NutCracker Posted November 8, 2011 Posted November 8, 2011 Hi , I am trying to create a File Tracker to track the file for containing Text(s). My file is a continuously growing log file , so i need the tracker to not to stop and continue even after EOF is reached. Means the Tracker should not stop anytime unless user says it so by closing it and continue monitoring the log file. The Attached code works , but after sometime it gets into paused state .. which i dont know why. The Program accepts file name as command line input(As it is invoked from another programme). Thanks !!temp.au3
NutCracker Posted November 9, 2011 Author Posted November 9, 2011 Pasting the code : #include<array.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> ;$filename = StringReplace($cmdline[1],"'"," ") $filename = $cmdline[1] ; to accept file names having space in between for $i = 2 to UBound($cmdline) - 1 $filename = $filename & " " & $cmdline[$i] Next ;MsgBox(0,"file",$filename) $filehandle = FileOpen($filename) ;$filehandle = FileOpenDialog("","","") ; get input from user $searchinput =InputBox("Enter Search Items","Enter Items in csv format to search multiple items" & @CR & "e.g. TORD1040592755,PHX01040583939,CreateDFOrder","") ;ConsoleWrite($searchinput & @CR) $searcharray=StringSplit($searchinput,",",2) $line = "" ; read line by line Local $matchArray[65535][2] ;Local $insertitem[1][2] $linecount = 1 $aArray=0 $arraycount=0 ;code for gui creation Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) GuiCreate("Tracking - " & StringTrimLeft($filename,StringLen($filename)-23), 400,230) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "CLOSE") GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) $editbox=GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 5,5,390,170,$ES_MULTILINE+$ES_WANTRETURN+$ES_AUTOVSCROLL+$WS_VSCROLL+$ES_READONLY) $slider = GuiCtrlCreateSlider(5, 195, 200) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetTrans") GUICtrlSetData (-1, 100) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Transparency",70,180) Func SetTrans() ConsoleWrite(GuiCtrlRead($slider) & "%" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(GuiCtrlRead($slider) * 2.55 & @CRLF) WinSetTrans("", "", GuiCtrlRead($slider) * 2.55) EndFunc Func CLOSE() Exit 0 EndFunc ;end code for gui creation While True $line = FileReadLine($filehandle) ;ConsoleWrite($line) if @error = -1 Then ConsoleWrite("EOF") sleep(100) Else for $j = 0 to UBound($searcharray) - 1 if(StringInStr($line,$searcharray[$j])) > 0 Then GuiCtrlsetdata($editbox,$searcharray[$j] & " found at line # " & $linecount & @CRLF,1) EndIf ;Next Next $linecount = $linecount+1 EndIf WEnd
Spiff59 Posted November 9, 2011 Posted November 9, 2011 (edited) Hmm... I was suspecting that the integrity of the file pointer might not be maintained after a massive number of EOF reads, but after stripping out some of the fluff, this ran for an hour and still detected new matches added to the target file: expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GUIListBox.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> ;Global $filename = $cmdline[1] Global $linecount, $listcount, $filename = @ScriptDir & "test.log" ; get input from user $searchinput =InputBox("Enter Search Items","Enter Items in csv format to search multiple items" & @CR & "e.g. TORD1040592755,PHX01040583939,CreateDFOrder","") $searcharray=StringSplit($searchinput,",") ; GUI ============================================================================================================================== GuiCreate("Tracking - " & StringTrimLeft($filename, StringInStr($filename, "", 0, -1)), 400, 230) $ListBox = GuiCtrlCreateList("", 5,5,390,170, BitOR($WS_BORDER, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "CLOSE") ; MAIN ============================================================================================================================= $filehandle = FileOpen($filename) While True $line = FileReadLine($filehandle) if @error = -1 Then ; EOF ToolTip("EOF") ; test sleep(50) ; test ToolTip("") ; test sleep(50) Else $linecount += 1 for $j = 1 to $searcharray[0] If StringInStr($line,$searcharray[$j]) > 0 Then Beep(800,50) ; test GuiCtrlsetdata($ListBox,$searcharray[$j] & " found at line # " & $linecount) _GUICtrlListBox_SetTopIndex($ListBox, $listcount) $listcount += 1 EndIf Next EndIf WEnd FileClose($filehandle) Exit ; SUBROUTINES +===================================================================================================================== Func CLOSE() Exit 0 EndFunc It is functionally no different than yours, so I'm at a loss as to the cause of your issue Edited November 9, 2011 by Spiff59
NutCracker Posted November 9, 2011 Author Posted November 9, 2011 Spiff59, This almost satisfies my needs , will modify it to look better Thanks..!!
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