Skitty Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 I've been searching everywhere but it's like no one talks about it or something, question is, how the heck do I get the home drive letter in assembly? I need to make this string automatically change to the correct users home drive lable~ "%s:\Documents and Settings\TEST\Desktop\Log.dat" I can't find anything on google about or related to it, it's like google has an anti asm fetish. Also, is it me or are these forums getting a little slower?
Mat Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 (edited) Uhmmm... The same way you would in C, or any native windows application? Why is this question specifically about asm?Rough outline:strIn db "%HOMEDRIVE%Documents and SettingsTESTDesktopLog.dat" strOut db MAX_PATH+1 dup 0 invoke ExpandEnvironmentStringsA,lpIn,lpOut,MAX_PATHThen of course, there is the small matter that even then you are doing it wrong. You want the desktop directory for user TEST? Then you are actually trying to find a known folder. There are examples for that on these forums. Search for SHGetKnownFolderPath.The reason it's not on google is because not many asm users ask questions like this. Most have previous knowledge of the winapi etc. Edited December 2, 2011 by Mat AutoIt Project Listing
Skitty Posted December 2, 2011 Author Posted December 2, 2011 (edited) Uhmmm... The same way you would in C, or any native windows application? Why is this question specifically about asm? Rough outline: strIn db "%HOMEDRIVE%Documents and SettingsTESTDesktopLog.dat" strOut db MAX_PATH+1 dup 0 invoke ExpandEnvironmentStringsA,lpIn,lpOut,MAX_PATH Then of course, there is the small matter that even then you are doing it wrong. You want the desktop directory for user TEST? Then you are actually trying to find a known folder. There are examples for that on these forums. Search for SHGetKnownFolderPath. The reason it's not on google is because not many asm users ask questions like this. Most have previous knowledge of the winapi etc. I see, makes sense, and the reason it's specifically targeted to ASM is due to the fact that I don't know C, C++ etc, I was tinkering with some little project written in asm that creates a file in its directory (where it was launched from) and enters some data into it, suddenly I wan't the file to be created at a specific location, adding my user name was an accident but you get the idea, I wan't to have the app always create the file in a specific directory regardless of the home drive label. When my the app is going to create the file, the string location is as so~ MAC "ab" ; binary mode MAC "C:directoryLog.dat" ;Location call fopen Edited December 2, 2011 by THAT1ANONYMOUSEDUDE
Mat Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 So you are going to mix native winapi and libc? Did you try using fopen with the environment strings in there (%HOMEDRIVE%)? AutoIt Project Listing
Skitty Posted December 2, 2011 Author Posted December 2, 2011 (edited) So you are going to mix native winapi and libc? Did you try using fopen with the environment strings in there (%HOMEDRIVE%)? Yes, windows xp suggested I send a crash report to microsoft afterward. Damn, I really want to learn assembly, this is how I tried, which I know is wrong because of the crash report thing. MAC "ab" MAC "%HOMEDRIVE%Documents and SettingsLog.dat" call fopen Assembling: test.asm test.asm(58) : error A2006: undefined symbol : HOMEDRIVE MAC(1): Macro Called From test.asm(58): Main Line Code test.asm(58) : error A2206: missing operator in expression MAC(3): Macro Called From test.asm(58): Main Line Code Edited December 2, 2011 by THAT1ANONYMOUSEDUDE
Mat Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 Do %s in strings have a special meaning in masm? AutoIt Project Listing
Valik Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 You really need to read some Windows guidelines. A directory already exists for applications to write their data. The root of the home drive is not it.
Skitty Posted December 2, 2011 Author Posted December 2, 2011 Do %s in strings have a special meaning in masm? I would imagine they do since this works for me~ push offset hUser call GetUserNameA push offset hUser MAC "-Current User:%s-" And I can write the user name the file in place of the %s, where it would be written as "-Current User: TEST-". You really need to read some Windows guidelines. A directory already exists for applications to write their data. The root of the home drive is not it. Where can I find a good source? a nice help file like autoit's would be really good, also, I noticed that if I don't include the drive letter and start the path as if it was a directory in nix like "documents and settingsdata.dat" it's created without any errors.
Valik Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 If you can't find Windows guidelines via a quick search then you should not be using ASM. Simple logical progression.
Skitty Posted December 3, 2011 Author Posted December 3, 2011 If you can't find Windows guidelines via a quick search then you should not be using ASM. Simple logical progression. C'mon, It's just that I'm not familiar with the terminology used with this stuff, this reminds me of the time I started with autoit, I would have never gotten anywhere if people weren't generous enough to explain simple things that would essentially show me how to catch fish. Although, I still remember exactly what gave me the boost in learning autoit, it was a comment I read posted by Jos stating that I should highlight the native function in question and press [F1], as soon as I found that out everything was uphill from there, but scite and MASM32 don't come with a nifty chm explaining everything in detail for asm, autoit was like climbing the Rockies and masm seems like I'm trying to climb Mt.Everest on a unicycle with my current understanding of the language, I'd really like to replace the unicycle with a helicopter if you know what I mean.
Valik Posted December 3, 2011 Posted December 3, 2011 I have given you the terminology in both of my previous posts.
