JRSmile Posted November 9, 2011 Posted November 9, 2011 (edited) Hi there,a long long time ago... i found the time and need to add again something to the examples forum.I'm currently trying to get better in packet analysing and wrote a proove of concept dhcp protocol analyser.its no where near a completed state but just to give you a hint what can be done with winpcap.udf and fighting against bits/bytes and horrorbly written RFCs (http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/rfc/rfc1533.txt , http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/protocol/bootp/options.htm).YOU WILL NEED THE WinPCap - Packet.dll UDF from here: ()expandcollapse popup#region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #endregion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <array.au3> #include <date.au3> #include "Winpcap.au3" $winpcap = _PcapSetup() If ($winpcap = -1) Then MsgBox(16, "Pcap error !", "WinPcap not found !") Exit EndIf $pcap_devices = _PcapGetDeviceList() If ($pcap_devices = -1) Then MsgBox(16, "Pcap error !", _PcapGetLastError()) Exit EndIf For $i = 0 To UBound($pcap_devices) - 1 ;~ ConsoleWrite($pcap_devices[$i][0] & " ==> " & $pcap_devices[$i][1] & @CRLF) Next $dev_ID = $pcap_devices[0][0] $i = 0 $pcap = 0 $packet = 0 $pcapfile = 0 $prom = 1 $filter = "port 67" ; DHCP $pcap = _PcapStartCapture($dev_ID, $filter, $prom) If ($pcap = -1) Then MsgBox(16, "Pcap error !", _PcapGetLastError()) Exit EndIf $linktype = _PcapGetLinkType($pcap) If ($linktype[1] <> "EN10MB") Then MsgBox(16, "Pcap error !", "This example only works for Ethernet captures") Exit EndIf ;~ AdlibRegister("stats", 1000 * 60) While True If IsPtr($pcap) Then ; If $pcap is a Ptr, then the capture is running $time0 = TimerInit() While (TimerDiff($time0) < 500) ; Retrieve packets from queue for maximum 500ms before returning to main loop, not to "hang" the window for user $packet = _PcapGetPacket($pcap) If IsInt($packet) Then ExitLoop $udpdata = _UDP_Parser($packet[3]) $dhcpdata = _DHCP_Parser($udpdata) WEnd EndIf Sleep(1) WEnd _PcapFree() Exit Func Stats() $s = _PcapGetStats($pcap) Local $stats_txt = "" For $a = 1 To UBound($s, 1) - 1 $stats_txt &= $s[$a][1] & ":" & $s[$a][0] & @CRLF Next ConsoleWrite($stats_txt) EndFunc ;==>Stats Func _UDP_Parser($data) If BinaryMid($data, 13, 2) <> "0x0800" Then Return ; Ethertype If BinaryMid($data, 24, 1) <> "0x11" Then Return ; UDP Local $srcip = Number(BinaryMid($data, 27, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($data, 28, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($data, 29, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($data, 30, 1)) Local $dstip = Number(BinaryMid($data, 31, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($data, 32, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($data, 33, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($data, 34, 1)) Local $srcport = Number(BinaryMid($data, 35, 1)) * 256 + Number(BinaryMid($data, 36, 1)) Local $dstport = Number(BinaryMid($data, 37, 1)) * 256 + Number(BinaryMid($data, 38, 1)) Local $udplength = Number(BinaryMid($data, 39, 1)) * 256 + Number(BinaryMid($data, 40, 1)) Local $udpchecksum = Number(BinaryMid($data, 41, 1)) * 256 + Number(BinaryMid($data, 42, 1)) ConsoleWrite($srcip & ":" & $srcport & " ==> " & $dstip & ":" & $dstport & " Length: " & $udplength & @CRLF) Local $udpdata = BinaryMid($data, 43, $udplength) ConsoleWrite($udpdata & @CRLF) Return $udpdata EndFunc ;==>_UDP_Parser Func _DHCP_Parser($udpdata) $op = Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 1, 1)) Switch $op Case 1 ConsoleWrite("Boot Request ") Case 2 ConsoleWrite("Boot Reply ") EndSwitch $htype = Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 2, 1)) Switch $htype Case 1 ConsoleWrite("via Ethernet ") Case 6 ConsoleWrite("via IEEE 802 ") Case 7 ConsoleWrite("via ARCNET ") EndSwitch $hlen = Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 3, 1)) Switch $hlen Case 6 ConsoleWrite("and a Hardware address Length of a MAC address ") Case 2 ConsoleWrite("and an Unknown Hardware address Length ") EndSwitch $hops = Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 4, 1)) Switch $hops Case 0 ConsoleWrite("send directly ") Case Else ConsoleWrite("relayed over " & $hops & " DHCP-Relay-Agents ") EndSwitch $xid = BinaryMid($udpdata, 5, 4) ConsoleWrite("and a transaction ID of " & $xid & " ") $secs = Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 9, 1)) * 256 + Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 10, 1)) ConsoleWrite("waiting since " & $secs & " seconds ") $flags = Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 11, 1)) ; easy implemetation Switch $flags Case 0 ConsoleWrite("with an old IP ") Case 1 ConsoleWrite("without an old IP ") EndSwitch $ciaddr = Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 13, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 14, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 15, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 16, 1)) $yiaddr = Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 17, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 18, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 19, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 20, 1)) $siaddr = Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 21, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 22, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 23, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 24, 1)) $giaddr = Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 25, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 26, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 27, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($udpdata, 28, 1)) ConsoleWrite("ClientIP: " & $ciaddr & " Your IP: " & $yiaddr & " Server IP: " & $siaddr & " Relay-Agent-IP-Adress " & $giaddr & " ") $chaddr = BinaryMid($udpdata, 29, 16) $chaddr_mac = StringTrimLeft(BinaryMid($udpdata, 29, 6), 2) $chaddr_pad = StringTrimLeft(BinaryMid($udpdata, 35, 10), 2) ConsoleWrite("and a client identifier of " & $chaddr & " which results in a client MAC-Address of " & $chaddr_mac & " and padding, ") $sname = StringReplace(BinaryToString(BinaryMid($udpdata, 45, 64)), Chr(0), "") Switch $sname Case "" ConsoleWrite("requesting no special server ") Case Else ConsoleWrite("requesting Server-Name " & $sname & " ") EndSwitch $file = StringReplace(BinaryToString(BinaryMid($udpdata, 109, 128)), Chr(0), "") Switch $file Case "" ConsoleWrite("with no boot-file specified ") Case Else ConsoleWrite("getting following Bootfile '" & $file & "' ") EndSwitch $options = StringReplace(BinaryToString(BinaryMid($udpdata, 237)), Chr(0), "") ConsoleWrite("and the following options: " & $options) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) If BitAND(BinaryMid($udpdata, 237, 4), 0x63825363) Then ; is a DHCP Package ConsoleWrite("DHCP options:" & @CRLF) _DHCP_Options_Parser(BinaryMid($udpdata, 241)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DHCP_Parser Func _DHCP_Options_Parser($options) $i = 1 Do $options_type = Number(BinaryMid($options, $i, 1)) $length = Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 1, 1)) If $options_type = 0 Or $options_type = 255 Then $length = 1 ConsoleWrite("Count: " & $i & " Option Type: " & $options_type & " Packet Length: " & $length & @CRLF) Switch $options_type Case 0 ; padding Case 1 ; Subnetmask $subnetmask = Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 2, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 3, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 4, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 5, 1)) ConsoleWrite("Subnetmask: " & $subnetmask & @CRLF) Case 2 ; time offset $time_offset = Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 2, 4)) ConsoleWrite("Time Offset: " & $time_offset & @CRLF) Case 3 ; Router Option ; not working properly Case 6 ; DNS-Servers $dns_servers_count = $length/4 for $j = 0 to $dns_servers_count-1 $dns_servers = Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 2 + ($j*4), 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 3+ ($j*4), 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 4+ ($j*4), 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 5+ ($j*4), 1)) ConsoleWrite("dns server: " & $dns_servers & @CRLF) Next Case 12; Client Hostname $Host_Name = StringReplace(BinaryToString(BinaryMid($options, $i + 2, $length)), Chr(0), "") ConsoleWrite("Host Name: " & $Host_Name & @CRLF) Case 43 ; Vendor-specific information $vendor_specific_info = StringReplace(BinaryToString(BinaryMid($options, $i + 2, $length)), Chr(0), "") ConsoleWrite("Vendor-specific information: " & $vendor_specific_info & @CRLF) Case 51 ; Address lease time ; not working properly $lease_time = Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 2, 4)) $sNewDate = _DateAdd('s', $lease_time, _NowCalcDate()) ConsoleWrite("Lease Time: " & $sNewDate & @CRLF) Case 53 ; DHCP Message type Switch Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 2, 1)) Case 1 ConsoleWrite("DHCPDISCOVER" & @CRLF) Case 2 ConsoleWrite("DHCPOFFER" & @CRLF) Case 3 ConsoleWrite("DHCPREQUEST" & @CRLF) Case 4 ConsoleWrite("DHCPDECLINE" & @CRLF) Case 5 ConsoleWrite("DHCPACK" & @CRLF) Case 6 ConsoleWrite("DHCPNAK" & @CRLF) Case 7 ConsoleWrite("DHCPRELEASE" & @CRLF) Case 8 ConsoleWrite("DHCPINFORM" & @CRLF) Case Else; Armageddon!!! EndSwitch Case 54 ; Server Identifier $server_identifier = Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 2, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 3, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 4, 1)) & "." & Number(BinaryMid($options, $i + 5, 1)) ConsoleWrite("Server Identifier: " & $server_identifier & @CRLF) Case 55 ; Parameter Request List $parameter_request_list = BinaryMid($options, $i + 2, $length) ConsoleWrite("Parameter Request List: " & $parameter_request_list & @CRLF) Case 60 ; Class-Identifier $class_identifier = StringReplace(BinaryToString(BinaryMid($options, $i + 2, $length)), Chr(0), "") ConsoleWrite("Class-Identifier: " & $class_identifier & @CRLF) Case 61 ; Identifier $identifier = BinaryMid($options, $i + 2, $length) ConsoleWrite("Identifier: " & $identifier & @CRLF) Case 81 ; FQDN $FQDN = StringReplace(BinaryToString(BinaryMid($options, $i + 2, $length)), Chr(0), "") ConsoleWrite("FQDN: " & $FQDN & @CRLF) Case 255 ; end $i = BinaryLen($options) Case Else; Armageddon!!! EndSwitch $i += (2 + $length) Until $i >= BinaryLen($options) ; unclean but prevents the loop from continuing infinite if a counting error occures. Return False ; until everything is in a 2d array..... EndFunc ;==>_DHCP_Options_Parsertraffic.au3 Edited November 9, 2011 by JRSmile $a=StringSplit("547275737420796F757220546563686E6F6C75737421","") For $b=1 To UBound($a)+(-1*-1*-1)step(2^4/8);&$b+=1*2/40*µ&Asc(4) Assign("c",Eval("c")&Chr(Dec($a[$b]&$a[$b+1])));''Chr("a")&"HI" Next ;time_U&r34d,ths,U-may=get$the&c.l.u.e;b3st-regards,JRSmile; MsgBox(0x000000,"",Eval("c"));PiEs:d0nt+*b3.s4d.4ft3r.1st-try:-)
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