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Posted (edited)

GreenCan and I are proud to present our Excel Chart UDF.

The UDF is written for and tested with Microsoft Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. The example scripts won't run with older versions whereas the functions don't check the Excel version - you use them at your own risk.

The UDF consists of one function to create a simple chart (you just have to specify the data area, the type of graph to draw, title, position of the chart etc.) and a lot of functions to create/modify all aspects of the chart.

_XLChart_3D_Position........Set the 3D position of the chart (rotation, elevation, perspective)
_XLChart_AreaGroupSet.......Set properties of an area chart group
_XLChart_AxisSet............Set the properties of the selected axis (minimum, maximum value ...)
_XLChart_BarGroupSet........Set properties of a bar chart group
_XLChart_BubbleGroupSet.....Set properties of a bubble chart group
_XLChart_ChartCreate........Create a chart in Excel on the specified worksheet or on a separate chart sheet
_XLChart_ChartDataSet.......Sets all data related properties of an existing chart or chartsheet
_XLChart_ChartDelete........Deletes a chart or chart sheet
_XLChart_ChartExport........Exports the chart in a graphic format (GIF, JPG, PNG ...) or as PDF/XPS
_XLChart_ChartPositionSet...Resize and reposition a chart object
_XLChart_ChartPrint.........Print a chart or a chart sheet
_XLChart_ChartSet...........Set properties for a chart
_XLChart_ChartsGet..........Enumerate charts and chart sheets in a workbook
_XLChart_ColumnGroupSet.....Set properties of a column chart group
_XLChart_DatalabelSet.......Set properties for the data labels of a data series
_XLChart_DoughnutGroupSet...Set properties of a doughnut chart group
_XLChart_ErrorBarSet........Add or set properties of error bars for a data series
_XLChart_FillSet............Set fill properties for the specified object (color, gradient, transparency ...)
_XLChart_FontSet............Set font properties for the specified object (font name, size, bold, italic ...)
_XLChart_GridSet............Set gridlines of a chart
_XLChart_LayoutSet..........Set layout, style or template for a chart
_XLChart_LegendSet..........Set properties of the legend (position, frame, shadow ...)
_XLChart_LineGet............Returns properties of a line (axis line, grid line, data line ...)
_XLChart_LineGroupSet.......Set properties of a line chart group
_XLChart_LineSet............Set properties of a line (axis line, grid line, data line ...) like weight, color, style ...
_XLChart_MarkerSet..........Set properties for the marker objects of line, scatter or radar charts
_XLChart_ObjectDelete.......Delete an object from a chart
_XLChart_ObjectPositionSet..Resize and reposition an object (plot area, legend ...) on a chart
_XLChart_OfPieGroupSet......Set properties of a pie of pie or bar of pie chart group
_XLChart_PageSet............Set the page setup attributes (paper size, orientation, margins etc.) for a chart or chart sheet
_XLChart_PieGroupSet........Set properties of a pie or 3D-pie chart group
_XLChart_ScreenUpdateSet....Turning screen updating on/off to improve performance
_XLChart_SeriesAdd..........Add a data series to a chart
_XLChart_SeriesSet..........Set properties of a data series
_XLChart_ShadowSet..........Set properties of a shadow
_XLChart_TicksSet...........Set tick marks and tick labels of a chart
_XLChart_TitleGet...........Return information about a title. This can be the chart or any axis title
_XLChart_TitleSet...........Set properties of a title. This can be the chart or any axis title
_XLChart_TrendlineSet.......Add a new trendline or set properties of an existing trendline of a data series
_XLChart_VersionInfo........Returns an array of information about the ExcelChart UDF

For every function there is an example script available that shows what can be done with the respective function.
There is a function cross reference available that documents which object (axis, dataline, legend ...) you can pass to which function.


Play with the UDF and tell us what you like, what you would like to see improved or what is missing.
Have fun!



Edited by water
Moved files to the download section of the forum

My UDFs and Tutorials:


Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts
OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download
Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki
PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki

Standard UDFs:
Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki
Word - Wiki

ADO - Wiki
WebDriver - Wiki



This is a sample of OWC Chart used by AutoIt

; AGraphOWC__Embedded - sample of OWC Chart used by AutoIt
; It allows to embed MS OWC controls into AutoIt Gui
; Requirement:
; - MS OWC installed from http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=22276
; Version 0.5
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include "AGraph_Constants.au3"
Global $oSpreadsheet, $SinkObject, $GUISpreadsheetX
Global $oActiveWindow, $oActiveSheet
Global $File, $i
Global $oChartSpace, $oChart, $GUIChartX
Global $GUI_OfficeLogo, $GUI_PropertyToolbox, $GUI_WorkbookTabs, $GUI_ColumnHeadings
Global $SSW = 250, $SSH = 480
Global $ViewW = 712, $ViewH = 480
Global $hWnd, $msg
Global $MonthNames = StringSplit("Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec."," ")
Global $Caption = "AGraphOWC_Embedded © Valery Ivanov, 21 June 2010"
$oSpreadsheet = ObjCreate("OWC11.Spreadsheet")
If Not IsObj($oSpreadsheet) then MsgBox(0,"","Spreadsheet failed!")

$SinkObject = ObjEvent($oSpreadsheet,"SSEvent_","ISpreadsheetEventSink")
$oSpreadsheet.DisplayOfficeLogo = False
$oChartSpace = ObjCreate("OWC11.Chartspace")
; Create a simple GUI for our output
$hWnd = GUICreate($Caption, 1000, 580, (@DesktopWidth - 1000) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 580) / 2, BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, $WS_CLIPCHILDREN))
$GUI_OfficeLogo = GUICtrlCreateButton("OfficeLogo", 10, 10, 100, 30)
$GUI_PropertyToolbox = GUICtrlCreateButton("PropertyToolbox", 120, 10, 100, 30)
$GUI_WorkbookTabs = GUICtrlCreateButton("WorkbookTabs", 230, 10, 100, 30)
$GUI_ColumnHeadings = GUICtrlCreateButton("ColumnHeadings", 340, 10, 100, 30)
$oSpreadsheet.MaxHeight = $SSH
$oSpreadsheet.MaxWidth = $SSW
With $oSpreadsheet
.MaxHeight = $SSH
.MaxWidth = $SSW
$oActiveWindow = $oSpreadsheet.ActiveWindow
With $oActiveWindow
.ColumnHeadings(1).Caption = "Motors"
.ColumnHeadings(2).Caption = "Cars"
.ColumnHeadings(3).Caption = "Vehicles"
;Set the caption of the actual rowheadings.
  For $i = 1 To $MonthNames[0]
    .RowHeadings($i).Caption = $MonthNames[$i]
;Limit the viewable part of the worksheet.
  .ViewableRange = "A1:C12"
$oActiveSheet = $oSpreadsheet.ActiveSheet
$oActiveSheet.Name = "Sheet1"
With $oActiveSheet
For $i = 1 to $MonthNames[0]
  .Cells($i,1).Value = Round(Random(0,450),1)
  .Cells($i,2).Value = Round(Random(0,750),1)
  .Cells($i,3).Value = Round(Random(0,1350),1)
$oChartSpace.DisplayToolbar = True
$oChartSpace.AllowPropertyToolbox = True
;Set up the Spreadsheet control to be the data source.
$oChartSpace.DataSource = $oSpreadsheet
$oChart = $oChartSpace.Charts.Add(0)
With $oChart
.SetSpreadsheetData("Sheet1!A1:C12", True)
.Type = $chChartTypeLine
;Space for embedded SpreadSheet
$GUISpreadsheetX = GUICtrlCreateObj ($oSpreadsheet, 10, 80, $SSW, $SSH)
;Space for embedded ChartSpace
$GUIChartX = GUICtrlCreateObj ($oChartSpace, 290, 80, $ViewW, $ViewH)
While 1
  $msg = GUIGetMsg()
  Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
  Case $msg = $GUI_OfficeLogo
    $oSpreadsheet.DisplayOfficeLogo = Not $oSpreadsheet.DisplayOfficeLogo
    $oChartSpace.DisplayOfficeLogo = Not $oChartSpace.DisplayOfficeLogo
  Case $msg = $GUI_PropertyToolbox
    $oSpreadsheet.DisplayPropertyToolbox = Not $oSpreadsheet.DisplayPropertyToolbox
    $oChartSpace.AllowPropertyToolbox =  Not $oChartSpace.AllowPropertyToolbox
  Case $msg = $GUI_WorkbookTabs
    $oSpreadsheet.DisplayWorkbookTabs = Not $oSpreadsheet.DisplayWorkbookTabs
  Case $msg = $GUI_ColumnHeadings
    $oSpreadsheet.DisplayColumnHeadings = Not $oSpreadsheet.DisplayColumnHeadings