Ascend4nt Posted December 3, 2011 Posted December 3, 2011 THAT1ANONYMOUSEDUDE,Programming in Assembly language is overkill for anything other than code in need of major optimization. You should really stick to C or C++. Compilers are getting very good at optimizing code, and it'd be a waste to learn the obscure assembly instruction set yourself unless you really need to.From what I can tell, most people on these forums haven't written programs in pure Assembly, but rather have dabbled in it lightly, or taken compiled C/C++ code and massaged it slightly to be executable in memory. My programming roots stretch back to around 90-91 when code was in dire need of optimization in a long-since dead DOS 16-bit world. Even then, I only wrote a handful of pure-Assembly projects (mostly TSR programs) - the rest were a mix of C++ and Assembly.You'll find the difficult task of learning Assembly made even more complex by the new 64-bit assembly model and all the quirks involved with that. Also, no inline assembler supports 64-bit code yet as far as I know.However, if you are still interested in it (and I only recommend it for optimization), here's some links:Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer ManualsAMD Developer Guides and ManualsFlat Assembler (FASM) DocumentationThe Netwide Assembler (NASM) DocumentationIczelion's Win32 Assembly and their X86 Opcode and Instruction Borland Turbo Assembler Manuals (these were my bibles back in the day)There's also plenty of links on 64-bit programming quirks out there. I believe I left a few of these on someone's thread somewhere on these forums..Good luck (but really - stick to C/C++!) Skitty 1 My contributions: Performance Counters in Windows - Measure CPU, Disk, Network etc Performance | Network Interface Info, Statistics, and Traffic | CPU Multi-Processor Usage w/o Performance Counters | Disk and Device Read/Write Statistics | Atom Table Functions | Process, Thread, & DLL Functions UDFs |Â Process CPU Usage Trackers | PE File Overlay Extraction | A3X Script Extract | File + Process Imports/Exports Information | Windows Desktop Dimmer Shade | Spotlight + Focus GUI - Highlight and Dim for Eyestrain Relief | CrossHairs (FullScreen) |Â Rubber-Band Boxes using GUI's (_GUIBox) | GUI Fun! | IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) | Magnifier (Vista+) Functions UDF | _DLLStructDisplay (Debug!) | _EnumChildWindows (controls etc) | _FileFindEx | _ClipGetHTML | _ClipPutHTML + ClipPutHyperlink | _FileGetShortcutEx | _FilePropertiesDialog | I/O Port Functions | File(s) Drag & Drop | _RunWithReducedPrivileges | _ShellExecuteWithReducedPrivileges | _WinAPI_GetSystemInfo | dotNETGetVersions | Drive(s) Power Status | _WinGetDesktopHandle | _StringParseParameters | Screensaver, Sleep, Desktop Lock Disable | Full-Screen Crash Recovery Wrappers/Modifications of others' contributions: _DOSWildcardsToPCRegEx (original code: RobSaunder's) | WinGetAltTabWinList (original: Authenticity) UDF's added support/programming to: _ExplorerWinGetSelectedItems | MIDIEx UDF (original code: eynstyne) (All personal code/wrappers centrally located at Ascend4nt's AutoIT Code)
Valik Posted December 4, 2011 Posted December 4, 2011 You'll find the difficult task of learning Assembly made even more complex by the new 64-bit assembly model and all the quirks involved with that. Also, no inline assembler supports 64-bit code yet as far as I know.Visual Studio 2010 doesn't. When we went 64-bit we had to remove all our inline assembly which was mostly just DllCall() and a 3rd-party library for math functions.
Skitty Posted December 4, 2011 Author Posted December 4, 2011 (edited) So I was browsing opensc and noticed there was a topic with no replies titled "antivirus open source" in asm, so I downloaded it and ran the fucker and it deleted absolutely everything on my desktop, including a whole bunch of sources I was fiddling with and autoit scripts I have, I'm now making a profile there so I can show everybody how much I don't like the guy who uploaded that piece of shit application.I mean really? why even do that? I still lost a whole bunch of cool stuff I had accumulated over 15 hours.And thank you Ascend4nt, I'll be skimming through those url's from now.Edit: now awaiting moderator approval so I can get back to displaying my discontent.And wow, I knew something was wrong with fire fox, I rebooted and Edited December 4, 2011 by THAT1ANONYMOUSEDUDE
Shaggi Posted December 4, 2011 Posted December 4, 2011 loooool pwnd why the fuck didn't you read the source? Ever wanted to call functions in another process? ProcessCall UDFConsole stuff: Console UDFC Preprocessor for AutoIt OMG
Skitty Posted December 4, 2011 Author Posted December 4, 2011 (edited) why the fuck didn't you read the source? Because it's a huge source written in bloody assembler and reading it require that I be some kind of human alien hybrid capable of implementing an accelerated advanced understanding and perception of cryptographic code that only machines should be dealing with. Edit: You want to hold my eyeballs and help me understand this shit? expandcollapse popup.586 ;.MMX .XMM .