Button_30, $Button_31, $Button_32, $Button_33, $Button_34, $msg, $go, $dll Local $FileMenu, $ExitItem, $Tool, $Regedit, $Kdrive, $SUS, $variable, $Wait, $Wait1, $Wait2 Local $Communications, $Comyns, $Design, $Dmec, $F4a, $F4b, $Fad, $Finance, $Gmd, $Hrd, $Ie, $Imd, $Itg, $Planning, $Proc, $Qa, $Rd, $rsm, $Sbn, $Td, $Vc, $Vmd, $Whs Local $Button_35, $Button_36, $Button_37, $Button_38, $Button_39, $Button_40, $Button_41, $Button_42, $Button_43, $Button_44, $Button_45, $Button_46 local $Button_47,$Button_48,$Button_49,$Button_50,$Button_51,$Button_52,$Button_53,$Button_54,$Button_55,$Button_56,$Button_57,$Button_58,$Button_59 local $mem ,$Fix local $mem, $Pic,$PicCreated GUICreate("ITG - Internal Use Only ^^V - Create By IZI ITG - 27.9.2011 -<| Tested by Mus & Vincent ITG |>- Last Update 18.1.2012", 950, 490,-1,-1) ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered ;GUICtrlCreatePic("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\back.jpg", 0, 0, 0, 0) ;GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) ;GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x00ff00) ;GUICtrlSetDefBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) ;GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) ;GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $Pic = "back.jpg" FileInstall("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\back.jpg", @TempDir & "\" & $pic, 1) $PicCreated = GuiCtrlCreatePic(@TempDir & "\" & $pic, 0, 0, 950, 490) $Wait = 3000 $Wait1 = 300 $Wait2 = 10000 Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) If FileExists("k:\") Then $Kdrive = ("K-Drive Found !") Else $Kdrive = ("K-Drive not Found !") EndIf $FileMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File") SetMenuColor($FileMenu, 0xEEBB99) ; BGR color value $Tool = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Tool") SetMenuColor($Tool, 0xEEBB99) ; BGR color value GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $FileMenu) $ExitItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Exit", $FileMenu) $Regedit = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Regedit", $Tool) $Fix = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Fix Regedit Corupt by Virus ( XP )", $Regedit) $SUS = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Window XP SUS Update", $Tool) $Communications = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("COMMUNICATION", $SUS) $Comyns = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("COMYNS", $SUS) $Design = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Design", $SUS) $Dmec = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("DMEC", $SUS) $F4a = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("F4A", $SUS) $F4b = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("F4B", $SUS) $Fad = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("FAD", $SUS) $Finance = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Finance", $SUS) $Gmd = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("GMD", $SUS) $Hrd = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("HRD", $SUS) $Ie = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("IE", $SUS) $Imd = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("IMD", $SUS) $Itg = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("ITG", $SUS) $Planning = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("PLANNING", $SUS) $Proc = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("PROC", $SUS) $Qa = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("QA", $SUS) $Rd = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("RD", $SUS) $rsm = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("RSM", $SUS) $Sbn = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("SBN", $SUS) $Td = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("TD", $SUS) $Vc = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("VC", $SUS) $Vmd = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("VMD", $SUS) $Whs = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("WHS", $SUS) $mem = MemGetStats() GUICtrlCreateLabel("Run", 25, 403) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $go = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 60, 400, 300, 20) GUICtrlSetState("", $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUICtrlCreateLabel($Kdrive, 25, 40) ; next line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) ;ip GUICtrlCreateGroup("Your IP", 455, 15, 100, 40);,0,$WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel(@IPAddress1, 470, 30) ; next line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group ;CPU GUICtrlCreateGroup("CPU", 455, 55, 100, 40) GUICtrlCreateLabel(@CPUArch, 470, 73) ; next line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group ;OS type GUICtrlCreateGroup("OS", 455, 95, 100, 40) GUICtrlCreateLabel(@OSVersion, 470, 112) ; next line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group ;Logon as GUICtrlCreateGroup("Logon as", 455, 135, 100, 40) GUICtrlCreateLabel(@UserName, 470, 151) ; next