It uses Office 2003 Add-in: Office Web Components from


and constants from file


; Graph.exe Enums
; msoFillType
Global Const $msoFillBackground = 0x5
Global Const $msoFillGradient = 0x3
Global Const $msoFillMixed = -2
Global Const $msoFillPatterned = 0x2
Global Const $msoFillPicture = 0x6
Global Const $msoFillSolid = 0x1
Global Const $msoFillTextured = 0x4
; MsoGradientColorType
Global Const $msoGradientColorMixed      = -2
Global Const $msoGradientOneColor          = 0x1
Global Const $msoGradientPresetColors      = 0x3
Global Const $msoGradientTwoColors        = 0x2
Global Const $msoGradientDiagonalDown      = 0x4
Global Const $msoGradientDiagonalUp      = 0x3
Global Const $msoGradientFromCenter      = 0x7
Global Const $msoGradientFromCorner      = 0x5
Global Const $msoGradientFromTitle        = 0x6
Global Const $msoGradientHorizontal      = 0x1
Global Const $msoGradientMixed            = -2
Global Const $msoGradientVertical          = 0x2
; XlChartGallery
Global Const $xlBuiltIn = 21
Global Const $xlUserDefined = 22
Global Const $xlAnyGallery = 23
; XlColorIndex
Global Const $xlColorIndexAutomatic = -4105
Global Const $xlColorIndexNone = -4142
; XlEndStyleCap
Global Const $xlCap = 1
Global Const $xlNoCap = 2
; XlRowCol
Global Const $xlColumns = 2
Global Const $xlRows = 1
; XlScaleType
Global Const $xlScaleLinear = -4132
Global Const $xlScaleLogarithmic = -4133
; XlDataSeriesType
Global Const $xlAutoFill = 4
Global Const $xlChronological = 3
Global Const $xlGrowth = 2
Global Const $xlDataSeriesLinear = -4132
; XlAxisCrosses
Global Const $xlAxisCrossesAutomatic = -4105
Global Const $xlAxisCrossesCustom = -4114
Global Const $xlAxisCrossesMaximum = 2
Global Const $xlAxisCrossesMinimum = 4
; XlAxisGroup
Global Const $xlPrimary = 1
Global Const $xlSecondary = 2
; XlBackground
Global Const $xlBackgroundAutomatic = -4105
Global Const $xlBackgroundOpaque = 3
Global Const $xlBackgroundTransparent = 2
; XlWindowState
Global Const $xlMaximized = -4137
Global Const $xlMinimized = -4140
Global Const $xlNormal = -4143
; XlAxisType
Global Const $xlCategory = 1
Global Const $xlSeriesAxis = 3
Global Const $xlValue = 2
; XlArrowHeadLength
Global Const $xlArrowHeadLengthLong = 3
Global Const $xlArrowHeadLengthMedium = -4138
Global Const $xlArrowHeadLengthShort = 1
; XlVAlign
Global Const $xlVAlignBottom = -4107
Global Const $xlVAlignCenter = -4108
Global Const $xlVAlignDistributed = -4117
Global Const $xlVAlignJustify = -4130
Global Const $xlVAlignTop = -4160
; XlTickMark
Global Const $xlTickMarkCross = 4
Global Const $xlTickMarkInside = 2
Global Const $xlTickMarkNone = -4142
Global Const $xlTickMarkOutside = 3
; XlErrorBarDirection
Global Const $xlX = -4168
Global Const $xlY = 1
; XlErrorBarInclude
Global Const $xlErrorBarIncludeBoth = 1
Global Const $xlErrorBarIncludeMinusValues = 3
Global Const $xlErrorBarIncludeNone = -4142
Global Const $xlErrorBarIncludePlusValues = 2
; XlDisplayBlanksAs
Global Const $xlInterpolated = 3
Global Const $xlNotPlotted = 1
Global Const $xlZero = 2
; XlArrowHeadStyle
Global Const $xlArrowHeadStyleClosed = 3
Global Const $xlArrowHeadStyleDoubleClosed = 5
Global Const $xlArrowHeadStyleDoubleOpen = 4
Global Const $xlArrowHeadStyleNone = -4142
Global Const $xlArrowHeadStyleOpen = 2
; XlArrowHeadWidth
Global Const $xlArrowHeadWidthMedium = -4138
Global Const $xlArrowHeadWidthNarrow = 1
Global Const $xlArrowHeadWidthWide = 3
; XlHAlign
Global Const $xlHAlignCenter = -4108
Global Const $xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection = 7
Global Const $xlHAlignDistributed = -4117
Global Const $xlHAlignFill = 5
Global Const $xlHAlignGeneral = 1
Global Const $xlHAlignJustify = -4130
Global Const $xlHAlignLeft = -4131
Global Const $xlHAlignRight = -4152
; XlTickLabelPosition
Global Const $xlTickLabelPositionHigh = -4127
Global Const $xlTickLabelPositionLow = -4134
Global Const $xlTickLabelPositionNextToAxis = 4
Global Const $xlTickLabelPositionNone = -4142
; XlLegendPosition
Global Const $xlLegendPositionBottom = -4107
Global Const $xlLegendPositionCorner = 2
Global Const $xlLegendPositionLeft = -4131
Global Const $xlLegendPositionRight = -4152
Global Const $xlLegendPositionTop = -4160
; XlChartPictureType
Global Const $xlStackScale = 3
Global Const $xlStack = 2
Global Const $xlStretch = 1
; XlChartPicturePlacement
Global Const $xlSides = 1
Global Const $xlEnd = 2
Global Const $xlEndSides = 3
Global Const $xlFront = 4
Global Const $xlFrontSides = 5
Global Const $xlFrontEnd = 6
Global Const $xlAllFaces = 7
; XlOrientation
Global Const $xlDownward = -4170
Global Const $xlHorizontal = -4128
Global Const $xlUpward = -4171
Global Const $xlVertical = -4166
; XlTickLabelOrientation
Global Const $xlTickLabelOrientationAutomatic = -4105
Global Const $xlTickLabelOrientationDownward = -4170
Global Const $xlTickLabelOrientationHorizontal = -4128
Global Const $xlTickLabelOrientationUpward = -4171
Global Const $xlTickLabelOrientationVertical = -4166
; XlBorderWeight
Global Const $xlHairline = 1
Global Const $xlMedium = -4138
Global Const $xlThick = 4
Global Const $xlThin = 2
; XlDataSeriesDate
Global Const $xlDay = 1
Global Const $xlMonth = 3
Global Const $xlWeekday = 2
Global Const $xlYear = 4
; XlUnderlineStyle
Global Const $xlUnderlineStyleDouble = -4119
Global Const $xlUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting = 5
Global Const $xlUnderlineStyleNone = -4142
Global Const $xlUnderlineStyleSingle = 2
Global Const $xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting = 4
; XlErrorBarType
Global Const $xlErrorBarTypeCustom = -4114
Global Const $xlErrorBarTypeFixedValue = 1
Global Const $xlErrorBarTypePercent = 2
Global Const $xlErrorBarTypeStDev = -4155
Global Const $xlErrorBarTypeStError = 4
; XlTrendlineType
Global Const $xlExponential = 5
Global Const $xlLinear = -4132
Global Const $xlLogarithmic = -4133
Global Const $xlMovingAvg = 6
Global Const $xlPolynomial = 3
Global Const $xlPower = 4
; XlLineStyle
Global Const $xlContinuous = 1
Global Const $xlDash = -4115
Global Const $xlDashDot = 4
Global Const $xlDashDotDot = 5
Global Const $xlDot = -4118
Global Const $xlDouble = -4119
Global Const $xlSlantDashDot = 13
Global Const $xlLineStyleNone = -4142
; XlDataLabelsType
Global Const $xlDataLabelsShowNone = -4142
Global Const $xlDataLabelsShowValue = 2
Global Const $xlDataLabelsShowPercent = 3
Global Const $xlDataLabelsShowLabel = 4
Global Const $xlDataLabelsShowLabelAndPercent = 5
Global Const $xlDataLabelsShowBubbleSizes = 6
; XlMarkerStyle
Global Const $xlMarkerStyleAutomatic = -4105
Global Const $xlMarkerStyleCircle = 8
Global Const $xlMarkerStyleDash = -4115
Global Const $xlMarkerStyleDiamond = 2
Global Const $xlMarkerStyleDot = -4118
Global Const $xlMarkerStyleNone = -4142
Global Const $xlMarkerStylePicture = -4147
Global Const $xlMarkerStylePlus = 9
Global Const $xlMarkerStyleSquare = 1
Global Const $xlMarkerStyleStar = 5
Global Const $xlMarkerStyleTriangle = 3
Global Const $xlMarkerStyleX = -4168
; XlPictureConvertorType
Global Const $xlBMP = 1
Global Const $xlCGM = 7
Global Const $xlDRW = 4
Global Const $xlDXF = 5
Global Const $xlEPS = 8
Global Const $xlHGL = 6
Global Const $xlPCT = 13
Global Const $xlPCX = 10
Global Const $xlPIC = 11
Global Const $xlPLT = 12
Global Const $xlTIF = 9
Global Const $xlWMF = 2
Global Const $xlWPG = 3
; XlPattern
Global Const $xlPatternAutomatic = -4105
Global Const $xlPatternChecker = 9
Global Const $xlPatternCrissCross = 16
Global Const $xlPatternDown = -4121
Global Const $xlPatternGray16 = 17
Global Const $xlPatternGray25 = -4124
Global Const $xlPatternGray50 = -4125
Global Const $xlPatternGray75 = -4126
Global Const $xlPatternGray8 = 18
Global Const $xlPatternGrid = 15
Global Const $xlPatternHorizontal = -4128
Global Const $xlPatternLightDown = 13
Global Const $xlPatternLightHorizontal = 11
Global Const $xlPatternLightUp = 14
Global Const $xlPatternLightVertical = 12
Global Const $xlPatternNone = -4142
Global Const $xlPatternSemiGray75 = 10
Global Const $xlPatternSolid = 1
Global Const $xlPatternUp = -4162
Global Const $xlPatternVertical = -4166
; XlChartSplitType
Global Const $xlSplitByPosition = 1
Global Const $xlSplitByPercentValue = 3
Global Const $xlSplitByCustomSplit = 4
Global Const $xlSplitByValue = 2
; XlDisplayUnit
Global Const $xlHundreds = -2
Global Const $xlThousands = -3
Global Const $xlTenThousands = -4
Global Const $xlHundredThousands = -5
Global Const $xlMillions = -6
Global Const $xlTenMillions = -7
Global Const $xlHundredMillions = -8
Global Const $xlThousandMillions = -9
Global Const $xlMillionMillions = -10
; XlDataLabelPosition
Global Const $xlLabelPositionCenter = -4108
Global Const $xlLabelPositionAbove = 0
Global Const $xlLabelPositionBelow = 1
Global Const $xlLabelPositionLeft = -4131
Global Const $xlLabelPositionRight = -4152
Global Const $xlLabelPositionOutsideEnd = 2
Global Const $xlLabelPositionInsideEnd = 3
Global Const $xlLabelPositionInsideBase = 4
Global Const $xlLabelPositionBestFit = 5
Global Const $xlLabelPositionMixed = 6
Global Const $xlLabelPositionCustom = 7
; XlTimeUnit
Global Const $xlDays = 0
Global Const $xlMonths = 1
Global Const $xlYears = 2
; XlCategoryType
Global Const $xlCategoryScale = 2
Global Const $xlTimeScale = 3
Global Const $xlAutomaticScale = -4105
; XlBarShape
Global Const $xlBox = 0
Global Const $xlPyramidToPoint = 1
Global Const $xlPyramidToMax = 2
Global Const $xlCylinder = 3
Global Const $xlConeToPoint = 4
Global Const $xlConeToMax = 5
; XlChartItem
Global Const $xlDataLabel = 0
Global Const $xlChartArea = 2
Global Const $xlSeries = 3
Global Const $xlChartTitle = 4
Global Const $xlWalls = 5
Global Const $xlCorners = 6
Global Const $xlDataTable = 7
Global Const $xlTrendline = 8
Global Const $xlErrorBars = 9
Global Const $xlXErrorBars = 10
Global Const $xlYErrorBars = 11
Global Const $xlLegendEntry = 12
Global Const $xlLegendKey = 13
Global Const $xlShape = 14
Global Const $xlMajorGridlines = 15
Global Const $xlMinorGridlines = 16
Global Const $xlAxisTitle = 17
Global Const $xlUpBars = 18
Global Const $xlPlotArea = 19
Global Const $xlDownBars = 20
Global Const $xlAxis = 21
Global Const $xlSeriesLines = 22
Global Const $xlFloor = 23
Global Const $xlLegend = 24
Global Const $xlHiLoLines = 25
Global Const $xlDropLines = 26
Global Const $xlRadarAxisLabels = 27
Global Const $xlNothing = 28
Global Const $xlLeaderLines = 29
Global Const $xlDisplayUnitLabel = 30
Global Const $xlPivotChartFieldButton = 31
Global Const $xlPivotChartDropZone = 32
; XlSizeRepresents
Global Const $xlSizeIsWidth = 2
Global Const $xlSizeIsArea = 1
; XlInsertShiftDirection
Global Const $xlShiftDown = -4121
Global Const $xlShiftToRight = -4161
; XlDeleteShiftDirection
Global Const $xlShiftToLeft = -4159
Global Const $xlShiftUp = -4162
; XlDirection
Global Const $xlDown = -4121
Global Const $xlToLeft = -4159
Global Const $xlToRight = -4161
Global Const $xlUp = -4162
; XlConsolidationFunction
Global Const $xlAverage = -4106
Global Const $xlCount = -4112
Global Const $xlCountNums = -4113
Global Const $xlMax = -4136
Global Const $xlMin = -4139
Global Const $xlProduct = -4149
Global Const $xlStDev = -4155
Global Const $xlStDevP = -4156
Global Const $xlSum = -4157
Global Const $xlVar = -4164
Global Const $xlVarP = -4165
Global Const $xlUnknown = 1000
; XlSheetType
Global Const $xlChart = -4109
Global Const $xlDialogSheet = -4116
Global Const $xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet = 4
Global Const $xlExcel4MacroSheet = 3
Global Const $xlWorksheet = -4167
; XlLocationInTable
Global Const $xlColumnHeader = -4110
Global Const $xlColumnItem = 5
Global Const $xlDataHeader = 3
Global Const $xlDataItem = 7
Global Const $xlPageHeader = 2
Global Const $xlPageItem = 6
Global Const $xlRowHeader = -4153
Global Const $xlRowItem = 4
Global Const $xlTableBody = 8
; XlFindLookIn
Global Const $xlFormulas = -4123
Global Const $xlComments = -4144
Global Const $xlValues = -4163
; XlWindowType
Global Const $xlChartAsWindow = 5
Global Const $xlChartInPlace = 4
Global Const $xlClipboard = 3
Global Const $xlInfo = -4129
Global Const $xlWorkbook = 1
; XlPivotFieldDataType
Global Const $xlDate = 2
Global Const $xlNumber = -4145
Global Const $xlText = -4158
; XlCopyPictureFormat
Global Const $xlBitmap = 2
Global Const $xlPicture = -4147
; XlPivotTableSourceType
Global Const $xlScenario = 4
Global Const $xlConsolidation = 3
Global Const $xlDatabase = 1
Global Const $xlExternal = 2
Global Const $xlPivotTable = -4148
; XlReferenceStyle
Global Const $xlA1 = 1
Global Const $xlR1C1 = -4150
; XlPivotFormatType
Global Const $xlReport1 = 0
Global Const $xlReport2 = 1
Global Const $xlReport3 = 2
Global Const $xlReport4 = 3
Global Const $xlReport5 = 4
Global Const $xlReport6 = 5
Global Const $xlReport7 = 6
Global Const $xlReport8 = 7
Global Const $xlReport9 = 8
Global Const $xlReport10 = 9
Global Const $xlTable1 = 10
Global Const $xlTable2 = 11
Global Const $xlTable3 = 12
Global Const $xlTable4 = 13
Global Const $xlTable5 = 14
Global Const $xlTable6 = 15
Global Const $xlTable7 = 16
Global Const $xlTable8 = 17
Global Const $xlTable9 = 18
Global Const $xlTable10 = 19
Global Const $xlPTClassic = 20
Global Const $xlPTNone = 21
; XlCmdType
Global Const $xlCmdCube = 1
Global Const $xlCmdSql = 2
Global Const $xlCmdTable = 3
Global Const $xlCmdDefault = 4
; XlColumnDataType
Global Const $xlGeneralFormat = 1
Global Const $xlTextFormat = 2
Global Const $xlMDYFormat = 3
Global Const $xlDMYFormat = 4
Global Const $xlYMDFormat = 5
Global Const $xlMYDFormat = 6
Global Const $xlDYMFormat = 7
Global Const $xlYDMFormat = 8
Global Const $xlSkipColumn = 9
Global Const $xlEMDFormat = 10
; XlQueryType
Global Const $xlODBCQuery = 1
Global Const $xlDAORecordset = 2
Global Const $xlWebQuery = 4
Global Const $xlOLEDBQuery = 5
Global Const $xlTextImport = 6
Global Const $xlADORecordset = 7
; XlWebSelectionType
Global Const $xlEntirePage = 1
Global Const $xlAllTables = 2
Global Const $xlSpecifiedTables = 3
; XlCubeFieldType
Global Const $xlHierarchy = 1
Global Const $xlMeasure = 2
Global Const $xlSet = 3
; XlWebFormatting
Global Const $xlWebFormattingAll = 1
Global Const $xlWebFormattingRTF = 2
Global Const $xlWebFormattingNone = 3
; XlDisplayDrawingObjects
Global Const $xlDisplayShapes = -4104
Global Const $xlHide = 3
Global Const $xlPlaceholders = 2
; XlSubtototalLocationType
Global Const $xlAtTop = 1
Global Const $xlAtBottom = 2
; XlDataLabelSeparator
Global Const $xlDataLabelSeparatorDefault = 1
; XlRangeValueDataType
Global Const $xlRangeValueDefault = 10
Global Const $xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet = 11
Global Const $xlRangeValueMSPersistXML = 12
; XlInsertFormatOrigin
Global Const $xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove = 0
Global Const $xlFormatFromRightOrBelow = 1
; XlArabicModes
Global Const $xlArabicNone = 0
Global Const $xlArabicStrictAlefHamza = 1
Global Const $xlArabicStrictFinalYaa = 2
Global Const $xlArabicBothStrict = 3
; XlImportDataAs
Global Const $xlQueryTable = 0
Global Const $xlPivotTableReport = 1
; XlCalculatedMemberType
Global Const $xlCalculatedMember = 0
Global Const $xlCalculatedSet = 1
; XlHebrewModes
Global Const $xlHebrewFullScript = 0
Global Const $xlHebrewPartialScript = 1
Global Const $xlHebrewMixedScript = 2
Global Const $xlHebrewMixedAuthorizedScript = 3
; XlChartTypes
Global Const $xlArea = 1
Global Const $xlLine = 4
Global Const $xlPie = 5
Global Const $xlColumnClustered = 51
Global Const $xlColumnStacked = 52
Global Const $xlColumnStacked100 = 53
Global Const $xl3DColumnClustered = 54
Global Const $xl3DColumnStacked = 55
Global Const $xl3DColumnStacked100 = 56
Global Const $xlBarClustered = 57
Global Const $xlBarStacked = 58
Global Const $xlBarStacked100 = 59
Global Const $xl3DBarClustered = 60
Global Const $xl3DBarStacked = 61
Global Const $xl3DBarStacked100 = 62
Global Const $xlLineStacked = 63
Global Const $xlLineStacked100 = 64
Global Const $xlLineMarkers = 65
Global Const $xlLineMarkersStacked = 66
Global Const $xlLineMarkersStacked100 = 67
Global Const $xlPieOfPie = 68
Global Const $xlPieExploded = 69
Global Const $xl3DPieExploded = 70
Global Const $xlBarOfPie = 71
Global Const $xlXYScatterSmooth = 72
Global Const $xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers = 73
Global Const $xlXYScatterLines = 74
Global Const $xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers = 75
Global Const $xlAreaStacked = 76
Global Const $xlAreaStacked100 = 77
Global Const $xl3DAreaStacked = 78
Global Const $xl3DAreaStacked100 = 79
Global Const $xlDoughnutExploded = 80
Global Const $xlRadarMarkers = 81
Global Const $xlRadarFilled = 82
Global Const $xlSurface = 83
Global Const $xlSurfaceWireframe = 84
Global Const $xlSurfaceTopView = 85
Global Const $xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe = 86
Global Const $xlBubble = 15
Global Const $xlBubble3DEffect = 87
Global Const $xlStockHLC = 88
Global Const $xlStockOHLC = 89
Global Const $xlStockVHLC = 90
Global Const $xlStockVOHLC = 91
Global Const $xlCylinderColClustered = 92
Global Const $xlCylinderColStacked = 93
Global Const $xlCylinderColStacked100 = 94
Global Const $xlCylinderBarClustered = 95
Global Const $xlCylinderBarStacked = 96
Global Const $xlCylinderBarStacked100 = 97
Global Const $xlCylinderCol = 98
Global Const $xlConeColClustered = 99
Global Const $xlConeColStacked = 100
Global Const $xlConeColStacked100 = 101
Global Const $xlConeBarClustered = 102
Global Const $xlConeBarStacked = 103
Global Const $xlConeBarStacked100 = 104
Global Const $xlConeCol = 105
Global Const $xlPyramidColClustered = 106
Global Const $xlPyramidColStacked = 107
Global Const $xlPyramidColStacked100 = 108
Global Const $xlPyramidBarClustered = 109
Global Const $xlPyramidBarStacked = 110
Global Const $xlPyramidBarStacked100 = 111
Global Const $xlPyramidCol = 112
Global Const $xl3DColumn = -4100
Global Const $xlRadar = -4151
Global Const $xl3DLine = -4101
Global Const $xl3DPie = -4102
Global Const $xlXYScatter = -4169
Global Const $xl3DArea = -4098
Global Const $xlDoughnut = -4120
; OWC11 Enums
; ChartPatternTypeEnum
$chPattern5Percent = 1
$chPattern10Percent = 2
$chPattern20Percent = 3
$chPattern25Percent = 4
$chPattern30Percent = 5
$chPattern40Percent = 6
$chPattern50Percent = 7
$chPattern60Percent = 8
$chPattern70Percent = 9
$chPattern75Percent = 10
$chPattern80Percent = 11
$chPattern90Percent = 12
$chPatternDarkHorizontal = 13
$chPatternDarkVertical = 14
$chPatternDarkDownwardDiagonal = 15
$chPatternDarkUpwardDiagonal = 16
$chPatternSmallCheckerBoard = 17
$chPatternTrellis = 18
$chPatternLightHorizontal = 19
$chPatternLightVertical = 20
$chPatternLightDownwardDiagonal = 21
$chPatternLightUpwardDiagonal = 22
$chPatternSmallGrid = 23
$chPatternDottedDiamond = 24
$chPatternWideDownwardDiagonal = 25
$chPatternWideUpwardDiagonal = 26
$chPatternDashedUpwardDiagonal = 27
$chPatternDashedDownwardDiagonal = 28
$chPatternNarrowVertical = 29
$chPatternNarrowHorizontal = 30
$chPatternDashedVertical = 31
$chPatternDashedHorizontal = 32
$chPatternLargeConfetti = 33
$chPatternLargeGrid = 34
$chPatternHorizontalBrick = 35
$chPatternLargeCheckerBoard = 36
$chPatternSmallConfetti = 37
$chPatternZigZag = 38
$chPatternSolidDiamond = 39
$chPatternDiagonalBrick = 40
$chPatternOutlinedDiamond = 41
$chPatternPlaid = 42
$chPatternSphere = 43
$chPatternWeave = 44
$chPatternDottedGrid = 45
$chPatternDivot = 46
$chPatternShingle = 47
$chPatternWave = 48