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none ; ------- Main Include ------- ; include .code ; ------- Code Start ------- ; Align 16 ; ------- Ansav Initial ------- ; AnsavInitFirst proc uses edi esi ebx IFDEF DEBUG ; ------- Init for debug ------- ; mov hFileLog,0 call InitLog ENDIF IFDEF ERRORLOG mov hFileErrorLog,0 mov ErrorOccured,0 ENDIF mLog "AnsavInitFirst::" xor eax,eax mov incmdl,eax mov NoStealth,eax mov HaveMMX,eax mov PluginsCount,eax mov SomeObjectNeedReboot,eax mov CmdLineScan,eax ; ------- Init for ansav needed value ------- ; push 0 call GetModuleHandle mov hInstance,eax call GetCommandLine mov CommandLine,eax call InitCommonControls ; ------- determine processor is support MMX ? ------- ; inc eax cpuid test edx,200000h jz @F mov HaveMMX,1 @@: invoke MyZeroMemory,ADDR icex,sizeof INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX mov [icex.dwSize],sizeof INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX ; <-- compability ; mov [icex.dwICC],ICC_COOL_CLASSES mLog "Loading comctl32.dll::" invoke LoadLibrary,reparg("comctl32.dll") .if eax invoke GetProcAddress,eax,reparg("InitCommonControlsEx") .if eax mLog "[ok]" lea edx,icex push edx call eax IFDEF DEBUG .else mLog "[failed]" ENDIF .endif IFDEF DEBUG .else mLog "[failed]" ENDIF .endif ; ------- Check for NT Window$ Version ------- ; mLog "Check for Windows Version" invoke IsNT .if eax mLog "..Windows is NT/2K/XP" mov WinVerNT,1 .else mLog "..Windows not NT/2K/XP" mov WinVerNT,0 .endif ; ------- Escalate privileges ------- ; call SetToken ; ------- keep run one instance ------- ; call IsAnsavRun? .if eax invoke MessageBox,0, reparg("ANSAV already running..."), offset szAppName,MB_OK invoke ExitProcess,0 .endif ; ------- Buffering, get MyDir, MyPath etc... ------- ; call GetPathPath ; ------- LOAD CONFIGURATION ------- ; push 1 call LoadConfig xor eax,eax ; ------- set null flag ------- ; mov pBufferVirusInfo,eax mov BufferVirusInfoSize,eax ; ------- init buffer for last scanned path ------- ; mov LastScannedPath,eax mov LastScannedPathSize,eax mov ArcReady,eax ; ------- componen ------- ; call LoadComponen ; ------- time for blind sucker ------- ; call BlindSucker AnsavInitFirstSize equ $ - offset AnsavInitFirst ; ------- build CRC 32 table ------- ; call crcInit ; ------- VERTICAL LOGO ------- ; invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,IMG_VLOGO mov hVLogoBmp,eax ; ------- decrypt vbd ------- ; IFDEF RELEASE call DecryptVDB ENDIF call IsAlreadyInstalled? mov AlreadyInstalled,eax .if !eax .if !TimeForBlind invoke lstrcat,ADDR szAppName,reparg(" - [ PORTABLE ]") .endif .endif invoke LoadIcon,hInstance,IDI_MAIN_ICON mov hMainIcon,eax ; ------- check for external database ------- ; xor eax,eax mov ExternalVdb,eax mov ExternalVdbSize,eax call LoadExVdb call RenewConfigFlags ; ------- check exvdb ver compare ------- ; .if ExternalVdb && ExternalVdbSize mov esi,ExternalVdb movzx eax,[esi.EXVDBINFO].wDay movzx ecx,[esi.EXVDBINFO].wMonth movzx edx,[esi.EXVDBINFO].wYear cmp edx,dwRDYear ja @F cmp ecx,dwRDMonth ja @F cmp eax,dwRDDay ja @F jmp @nver @@: mov dwRDYear,edx mov dwRDMonth,ecx mov dwRDDay,eax .endif @nver: ; ------- immune registry ------- ; call RegImmune ; get explorer PID, exclude from heuristic engine invoke FindWindow,0,reparg("Start Menu") .if eax invoke GetWindowThreadProcessId,eax,offset ExplorerPID .endif ; ------- load trusted database ------- ; call LoadTrustDatabase call OnLatestUpdate ; ------- check oldiest engine alias kadaluwarsa! ------- ; call IsOldiest? ; ------- check etc host file ------- ; call CheckEtcHost ; ------- set antidump ------- ; call AntiDump ret AnsavInitFirst endp Align 16 WndProc PROTO :HWND,:UINT,:WPARAM,:LPARAM ; ------- Win Main procedure ------- ; WinMain proc hInst:HINSTANCE,hPrevInst:HINSTANCE,CmdLine:LPSTR,CmdShow:DWORD LOCAL wc:WNDCLASSEX LOCAL msg:MSG mLog "WinMain enter::" invoke MyZeroMemory,ADDR wc,sizeof WNDCLASSEX mov [wc.cbSize],sizeof WNDCLASSEX mov [],CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW mov [wc.lpfnWndProc],offset WndProc mov [wc.cbClsExtra],NULL mov [wc.cbWndExtra],DLGWINDOWEXTRA push hInst pop [wc.hInstance] mov [wc.hbrBackground],COLOR_BTNFACE+1 mov [wc.lpszMenuName],IDM_MAIN_MENU mov [wc.lpszClassName],offset szClassName mov eax,hMainIcon mov [wc.hIcon],eax mov [wc.hIconSm],eax invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW mov wc.hCursor,eax invoke RegisterClassEx,addr wc mErrorTrap eax,"cannot register class",@endl mLog "CreateDialogParam..." invoke CreateDialogParam,hInstance,IDD_DIALOG,NULL,offset WndProc,NULL mov hMainWnd,eax mErrorTrap eax,"cannot Create main window",@endl invoke UpdateWindow,hMainWnd invoke SetLastError,0 invoke MyZeroMemory,ADDR msg,sizeof MSG invoke Sleep,100 .while TRUE invoke IsWindow,hMainWnd test eax,eax jz @endl invoke GetMessage,addr msg,NULL,0,0 .BREAK .if !eax invoke TranslateMessage,addr msg invoke DispatchMessage,addr msg .endw mov eax,[msg.wParam] ret @endl: xor eax,eax ret WinMain endp align 16 ; ------- Main Window Procedure ------- ; WndProc proc hWin:HWND,uMsg:UINT,wParam:WPARAM,lParam:LPARAM LOCAL ps,hDC,hOld,memDC:DWORD mov eax,uMsg .if eax==WM_INITDIALOG ; ------- Initial dialog ------- ; push hWin pop hMainWnd .if !TimeForBlind invoke SetWindowText,hWin,ADDR szAppName .else invoke SetWindowText,hWin,ADDR szRandomString .endif push ebx push esi mov ebx,GetDlgItem mov esi,hMainWnd scall ebx,esi,IDC_MAIN_PB mov hMainProgBar,eax scall ebx,esi,IDC_EDIT_PATH mov hMainEditPath,eax scall ebx,esi,IDC_TXT_STATUS mov hMainTxtStatus,eax scall ebx,esi,IDC_TXT_CHKFILES mov hTxtCheckedFiles,eax scall ebx,esi,IDC_TXT_THREATDETC mov hTxtDetectedThreats,eax scall ebx,esi,IDC_TXT_PERCENT mov hTxtMainPercent,eax pop esi pop ebx invoke GetMenu,hWin mov hMainMenu,eax ; ------- Build-build ------- ; call BuildMainListview call BuildMainTxtStatus call BuildToolbar call BuildMainMenuPic call BuildMainPopMenu call SetAllMainCtrlState invoke SendMessage,hToolBar, TB_ENABLEBUTTON,IDC_MAINTB_STOP,STATE_DISABLE ; ------- Create timer to monitor existing rem media ------- ; call SetMainTimer ; ------- Check for existing threat in mem ------- ; mov MemCheck,1 call CheckAndProcessBVI .if eax invoke SetMainTxtStatus,STATUS_DETECTED invoke SetActionTbState,STATE_ENABLE .else invoke SetMainTxtStatus,STATUS_CLEAN invoke SetActionTbState,STATE_DISABLE .endif mov MemCheck,0 ; ------- Set status ------- ; StatusIdleWait ; make status clr show ttl call SetStatusClrTtl .if !NoPlugins call BuildPlugins .endif ; ------- create syncro hook ------- ; .if ShowLog call ShowLogWindow .endif invoke VerticalTile,hWin,IMG_VREDTILE,70 ; ------- is already installed? ------- ; call CheckInstalled .if StealthMode && hStealthmMap mov eax,hStealthmMap m2m [eax.CEST].hMainWnd,hWin m2m [eax.CEST].hWnd2,hWin .endif invoke SetTimer,hWin,2194,2000,offset MakeUnkillable call SetMenuInstallable ; ------- auto check update ------- ; mov hAutUpdCheckThread,0 lea eax,AutomaticUpdateCheck invoke CreateThread,0,0,eax,0,0,offset brw mov hAutUpdCheckThread,eax call DontHookme invoke SetForegroundWindow,hWin invoke SetFocus,hWin .if CmdLineScan invoke StartScanOnlyDir,CmdLineScan .endif .elseif eax == WM_PAINT invoke LocalAlloc,LPTR,sizeof PAINTSTRUCT mov ps,eax invoke BeginPaint,hWin,ps mov hDC, eax invoke CreateCompatibleDC,hDC mov memDC, eax invoke SelectObject,memDC,hVLogoBmp mov hOld, eax invoke BitBlt,hDC,1,1,80,400,memDC,0,0,SRCCOPY invoke SelectObject,hDC,hOld invoke DeleteDC,memDC invoke EndPaint,hWin,ps invoke ReleaseDC,hWin,hDC invoke LocalFree,ps .elseif eax == WM_COMMAND ; ------- Command Control ------- ; mov eax,wParam and eax,0FFFFh ; ------- Menu-Menu ------- ; ; --------------------[ -= MENU =- ] .if eax==IDM_FILE_EXIT jmp @close .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCAN call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax call StartQuickScan ; <-- quick scan ; .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCAN2 call StartScanSingleFile ; <-- Scan single file ; .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANMULTIPLEOBJECT call CheckAndAskIfAvailable ; <-- multiple object scan ; .if eax call MultipleScanObject .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANMEM call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax call QuickScanMem .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANALLREM ; <-- Scan all removable media ; call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax call StartScanAllRemovableMedia .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANALLHARDISK ; <-- Scan all hardisk partition ; call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax call StartScanAllHardisk .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANONLYWINDIR ; <-- scan only windows directory ; call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax invoke StartScanOnlyDir,offset szWinDir .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANSYSDIR call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax invoke StartScanOnlyDir,offset szSysDir .endif .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_RESULT call ViewResult .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_CONSOLELOG ; <-- Console style LOG ; call ShowLogWindow .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_VDB invoke DialogBoxParam,hInstance,IDD_ANVDB,hWin,ADDR AnvdbDlgProc,0 invoke ShowWindow,eax,SW_SHOW .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_QUARZONE ; <-- view quarantine ; call ViewQuarantine .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_TRUSTZONE call StartTrustZone .elseif eax == IDM_ADVANCED_ASHUT ; <-- Auto shutdown after scan finished ; .if !ShutdownAfterScan mov ShutdownAfterScan,1 invoke CheckMenuItem,hMainMenu,IDM_ADVANCED_ASHUT,MF_CHECKED .else mov ShutdownAfterScan,0 invoke CheckMenuItem,hMainMenu,IDM_ADVANCED_ASHUT,MF_UNCHECKED .endif .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_CLEARLIST mov [LastScannedInfo.wStatus],STATUS_TAKEACTION invoke SendMessage,hMainList,LVM_DELETEALLITEMS,0,0 invoke SetActionTbState,STATE_DISABLE .elseif eax == IDM_ADVANCED_CONFIG call StartConfigDlg .elseif eax == IDM_HELP_INSTALL ; <-- INSTALL ; call InstallUninstallAnsav .elseif eax==IDM_HELP_ABOUT ; ------- About ------- ; push hWin call ShowAboutDialog .elseif eax==IDM_HELP_README call Readme .elseif eax == IDM_HELP_UPDATE ; <-- UPDATE ; .if AlreadyInstalled call Update .else invoke MessageBox,hWin, reparg("Please install ANSAV first to use this feature"), offset szAppName,MB_OK .endif .elseif eax == IDM_HELP_SUBMITTHREAT invoke ShellExecute,hWin,offset szOpen,reparg(""),0,0,SW_MAXIMIZE ; ------- popup menu ------- ; ; --------------------[ -= POPUP MENU =- ] .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_PROPERTIES call ObjectProperties .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_GOTOOBJL call GotoObjectLocation .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_SELECTALL call SelectAllObject .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_CLEAN ; <-- clean selected object ; mov ForFix,1 push 1 ; <-- clean only selected object ; call StartCleanNow .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_DELETE ; <-- delete selected object ; push 1 ; <-- clean only selected object ; call StartCleanNow .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_QUARANTINE ; <-- quarantine selected object ; push 1 ; <-- quarantine only selected object ; call StartQuarantineNow .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_SIGNASTRUST call DoSignAsTrust .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_COPYTHREATN push 1 call ClipboardCopyObject ; <-- threat name ; .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_COPYOBJPATH push 2 call ClipboardCopyObject ; <-- object path ; ; ------- Button-Button ------- ; ; --------------------[ -= BUTTON/TOOLBAR =- ] .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_EXIT jmp @close .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_SCAN call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax mov eax,MainScanButton .if eax == 1 call StartQuickScan .elseif eax == 2 call ScanSingleFile .elseif eax == 3 call MultipleScanObject .else call StartQuickScan .endif .endif .