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  • 3 weeks later...

Also, now you can download the source code from the first post.


Appreciated but very unexpected. Thank you.

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Updated: 22/04/2018


I'm still having that error :oops:

Now it's happening even when I try creating a new task using an empty folder.

Posted Image

But now it's Line 2999.

  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...


Thankyou so much for your work on this application. It is one top quality auto-it apps out there. I have been encouraging some people to use it. It is great and very handy for backups; very reliable as well. The only errors in the log that I have had from a sync process have been due to myself leaving a symlink in a directory  :oops:

I just thought I would post up a screen as I am just of late receiving the same error as SEF..line 2999 (not 2995 though), however this only occurs about 1 minute after I boot? This doesn't occur at any other stage? After clicking ok, everything performs and operates as normal?

but otherwise a massive thumbs up for a great, simple to use/easy to follow app :-)

Edit: It is doing each time I am one of Sync scenarios...hmmm?   :think: See attached.

PS:I thought I should add (and you have not stated explicately) that I am running Windows 8. This may or may not have something to do with it? I thought I would mention so you don't tear your hair out trying to find out wtf is wrong somewhere  :ermm:  


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi Yashied,

Do you know if there is anyway that i could adjust scaling for your application? I have finally got my PC set up correctly with the use of dual monitors for 1680x1050 for primary and 1920x1080 on the secondary monitor. In doing so I had to adjust the text scaling to make both screens usable.
Note: I am using standard Windows 7 Pro 64bit; I did not use a custom scaling I just chose the normal medium text standard option as opposed to hi-res "smaller" option....otherwise I can't see sh!t on my second monitor lol.

Anyway my PC is now usable but SynFolders is not  : 

I have tried all sorts of crazy things to see if I can get the text to align properly or display correctly and no dice?  :ermm: 

Things I have tried:

- Custom text sizing in the personalisation menu under color schemes and the application over rides defaults? As in all other applications menus respond to changes and Synfolders remains unchanged???
- Executable properties - Compatibility - Disable Display scaling on high DPI settings; No dice

- Executable properties - Compatibility - Disable Visual Themes; No dice
- Executable properties - Compatibility - Run 640 x480; Holy :censored: never doing that  again it totally screwed all my open apps.....that'll learn me

- Executable properties - Compatibility - Run in 256 colors; Umm yeah well I decided to see what it looked like for no reason other than that  :puke: 

I got thinking about this and remembered text wrapping capabilities that Melba23 made in >Extended Message Box - New Version: 11 Aug13, however I have suffered extensive errors and issues trying to adjust your source code to even compile? I wanted to try at least compile it as a standard package first and then attempt migrating it to allow for text wrapping. Could you provide any tips on set up?

From the sources provided I am getting constant errors in APIConstants; Error: Can not redeclare a constant.

For every line error mentioned I have systematically commented that line out. I have commented 10s of lines and still unable to get the script working? Am I doing something wrong?
Note: After commenting a particular line out, it doesn't *always* error at the next line in sequence, it may jump a 100 lines and then error somewhere is with the same redeclare constant error?



Edited by DigitalFacade82

PS: In regards to your previous response (which I was certain that replied to???) I didn't end up getting that working on Windows 8 (I did try your suggestions but no luck?), instead I rolled back to my Windows 7 image (as I have previously done in all other instances of using Windows 8) because of restrictions that have impeded my development works.  I have never met with an OS that I have to hack so much just to do the most simplest things, call it security call it what they like Microsoft really bottomed out with Windows 8 eh :thumbsdown: ....every now and again when I read of solutions to Windows 8 issues I dust it off again and give things another go

  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

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