; ChartFillTypeEnum
$chFillSolid = 1
$chFillPatterned = 2
$chFillGradientOneColor = 3
$chFillGradientTwoColors = 4
$chFillGradientPresetColors = 5
$chFillTexturePreset = 6
$chFillTextureUserDefined = 7
; ChartPresetGradientTypeEnum
$chGradientEarlySunset = 1
$chGradientLateSunset = 2
$chGradientNightfall = 3
$chGradientDaybreak = 4
$chGradientHorizon = 5
$chGradientDesert = 6
$chGradientOcean = 7
$chGradientCalmWater = 8
$chGradientFire = 9
$chGradientFog = 10
$chGradientMoss = 11
$chGradientPeacock = 12
$chGradientWheat = 13
$chGradientParchment = 14
$chGradientMahogany = 15
$chGradientRainbow = 16
$chGradientRainbowII = 17
$chGradientGold = 18
$chGradientGoldII = 19
$chGradientBrass = 20
$chGradientChrome = 21
$chGradientChromeII = 22
$chGradientSilver = 23
$chGradientSapphire = 24
; ChartGradientStyleEnum
$chGradientHorizontal = 1
$chGradientVertical = 2
$chGradientDiagonalUp = 3
$chGradientDiagonalDown = 4
$chGradientFromCorner = 5
$chGradientFromCenter = 7
; ChartGradientVariantEnum
$chGradientVariantStart = 1
$chGradientVariantEnd = 2
$chGradientVariantCenter = 3
$chGradientVariantEdges = 4
; ChartPresetTextureEnum
$chTexturePapyrus = 1
$chTextureCanvas = 2
$chTextureDenim = 3
$chTextureWovenMat = 4
$chTextureWaterDroplets = 5
$chTexturePaperBag = 6
$chTextureFishFossil = 7
$chTextureSand = 8
$chTextureGreenMarble = 9
$chTextureWhiteMarble = 10
$chTextureBrownMarble = 11
$chTextureGranite = 12
$chTextureNewsprint = 13
$chTextureRecycledPaper = 14
$chTextureParchment = 15
$chTextureStationery = 16
$chTextureBlueTissuePaper = 17
$chTexturePinkTissuePaper = 18
$chTexturePurpleMesh = 19
$chTextureBouquet = 20
$chTextureCork = 21
$chTextureWalnut = 22
$chTextureOak = 23
$chTextureMediumWood = 24
; ChartTextureFormatEnum
$chStack = 1
$chStackScale = 2
$chStretch = 3
$chTile = 4
$chStretchPlot = 5
; ChartTexturePlacementEnum
$chAllFaces = 7
$chEnd = 2
$chEndSides = 6
$chFront = 1
$chFrontEnd = 3
$chFrontSides = 5
$chSides = 4
$chProjectFront = 8
; ChartLineDashStyleEnum
$chLineDash = 0
$chLineDashDot = 1
$chLineDashDotDot = 2
$chLineLongDash = 4
$chLineLongDashDot = 5
$chLineRoundDot = 6
$chLineSolid = 7
$chLineSquareDot = 8
; LineWeightEnum
$owcLineWeightHairline = 0
$owcLineWeightThin = 1
$owcLineWeightMedium = 2
$owcLineWeightThick = 3
; UnderlineStyleEnum
$owcUnderlineStyleNone = 0
$owcUnderlineStyleSingle = 1
$owcUnderlineStyleDouble = 2
$owcUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting = 3
$owcUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting = 4
; ChartLineMiterEnum
$chLineMiterBevel = 0
$chLineMiterMiter = 1
$chLineMiterRound = 2
; ChartDrawModesEnum
$chDrawModePaint = 1
$chDrawModeSelection = 2
$chDrawModeHitTest = 3
$chDrawModeScale = 4
; ChartChartLayoutEnum
$chChartLayoutAutomatic = 0
$chChartLayoutHorizontal = 1
$chChartLayoutVertical = 2
; ChartScaleOrientationEnum
$chScaleOrientationMinMax = 0
$chScaleOrientationMaxMin = 1
; ChartScaleTypeEnum
$chScaleTypeLinear = 0
$chScaleTypeLogarithmic = 1
; ChartAxisCrossesEnum
$chAxisCrossesAutomatic = 0
$chAxisCrossesCustom = 3
; ChartSelectionsEnum
$chSelectionNone = -1
$chSelectionAxis = 0
$chSelectionChart = 1
$chSelectionPlotArea = 2
$chSelectionDataLabels = 3
$chSelectionErrorbars = 4
$chSelectionGridlines = 5
$chSelectionLegend = 6
$chSelectionLegendEntry = 7
$chSelectionPoint = 8
$chSelectionSeries = 9
$chSelectionTitle = 10
$chSelectionTrendline = 11
$chSelectionChartSpace = 12
$chSelectionSurface = 13
$chSelectionField = 14
$chSelectionUserDefined = -2
$chSelectionCategoryLabel = 16
$chSelectionDropZone = 17
$chSelectionDataLabel = 18
; ChartTickMarkEnum
$chTickMarkAutomatic = 0
$chTickMarkNone = 1
$chTickMarkInside = 2
$chTickMarkOutside = 3
$chTickMarkCross = 4
; ChartAxisPositionEnum
$chAxisPositionTop = -1
$chAxisPositionBottom = -2
$chAxisPositionLeft = -3
$chAxisPositionRight = -4
$chAxisPositionRadial = -5
$chAxisPositionCircular = -6
$chAxisPositionCategory = -7
$chAxisPositionTimescale = -7
$chAxisPositionValue = -8
$chAxisPositionSeries = -9
$chAxisPositionPrimary = -10
$chAxisPositionSecondary = -11
; ChartTitlePositionEnum
$chTitlePositionAutomatic = 0
$chTitlePositionTop = 1
$chTitlePositionBottom = 2
$chTitlePositionLeft = 3
$chTitlePositionRight = 4
; ChartAxisTypeEnum
$chCategoryAxis = 0
$chValueAxis = 1
$chTimescaleAxis = 2
$chSeriesAxis = 3
; ChartAxisGroupingEnum
$chAxisGroupingNone = 0
$chAxisGroupingAuto = 1
$chAxisGroupingManual = 2
; ChartAxisUnitTypeEnum
$chAxisUnitDay = 0
$chAxisUnitWeek = 1
$chAxisUnitMonth = 2
$chAxisUnitQuarter = 3
$chAxisUnitYear = 4
; ChartGroupingTotalFunctionEnum
$chFunctionSum = 1
$chFunctionCount = 2
$chFunctionMin = 3
$chFunctionMax = 4
$chFunctionAvg = 5
$chFunctionDefault = 6
; PivotHAlignmentEnum
$plHAlignAutomatic = 0
$plHAlignLeft = 1
$plHAlignCenter = 2
$plHAlignRight = 3
; PivotFieldGroupOnEnum
$plGroupOnEachValue = 0
$plGroupOnPrefixChars = 1
$plGroupOnYears = 2
$plGroupOnQtrs = 3
$plGroupOnMonths = 4
$plGroupOnWeeks = 5
$plGroupOnDays = 6
$plGroupOnHours = 7
$plGroupOnMinutes = 8
$plGroupOnSeconds = 9
$plGroupOnInterval = 10
; PivotFieldSortDirectionEnum
$plSortDirectionDefault = 0
$plSortDirectionAscending = 1
$plSortDirectionDescending = 2
$plSortDirectionCustom = 4
$plSortDirectionCustomAscending = 5
$plSortDirectionCustomDescending = 6
; PivotFieldTypeEnum
$plTypeRegular = 1
$plTypeCalculated = 2
$plTypeTimeYears = 4
$plTypeTimeHalfYears = 5
$plTypeTimeQuarters = 6
$plTypeTimeMonths = 7
$plTypeTimeWeeks = 8
$plTypeTimeDays = 9
$plTypeTimeHours = 10
$plTypeTimeMinutes = 11
$plTypeTimeSeconds = 12
$plTypeTimeUndefined = 13
$plTypeUnknown = 14
$plTypeUserDefined = 15
$plTypeTimeWeekdays = 16
$plTypeCustomGroup = 17
; PivotFieldFilterFunctionEnum
$plFilterFunctionNone = 0
$plFilterFunctionTopCount = 3
$plFilterFunctionBottomCount = 4
$plFilterFunctionTopPercent = 5
$plFilterFunctionBottomPercent = 6
$plFilterFunctionTopSum = 7
$plFilterFunctionBottomSum = 8
; PivotTotalFunctionEnum
$plFunctionUnknown = 0
$plFunctionSum = 1
$plFunctionCount = 2
$plFunctionMin = 3
$plFunctionMax = 4
$plFunctionAverage = 5
$plFunctionStdDev = 6
$plFunctionVar = 7
$plFunctionStdDevP = 10
$plFunctionVarP = 11
$plFunctionCalculated = 127
; PivotTotalTypeEnum
$plTotalTypeIntrinsic = 1
$plTotalTypeUserDefined = 2
$plTotalTypeCalculated = 3
; PivotShowAsEnum
$plShowAsNormal = 0
$plShowAsPercentOfRowTotal = 1
$plShowAsPercentOfColumnTotal = 2
$plShowAsPercentOfRowParent = 3
$plShowAsPercentOfColumnParent = 4
$plShowAsPercentOfGrandTotal = 5
; PivotMemberPropertyDisplayEnum
$plDisplayPropertyNone = 0
$plDisplayPropertyInReport = 1
$plDisplayPropertyInScreenTip = 2
$plDisplayPropertyInAll = 3
; PivotMemberFindFormatEnum
$plFindFormatMember = 0
$plFindFormatPathName = 1
$plFindFormatPathInt = 2
$plFindFormatPathHex = 3
; PivotMemberCustomGroupTypeEnum
$plGroupTypeRegular = 1
$plGroupTypeCustomGroup = 2
$plGroupTypeFallThrough = 3
$plGroupTypePlaceHolder = 4
$plGroupTypeStaticOther = 5
$plGroupTypeDynamicOther = 6
; PivotFieldSetOrientationEnum
$plOrientationNone = 0
$plOrientationColumnAxis = 1
$plOrientationRowAxis = 2
$plOrientationFilterAxis = 4
$plOrientationDataAxis = 8
$plOrientationPageAxis = 16
; PivotFieldSetTypeEnum
$plFieldSetTypeTime = 1
$plFieldSetTypeOther = 2
$plFieldSetTypeUnknown = 3
$plFieldSetTypeUserDefined = 4
; PivotMembersCompareByEnum
$plMembersCompareByUniqueName = 0
$plMembersCompareByName = 1
; PivotFilterUpdateMemberStateEnum
$plMemberStateClear = 1
$plMemberStateChecked = 2
$plMemberStateGray = 3
; PivotFieldSetAllIncludeExcludeEnum
$plAllDefault = 0
$plAllInclude = 1
$plAllExclude = 2
; PivotViewTotalOrientationEnum
$plTotalOrientationRow = 1
$plTotalOrientationColumn = 2
; PivotTableExpandEnum
$plExpandAutomatic = 0
$plExpandAlways = 1
$plExpandNever = 2
; PivotExportActionEnum
$plExportActionNone = 0
$plExportActionOpenInExcel = 1
; ProviderType
$providerTypeUnknown = 1
$providerTypeRelational = 2
$providerTypeMultidimensional = 3
; PivotTableMemberExpandEnum
$plMemberExpandAutomatic = 0
$plMemberExpandAlways = 1
$plMemberExpandNever = 2
; PivotScrollTypeEnum
$plScrollTypeNone = 0
$plScrollTypeTop = 1
$plScrollTypeLeft = 2
$plScrollTypeBottom = 4
$plScrollTypeRight = 8
$plScrollTypeAll = 15
; PivotArrowModeEnum
$plArrowModeAccept = 0
$plArrowModeEdit = 1
; PivotCaretPositionEnum
$plCaretPositionAtEnd = 0
$plCaretPositionAtMouse = 1
; PivotEditModeEnum
$plEditNone = 0
$plEditInProgress = 1
; ChartLegendPositionEnum
$chLegendPositionAutomatic = 0
$chLegendPositionTop = 1
$chLegendPositionBottom = 2
$chLegendPositionLeft = 3
$chLegendPositionRight = 4
; ChartProjectionModeEnum
$chProjectionModePerspective = 0
$chProjectionModeOrthographic = 1
; ChartDataLabelPositionEnum
$chLabelPositionAutomatic = 0
$chLabelPositionCenter = 1
$chLabelPositionInsideEnd = 2
$chLabelPositionInsideBase = 3
$chLabelPositionOutsideEnd = 4
$chLabelPositionOutsideBase = 5
$chLabelPositionLeft = 6
$chLabelPositionRight = 7
$chLabelPositionTop = 8
$chLabelPositionBottom = 9
; ChartDimensionsEnum
$chDimSeriesNames = 0
$chDimCategories = 1
$chDimValues = 2
$chDimYValues = 3
$chDimXValues = 4
$chDimOpenValues = 5
$chDimCloseValues = 6
$chDimHighValues = 7
$chDimLowValues = 8
$chDimBubbleValues = 9
$chDimRValues = 10
$chDimThetaValues = 11