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_STOP mov StopScan,1 mov StopClean,1 .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_CLEAN ; confirm cmp NoActConfirm,1 je @F invoke MessageBox,hWin, reparg("Are you sure to clean all detected object?"), ADDR szAppName,MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_OKCANCEL .if eax == IDOK @@: mov ForFix,1 push 0 ; <-- clean all object in list and try to clean first; call StartCleanNow .endif .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_DELETE ; confirm cmp NoActConfirm,1 je @F invoke MessageBox,hWin, reparg("Are you sure to delete all detected object?"), ADDR szAppName,MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_OKCANCEL .if eax == IDOK @@: push 0 ; <-- delete all object ; call StartCleanNow .endif .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_QUARANTINE ; confirm cmp NoActConfirm,1 je @F invoke MessageBox,hWin, reparg("Are you sure to quarantine all detected object?"), ADDR szAppName,MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_OKCANCEL .if eax == IDOK @@: push 0 ; <-- quarantine all object ; call StartQuarantineNow .endif .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_VIEWRES call ViewResult .endif ;-------------------------------------- PLUGINS ----------------------------------------; mov eax,[wParam] .if eax >= DynPluginsMenuMin && eax <= DynPluginsMenuMax push eax call ProcessPlugins .endif ;;-------------------------------------- HOOK CODE ----------------------------------------; ; ;.elseif eax == WM_USER+777h ; ; ;invoke ProcessThisMessage,wParam,lParam ; ;ret ; ;;-------------------------------------- end of hook code ----------------------------------------; .elseif eax==WM_SIZE call RepositionMainWnd .elseif eax == WM_NOTIFY ; <-- notify ; push ebx mov ebx,lParam mov eax,[ebx.NMHDR].hwndFrom .if eax == hMainList .if [ebx.NMHDR].code == NM_RCLICK call ReleaseCapture call MainPopMenu .endif .endif pop ebx .elseif eax==WM_CLOSE ; ------- If Close ------- ; @close: ; ------- confirm if scan process running ------- ; .if InScanning || InAction .if InScanning mov edx,reparg("Do you want to stop current scanning process?") .else mov edx,reparg("Do you want to stop current action process?") .endif invoke MessageBox,hWin,edx,ADDR szAppName,MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION cmp eax,IDNO je @F .endif call MainWndCleanUp ; ------- check uncleanable object ------- ; .if SomeObjectNeedReboot invoke wsprintf,offset szUtilsBuff,offset szUncleanNdtrbF,SomeObjectNeedReboot invoke MessageBox,hWin,offset szUtilsBuff,offset szAppName,MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION .if eax==IDYES invoke MessageBox,hWin,offset szPleaseSave,offset szAppName,MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION call DoReboot .endif .endif invoke DestroyWindow,hWin jmp @endl @@: mov uMsg,0 ; <-- reset ; bug fixed .elseif eax==WM_DESTROY ; ------- If Destroy ------- ; invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL .endif @endl: invoke DefWindowProc,hWin,uMsg,wParam,lParam ret WndProc endp align 16 .data .code ; ------- ENTRYPOINT ------- ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; start: ; ------- Entry Point ------- ;| ;/ ;/ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ IFDEF RELEASE ; ------- Initial First ------- ; call AnsavInitFirst call FillJunk ENDIF ; ------- process command line ------- ; call ProcessCommandLine ; ------- Make sure memory is clean ------- ; .if !incmdl .if !NoScanMem call StartCheckMemoryFirst .endif .endif ; ------- Make main window ------- ; .if !incmdl invoke WinMain,hInstance,NULL,CommandLine,SW_SHOWDEFAULT .endif GlobalExit:: ; ------- free last scanned path buffer ------- ; call FreeLastScannedPathBuffer ; ------- free CmdLine buffer ------- ; mov eax,CmdLineScan cmp eax,0 je @F anfree eax @@: ; ------- free exvdb is available ------- ; call CloseExVdb ; ------- if stealth hook, free hook ------- ; call UnStealth ; ------- immune registry ------- ; call RegImmune mov ebx,FreeLibrary ; ------- unload all module ------- ; mov eax,hArcMod .if eax scall ebx,eax .endif mov eax,hFixerMod .if eax scall ebx,eax .endif ; ------- unload plugins ------- ; call CleanupPlugins IFDEF DEBUG ; ------- Log needed ------- ; call CloseLog ENDIF IFDEF ERRORLOG ; ------- Error Log needed ------- ; call CloseErrorLog ENDIF push 0 call ExitProcess end start Edited December 4, 2011 by THAT1ANONYMOUSEDUDE
Shaggi Posted December 4, 2011 Posted December 4, 2011 Because it's a huge source written in bloody assembler and reading it require that I be some kind of human alien hybrid capable of implementing an accelerated advanced understanding and perception of cryptographic code that only machines should be dealing with. Edit: You want to hold my eyeballs and help me understand this shit? expandcollapse popup.586 ;.MMX .XMM .