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Posted (edited)

I'm using ShellExecuteWait() to call an external command line app that has a ton of .dll and other files. I'm trying to capture any number of errors that occur anywhere in the process. I've attached an example below. These stop my app dead

I've tried an error handler routine I found in the help file, using

Global $g_eventerror = 0    ; to be checked to know if com error occurs. Must be reset after handling.
$oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc")    ; Initialize a COM error handler
ShellExecuteWait ( @ScriptDir  & "mogrify.exe", "-resize 640x480 -quality 80 ..*.jpg")

If $g_eventerror then
    $g_eventerror = 0
  Msgbox (0,"AutoItCOM test","Test passed: We got an error number: " & @error)
  Msgbox (0,"AutoItCOM test","Test failed!")

Func MyErrFunc()

Problem is, it isn't triggered until after I manually close the Windows error message.

Is there any way to trap these, so I can log the culprit and not have my script doesn't die a lonely painful death when it goes into use? :D


Edited by VelvetElvis


Anyone have any thoughts?

I've added a routine - AdlibRegister("CatchErrorMsg")

which catches *some* of the possible errors that occur during ShellExecuteWait(), but there's still one error dialog (when ShellExecuteWait() can't find the file it executes) that causes my script to hang.

Yet if I run a separate test app that looks for the error dialog, it finds it and closes it. But I can't get my app to do this.

As a workaround, I validate that the file exists, but there's so many .dlls that this app uses (ImageMagick) that it's impractical to test for them all, and no guarantee that some other unspecified error dialog won't show.

Anyone know of an error handler to use with ShellExecuteWait() that's more bulletproof? I'm a putz when it comes to this stuff.

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Not sure about a handler specific to ShellExecuteWait(), but if it is throwing Windows errors, could you query the Event Viewer for either the Error Code or the Description? The EventLog udf provides a number of options that may help.

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Posted (edited)

  On 11/10/2011 at 12:44 PM, 'VelvetElvis said:

Yet if I run a separate test app that looks for the error dialog, it finds it and closes it. But I can't get my app to do this.

You are using ShellExecuteWait() so logic dictates the script is waiting for the app to end. Try ShellExecute() instead. Edited by AdmiralAlkex
Posted (edited)

  On 11/10/2011 at 9:33 PM, 'JLogan3o13 said:

Not sure about a handler specific to ShellExecuteWait(), but if it is throwing Windows errors, could you query the Event Viewer for either the Error Code or the Description? The EventLog udf provides a number of options that may help.

Thank you! I'm not familiar with this UDF. I'll have to check it out. The only problem is there are a myriad of different possible errors, due to the huge amount of dependencies of the executable I'm calling.

Edited by VelvetElvis

  On 11/10/2011 at 11:43 PM, 'AdmiralAlkex said:

You are using ShellExecuteWait() so logic dictates the script is waiting for the app to end. Try ShellExecute() instead.


I was under the impression, mistaken, I guess, that AdlibRegister() would always fire regardless of what the rest of the script was doing, but that doesn't appear to be the case.

If I use ShellExecute, how can I tell when the external app has finished?


OK, I tried switching from ShellExecuteWait() to ShellExecute(). Here's some pretty generic test code.

The script hangs at ShellExecute() and doesn't close the error message. :D

Can anyone tell me why this is hanging? I realize I can test for the file before running, but I want to know why I can't close this Windows error message. I need to be able to deal with all errors.

#include <File.au3>
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ; Should catch "missingfile.exe" anywhere in the window title

ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\missingfile.exe", "", "", Default, @SW_HIDE)
MsgBox(0, "", "Done")
; ***********************************************************
Func CatchErrorMsg() ; Try to trap errors occurring during ShellExecuteWait()
If WinExists("missingfile.exe") Then ; This window exists!
  MsgBox(0, "", WinGetText("missingfile.exe"))
EndFunc   ;==>CatchErrorMsg

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