$chDimFilter = 14
$chDimCharts = 15
$chDimFormatValues = 16
; ChartSelectMode
$chSelectModeReplace = 0
$chSelectModeAdd = 1
$chSelectModeRemove = 2
$chSelectModeToggle = 3
; ChartEndStyleEnum
$chEndStyleNone = 1
$chEndStyleCap = 2
; ChartErrorBarDirectionEnum
$chErrorBarDirectionY = 0
$chErrorBarDirectionX = 1
; ChartErrorBarIncludeEnum
$chErrorBarIncludePlusValues = 0
$chErrorBarIncludeMinusValues = 1
$chErrorBarIncludeBoth = 2
; ChartErrorBarTypeEnum
$chErrorBarTypeFixedValue = 0
$chErrorBarTypePercent = 1
$chErrorBarTypeCustom = 2
; ChartErrorBarCustomValuesEnum
$chErrorBarPlusValues = 12
$chErrorBarMinusValues = 13
; ChartMarkerStyleEnum
$chMarkerStyleNone = 0
$chMarkerStyleSquare = 1
$chMarkerStyleDiamond = 2
$chMarkerStyleTriangle = 3
$chMarkerStyleX = 4
$chMarkerStyleStar = 5
$chMarkerStyleDot = 6
$chMarkerStyleDash = 7
$chMarkerStyleCircle = 8
$chMarkerStylePlus = 9
; ChartTrendlineTypeEnum
$chTrendlineTypeExponential = 0
$chTrendlineTypeLinear = 1
$chTrendlineTypeLogarithmic = 2
$chTrendlineTypePolynomial = 3
$chTrendlineTypePower = 4
$chTrendlineTypeMovingAverage = 5
; ChartChartTypeEnum
$chChartTypeCombo3D = -2
$chChartTypeCombo = -1
$chChartTypeColumnClustered = 0
$chChartTypeColumnStacked = 1
$chChartTypeColumnStacked100 = 2
$chChartTypeBarClustered = 3
$chChartTypeBarStacked = 4
$chChartTypeBarStacked100 = 5
$chChartTypeLine = 6
$chChartTypeLineMarkers = 7
$chChartTypeLineStacked = 8
$chChartTypeLineStackedMarkers = 9
$chChartTypeLineStacked100 = 10
$chChartTypeLineStacked100Markers = 11
$chChartTypeSmoothLine = 12
$chChartTypeSmoothLineMarkers = 13
$chChartTypeSmoothLineStacked = 14
$chChartTypeSmoothLineStackedMarkers = 15
$chChartTypeSmoothLineStacked100 = 16
$chChartTypeSmoothLineStacked100Markers = 17
$chChartTypePie = 18
$chChartTypePieExploded = 19
$chChartTypePieStacked = 20
$chChartTypeScatterMarkers = 21
$chChartTypeScatterSmoothLineMarkers = 22
$chChartTypeScatterSmoothLine = 23
$chChartTypeScatterLineMarkers = 24
$chChartTypeScatterLine = 25
$chChartTypeScatterLineFilled = 26
$chChartTypeBubble = 27
$chChartTypeBubbleLine = 28
$chChartTypeArea = 29
$chChartTypeAreaStacked = 30
$chChartTypeAreaStacked100 = 31
$chChartTypeDoughnut = 32
$chChartTypeDoughnutExploded = 33
$chChartTypeRadarLine = 34
$chChartTypeRadarLineMarkers = 35
$chChartTypeRadarLineFilled = 36
$chChartTypeRadarSmoothLine = 37
$chChartTypeRadarSmoothLineMarkers = 38
$chChartTypeStockHLC = 39
$chChartTypeStockOHLC = 40
$chChartTypePolarMarkers = 41
$chChartTypePolarLine = 42
$chChartTypePolarLineMarkers = 43
$chChartTypePolarSmoothLine = 44
$chChartTypePolarSmoothLineMarkers = 45
$chChartTypeColumn3D = 46
$chChartTypeColumnClustered3D = 47
$chChartTypeColumnStacked3D = 48
$chChartTypeColumnStacked1003D = 49
$chChartTypeBar3D = 50
$chChartTypeBarClustered3D = 51
$chChartTypeBarStacked3D = 52
$chChartTypeBarStacked1003D = 53
$chChartTypeLine3D = 54
$chChartTypeLineOverlapped3D = 55
$chChartTypeLineStacked3D = 56
$chChartTypeLineStacked1003D = 57
$chChartTypePie3D = 58
$chChartTypePieExploded3D = 59
$chChartTypeArea3D = 60
$chChartTypeAreaOverlapped3D = 61
$chChartTypeAreaStacked3D = 62
$chChartTypeAreaStacked1003D = 63
; ChartDataPointEnum
$chDataPointFirst = 0
$chDataPointLast = 1
; ChartBoundaryValueTypeEnum
$chBoundaryValuePercent = 0
$chBoundaryValueAbsolute = 1
; ChartSizeRepresentsEnum
$chSizeIsWidth = 0
$chSizeIsArea = 1
; ChartDataSourceTypeEnum
$chDataSourceTypeUnknown = 0
$chDataSourceTypeSpreadsheet = 1
$chDataSourceTypePivotTable = 3
$chDataSourceTypeQuery = 4
$chDataSourceTypeDSC = 5
; ChartSelectionMarksEnum
$chSelectionMarksNone = 0
$chSelectionMarksAll = 1
$chSelectionMarksPivot = 2
; ChartPlotAggregatesEnum
$chPlotAggregatesNone = 0
$chPlotAggregatesSeries = 1
$chPlotAggregatesCategories = 2
$chPlotAggregatesCharts = 3
$chPlotAggregatesFromTotalOrientation = 4
; ChartDropZonesEnum
$chDropZoneFilter = 0
$chDropZoneSeries = 1
$chDropZoneCategories = 2
$chDropZoneData = 3
$chDropZoneCharts = 4
; XlSearchDirection
$xlNext = 1
$xlPrevious = 2
; XlSortOrder
$xlAscending = 1
$xlDescending = 2
; XlYesNoGuess
$xlGuess = 0
$xlYes = 1
$xlNo = 2
; SheetExportActionEnum
$ssExportActionNone = 0
$ssExportActionOpenInExcel = 1
; SheetExportFormat
$ssExportAsAppropriate = 0
$ssExportXMLSpreadsheet = 1
$ssExportHTML = 2
; SheetFilterFunction
$ssFilterFunctionInclude = 1
$ssFilterFunctionExclude = 2
; XlSheetVisibility
$xlSheetVisible = -1
$xlSheetHidden = 0
$xlSheetVeryHidden = 2
; XlCalculation
$xlCalculationAutomatic = -4105
$xlCalculationManual = -4135
; XlBordersIndex
$xlEdgeLeft = 7
$xlEdgeTop = 8
$xlEdgeBottom = 9
$xlEdgeRight = 10
$xlInsideVertical = 11
$xlInsideHorizontal = 12
; XlReadingOrder
$xlContext = -5002
$xlLTR = -5003
$xlRTL = -5004
; TipTypeEnum
$eTipTypeNone = -1
$eTipTypeText = 0
$eTipTypeHTML = 1
$eTipTypeAuto = 2
; LineStyleEnum
$owcLineStyleNone = 0
$owcLineStyleAutomatic = 1
$owcLineStyleSolid = 2
$owcLineStyleDash = 3
$owcLineStyleDot = 4
$owcLineStyleDashDot = 5
$owcLineStyleDashDotDot = 6
; ExpandBitmapTypeEnum
$ecBitmapPlusMinus = 0
$ecBitmapUpDownArrow = 1
$ecBitmapOpenCloseFolder = 2
; DscFieldTypeEnum
$dscParameter = -1
$dscOutput = 1
$dscCalculated = 2
$dscGrouping = 3
; DscTotalTypeEnum
$dscNone = 0
$dscSum = 1
$dscAvg = 2
$dscMin = 3
$dscMax = 4
$dscCount = 5
$dscAny = 6
$dscStdev = 7
; DscGroupOnEnum
$dscEachValue = 0
$dscPrefix = 1
$dscYear = 2
$dscQuarter = 3
$dscMonth = 4
$dscWeek = 5
$dscDay = 6
$dscHour = 7
$dscMinute = 8
$dscInterval = 9
; DscJoinTypeEnum
$dscInnerJoin = 1
$dscLeftOuterJoin = 2
$dscRightOuterJoin = 3
; DscPageRelTypeEnum
$dscSublist = 1
$dscLookup = 2
; DscObjectTypeEnum
$dscobjUnknown = -1
$dscobjSchemaRowsource = 1
$dscobjSchemaField = 2
$dscobjSchemaRelationship = 4
$dscobjRecordsetDef = 8
$dscobjPageRowsource = 16
$dscobjPageField = 32
$dscobjSublistRelationship = 64
$dscobjLookupRelationship = 128
$dscobjGroupingDef = 256
$dscobjDatamodel = 512
$dscobjPageRelatedField = 1024
$dscobjParameterValue = 2048
$dscobjSchemaRelatedField = 4096
$dscobjSchemaParameter = 8192
$dscobjSchemaProperty = 16384
$dscobjSchemaDiagram = 32768
; NavButtonEnum
$navbtnMoveFirst = 0
$navbtnMovePrev = 1
$navbtnMoveNext = 2
$navbtnMoveLast = 3
$navbtnNew = 4
$navbtnDelete = 5
$navbtnSave = 6
$navbtnUndo = 7
$navbtnSortAscending = 8
$navbtnSortDescending = 9
$navbtnApplyFilter = 10
$navbtnToggleFilter = 11
$navbtnHelp = 12
; DscDropTypeEnum
$dscDefault = 0
$dscGrid = 1
$dscFields = 2
; DscDropLocationEnum
$dscAbove = 1
$dscWithin = 2
$dscBelow = 3
; DscHyperlinkPartEnum
$dschlDisplayedValue = 0
$dschlDisplayText = 1
$dschlAddress = 2
$dschlSubAddress = 3
$dschlScreenTip = 4
$dschlFullAddress = 5
; DscLocationEnum
$dscSystem = -1
$dscClient = 0
$dscServer = 1
; DscRecordsetTypeEnum
$dscSnapshot = 1
$dscUpdatableSnapshot = 2
; DscRowsourceTypeEnum
$dscTable = 1
$dscView = 2
$dscCommandText = 3
$dscProcedure = 4
$dscCommandFile = 5
$dscCommandDSP = 6
; DscFetchTypeEnum
$dscFull = 1
$dscParameterized = 2
$dscSelectControl = 32768
; DscAdviseTypeEnum
$dscAdd = 1
$dscDelete = 2
$dscMove = 3
$dscLoad = 4
$dscChange = 5
$dscDeleteComplete = 6
$dscRename = 7
; OCCommandId
$ocCommandAbout = 1007
$ocCommandUndo = 1000
$ocCommandCut = 1001
$ocCommandCopy = 1002
$ocCommandPaste = 1003
$ocCommandProperties = 1005
$ocCommandHelp = 1006
$ocCommandExport = 1004
$ocCommandSortAsc = 2000
$ocCommandSortDesc = 2031
$ocCommandChooser = 1010
$ocCommandAutoFilter = 1017
$ocCommandAutoCalc = 1016
$ocCommandCollapse = 1013
$ocCommandExpand = 1012
$ocCommandRefresh = 1014
; XlApplicationInternational
$xl24HourClock = 33
$xl4DigitYears = 43
$xlAlternateArraySeparator = 16
$xlColumnSeparator = 14
$xlCountryCode = 1
$xlCountrySetting = 2
$xlCurrencyBefore = 37
$xlCurrencyCode = 25
$xlCurrencyDigits = 27
$xlCurrencyLeadingZeros = 40
$xlCurrencyMinusSign = 38
$xlCurrencyNegative = 28
$xlCurrencySpaceBefore = 36
$xlCurrencyTrailingZeros = 39
$xlDateOrder = 32
$xlDateSeparator = 17
$xlDayCode = 21
$xlDayLeadingZero = 42
$xlDecimalSeparator = 3
$xlGeneralFormatName = 26
$xlHourCode = 22
$xlLeftBrace = 12
$xlLeftBracket = 10
$xlListSeparator = 5
$xlLowerCaseColumnLetter = 9
$xlLowerCaseRowLetter = 8
$xlMDY = 44
$xlMetric = 35
$xlMinuteCode = 23
$xlMonthCode = 20
$xlMonthLeadingZero = 41
$xlMonthNameChars = 30
$xlNoncurrencyDigits = 29
$xlNonEnglishFunctions = 34
$xlRightBrace = 13
$xlRightBracket = 11
$xlRowSeparator = 15
$xlSecondCode = 24
$xlThousandsSeparator = 4
$xlTimeLeadingZero = 45
$xlTimeSeparator = 18
$xlUpperCaseColumnLetter = 7
$xlUpperCaseRowLetter = 6
$xlWeekdayNameChars = 31
$xlYearCode = 19
; FieldListRelationshipTypeEnum
$flrelNoRel = 0
$flrelOneToMany = 1
$flrelManyToOne = 2
$flrelOneToOnePrimaryPrimary = 4
$flrelOneToOnePrimaryForeign = 8
$flrelUniqueConstraint = 16
$flrelUniqueIndex = 32
; FieldListObjectTypeEnum
$flTables = 1
$flViews = 2
$flStoredProcedures = 4
$flCmdText = 8
$flSchemaDiagrams = 16
$flOLAPCube = 32
$flAll = 63
; DaAttrEnum
$daLength = 1
$daPrecision = 2
$daScale = 3
; SectTypeEnum
$sectTypeNone = 0
$sectTypeCaption = 1
$sectTypeHeader = 2
$sectTypeFooter = 3
$sectTypeRecNav = 4
; DscStatusEnum
$dscDeleteOK = 0
$dscDeleteCancel = 1
$dscDeleteUserCancel = 2
; DscDisplayAlert
$dscDataAlertContinue = 0