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none ; ------- Main Include ------- ; include .code ; ------- Code Start ------- ; Align 16 ; ------- Ansav Initial ------- ; AnsavInitFirst proc uses edi esi ebx IFDEF DEBUG ; ------- Init for debug ------- ; mov hFileLog,0 call InitLog ENDIF IFDEF ERRORLOG mov hFileErrorLog,0 mov ErrorOccured,0 ENDIF mLog "AnsavInitFirst::" xor eax,eax mov incmdl,eax mov NoStealth,eax mov HaveMMX,eax mov PluginsCount,eax mov SomeObjectNeedReboot,eax mov CmdLineScan,eax ; ------- Init for ansav needed value ------- ; push 0 call GetModuleHandle mov hInstance,eax call GetCommandLine mov CommandLine,eax call InitCommonControls ; ------- determine processor is support MMX ? ------- ; inc eax cpuid test edx,200000h jz @F mov HaveMMX,1 @@: invoke MyZeroMemory,ADDR icex,sizeof INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX mov [icex.dwSize],sizeof INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX ; <-- compability ; mov [icex.dwICC],ICC_COOL_CLASSES mLog "Loading comctl32.dll::" invoke LoadLibrary,reparg("comctl32.dll") .if eax invoke GetProcAddress,eax,reparg("InitCommonControlsEx") .if eax mLog "[ok]" lea edx,icex push edx call eax IFDEF DEBUG .else mLog "[failed]" ENDIF .endif IFDEF DEBUG .else mLog "[failed]" ENDIF .endif ; ------- Check for NT Window$ Version ------- ; mLog "Check for Windows Version" invoke IsNT .if eax mLog "..Windows is NT/2K/XP" mov WinVerNT,1 .else mLog "..Windows not NT/2K/XP" mov WinVerNT,0 .endif ; ------- Escalate privileges ------- ; call SetToken ; ------- keep run one instance ------- ; call IsAnsavRun? .if eax invoke MessageBox,0, reparg("ANSAV already running..."), offset szAppName,MB_OK invoke ExitProcess,0 .endif ; ------- Buffering, get MyDir, MyPath etc... ------- ; call GetPathPath ; ------- LOAD CONFIGURATION ------- ; push 1 call LoadConfig xor eax,eax ; ------- set null flag ------- ; mov pBufferVirusInfo,eax mov BufferVirusInfoSize,eax ; ------- init buffer for last scanned path ------- ; mov LastScannedPath,eax mov LastScannedPathSize,eax mov ArcReady,eax ; ------- componen ------- ; call LoadComponen ; ------- time for blind sucker ------- ; call BlindSucker AnsavInitFirstSize equ $ - offset AnsavInitFirst ; ------- build CRC 32 table ------- ; call crcInit ; ------- VERTICAL LOGO ------- ; invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,IMG_VLOGO mov hVLogoBmp,eax ; ------- decrypt vbd ------- ; IFDEF RELEASE call DecryptVDB ENDIF call IsAlreadyInstalled? mov AlreadyInstalled,eax .if !eax .if !TimeForBlind invoke lstrcat,ADDR szAppName,reparg(" - [ PORTABLE ]") .endif .endif invoke LoadIcon,hInstance,IDI_MAIN_ICON mov hMainIcon,eax ; ------- check for external database ------- ; xor eax,eax mov ExternalVdb,eax mov ExternalVdbSize,eax call LoadExVdb call RenewConfigFlags ; ------- check exvdb ver compare ------- ; .if ExternalVdb && ExternalVdbSize mov esi,ExternalVdb movzx eax,[esi.EXVDBINFO].wDay movzx ecx,[esi.EXVDBINFO].wMonth movzx edx,[esi.EXVDBINFO].wYear cmp edx,dwRDYear ja @F cmp ecx,dwRDMonth ja @F cmp eax,dwRDDay ja @F jmp @nver @@: mov dwRDYear,edx mov dwRDMonth,ecx mov dwRDDay,eax .endif @nver: ; ------- immune registry ------- ; call RegImmune ; get explorer PID, exclude from heuristic engine invoke FindWindow,0,reparg("Start Menu") .if eax invoke GetWindowThreadProcessId,eax,offset ExplorerPID .endif ; ------- load trusted database ------- ; call LoadTrustDatabase call OnLatestUpdate ; ------- check oldiest engine alias kadaluwarsa! ------- ; call IsOldiest? ; ------- check etc host file ------- ; call CheckEtcHost ; ------- set antidump ------- ; call AntiDump ret AnsavInitFirst endp Align 16 WndProc PROTO :HWND,:UINT,:WPARAM,:LPARAM ; ------- Win Main procedure ------- ; WinMain proc hInst:HINSTANCE,hPrevInst:HINSTANCE,CmdLine:LPSTR,CmdShow:DWORD LOCAL wc:WNDCLASSEX LOCAL msg:MSG mLog "WinMain enter::" invoke MyZeroMemory,ADDR wc,sizeof WNDCLASSEX mov [wc.cbSize],sizeof WNDCLASSEX mov [],CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW mov [wc.lpfnWndProc],offset WndProc mov [wc.cbClsExtra],NULL mov [wc.cbWndExtra],DLGWINDOWEXTRA push hInst pop [wc.hInstance] mov [wc.hbrBackground],COLOR_BTNFACE+1 mov [wc.lpszMenuName],IDM_MAIN_MENU mov [wc.lpszClassName],offset szClassName mov eax,hMainIcon mov [wc.hIcon],eax mov [wc.hIconSm],eax invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW mov wc.hCursor,eax invoke RegisterClassEx,addr wc mErrorTrap eax,"cannot register class",@endl mLog "CreateDialogParam..." invoke CreateDialogParam,hInstance,IDD_DIALOG,NULL,offset WndProc,NULL mov hMainWnd,eax mErrorTrap eax,"cannot Create main window",@endl invoke UpdateWindow,hMainWnd invoke SetLastError,0 invoke MyZeroMemory,ADDR msg,sizeof MSG invoke Sleep,100 .while TRUE invoke IsWindow,hMainWnd test eax,eax jz @endl invoke GetMessage,addr msg,NULL,0,0 .BREAK .if !eax invoke TranslateMessage,addr msg invoke DispatchMessage,addr msg .endw mov eax,[msg.wParam] ret @endl: xor eax,eax ret WinMain endp align 16 ; ------- Main Window Procedure ------- ; WndProc proc hWin:HWND,uMsg:UINT,wParam:WPARAM,lParam:LPARAM LOCAL ps,hDC,hOld,memDC:DWORD mov eax,uMsg .if eax==WM_INITDIALOG ; ------- Initial dialog ------- ; push hWin pop hMainWnd .if !TimeForBlind invoke SetWindowText,hWin,ADDR szAppName .else invoke SetWindowText,hWin,ADDR szRandomString .endif push ebx push esi mov ebx,GetDlgItem mov esi,hMainWnd scall ebx,esi,IDC_MAIN_PB mov hMainProgBar,eax scall ebx,esi,IDC_EDIT_PATH mov hMainEditPath,eax scall ebx,esi,IDC_TXT_STATUS mov hMainTxtStatus,eax scall ebx,esi,IDC_TXT_CHKFILES mov hTxtCheckedFiles,eax scall ebx,esi,IDC_TXT_THREATDETC mov hTxtDetectedThreats,eax scall ebx,esi,IDC_TXT_PERCENT mov hTxtMainPercent,eax pop esi pop ebx invoke GetMenu,hWin mov hMainMenu,eax ; ------- Build-build ------- ; call BuildMainListview call BuildMainTxtStatus call BuildToolbar call BuildMainMenuPic call BuildMainPopMenu call SetAllMainCtrlState invoke SendMessage,hToolBar, TB_ENABLEBUTTON,IDC_MAINTB_STOP,STATE_DISABLE ; ------- Create timer to monitor existing rem media ------- ; call SetMainTimer ; ------- Check for existing threat in mem ------- ; mov MemCheck,1 call CheckAndProcessBVI .if eax invoke SetMainTxtStatus,STATUS_DETECTED invoke SetActionTbState,STATE_ENABLE .else invoke SetMainTxtStatus,STATUS_CLEAN invoke SetActionTbState,STATE_DISABLE .endif mov MemCheck,0 ; ------- Set status ------- ; StatusIdleWait ; make status clr show ttl call SetStatusClrTtl .if !NoPlugins call BuildPlugins .endif ; ------- create syncro hook ------- ; .if ShowLog call ShowLogWindow .endif invoke VerticalTile,hWin,IMG_VREDTILE,70 ; ------- is