line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group ;RAM GUICtrlCreateGroup("RAM", 455, 175, 100, 40) GUICtrlCreateLabel($mem[1], 470, 190) ; next line GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group ;MsgBox(0, "Total physical RAM (KB):", $mem[1]) GUICtrlCreateIcon(@WindowsDir & "\cursors\horse.ani", -1, 40, 5, 32, 32) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $Button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Connect K-Drive", 10, 60, 100) $Button_2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Disconnect K-Drive", 10, 90, 100) ;GUICtrlCreateLabel("Auto Install", 15, 225) ; next line $Button_3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Auto Install All Win7", 670, 30, 100) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ Adobe Reader", 670, 60) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ WinRAR", 670, 80) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ OpenOffice", 670, 100) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ PDF Creator", 670, 120) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ MoZilla 4.0", 670, 140) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ Office 97", 670, 160) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ Lotus 8.0", 670, 180) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ VNC Win7", 670, 200) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Auto Install Single Application", 5, 257, 550, 135) $Button_4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Adobe reader 1002", 230, 270, 100) $Button_5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("MS Office 97 XP_7", 340, 300, 100) $Button_6 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Mozilla Firefox 4.0", 230, 330, 100) $Button_7 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Open Office XP_7", 340, 270, 100) ;$Button_8 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Pdf Creator", 230, 360, 100) $Button_9 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Lotus Note 8.0", 230, 300, 100) $Button_10 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ultra VNC XP", 10, 300, 100) $Button_11 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kaizen", 10, 330, 100) $Button_12 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kaspersky Internal", 450, 270, 100) $Button_13 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ultra VNC Win7", 10, 270, 100) $Button_14 = GUICtrlCreateButton("WinRAR38", 120, 270, 100) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group GUICtrlCreateGroup("Manual Install", 560, 257, 215, 135) $Button_27 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Adobe Flash", 565, 270, 100) $Button_35 = GUICtrlCreateButton("XP TweakZ", 670, 270, 100) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group GUICtrlCreateGroup("Window Tools", 115, 15, 330, 103) $Button_16 = GUICtrlCreateButton("IP Config", 120, 60, 100) $Button_17 = GUICtrlCreateButton("DxDiag", 230, 30, 100) $Button_18 = GUICtrlCreateButton("CMD", 230, 60, 100) $Button_19 = GUICtrlCreateButton("TaskMan", 340, 30, 100) $Button_20 = GUICtrlCreateButton("MsConfig", 340, 60, 100) $Button_21 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ping", 120, 90, 100) $Button_22 = GUICtrlCreateButton("PC Name by IP", 230, 90, 100) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group GUICtrlCreateGroup("Desktop Shortcut", 115, 120, 330, 80) $Button_23 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Tinmail", 120, 140, 100) $Button_24 = GUICtrlCreateButton("RsPortal", 230, 140, 100) $Button_25 = GUICtrlCreateButton("RsMeta", 340, 140, 100) $Button_44 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Royal Selangor", 120, 170, 100) $Button_45 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Comyns-Silver", 230, 170, 100) $Button_46 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Selberan", 340, 170, 100) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group $Button_26 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Izi Notes", 10, 120, 100) $Button_8 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Pdf Creator", 120, 300, 100) $Button_28 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Print Screen", 120, 30, 100) $Button_29 = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Go !", 370, 398, 100) $Button_31 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Auto Install All XP", 560, 30, 100) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ Adobe Reader", 560, 60) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ WinRAR", 560, 80) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ OpenOffice", 560, 100) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ PDF Creator", 560, 120) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ MoZilla 4.0", 560, 140) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ Office 97", 560, 160) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlCreateLabel("+ Lotus 8.0", 560, 180) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $Button_32 = GUICtrlCreateButton("IE 8.0 XP", 450, 330, 100) $Button_33 