$dscDataAlertDisplay = 1
; DefaultControlTypeEnum
$ctlTypeTextBox = 0
$ctlTypeBoundSpan = 1
$ctlTypeBoundHTML = 1
; DataPageDesignerFlags
$designFlagDontDelete = 1
$designFlagDontCleanup = 2
; ExportableConnectStringEnum
$exportNone = 0
$exportForExcel = 1
; DscOfflineTypeEnum
$dscOfflineNone = 0
$dscOfflineMerge = 1
$dscOfflineXMLDataFile = 2
; DscXMLLocationEnum
$dscXMLEmbedded = 0
$dscXMLDataFile = 1
; DscSaveAsEnum
$dscSaveAsEmbeddedXML = 0
$dscSaveAsXMLDataFile = 1
; DscEncodingEnum
$dscUTF8 = 0
$dscUTF16 = 1
; NotificationType
$dscConnectionReset = 0
$dscDataReset = 1
; RefreshType
$dscRefreshConnection = 0
$dscRefreshData = 1
; SynchronizationStatus
$dscSynchronizing = 0
$dscSynchronizationDone = 1
; FieldListSelectRestriction
$flSRNone = 0
$flSRParent = 1
$flSRParentAndType = 2
; ChartFillStyleEnum
$chNone = -1
$chSolid = 0
; ChartColorIndexEnum
$chColorAutomatic = -1
$chColorNone = -2
; ChartDataGroupingFunctionEnum
$chDataGroupingFunctionMinimum = 0
$chDataGroupingFunctionMaximum = 1
$chDataGroupingFunctionSum = 2
$chDataGroupingFunctionAverage = 3
; ChartSeriesByEnum
$chSeriesByRows = 0
$chSeriesByColumns = 1
; ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum
$chDataBound = 0
$chDataLiteral = -1
$chDataNone = -2
$chDataLinked = -3
; ChartPivotDataReferenceEnum
$chPivotColumns = -1
$chPivotRows = -2
$chPivotColAggregates = -3
$chPivotRowAggregates = -4
; Chart3DSurfaceEnum
$chSurfaceBackWall = 0
$chSurfaceSideWall = 1
$chSurfaceFloor = 2
; ChartLabelOrientationEnum
$chLabelOrientationAutomatic = 1000
$chLabelOrientationHorizontal = 0
$chLabelOrientationUpward = 90
$chLabelOrientationDownward = -90
; ChartCommandIdEnum
$chCommandCut = 1001
$chCommandDeleteSelection = 1011
$chCommandShowPropertyToolbox = 1005
$chCommandShowContextMenu = 6001
$chCommandUndo = 1000
$chCommandSelectPrevMinor = 6002
$chCommandSelectNextMinor = 6003
$chCommandSelectPrevMajor = 6004
$chCommandSelectNextMajor = 6005
$chCommandShowHelp = 1006
$chCommandShowAbout = 1007
$chCommandPassiveAlert = 6026
$chCommandLaunchDataFinder = 6027
$chCommandShowLegend = 6028
$chCommandRefresh = 1014
$chCommandByRowCol = 6032
$chCommandSortAscending = 2000
$chCommandSortDescending = 2031
$chCommandAutoFilter = 1017
$chCommandAutoCalc = 1016
$chCommandExpand = 1012
$chCommandCollapse = 1013
$chCommandDrill = 6034
$chCommandFieldList = 1010
$chCommandFilterByMenu = 1015
$chCommandSortAscendingByTotal = 6035
$chCommandSortDescendingByTotal = 6036
$chCommandDrillOut = 6037
$chCommandTogglePropertiesInScreenTip = 6038
$chCommandChartType = 6039
$chCommandShowWizard = 6040
$chCommandSum = 6041
$chCommandCount = 6042
$chCommandMin = 6043
$chCommandMax = 6044
$chCommandAverage = 6045
$chCommandStdDev = 6046
$chCommandVar = 6047
$chCommandStdDevP = 6048
$chCommandVarP = 6049
$chCommandFontName = 1050
$chCommandFontSize = 1051
$chCommandBold = 1052
$chCommandItalic = 1053
$chCommandUnderline = 1054
$chCommandLineColor = 1055
$chCommandInteriorColor = 1056
$chCommandFontColor = 1057
$chCommandMultiChart = 6050
$chCommandUnifiedScales = 6051
$chCommandShowDropZones = 6052
$chCommandShowToolbar = 6053
$chCommandShowTop1 = 1100
$chCommandShowTop2 = 1101
$chCommandShowTop5 = 1102
$chCommandShowTop10 = 1103
$chCommandShowTop25 = 1104
$chCommandShowTop1Percent = 1105
$chCommandShowTop2Percent = 1106
$chCommandShowTop5Percent = 1107
$chCommandShowTop10Percent = 1108
$chCommandShowTop25Percent = 1109
$chCommandShowBottom1 = 1110
$chCommandShowBottom2 = 1111
$chCommandShowBottom5 = 1112
$chCommandShowBottom10 = 1113
$chCommandShowBottom25 = 1114
$chCommandShowBottom1Percent = 1115
$chCommandShowBottom2Percent = 1116
$chCommandShowBottom5Percent = 1117
$chCommandShowBottom10Percent = 1118
$chCommandShowBottom25Percent = 1119
$chCommandShowOther = 1120
$chCommandShowAll = 1121
$chCommandShowTopNMenu = 1123
$chCommandShowBottomNMenu = 1124
$chCommandConditionalFilter = 1125
$chCommandMoveToFilterArea = 6054
$chCommandMoveToSeriesArea = 6055
$chCommandMoveToCategoryArea = 6056
$chCommandMoveToChartArea = 6057
; BindingLoadMode
$Normal = 0
$OM = 1
$Delay = 2
; SpreadSheetCommandId
$ssCommandUndo = 1000
$ssCommandCut = 1001
$ssCommandCopy = 1002
$ssCommandPaste = 1003
$ssCommandExport = 1004
$ssCommandProperties = 1005
$ssCommandHelp = 1006
$ssCommandAbout = 1007
$ssCommandSortAsc = 2000
$ssCommandSortAscLast = 2030
$ssCommandSortDesc = 2031
$ssCommandSortDescLast = 2061
$ssCommandAutosum = 10000
$ssCommandAutoFilter = 10001
$ssCommandClear = 10002
$ssCommandBold = 1052
$ssCommandItalic = 1053
$ssCommandUnderline = 1054
$ssCommandDeleteRows = 10006
$ssCommandDeleteCols = 10007
$ssCommandInsertRows = 10008
$ssCommandInsertCols = 10009
$ssCommandRecalcForce = 10010
$ssCommandSelectRow = 10011
$ssCommandSelectCol = 10012
$ssCommandSelectAll = 10013
$ssCommandMoveLeft = 10014
$ssCommandMoveUp = 10015
$ssCommandMoveRight = 10016
$ssCommandMoveDown = 10017
$ssCommandScrollLeft = 10018
$ssCommandScrollUp = 10019
$ssCommandScrollRight = 10020
$ssCommandScrollDown = 10021
$ssCommandMoveNext = 10022
$ssCommandMovePrevious = 10023
$ssCommandTabNext = 10024
$ssCommandTabPrevious = 10025
$ssCommandMoveToEndLeft = 10026
$ssCommandMoveToEndUp = 10027
$ssCommandMoveToEndRight = 10028
$ssCommandMoveToEndDown = 10029
$ssCommandExpandLeft = 10030
$ssCommandExpandUp = 10031
$ssCommandExpandRight = 10032
$ssCommandExpandDown = 10033
$ssCommandExpandToEndLeft = 10034
$ssCommandExpandToEndUp = 10035
$ssCommandExpandToEndRight = 10036
$ssCommandExpandToEndDown = 10037
$ssCommandEnterEditMode = 10038
$ssCommandShowContextMenu = 10039
$ssCommandToggleToolbar = 10040
$ssCommandEscape = 10041
$ssCommandMoveToLast = 10042
$ssCommandExpandToLast = 10043
$ssCommandMoveToLastInRow = 10044
$ssCommandMovePageDown = 10045
$ssCommandExpandPageDown = 10046
$ssCommandMovePageUp = 10047
$ssCommandExpandPageUp = 10048
$ssCommandMovePageRight = 10062
$ssCommandExpandPageRight = 10063
$ssCommandMovePageLeft = 10064
$ssCommandExpandPageLeft = 10065
$ssCommandMoveToOrigin = 10049
$ssCommandExpandToOrigin = 10050
$ssCommandMoveToHome = 10051
$ssCommandExpandToHome = 10052
$ssCommandExpandMenu = 10053
$ssCommandEat = 10054
$ssCommandNextSheet = 10055
$ssCommandPrevSheet = 10056
$ssCommandNewSheet = 10057
$ssCommandSelectArray = 10058
$ssCommandSelectArraySilent = 10067
$ssCommandRecalc = 10059
$ssCommandRefresh = 10060
$ssCommandRefreshAll = 10061
$ssCommandMakeActiveCellVisible = 10066
$ssCommandRefreshData = 10068
$ssCommandSaveData = 10069
$ssCommandEditQuery = 10070
$ssCommandDeleteQuery = 10071
$ssCommandSetChartRange = 10072
$ssCommandOpenHyperlink = 10073
; SheetCommandEnum
$ssCalculate = 0
$ssInsertRows = 2
$ssInsertColumns = 3
$ssDeleteRows = 4
$ssDeleteColumns = 5
$ssCut = 6
$ssCopy = 7
$ssPaste = 8
$ssExport = 9
$ssUndo = 10
$ssSortAscending = 11
$ssSortDescending = 12
$ssFind = 13
$ssClear = 14
$ssAutoFilter = 15
$ssProperties = 16
$ssHelp = 17
; XlConstants
$xlAutomatic = -4105
$xlNone = -4142
; XlLookAt
$xlPart = 2
$xlWhole = 1
; XlSearchOrder
$xlByColumns = 2
$xlByRows = 1
; AddinClientTypeEnum
$ssCoerceNum = 1
$ssCoerceStr = 2
$ssCoerceBool = 4
$ssCoerceErr = 16
$ssCoerceMulti = 64
$ssCoerceInt = 2048
; PivotViewReasonEnum
$plViewReasonSelectionChange = 0
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$plViewReasonDataChange = 2
$plViewReasonFontNameChange = 3
$plViewReasonFontSizeChange = 4
$plViewReasonFontBoldChange = 5
$plViewReasonFontItalicChange = 6
$plViewReasonFontUnderlineChange = 7
$plViewReasonMemberExpandedChange = 8
$plViewReasonCellExpandedChange = 9
$plViewReasonDetailRowHeightChange = 10
$plViewReasonFieldDetailWidthChange = 11
$plViewReasonFieldGroupedWidthChange = 12
$plViewReasonViewDetailWidthChange = 13
$plViewReasonFieldSetWidthChange = 14
$plViewReasonTotalWidthChange = 15
$plViewReasonForeColorChange = 16
$plViewReasonBackColorChange = 17
$plViewReasonAlignmentChange = 18
$plViewReasonNumberFormatChange = 19
$plViewReasonDetailTopChange = 20
$plViewReasonDetailLeftChange = 21
$plViewReasonTopChange = 22
$plViewReasonLeftChange = 23
$plViewReasonRightToLeftChange = 24
$plViewReasonTotalOrientationChange = 25
$plViewReasonDisplayOutlineChange = 26
$plViewReasonFieldCaptionChange = 27
$plViewReasonFieldSetCaptionChange = 28
$plViewReasonLabelCaptionChange = 29
$plViewReasonMemberCaptionChange = 30
$plViewReasonTotalCaptionChange = 31
$plViewReasonAllowFilteringChange = 32
$plViewReasonAllowGroupingChange = 33
$plViewReasonWidthChange = 34
$plViewReasonHeightChange = 35
$plViewReasonLabelVisibleChange = 36
$plViewReasonDisplayToolbarChange = 37
$plViewReasonMaxHeightChange = 38
$plViewReasonMaxWidthChange = 39
$plViewReasonAutoFitChange = 40
$plViewReasonFieldExpandedChange = 41
$plViewReasonExpandDetailsChange = 42
$plViewReasonDetailMaxWidthChange = 43
$plViewReasonDetailMaxHeightChange = 44
$plViewReasonTopOffsetChange = 45
$plViewReasonLeftOffsetChange = 46
$plViewReasonDetailTopOffsetChange = 47
$plViewReasonDetailLeftOffsetChange = 48
$plViewReasonIsHyperlinkChange = 49
$plViewReasonMemberPropertyDisplayInChange = 50
$plViewReasonMemberPropertyCaptionChange = 51
$plViewReasonMemberPropertiesOrderChange = 52
$plViewReasonFieldGroupedHeightChange = 53
$plViewReasonMemberHeightChange = 54