already installed? ------- ; call CheckInstalled .if StealthMode && hStealthmMap mov eax,hStealthmMap m2m [eax.CEST].hMainWnd,hWin m2m [eax.CEST].hWnd2,hWin .endif invoke SetTimer,hWin,2194,2000,offset MakeUnkillable call SetMenuInstallable ; ------- auto check update ------- ; mov hAutUpdCheckThread,0 lea eax,AutomaticUpdateCheck invoke CreateThread,0,0,eax,0,0,offset brw mov hAutUpdCheckThread,eax call DontHookme invoke SetForegroundWindow,hWin invoke SetFocus,hWin .if CmdLineScan invoke StartScanOnlyDir,CmdLineScan .endif .elseif eax == WM_PAINT invoke LocalAlloc,LPTR,sizeof PAINTSTRUCT mov ps,eax invoke BeginPaint,hWin,ps mov hDC, eax invoke CreateCompatibleDC,hDC mov memDC, eax invoke SelectObject,memDC,hVLogoBmp mov hOld, eax invoke BitBlt,hDC,1,1,80,400,memDC,0,0,SRCCOPY invoke SelectObject,hDC,hOld invoke DeleteDC,memDC invoke EndPaint,hWin,ps invoke ReleaseDC,hWin,hDC invoke LocalFree,ps .elseif eax == WM_COMMAND ; ------- Command Control ------- ; mov eax,wParam and eax,0FFFFh ; ------- Menu-Menu ------- ; ; --------------------[ -= MENU =- ] .if eax==IDM_FILE_EXIT jmp @close .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCAN call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax call StartQuickScan ; <-- quick scan ; .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCAN2 call StartScanSingleFile ; <-- Scan single file ; .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANMULTIPLEOBJECT call CheckAndAskIfAvailable ; <-- multiple object scan ; .if eax call MultipleScanObject .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANMEM call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax call QuickScanMem .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANALLREM ; <-- Scan all removable media ; call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax call StartScanAllRemovableMedia .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANALLHARDISK ; <-- Scan all hardisk partition ; call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax call StartScanAllHardisk .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANONLYWINDIR ; <-- scan only windows directory ; call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax invoke StartScanOnlyDir,offset szWinDir .endif .elseif eax == IDM_FILE_SCANSYSDIR call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax invoke StartScanOnlyDir,offset szSysDir .endif .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_RESULT call ViewResult .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_CONSOLELOG ; <-- Console style LOG ; call ShowLogWindow .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_VDB invoke DialogBoxParam,hInstance,IDD_ANVDB,hWin,ADDR AnvdbDlgProc,0 invoke ShowWindow,eax,SW_SHOW .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_QUARZONE ; <-- view quarantine ; call ViewQuarantine .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_TRUSTZONE call StartTrustZone .elseif eax == IDM_ADVANCED_ASHUT ; <-- Auto shutdown after scan finished ; .if !ShutdownAfterScan mov ShutdownAfterScan,1 invoke CheckMenuItem,hMainMenu,IDM_ADVANCED_ASHUT,MF_CHECKED .else mov ShutdownAfterScan,0 invoke CheckMenuItem,hMainMenu,IDM_ADVANCED_ASHUT,MF_UNCHECKED .endif .elseif eax == IDM_VIEW_CLEARLIST mov [LastScannedInfo.wStatus],STATUS_TAKEACTION invoke SendMessage,hMainList,LVM_DELETEALLITEMS,0,0 invoke SetActionTbState,STATE_DISABLE .elseif eax == IDM_ADVANCED_CONFIG call StartConfigDlg .elseif eax == IDM_HELP_INSTALL ; <-- INSTALL ; call InstallUninstallAnsav .elseif eax==IDM_HELP_ABOUT ; ------- About ------- ; push hWin call ShowAboutDialog .elseif eax==IDM_HELP_README call Readme .elseif eax == IDM_HELP_UPDATE ; <-- UPDATE ; .if AlreadyInstalled call Update .else invoke MessageBox,hWin, reparg("Please install ANSAV first to use this feature"), offset szAppName,MB_OK .endif .elseif eax == IDM_HELP_SUBMITTHREAT invoke ShellExecute,hWin,offset szOpen,reparg(""),0,0,SW_MAXIMIZE ; ------- popup menu ------- ; ; --------------------[ -= POPUP MENU =- ] .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_PROPERTIES call ObjectProperties .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_GOTOOBJL call GotoObjectLocation .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_SELECTALL call SelectAllObject .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_CLEAN ; <-- clean selected object ; mov ForFix,1 push 1 ; <-- clean only selected object ; call StartCleanNow .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_DELETE ; <-- delete selected object ; push 1 ; <-- clean only selected object ; call StartCleanNow .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_QUARANTINE ; <-- quarantine selected object ; push 1 ; <-- quarantine only selected object ; call StartQuarantineNow .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_SIGNASTRUST call DoSignAsTrust .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_COPYTHREATN push 1 call ClipboardCopyObject ; <-- threat name ; .elseif eax == IDM_MPM_COPYOBJPATH push 2 call ClipboardCopyObject ; <-- object path ; ; ------- Button-Button ------- ; ; --------------------[ -= BUTTON/TOOLBAR =- ] .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_EXIT jmp @close .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_SCAN call CheckAndAskIfAvailable .if eax mov eax,MainScanButton .if eax == 1 call StartQuickScan .elseif eax == 2 call ScanSingleFile .elseif eax == 3 call MultipleScanObject .else call StartQuickScan .endif .endif .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_STOP mov StopScan,1 mov StopClean,1 .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_CLEAN ; confirm cmp NoActConfirm,1 je @F invoke MessageBox,hWin, reparg("Are you sure to clean all detected object?"), ADDR szAppName,MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_OKCANCEL .if eax == IDOK @@: mov ForFix,1 push 0 ; <-- clean all object in list and try to clean first; call StartCleanNow .endif .