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Hi all

I'm not experienced with you using ObjCreate . , I have this code below which runs fine but doesn't return any value or throw up any errors, Can someone tell me where i am going wrong ?

Thanks in advance


$Num = GetPagesCount($File)

func GetPagesCount($target); count pages
    $AcroPDDoc = ObjCreate("AcroExch.PDDoc")
    if @error then return -1
    $bPDF = $AcroPDDoc.Open($target)
    if @error then return -2
    $Pages= $AcroPDDoc.GetNumPages
    $bPDF = $AcroPDDoc.Close
    return $pages

Firefox's secret is the same as Jessica Simpson's: its effortless, glamorous style is the result of — shhh — extensions!


Actually, it does return an error for me. It is the -1 (which I have replaced with another number to make sure it is stopping at that point). Therefore, for me, it was not creating the object. I looked online and found this discussion:


In there, they say you must have Acrobat Writer installed to be able to create the AcroExch.PDDoc object. Do you have the needed software installed on your system?

#include <ByteMe.au3>


".. they say you must have Acrobat Writer installed to be able to create the AcroExch.PDDoc object .."

The productname is Adobe Acrobat (professional or standard, however a $$$ product) and yes it must be installed to use AcroExch... object. If you only want the page count you can use a freeware commandline tool like pdfTk or you can do it with poor autoIt code, reading the pagenumber direct from the pdf-objects.

HTH, Reinhard

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