$plViewReasonMemberWidthChange = 55
$plViewReasonPropertyValueWidthChange = 56
$plViewReasonPropertyHeightChange = 57
$plViewReasonShowDetails = 58
$plViewReasonHideDetails = 59
$plViewReasonAllowCustomOrderingChange = 60
$plViewReasonAllowPropertyToolbox = 61
$plViewReasonExpandMembersChange = 62
$plViewReasonAllowEditsChange = 63
$plViewReasonAllowAdditionsChange = 64
$plViewReasonAllowDeletionsChange = 65
$plViewReasonSetFocus = 66
$plViewReasonKillFocus = 67
$plViewReasonDisplayScreenTipsChange = 68
$plViewReasonShowAsChange = 69
$plViewReasonMemberCaptionsChange = 70
$plViewReasonPropertyCaptionWidthChange = 71
$plViewReasonDataMemberCaptionChange = 72
$plViewReasonDisplayInFieldListChange = 73
$plViewReasonToolbarChange = 74
$plViewReasonUseProviderFormattingChange = 75
$plViewReasonXMLApplied = 76
$plViewReasonBeginUnfreezing = 77
$plViewReasonEndUnfreezing = 78
; PivotDataReasonEnum
$plDataReasonInsertFieldSet = 0
$plDataReasonRemoveFieldSet = 1
$plDataReasonInsertTotal = 2
$plDataReasonRemoveTotal = 3
$plDataReasonAllowDetailsChange = 4
$plDataReasonSortDirectionChange = 5
$plDataReasonSortOnChange = 6
$plDataReasonSortOnScopeChange = 7
$plDataReasonFilterFunctionChange = 8
$plDataReasonFilterContextChange = 9
$plDataReasonDisplayCalculatedMembersChange = 10
$plDataReasonFilterOnChange = 11
$plDataReasonFilterOnScopeChange = 12
$plDataReasonFilterFunctionValueChange = 13
$plDataReasonTotalNameChange = 14
$plDataReasonIncludedMembersChange = 15
$plDataReasonExcludedMembersChange = 16
$plDataReasonIsIncludedChange = 17
$plDataReasonDisplayEmptyMembersChange = 19
$plDataReasonTotalFunctionChange = 20
$plDataReasonUser = 21
$plDataReasonDataSourceChange = 22
$plDataReasonDataMemberChange = 23
$plDataReasonGroupOnChange = 24
$plDataReasonUnknown = 25
$plDataReasonGroupStartChange = 26
$plDataReasonGroupIntervalChange = 27
$plDataReasonIsFilteredChange = 28
$plDataReasonOrderedMembersChange = 29
$plDataReasonGroupEndChange = 30
$plDataReasonCommandTextChange = 31
$plDataReasonConnectionStringChange = 32
$plDataReasonMemberPropertyIsIncludedChange = 33
$plDataReasonMemberPropertyDisplayInChange = 34
$plDataReasonSubtotalsChange = 35
$plDataReasonTotalExpressionChange = 36
$plDataReasonTotalSolveOrderChange = 37
$plDataReasonTotalDeleted = 38
$plDataReasonFieldSetDeleted = 39
$plDataReasonRecordChanged = 40
$plDataReasonAllowMultiFilterChange = 41
$plDataReasonAllIncludeExcludeChange = 42
$plDataReasonAdhocFieldAdded = 43
$plDataReasonAdhocFieldDeleted = 44
$plDataReasonAdhocMemberChanged = 45
$plDataReasonAlwaysIncludeInCubeChange = 46
$plDataReasonExpressionChange = 47
$plDataReasonTotalAllMembersChange = 48
$plDataReasonDisplayCellColorChange = 49
$plDataReasonFilterCrossJoinsChange = 50
$plDataReasonRefreshDataSource = 51
$plDataReasonFieldSetNameChange = 52
$plDataReasonFieldNameChange = 53
; PivotTableReasonEnum
$plPivotTableReasonTotalAdded = 0
$plPivotTableReasonTotalDeleted = 1
$plPivotTableReasonFieldSetAdded = 2
$plPivotTableReasonFieldAdded = 3
; PivotCommandId
$plCommandAbout = 1007
$plCommandDelete = 1011
$plCommandFilterBySel = 12001
$plCommandChooser = 1010
$plCommandProperties = 1005
$plCommandInsertField = 12004
$plCommandAutoSum = 12005
$plCommandAutoCount = 12006
$plCommandAutoMin = 12007
$plCommandAutoMax = 12008
$plCommandDropzones = 12009
$plCommandRemove = 12010
$plCommandNextHorz = 12012
$plCommandNextVert = 12013
$plCommandLeftEdge = 12014
$plCommandRightEdge = 12015
$plCommandTopLeftEdge = 12016
$plCommandBottomRightEdge = 12017
$plCommandNextHorzCell = 12018
$plCommandPrevHorzCell = 12019
$plCommandLastLeft = 12020
$plCommandLastRight = 12021
$plCommandLastUp = 12022
$plCommandLastDown = 12023
$plCommandEnterDetails = 12024
$plCommandExitDetails = 12025
$plCommandLeft = 12026
$plCommandRight = 12027
$plCommandUp = 12028
$plCommandDown = 12029
$plCommandPageUp = 12030
$plCommandPageDown = 12031
$plCommandPageLeft = 12032
$plCommandPageRight = 12033
$plCommandGroupByRow = 12034
$plCommandGroupByColumn = 12035
$plCommandUngroup = 12036
$plCommandFilter = 12037
$plCommandPromote = 12038
$plCommandDemote = 12039
$plCommandExpand = 1012
$plCommandCollapse = 1013
$plCommandSubtotal = 12042
$plCommandExport = 1004
$plCommandToolbar = 12044
$plCommandSortAsc = 2000
$plCommandSortDesc = 2031
$plCommandClearCustomOrdering = 12154
$plCommandHelp = 1006
$plCommandRefresh = 1014
$plCommandAutoFilter = 1017
$plCommandCopy = 1002
$plCommandExpandIndicator = 12051
$plCommandSelectField = 12052
$plCommandSelectRow = 12053
$plCommandSelectAll = 12054
$plCommandFormatGeneral = 12055
$plCommandFormatCurrency = 12056
$plCommandFormatPercent = 12057
$plCommandFormatExponent = 12058
$plCommandFormatDate = 12059
$plCommandFormatTime = 12060
$plCommandFormatComma = 12061
$plCommandFormatBold = 12062
$plCommandFormatItalic = 12063
$plCommandFormatUnderline = 12064
$plCommandFormatUnderline2 = 12146
$plCommandFilterByMenu = 12065
$plCommandContextMenu = 12066
$plCommandPrevHorz = 12067
$plCommandPrevVert = 12068
$plCommandNextVertCell = 12069
$plCommandPrevVertCell = 12070
$plCommandExtendLeft = 12072
$plCommandExtendRight = 12073
$plCommandExtendUp = 12074
$plCommandExtendDown = 12075
$plCommandExtendPageLeft = 12076
$plCommandExtendPageRight = 12077
$plCommandExtendPageUp = 12078
$plCommandExtendPageDown = 12079
$plCommandHyperlink = 12082
$plCommandOpenHyperlinkInPlace = 12083
$plCommandOpenHyperlinkInWindow = 12084
$plCommandMoveMemUp = 12085
$plCommandMoveMemDown = 12086
$plCommandMoveMemLeft = 12087
$plCommandMoveMemRight = 12088
$plCommandAutoAverage = 12089
$plCommandAutoStdDev = 12090
$plCommandAutoVar = 12091
$plCommandAutoStdDevP = 12092
$plCommandAutoVarP = 12093
$plCommandShowDetails = 12095
$plCommandHideDetails = 12096
$plCommandTogglePropertiesInReport = 12097
$plCommandTogglePropertiesInScreenTip = 12098
$plCommandStartEdit = 12099
$plCommandEndEdit = 12100
$plCommandDeleteRow = 12101
$plCommandCreateCalculatedTotal = 12102
$plCommandPaste = 1003
$plCommandExtendTopLeftEdge = 12107
$plCommandExtendBottomRightEdge = 12108
$plCommandTogglePropertyInReport = 12900
$plCommandTogglePropertyInScreenTip = 12950
$plCommandAutoCalc = 1016
$plCommandCalculated = 12110
$plCommandShowTop1 = 1100
$plCommandShowTop2 = 1101
$plCommandShowTop5 = 1102
$plCommandShowTop10 = 1103
$plCommandShowTop25 = 1104
$plCommandShowTop1Percent = 1105
$plCommandShowTop2Percent = 1106
$plCommandShowTop5Percent = 1107
$plCommandShowTop10Percent = 1108
$plCommandShowTop25Percent = 1109
$plCommandShowBottom1 = 1110
$plCommandShowBottom2 = 1111
$plCommandShowBottom5 = 1112
$plCommandShowBottom10 = 1113
$plCommandShowBottom25 = 1114
$plCommandShowBottom1Percent = 1115
$plCommandShowBottom2Percent = 1116
$plCommandShowBottom5Percent = 1117
$plCommandShowBottom10Percent = 1118
$plCommandShowBottom25Percent = 1119
$plCommandShowOther = 1120
$plCommandShowAll = 1121
$plCommandShowTopNMenu = 1123
$plCommandShowBottomNMenu = 1124
$plCommandConditionalFilter = 1125
$plCommandShowAs = 12134
$plCommandShowAsNormal = 12135
$plCommandShowAsPercentOfRowTotal = 12136
$plCommandShowAsPercentOfColumnTotal = 12137
$plCommandShowAsPercentOfRowParent = 12138
$plCommandShowAsPercentOfColumnParent = 12139
$plCommandShowAsPercentOfGrandTotal = 12140
$plCommandFormatAlignLeft = 12141
$plCommandFormatAlignCenter = 12142
$plCommandFormatAlignRight = 12143
$plCommandFormatAlignAutomatic = 12158
$plCommandFormatName = 12144
$plCommandFormatSize = 12145
$plCommandFormatForeColor = 12147
$plCommandFormatBackColor = 12148
$plCommandShowAllPropertiesInReport = 12149
$plCommandHideAllPropertiesInReport = 12150
$plCommandShowAllPropertiesInScreenTip = 12151
$plCommandHideAllPropertiesInScreenTip = 12152
$plCommandProfile = 12153
$plCommandGroupMembers = 12155
$plCommandUngroupMembers = 12156
$plCommandCut = 12157
$ColorNameList  = StringSplit("lightpink,pink,crimson,lavenderblush,palevioletred,hotpink,deeppink,mediumvioletred,orchid,thistle,plum,violet,fuchsia,fuchsia,darkmagenta,purple,mediumorchid,darkviolet,darkorchid,indigo,blueviolet,mediumpurple,mediumslateblue,slateblue,darkslateblue,ghostwhite,lavender,blue,mediumblue,darkblue,navy,midnightblue,royalblue,cornflowerblue,lightsteelblue,lightslategray,slategray,dodgerblue,aliceblue,steelblue,lightskyblue,skyblue,deepskyblue,lightblue,powderblue,cadetblue,darkturquoise,azure,lightcyan,paleturquoise,aqua,aqua,darkcyan,teal,darkslategray,mediumturquoise,lightseagreen,turquoise,aquamarine,mediumaquamarine,mediumspringgreen,mintcream,springgreen,mediumseagreen,seagreen,honeydew,darkseagreen,palegreen,lightgreen,limegreen,lime,forestgreen,green,darkgreen,lawngreen,chartreuse,greenyellow,darkolivegreen,yellowgreen,olivedrab,ivory,beige,lightyellow,lightgoldenrodyellow,yellow,olive,darkkhaki,palegoldenrod,lemonchiffon,khaki,gold,cornsilk,goldenrod,darkgoldenrod,floralwhite,oldlace,wheat,orange,moccasin,papayawhip,blanchedalmond,navajowhite,antiquewhite,tan,burlywood,darkorange,bisque,linen,peru,peachpuff,sandybrown,chocolate,saddlebrown,seashell,sienna,lightsalmon,coral,orangered,darksalmon,tomato,salmon,mistyrose,lightcoral,snow,rosybrown,indianred,red,brown,firebrick,darkred,maroon,white,whitesmoke,gainsboro,lightgrey,silver,darkgray,gray,dimgray,black",",")