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_DELETE ; confirm cmp NoActConfirm,1 je @F invoke MessageBox,hWin, reparg("Are you sure to delete all detected object?"), ADDR szAppName,MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_OKCANCEL .if eax == IDOK @@: push 0 ; <-- delete all object ; call StartCleanNow .endif .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_QUARANTINE ; confirm cmp NoActConfirm,1 je @F invoke MessageBox,hWin, reparg("Are you sure to quarantine all detected object?"), ADDR szAppName,MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_OKCANCEL .if eax == IDOK @@: push 0 ; <-- quarantine all object ; call StartQuarantineNow .endif .elseif eax == IDC_MAINTB_VIEWRES call ViewResult .endif ;-------------------------------------- PLUGINS ----------------------------------------; mov eax,[wParam] .if eax >= DynPluginsMenuMin && eax <= DynPluginsMenuMax push eax call ProcessPlugins .endif ;;-------------------------------------- HOOK CODE ----------------------------------------; ; ;.elseif eax == WM_USER+777h ; ; ;invoke ProcessThisMessage,wParam,lParam ; ;ret ; ;;-------------------------------------- end of hook code ----------------------------------------; .elseif eax==WM_SIZE call RepositionMainWnd .elseif eax == WM_NOTIFY ; <-- notify ; push ebx mov ebx,lParam mov eax,[ebx.NMHDR].hwndFrom .if eax == hMainList .if [ebx.NMHDR].code == NM_RCLICK call ReleaseCapture call MainPopMenu .endif .endif pop ebx .elseif eax==WM_CLOSE ; ------- If Close ------- ; @close: ; ------- confirm if scan process running ------- ; .if InScanning || InAction .if InScanning mov edx,reparg("Do you want to stop current scanning process?") .else mov edx,reparg("Do you want to stop current action process?") .endif invoke MessageBox,hWin,edx,ADDR szAppName,MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION cmp eax,IDNO je @F .endif call MainWndCleanUp ; ------- check uncleanable object ------- ; .if SomeObjectNeedReboot invoke wsprintf,offset szUtilsBuff,offset szUncleanNdtrbF,SomeObjectNeedReboot invoke MessageBox,hWin,offset szUtilsBuff,offset szAppName,MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION .if eax==IDYES invoke MessageBox,hWin,offset szPleaseSave,offset szAppName,MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION call DoReboot .endif .endif invoke DestroyWindow,hWin jmp @endl @@: mov uMsg,0 ; <-- reset ; bug fixed .elseif eax==WM_DESTROY ; ------- If Destroy ------- ; invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL .endif @endl: invoke DefWindowProc,hWin,uMsg,wParam,lParam ret WndProc endp align 16 .data .code ; ------- ENTRYPOINT ------- ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; start: ; ------- Entry Point ------- ;| ;/ ;/ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ IFDEF RELEASE ; ------- Initial First ------- ; call AnsavInitFirst call FillJunk ENDIF ; ------- process command line ------- ; call ProcessCommandLine ; ------- Make sure memory is clean ------- ; .if !incmdl .if !NoScanMem call StartCheckMemoryFirst .endif .endif ; ------- Make main window ------- ; .if !incmdl invoke WinMain,hInstance,NULL,CommandLine,SW_SHOWDEFAULT .endif GlobalExit:: ; ------- free last scanned path buffer ------- ; call FreeLastScannedPathBuffer ; ------- free CmdLine buffer ------- ; mov eax,CmdLineScan cmp eax,0 je @F anfree eax @@: ; ------- free exvdb is available ------- ; call CloseExVdb ; ------- if stealth hook, free hook ------- ; call UnStealth ; ------- immune registry ------- ; call RegImmune mov ebx,FreeLibrary ; ------- unload all module ------- ; mov eax,hArcMod .if eax scall ebx,eax .endif mov eax,hFixerMod .if eax scall ebx,eax .endif ; ------- unload plugins ------- ; call CleanupPlugins IFDEF DEBUG ; ------- Log needed ------- ; call CloseLog ENDIF IFDEF ERRORLOG ; ------- Error Log needed ------- ; call CloseErrorLog ENDIF push 0 call ExitProcess end start 10 minutes of reading reveals nothing malicious in that source. its just a gui source file, that inits the gui and has a message loop. it spawns a thread on some autoupdate stuff and the only potentially dangerous are the calls to anything outside that file, that is Scan***file etc. rather have a look in If you downloaded it from some random site, its possible that someone infected it. Ever wanted to call functions in another process? ProcessCall UDFConsole stuff: Console UDFC Preprocessor for AutoIt OMG
trancexx Posted December 4, 2011 Posted December 4, 2011 That's nothing. Where's the rest? The heart. ♡♡♡ . eMyvnE
Skitty Posted December 4, 2011 Author Posted December 4, 2011 That's nothing. Where's the rest? The heart.You're a scary individual, I guess we know who the alien hybrids are around here, I got the source from here, what ever you do, DO NOT run the precompiled binary as it literally deleted every file on my hdd that wasn't locked at a ferocious velocity.
BrewManNH Posted December 4, 2011 Posted December 4, 2011 So, you downloaded a program, that you yourself stated you don't know what it does because you couldn't be bothered to read the source code. Then you ran it on your main computer rather than in a sandbox or virtual machine. Then it deleted everything on your computer that wasn't locked when you ran this unknown program. And you're mad at someone else because you were too lazy/stupid/disinterested to figure out what it would do, and were too stupid to run it in a sandbox/virtual machine, am I getting this right? MvGulik, BigDod and Richard Robertson 3 If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator
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