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Configure Baan", 120, 360, 100) $Button_34 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Baan", 120, 330, 100) ;$Button_35 = GUICtrlCreateButton("XP TweakZ", 340, 360, 100) $Button_36 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Configure Kaizen", 10, 360, 100) $Button_37 = GUICtrlCreateButton("ITG DOS MODE", 10, 150, 100) $Button_38 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kaspersky External", 450, 300, 100) $Button_39 = GUICtrlCreateButton("MS Office 97 Patch ", 340, 330, 100) $Button_40 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Notepad", 10, 180, 100) $Button_41 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Paint", 10, 210, 100) ; $Button_42 = GUICtrlCreateButton("IE Set Proxy", 450, 360, 100) ; $Button_43 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Firefox Set Proxy", 560, 270, 100) GUICtrlCreateGroup("System Win7 Tool", 830, 20, 110, 440) $Button_15 = GUICtrlCreateButton("UAC", 835, 40, 100) $Button_48 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Firewall", 835, 70, 100) $Button_49 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Action Center", 835, 100, 100) $Button_50 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Time / Date", 835, 370, 100) $Button_51 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Change Name", 835, 160, 100) $Button_52 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Power Option", 835, 190, 100) $Button_53 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Device Manager", 835, 220, 100) $Button_54 = GUICtrlCreateButton("IE Option", 835, 250, 100) $Button_55 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Network Option", 835, 280, 100) $Button_56 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Mouse Option", 835, 310, 100) $Button_47 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Uninstall", 835, 340, 100) $Button_57 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Force Shutdown", 835, 400, 100) $Button_58 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Force Restart", 835, 430, 100) $Button_59 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Enable Admin", 835, 130, 100) ;appwiz.cpl -> uninstall ;Firewall.cpl -> firewall ;hdwwiz.cpl -> device manager ;inetcpl.cpl -> internet propetise ;main.cpl -> mouse propetise ;ncpa.cpl -> network connection propetise ;powercfg.cpl -> power saver propetise ;sysdm.cpl -> system propetise ;timedate.cpl -> time and date ;wscui.cpl -> action center GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group GUISetState() ; will display an dialog box with 2 button ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $msg = $ExitItem ExitLoop Case $msg = $Fix MsgBox(4096, "FIX XP", "Enable TaskManager,Enable Regedit, Enable Run, Enable Desktop & Faster menu show on START") run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\FixXP.bat") Case $msg = $Communications FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\COMMUNICATIONS\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\COMMUNICATIONS\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Comyns FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\COMYNS\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\COMYNS\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Design FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\DESIGN\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\DESIGN\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Dmec FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\DMEC\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\DMEC\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $F4a FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\F4A\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\F4A\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $F4b FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\F4B\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\F4B\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Fad FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\FAD\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\FAD\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Finance FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\FINANCE\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\FINANCE\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Gmd FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\GMD\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\GMD\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Hrd FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\HRD\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\HRD\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Ie FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\IE\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\IE\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Imd FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\IMD\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\IMD\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Itg FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\ITG\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\ITG\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Planning FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\PLANNING\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\PLANNING\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Proc FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\PROC\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\PROC\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Qa FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\QA\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\QA\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Rd FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\RD\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\RD\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $rsm FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\RSM\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\RSM\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Sbn FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\SBN\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\SBN\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Td FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\TD\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\TD\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Vc FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\VC\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\VC\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Vmd FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\VMD\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\VMD\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Whs FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\WHS\*.bat", "C:\", 9) FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\SUS\Step 4 - Deploy to Client\WHS\*.reg", "C:\", 9) Run("C:\\Deploy Setting To Client.bat") Case $msg = $Button_1 If FileExists("K:\") Then MsgBox(4096, "K-Drive", "Already Connected !") Else ; Map X drive to \\myserver2\stuff2 using the user "jon" from "domainx" with password "tickle" DriveMapAdd("K:", "\\\common", 0, "mimb", "mimb2011") If FileExists("K:\") Then MsgBox(4096, "K-Drive", "Has Been Connected !") If FileExists("k:\") Then $Kdrive = ("K-Drive Found !") Else $Kdrive = ("K-Drive not Found !") EndIf Else MsgBox(4096, "K-Drive", "Failed !!") If FileExists("k:\") Then $Kdrive = ("K-Drive Found !") Else $Kdrive = ("K-Drive not Found !") EndIf EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_2 If FileExists("K:\") Then DriveMapDel("K:") MsgBox(4096, "K-Drive", "K-Drive Has Been Dis-Connected !") If FileExists("k:\") Then $Kdrive = ("K-Drive Found !") Else $Kdrive = ("K-Drive not Found !") EndIf Else MsgBox(4096, "K-Drive", "Already Dis-Connected !") If FileExists("k:\") Then $Kdrive = ("K-Drive Found !") Else $Kdrive = ("K-Drive not Found !") EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_3 ;Run('Notepad.exe') ; Will Run/Open Notepad ;Run("K:\ITG\Apps\LotusNotes\Lotus.Notes.8.0\Notes\Lotus Notes 8 Basic_c13naen.exe") Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\AllInstall.exe") Case $msg = $Button_4 ;MsgBox(0, 'Testing', 'Button 2 was pressed') ; Will demonstrate Button 2 being pressed Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\AdbeRdr1001_en_US.exe") Case $msg = $Button_5 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\MicrosoftOffice 97 XP_7.exe") Case $msg = $Button_6 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\MozillaFirefox4.0SetupNEWPC.exe") Case $msg = $Button_7 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\Open Office XP_7.exe") Case $msg = $Button_8 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\PDFCreatorSetup_WIN7NEWPC.exe") Case $msg = $Button_9 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\Lotus8.0NEWPC.exe") Case $msg = $Button_10 Run("K:\ITG\Apps\Util\VNC\UltraVNC-102-Setup.exe") Case $msg = $Button_11 MsgBox(4096, "Notice", "Need Manual Installation !") Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\Kaizen.exe") Case $msg = $Button_12 MsgBox(4096, "Notice", "Need Manual Installation !") Run("K:\ITG\Apps\Security.And.Virus\setup.exe") Case $msg = $Button_13 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\VNC_SetupOnly_WIN7.exe") Case $msg = $Button_14 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\WinRAR XP_7.exe") Case $msg = $Button_15 Run("C:\Windows\System32\UserAccountControlSettings.exe") Case $msg = $Button_16 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\IP_CONFIG.bat") Case $msg = $Button_17 Run("dxdiag") Case $msg = $Button_18 Run("cmd") Case $msg = $Button_19 Run("taskmgr") Case $msg = $Button_20 ShellExecute("C:\WINDOWS\system32\msconfig.exe", "") Case $msg = $Button_21 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\PingIP.bat") Case $msg = $Button_22 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\PCNAME.bat") Case $msg = $Button_23 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\TINMAIL.bat") MsgBox(0, 'Shortcut', 'Shortcut Tinmail has been create on Desktop') Case $msg = $Button_24 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\RSPortal.bat") MsgBox(0, 'Shortcut', 'Shortcut RSPortal has been create on Desktop') Case $msg = $Button_25 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\RSMeta.bat") MsgBox(0, 'Shortcut', 'Shortcut RSMeta has been create on Desktop') Case $msg = $Button_26 ;run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\izifarhan.txt") ShellExecute("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\izifarhan.txt", "", @ScriptDir, "edit") Case $msg = $Button_27 MsgBox(4096, "Notice", "Need Manual Installation !") Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\AdobeFlash.exe") Case $msg = $Button_28 _ScreenCapture_SetJPGQuality(100) _ScreenCapture_Capture(@MyDocumentsDir & "\ITG_Image1.jpg") Case $msg = $Button_29 Run("C:\WINDOWS\system32\" & GUICtrlRead($go, 1) & ".exe", "") ;$go = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 60, 400, 300, 20) Case $msg = $Button_31 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\AllInstallXP.exe") Case $msg = $Button_32 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\IE8.exe") Case $msg = $Button_33 FileCopy("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\Baan IV.ink", "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop", 9) Sleep($Wait1) Run("C:\Windows\Baan\Bin\becs.exe") Sleep($Wait1) Sleep($Wait1) Send("{DOWN}") Sleep($Wait1) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep($Wait1) Send("!C") Sleep($Wait1) $variable = '' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Sleep($Wait1) Send("!B") Sleep($Wait1) $variable = 'e:\baan' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Sleep($Wait1) Send("!V") Sleep($Wait1) Send("!N") Sleep($Wait1) $variable = '' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Sleep($Wait1) Send("!S") Sleep($Wait1) Send("!H") Sleep($Wait1) $variable = '' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Sleep($Wait1) Send("!B") Sleep($Wait1) $variable = 'd:\baan' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Sleep($Wait1) Send("!V") Sleep($Wait1) Send("!N") Sleep($Wait1) $variable = '' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Sleep($Wait1) Send("!S") Sleep($Wait1) Send("{TAB 10}") Sleep($Wait1) Send("{space}") Send("!V") Send("r") MsgBox(0, 'Baan', 'Setup Complate') Case $msg = $Button_34 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\Baan.exe") Case $msg = $Button_35 FileCopy("K:\ITG\Apps\Microsoft\Windows-Tweaks\Tweak Ui\win9x\*.*", "C:\Windows\System32", 9) ShellExecute("C:\Windows\System32\tweakui.cpl") WinWaitActive("Tweak", "Fast") Send("{TAB 14}") Send("{left 49}") Send("{TAB 14}") Send("{right}") Send("{tab}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("{down}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("{down}") Send("{space}") Send("!A") Send("{enter}") MsgBox(0, 'TweakXP', 'Configuration Complate !') Case $msg = $Button_36 ShellExecute("odbcad32.exe") Sleep($Wait1) Send("{TAB 7}") Send("{right}") Send("!D") Sleep($Wait1) Send("{down 22}") Send("{enter}") Sleep($Wait1) Send("!M") $variable = 'SQLKZODBC' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Send("!S") Sleep($Wait1) $variable = 'SQLSERVER' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Sleep($Wait1) Send("!N") Send("{down}") Send("!T") Send("{TAB 2}") Sleep($Wait1) $variable = '' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Send("!D") Send("{enter}") Send("!L") $variable = 'hr_sa3' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Send("!P") $variable = '123asd' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Send("!N") Send("!D") Send("{TAB}") $variable = 'lvdb' Sleep($Wait1) Send($variable, 1) Send("!N") Send("{enter}") Send("!T") Send("{enter}") Send("{right}") Send("{enter}") Send("{TAB}") Send("{enter}") MsgBox(0, 'ODBC', 'Configuration ODBC Complate !') Sleep($Wait) ShellExecute("C:\Kaizen\\bin\kzdbcfgadminp.exe") MsgBox(0, 'Kaizen Admin', 'Need to do manual configuration !') ;send("!Y") ;send("!E") ;send("N") ;Send("{TAB 3}") ;ControlClick("Choose", "", 5900678) ;Send("{TAB}") ;$variable = 'KZLIVE' ;Sleep($Wait1) ;Send($variable , 1) Case $msg = $Button_37 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\ITG_DOS.exe") Case $msg = $Button_38 ;kaspersky external installation for showroom Case $msg = $Button_39 ;ms office 97 update / patch Case $msg = $Button_40 ShellExecute("C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE") Case $msg = $Button_41 ShellExecute("C:\WINDOWS\system32\mspaint.exe") ; Case $msg = $Button_42 ; ShellExecute("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE") ; Sleep($Wait1) ; Send("{esc}") ; Sleep($Wait1) ; Send("!T") ; Send("O") ; Sleep($Wait1) ; Send("{tab 15}") ; Sleep($Wait1) ; Send("{right 4}") ; Sleep($Wait1) ; Send("!L") ; Sleep($Wait1) ; Send("!X") ; Sleep($Wait1) ; Send("!E") ; Sleep($Wait1) ; Send("") ; Send("!T") ; Sleep($Wait1) ; Send("8080") ; Sleep($Wait1) ; Send("{enter}") ; Sleep($Wait1) ; Send("{enter}") Case $msg = $Button_44 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\RS.bat") MsgBox(0, 'Shortcut', 'Shortcut Royal Selangor has been create on Desktop') Case $msg = $Button_45 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\Comyns.bat") MsgBox(0, 'Shortcut', 'Shortcut Comyns-Silver has been create on Desktop') Case $msg = $Button_46 Run("K:\ITG\Users\Izi\ITG\Selberan.bat") MsgBox(0, 'Shortcut', 'Shortcut Selberan has been create on Desktop') ;GUICtrlCreateGroup("System Win7 Tool", 830, 20, 110, 400) ;$Button_15 = GUICtrlCreateButton("UAC", 835, 40, 100) ;$Button_48 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Firewall", 835, 70, 100) ;$Button_49 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Action Center", 835, 100, 100) ;$Button_50 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Time / Date", 835, 130, 100) ;$Button_51 = GUICtrlCreateButton("System Option", 835, 160, 100) ;$Button_52 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Power Option", 835, 190, 100) ;$Button_53 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Device Manager", 835, 220, 100) ;$Button_54 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Internet Option", 835, 250, 100) ;$Button_55 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Network Option", 835, 280, 100) ;$Button_56 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Mouse Option", 835, 310, 100) ;$Button_47 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Uninstall", 835, 340, 100) ;appwiz.cpl -> uninstall ;Firewall.cpl -> firewall ;hdwwiz.cpl -> device manager ;inetcpl.cpl -> internet propetise ;main.cpl -> mouse propetise ;ncpa.cpl -> network connection propetise ;powercfg.cpl -> power saver propetise ;sysdm.cpl -> system propetise ;timedate.cpl -> time and date ;wscui.cpl -> action center Case $msg = $Button_47 Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl") Case $msg = $Button_48 Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL Firewall.cpl") Case $msg = $Button_49 Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL wscui.cpl") Case $msg = $Button_50 Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl") Case $msg = $Button_51 Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl") Case $msg = $Button_52 Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL powercfg.cpl") Case $msg = $Button_53 Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hdwwiz.cpl") Case $msg = $Button_54 Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl") Case $msg = $Button_55 Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL ncpa.cpl") Case $msg = $Button_56 Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl") Case $msg = $Button_57 Shutdown(5) Case $msg = $Button_58 Shutdown(6) Case $msg = $Button_59 ShellExecute("C:\Windows\System32\compmgmt.msc") EndSelect WEnd EndFunc ;==>ITG Func SetMenuColor($nMenuID, $nColor) Local $hMenu, $hBrush, $stMenuInfo Local Const $MIM_APPLYTOSUBMENUS = 0x80000000 Local Const $MIM_BACKGROUND = 0x00000002 $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nMenuID) $hBrush = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "hwnd", "CreateSolidBrush", "int", $nColor) $hBrush = $hBrush[0] $stMenuInfo = DllStructCreate("dword;dword;dword;uint;dword;dword;ptr") DllStructSetData($stMenuInfo, 1, DllStructGetSize($stMenuInfo)) DllStructSetData($stMenuInfo, 2, BitOR($MIM_APPLYTOSUBMENUS, $MIM_BACKGROUND)) DllStructSetData($stMenuInfo, 5, $hBrush) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetMenuInfo", "hwnd", $hMenu, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stMenuInfo)) ; release Struct not really needed as it is a local $stMenuInfo = 0 EndFunc ;==>SetMenuColorThis is my picture :http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/839/18jan1244722pm.jpg/I hope someone will help me with this issue ....Thank A lot Auto IT !!
taietel Posted January 18, 2012 Posted January 18, 2012 Under the GuiCtrlCreateGroup() put DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle(-1), "wstr", 0, "wstr", 0) Things you should know first...In the beginning there was only ONE! And zero... Progs: Create PDF(TXT2PDF,IMG2PDF) 3D Bar Graph DeskGadget Menu INI Photo Mosaic 3D Text
Mikeman27294 Posted January 20, 2012 Posted January 20, 2012 What I would do is just create it off the screen. The controls will still act as if they were inside the group that generally appears on the screen, but it just isn't visible.
BrewManNH Posted January 20, 2012 Posted January 20, 2012 I would use GUIStartGroup when grouping controls that you don't want to have the border line around them. If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator
Mikeman27294 Posted January 21, 2012 Posted January 21, 2012 I would use GUIStartGroup when grouping controls that you don't want to have the border line around them.Hmmm... Didn't know that one before. I will definitely remember that one in the future.
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