May be it will be useful.

The point of world view

Posted (edited)

Thanks a lot for the suggestion but I think OWC is a completely different story. According to the link you provided "Office Web Components are a collection of Component Object Model (COM) controls for publishing spreadsheets, charts, and databases to the Web".

What we do is to use Excel's COM to create charts from Excel data.

You'll see the difference as soon as we post our code.

Edited by water

My UDFs and Tutorials:


Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts
OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download
Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki
PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki

Standard UDFs:
Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki
Word - Wiki

ADO - Wiki
WebDriver - Wiki


Posted (edited)

GreenCan and I are proud to present the first alpha of our Excel Chart UDF.

Please check the first post for download.

Edited by water

My UDFs and Tutorials:


Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts
OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download
Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki
PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki

Standard UDFs:
Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki
Word - Wiki

ADO - Wiki
WebDriver - Wiki



GreenCan and I are proud to present the first alpha of our Excel Chart UDF.

Where can I download Excel 2007 to view your charts?

Thank you.

The point of world view



My UDFs and Tutorials:


Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts
OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download
Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki
PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki

Standard UDFs:
Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki
Word - Wiki

ADO - Wiki
WebDriver - Wiki


Posted (edited)

This is an extended example of a double layered chart using quite a lot of the ExcelChart UDF functions.

As water wrote in his first post, if you are using other versions than Excel 2007 or 2010, you will have to disable the compatibility checks completely (also in _XLChart_Example ) and put $iXLC_Debug = 1. Although this will still function, you might be disappointed by the results, because many of the commands will generate a compatibility error.


Update compliant with Version


; *****************************************************************************
; Set Debug, Debug level. 0 = no debug information, 1 = to console, 2 = to MsgBox, 3 = into File
; *****************************************************************************
Global $iXLC_Debug = 0
; *****************************************************************************
; Create example environment
; *****************************************************************************
Global $aExcel = _XLChart_Example()
; *****************************************************************************
; Excel Version Check - exit if earlier than Excel 2007
; *****************************************************************************
If @error = 2  Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Excel Chart Example Script", "The installed Excel version is not supported by this UDF!" & @CRLF & "Version must be >= 12 (Excel 2007).")
; *****************************************************************************
; Other errors
; *****************************************************************************
If @error <> 0 Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Excel Chart Example Script", "Error " & @error & " returned by _XLChart_Example!")
; *****************************************************************************
; Disable screen updating to enhance performance, disable if $iXLC_Debug = 1
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_ScreenUpdateSet($aExcel[0], 0) ; 2)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)
; *****************************************************************************
; Set zoom to 70, so that all graphs are visible
; *****************************************************************************
$aExcel[0].ActiveWindow.Zoom = 60

; *****************************************************************************
; Chart 1: 3D PYRAMID COLUMN: With legend
; Requires arrays for $DataName and $DataRange
; *****************************************************************************
Global $Graph_position = "=_XLChart_Example!B8:P49"
Global $XValueRange = "=_XLChart_Example!R2C1:R6C1"
Global $DataRange[3] = [2, "=_XLChart_Example!R2C2:R6C2", "=_XLChart_Example!R2C3:R6C3"]
Global $DataName[3] = [2, "=_XLChart_Example!B1", "=_XLChart_Example!B1"]
Local $oChart1 = _XLChart_ChartCreate($aExcel[0], 1, $xlPyramidCol, $Graph_position, "", $XValueRange, $DataRange, $DataName, True, "Sales", "Date", "", "Quantity")
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Remove the Y Axis title (the series axis or $xlSeriesAxis)
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_TicksSet($oChart1.Axes($xlSeriesAxis), Default, Default, Default, Default, $xlNone)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Excel 2007  only: enable screen updating
; Excel 2007 does not name the legend title correctly if screen updating is disabled.
; If you disable update then the legend will not contain the correct labels, but instead will show 'series 1/series 2'
; *****************************************************************************
If _XLChart_Version($aExcel[0]) = 12 Then _XLChart_ScreenUpdateSet($aExcel[0], 1)

; *****************************************************************************
; Change the chart style to 10
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_LayoutSet($oChart1, Default, 10)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Excel 2007  only: disable screen updating again
; *****************************************************************************
If _XLChart_Version($aExcel[0]) = 12 Then _XLChart_ScreenUpdateSet($aExcel[0], 0)

; *****************************************************************************
; Change the position of the legend to the top of the chart,  frame, shadow
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_LegendSet($oChart1, $xlLegendPositionTop, Default, Default, Default, Default, True, True)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Set the background color of chart 1 to gradient orange to white
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FillSet($oChart1.ChartArea, 0xFFAA00, 0xFFFFFF, Default, $msoGradientHorizontal, 1, Default)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Set the color of the series 1 to dark blue (0x0000CD)
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FillSet($oChart1.SeriesCollection(1), 0x0000CD)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; The example below should be run on a 3-D chart, except for c., f., g. and h.
; Walls & Floor Colors
; *****************************************************************************

; *****************************************************************************
; Set the BackWall color to orange, SideWall color to blue
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FillSet($oChart1.Backwall, 0x001FFF)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)
; *****************************************************************************
; Set the SideWall color to slightly darker blue
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FillSet($oChart1.Sidewall, 0x000FFF)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)
; *****************************************************************************
; Data series 1 two color gradient with 50% transparency
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FillSet($oChart1.SeriesCollection(1), 0x000FFF, 0x000FF0, Default, $msoGradientDiagonalUp, 1, Default, 0.5)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)
; *****************************************************************************
; Data series 2 two color gradient with 20% transparency
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FillSet($oChart1.SeriesCollection(2), 0xFF0000, 0xFF0050, Default, $msoGradientDiagonalUp, 1, Default, 0.25)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)
; *****************************************************************************
; Set the Floor color to red
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FillSet($oChart1.Floor, 0xFF0000)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Change the Chart Area font to Courier New, 12, bold, blue
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FontSet($oChart1.ChartArea, "Arial Black", 16, True, False, False, 0x0000FF)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)
; *****************************************************************************
; Change the legend font to Courier New, 18, bold, blue
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FontSet($oChart1.Legend, "Courier New", 18, True, False, False, 0x0000FF)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)
; *****************************************************************************
; Change the value axis title font to Courier New, 16, bold, blue
; ***************************************************************************** 
_XLChart_FontSet($oChart1.Axes($xlValue).AxisTitle, "Arial Black", 16, True, False, False, 0x0000FF)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
;  Change x-Axis title font to Courier New, 36, bold, blue
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FontSet($oChart1.Axes($xlCategory).AxisTitle, "Courier New", 20, True, False, False, 0x0000FF)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Change x-Axis title: Change text, angle - 6  
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_TitleSet($oChart1.Axes($xlCategory).AxisTitle, "Month", True, Default, Default, Default, Default, -6)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Set legend, color and style
; *****************************************************************************
$aResult = _XLChart_LineSet($oChart1.Legend, 5, -27, Default, $msoLineSingle)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Chart 2: 3D STACKED AREA: Without legend
; *****************************************************************************
$Graph_position = "B38:E50"
Local $oChart2 = _XLChart_ChartCreate($aExcel[0], "_XLChart_Example", $xl3DAreaStacked, $Graph_position, "", $XValueRange, $DataRange, $DataName, False, "Sales", "Date")
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Set the background transparency of the second chart to 1 (= 100% transparent),
; *****************************************************************************

; *****************************************************************************
; first set Border transparent
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_LineSet($oChart2.ChartArea, Default, Default, Default, Default, Default, $xlSheetHidden)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Set chart area transparent
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FillSet($oChart2.ChartArea, 0xCD0000, Default, Default, Default, Default, Default, 1)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Set graph series 1 color and transparency
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FillSet($oChart2.SeriesCollection(1), 0x000FFF, 0x000FF0, Default, 3, 1, Default, 0.2)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Set graph series 2 color and transparency
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_FillSet($oChart2.SeriesCollection(2), 0xFF0000, 0xFF0050, Default, 3, 1, Default, 0.3)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; The example below should be run on a 3-D chart, except for c., f., g. and h.
; Walls & Floor Colors
; *****************************************************************************

; *****************************************************************************
; Set the Walls Border color to Navy/thick
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_LineSet($oChart2.Walls, 3, 0x000080)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Set the color of the major grid lines to blue
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_LineSet($oChart2.Axes($xlValue).MajorGridlines, 3, -32)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Set the Floor Border color to brown
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_LineSet($oChart2.Floor, 3, -53)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Remove the Title of the Graph
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_TitleSet($oChart2.ChartTitle, "")
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)
; *****************************************************************************
; Change x-Axis title: Change text, move it to position 55 in the chart area
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_TitleSet($oChart2.Axes($xlCategory).AxisTitle, "Cumulative Sales", Default, 35, 150)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Change the value axis title font to Courier New, 16, bold, blue
; ***************************************************************************** 
_XLChart_FontSet($oChart2.Axes($xlCategory).AxisTitle, "Arial Black", 12, True, False, False, 0x0000FF)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; 3D position of the chart
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff846550.aspx
;    This example sets the position of Chart3 to Rotation of 18 degrees, Elevation of 26 degrees, Perspective of 20 degrees and Depht of 150 %
;   The example should be run on a 3-D chart.
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_3D_PositionSet($oChart2, 18, 26, 20, 150)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " - Error: " & @error & @CR)

; *****************************************************************************
; Now enable screen updating again so that we can see the result
; *****************************************************************************
_XLChart_ScreenUpdateSet($aExcel[0], 1)

; done
Edited by GreenCan


CheckUpdate - SelfUpdating script ------- Self updating script

Dynamic input validation ------------------- Use a Input masks can make your life easier and Validation can be as simple

MsgBox with CountDown ------------------- MsgBox with visual countdown

Display Multiline text cells in ListView ---- Example of pop-up or ToolTip for multiline text items in ListView

Presentation Manager ---------------------- Program to display and refresh different Border-less GUI's on a Display (large screen TV)

USB Drive Tools ------------------------------ Tool to help you with your USB drive management

Input Period udf ------------------------------ GUI for a period input

Excel ColorPicker ---------------------------- Color pickup tool will allow you to select a color from the standard Excel color palette

Excel Chart UDF ----------------------------- Collaboration project with water 

GetDateInString ------------------------------ Find date/time in a string using a date format notation like DD Mon YYYY hh:mm

TaskListAllDetailed --------------------------- List All Scheduled Tasks

Computer Info --------------------------------- A collection of information for helpdesk

Shared memory Demo ----------------------- Demo: Two applications communicate with each other through means of a memory share (using Nomad function, 32bit only)

Universal Date Format Conversion -------- Universal date converter from your PC local date format to any format

Disable Windows DetailsPane -------------- Disable Windows Explorer Details Pane

Oracle SQL Report Generator -------------  Oracle Report generator using SQL

SQLite Report Generator -------------------  SQLite Report generator using SQL

SQLite ListView and BLOB demo ---------- Demo: shows how binary (image) objects can be recognized natively in a database BLOB field

DSN-Less Database connection demo --- Demo: ActiveX Data Objects DSN-Less Database access

Animated animals ----------------------------- Fun: Moving animated objects

Perforated image in GUI --------------------- Fun: Perforate your image with image objects

UEZ's Perforator major update ------------- Fun: Pro version of Perforator by UEZ

Visual Crop Tool (GUI) ----------------------- Easy to use Visual Image Crop tool

Visual Image effect (GUI) -------------------- Visually apply effects on an image




Posted (edited)

I run AutoIt and get no errors. Do you run the beta version?


