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Hello All!

I followed the tutorial here: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/tutorials/winzip/winzip.htm

and I was able to get a working script for a very simple setup file. When I right click and execute the script it run without issue. However, when I compile the script to exe and run it, it just hangs. The install does not look like it is firing off and the AutoIT icon just sits there in the system tray.

Here is the script I created:

WinWaitActive("Gupta Runtime 4.0 - InstallShield Wizard", "will install Gupta Runtime")
Send ("!n")
WinWaitActive("Gupta Runtime 4.0 - InstallShield Wizard", "Click Next to install to this folder")
Send ("!n")
WinWaitActive("Gupta Runtime 4.0 - InstallShield Wizard", " ready to begin installation")
Send ("!i")
WinWaitActive("Gupta Runtime 4.0 - InstallShield Wizard", "has successfully installed")
Send ("!f")

Any ideas as to why when it gets compiled it doesn't seem to work?

Thanks in advance for your help!

- Dustin


It looks like you go to run the exe and it is stopping at WinWaitActive. Therefore, either you have the installer spelled incorrectly or your script is not in the same directory as the installer.

#include <ByteMe.au3>


Well imagine that. I didn't know the exe needed to be in the same directory as the setup file. For some reason I thought it wrapped the setup file into the exe file. My autoit learning experience is already off to a good start!

Thanks a ton for the help. I can tell this community is going to be a great resource.

- Dustin


You can wrap toyr install inside your AutoIt exe using FileInstall() :D

The first parameter for FileInstall is the Location of the on your HD (before compiling the script so autoit knows where to get the file from to add it to your exe) the 2nd prameter is where do you want the file to install to when a user runs your script :oops:



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