Found the problem. Line 1406 in the UDF: Replace Global with Local.

Edited by water

My UDFs and Tutorials:


Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts
OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download
Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki
PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki

Standard UDFs:
Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki
Word - Wiki

ADO - Wiki
WebDriver - Wiki



Hi water,

Don't forget to update the UDF in the post 1.




CheckUpdate - SelfUpdating script ------- Self updating script

Dynamic input validation ------------------- Use a Input masks can make your life easier and Validation can be as simple

MsgBox with CountDown ------------------- MsgBox with visual countdown

Display Multiline text cells in ListView ---- Example of pop-up or ToolTip for multiline text items in ListView

Presentation Manager ---------------------- Program to display and refresh different Border-less GUI's on a Display (large screen TV)

USB Drive Tools ------------------------------ Tool to help you with your USB drive management

Input Period udf ------------------------------ GUI for a period input

Excel ColorPicker ---------------------------- Color pickup tool will allow you to select a color from the standard Excel color palette

Excel Chart UDF ----------------------------- Collaboration project with water 

GetDateInString ------------------------------ Find date/time in a string using a date format notation like DD Mon YYYY hh:mm

TaskListAllDetailed --------------------------- List All Scheduled Tasks

Computer Info --------------------------------- A collection of information for helpdesk

Shared memory Demo ----------------------- Demo: Two applications communicate with each other through means of a memory share (using Nomad function, 32bit only)

Universal Date Format Conversion -------- Universal date converter from your PC local date format to any format

Disable Windows DetailsPane -------------- Disable Windows Explorer Details Pane

Oracle SQL Report Generator -------------  Oracle Report generator using SQL

SQLite Report Generator -------------------  SQLite Report generator using SQL

SQLite ListView and BLOB demo ---------- Demo: shows how binary (image) objects can be recognized natively in a database BLOB field

DSN-Less Database connection demo --- Demo: ActiveX Data Objects DSN-Less Database access

Animated animals ----------------------------- Fun: Moving animated objects

Perforated image in GUI --------------------- Fun: Perforate your image with image objects

UEZ's Perforator major update ------------- Fun: Pro version of Perforator by UEZ

Visual Crop Tool (GUI) ----------------------- Easy to use Visual Image Crop tool

Visual Image effect (GUI) -------------------- Visually apply effects on an image





GreenCan & water,

thank you both for sharing! This UDF will bring me a lot of work... :)

It's very handy to make the ordinary simple - please, keep up the good work!

!!! 5+ !!!




Hi supersonic,

thanks - glad you like the UDF.

But be aware, that it's an early alpha. Functions, parameters etc. might change until we have a "stable" beta.

Next thing to come will be "theme colors".

My UDFs and Tutorials:


Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts
OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download
Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki
PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki

Standard UDFs:
Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki
Word - Wiki

ADO - Wiki
WebDriver - Wiki



65 downloads and just a few comments?

Come on, tell us what you think of this UDF, what is missing etc......

My UDFs and Tutorials:


Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts
OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download
Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki
PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki

Standard UDFs:
Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki
Word - Wiki

ADO - Wiki
WebDriver - Wiki



Version (alpha) has been released.

Have fun testing!

For download please see my signature.

My UDFs and Tutorials:


Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts
OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download
Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki
PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki

Standard UDFs:
Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki
Word - Wiki

ADO - Wiki
WebDriver - Wiki


Posted (edited)

Beta example


See also Post 7 for updated example of a double layered chart



_XLChart_Chart example 8 - Bug.zip

Edited by GreenCan


CheckUpdate - SelfUpdating script ------- Self updating script

Dynamic input validation ------------------- Use a Input masks can make your life easier and Validation can be as simple

MsgBox with CountDown ------------------- MsgBox with visual countdown

Display Multiline text cells in ListView ---- Example of pop-up or ToolTip for multiline text items in ListView

Presentation Manager ---------------------- Program to display and refresh different Border-less GUI's on a Display (large screen TV)

USB Drive Tools ------------------------------ Tool to help you with your USB drive management

Input Period udf ------------------------------ GUI for a period input

Excel ColorPicker ---------------------------- Color pickup tool will allow you to select a color from the standard Excel color palette

Excel Chart UDF ----------------------------- Collaboration project with water 

GetDateInString ------------------------------ Find date/time in a string using a date format notation like DD Mon YYYY hh:mm

TaskListAllDetailed --------------------------- List All Scheduled Tasks

Computer Info --------------------------------- A collection of information for helpdesk

Shared memory Demo ----------------------- Demo: Two applications communicate with each other through means of a memory share (using Nomad function, 32bit only)

Universal Date Format Conversion -------- Universal date converter from your PC local date format to any format

Disable Windows DetailsPane -------------- Disable Windows Explorer Details Pane

Oracle SQL Report Generator -------------  Oracle Report generator using SQL

SQLite Report Generator -------------------  SQLite Report generator using SQL

SQLite ListView and BLOB demo ---------- Demo: shows how binary (image) objects can be recognized natively in a database BLOB field

DSN-Less Database connection demo --- Demo: ActiveX Data Objects DSN-Less Database access

Animated animals ----------------------------- Fun: Moving animated objects

Perforated image in GUI --------------------- Fun: Perforate your image with image objects

UEZ's Perforator major update ------------- Fun: Pro version of Perforator by UEZ

Visual Crop Tool (GUI) ----------------------- Easy to use Visual Image Crop tool

Visual Image effect (GUI) -------------------- Visually apply effects on an image




Posted (edited)

I just wonder if anyone uses Excel on this forum? Please give us some feedback guys.

I hope that this example will motivate you to get involved into this topic. It is (another) example that shows the power of this UDF:

Fish or living fossil?


I hope you like it. (If you do, then there are more to come...)


PS. Can you do better?

_XLChart_Chart example 2 - Coelacanth.zip

Edited by GreenCan


CheckUpdate - SelfUpdating script ------- Self updating script

Dynamic input validation ------------------- Use a Input masks can make your life easier and Validation can be as simple

MsgBox with CountDown ------------------- MsgBox with visual countdown

Display Multiline text cells in ListView ---- Example of pop-up or ToolTip for multiline text items in ListView

Presentation Manager ---------------------- Program to display and refresh different Border-less GUI's on a Display (large screen TV)

USB Drive Tools ------------------------------ Tool to help you with your USB drive management

Input Period udf ------------------------------ GUI for a period input

Excel ColorPicker ---------------------------- Color pickup tool will allow you to select a color from the standard Excel color palette

Excel Chart UDF ----------------------------- Collaboration project with water 

GetDateInString ------------------------------ Find date/time in a string using a date format notation like DD Mon YYYY hh:mm

TaskListAllDetailed --------------------------- List All Scheduled Tasks

Computer Info --------------------------------- A collection of information for helpdesk

Shared memory Demo ----------------------- Demo: Two applications communicate with each other through means of a memory share (using Nomad function, 32bit only)

Universal Date Format Conversion -------- Universal date converter from your PC local date format to any format

Disable Windows DetailsPane -------------- Disable Windows Explorer Details Pane

Oracle SQL Report Generator -------------  Oracle Report generator using SQL

SQLite Report Generator -------------------  SQLite Report generator using SQL

SQLite ListView and BLOB demo ---------- Demo: shows how binary (image) objects can be recognized natively in a database BLOB field

DSN-Less Database connection demo --- Demo: ActiveX Data Objects DSN-Less Database access

Animated animals ----------------------------- Fun: Moving animated objects

Perforated image in GUI --------------------- Fun: Perforate your image with image objects

UEZ's Perforator major update ------------- Fun: Pro version of Perforator by UEZ

Visual Crop Tool (GUI) ----------------------- Easy to use Visual Image Crop tool

Visual Image effect (GUI) -------------------- Visually apply effects on an image




Posted (edited)

another example


_XLChart_Chart example 3 - Dragonfly.zip

Edited by GreenCan


CheckUpdate - SelfUpdating script ------- Self updating script

Dynamic input validation ------------------- Use a Input masks can make your life easier and Validation can be as simple

MsgBox with CountDown ------------------- MsgBox with visual countdown

Display Multiline text cells in ListView ---- Example of pop-up or ToolTip for multiline text items in ListView

Presentation Manager ---------------------- Program to display and refresh different Border-less GUI's on a Display (large screen TV)

USB Drive Tools ------------------------------ Tool to help you with your USB drive management

Input Period udf ------------------------------ GUI for a period input

Excel ColorPicker ---------------------------- Color pickup tool will allow you to select a color from the standard Excel color palette

Excel Chart UDF ----------------------------- Collaboration project with water 

GetDateInString ------------------------------ Find date/time in a string using a date format notation like DD Mon YYYY hh:mm

TaskListAllDetailed --------------------------- List All Scheduled Tasks

Computer Info --------------------------------- A collection of information for helpdesk

Shared memory Demo ----------------------- Demo: Two applications communicate with each other through means of a memory share (using Nomad function, 32bit only)

Universal Date Format Conversion -------- Universal date converter from your PC local date format to any format

Disable Windows DetailsPane -------------- Disable Windows Explorer Details Pane

Oracle SQL Report Generator -------------  Oracle Report generator using SQL

SQLite Report Generator -------------------  SQLite Report generator using SQL

SQLite ListView and BLOB demo ---------- Demo: shows how binary (image) objects can be recognized natively in a database BLOB field

DSN-Less Database connection demo --- Demo: ActiveX Data Objects DSN-Less Database access

Animated animals ----------------------------- Fun: Moving animated objects

Perforated image in GUI --------------------- Fun: Perforate your image with image objects

UEZ's Perforator major update ------------- Fun: Pro version of Perforator by UEZ

Visual Crop Tool (GUI) ----------------------- Easy to use Visual Image Crop tool

Visual Image effect (GUI) -------------------- Visually apply effects on an image




  • 4 weeks later...

Version (first beta) has been released.

Have fun testing!

For download please see my signature.

My UDFs and Tutorials:


Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts
OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download
Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki
PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki
Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki

Standard UDFs:
Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki
Word - Wiki

ADO - Wiki
WebDriver - Wiki


Posted (edited)

Example updated and moved to:

Almost a week ago that water published the Excel Chart udf beta version and not one single reaction?

I can't believe this. Does nobody use Office 2007 or 2010?

Please check this new example script. This is just a sample of the power of this udf.

So what's in this example?

  • demonstration of a dashboard chart
  • True international support for Excel commands - (require function_language_lookup.cfg in the script folder, included in zip file)
  • 16 languages until now: English (is the base script language) , Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Brazialian Portuguese, Russian, Swedish and Turkish
  • Experimental ExcelChart function not yet in the beta version
  • A number of non-chart Excel functions used in this example.
  • ExcelCom udf extract used in this example (just to keep it simple for you), all these functions are not part of the excel standard udf.

Try it and send us your comments please.


Edited by GreenCan


CheckUpdate - SelfUpdating script ------- Self updating script

Dynamic input validation ------------------- Use a Input masks can make your life easier and Validation can be as simple

MsgBox with CountDown ------------------- MsgBox with visual countdown

Display Multiline text cells in ListView ---- Example of pop-up or ToolTip for multiline text items in ListView

Presentation Manager ---------------------- Program to display and refresh different Border-less GUI's on a Display (large screen TV)

USB Drive Tools ------------------------------ Tool to help you with your USB drive management

Input Period udf ------------------------------ GUI for a period input

Excel ColorPicker ---------------------------- Color pickup tool will allow you to select a color from the standard Excel color palette

Excel Chart UDF ----------------------------- Collaboration project with water 

GetDateInString ------------------------------ Find date/time in a string using a date format notation like DD Mon YYYY hh:mm

TaskListAllDetailed --------------------------- List All Scheduled Tasks

Computer Info --------------------------------- A collection of information for helpdesk

Shared memory Demo ----------------------- Demo: Two applications communicate with each other through means of a memory share (using Nomad function, 32bit only)

Universal Date Format Conversion -------- Universal date converter from your PC local date format to any format

Disable Windows DetailsPane -------------- Disable Windows Explorer Details Pane

Oracle SQL Report Generator -------------  Oracle Report generator using SQL

SQLite Report Generator -------------------  SQLite Report generator using SQL

SQLite ListView and BLOB demo ---------- Demo: shows how binary (image) objects can be recognized natively in a database BLOB field

DSN-Less Database connection demo --- Demo: ActiveX Data Objects DSN-Less Database access

Animated animals ----------------------------- Fun: Moving animated objects

Perforated image in GUI --------------------- Fun: Perforate your image with image objects

UEZ's Perforator major update ------------- Fun: Pro version of Perforator by UEZ

Visual Crop Tool (GUI) ----------------------- Easy to use Visual Image Crop tool

Visual Image effect (GUI) -------------------- Visually apply effects on an image





I have to admit... The example pictures that you have look pretty cool.

I am just having a hard time figuring out an example of how these functions can be used. (I have not downloaded your example yet... just read the function names)

I use Excel to make Graphs for Citrix Servers with 2 lines... One line for User Sessions, another line for Either CPU, Memory, Disk Busy time, etc... (Each graph Separate).

I am guessing it could be used to do something simple like that if you can make fossilized fish.. :) When I have a chance I will see what I can do.


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