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Posted (edited)

ICU - Icon Configuration Utility


Current Version: v6 (2018-Sep-16)

Restore your desktop when the icons get "rearranged".

Melba23 and I found we were working on very similar ideas to restore the Desktop icons to their normal place if they became "rearranged" (

). Vista seems to like this doing on occasion just for fun - but we all know some apps and games which change the display resolution or move icons around. This annoys "tidy" people who like their desktops arranged "just so" - I am particularly thinking of this desktop when I say that! :D

We combined efforts and here is the result of our labors.

Operation is easy - press "Save" to store a particular configuration and "Restore" to reset the icons to the saved positions in the selected configuration file. "Delete" allows you to remove unwanted configuration files from the list. There is a command line option so that the restoration can be run via HotKeys if required (that is why the script warns that it should be compiled for full functionality). You can decide what to do with any icons that have been added since you last saved the configuration file - the default is to put them in the top-left corner, but you can also banish them way off-screen or, more sensibly, specify a location for them.

A new feature as of ICU v3.4 is the optional Desktop Contextmenu Integration (DCI) for Win7 (Win7 only because Microsoft implemented an easy way to do this through the registry as of this release).

Version 3.3 should fix the empty save file bug

Version 3.4 Win7: Admin rights no longer needed for DCI

Version 5.0 Win8 compatibility for DCI

The source and executable can be downloaded from my site: http://www.funk.eu

Kudos to Ascend4nt, Melba23, Prog@ndy, & Valik for parts of the code.

Please let me know if you found some piece of code in the source for which I forgot to mention a credit.

Enjoy, let me know what you think of ICU and with Best Regards

Edited by KaFu
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


I used WinTidy for restoring desktop icons all the time but it doesn't work on Win7.

So I will try this your utility definitely.

This week it was mentioned also on Czech main technical site which is one of the most accessed sites here:



You can look at it in English trough online Google translator :-)



EDIT: It's mentioned there no matter of missing Czech translation so it's great success!

Edited by Zedna

Once again, thanks for sharing! :D

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I may have the Artistic Liesense ;) to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)


  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...


thank you for this great tool.

May I raise a RFC?

I downloaded your source and added a msgbox autolose option.

In the ICU.INI I added


The MsgBox_AutoClose is added to all MsgBox calls.


MsgBox(16 + 262144, $sGUITitle & " - Error _Save_Locations_Desktop()", "Desktop Window Handle not found.",$MsgBox_AutoClose)

Does this make sense for you?I use the ICU in an unattended way. (maybe no msgbox at all also an option when started from commandline?)

Anyway, I spread already your tool and the word. And all of the users are happy, to get a weapon against the Funny-MS-occasional-time-desktop-Icon-rearrangements now.

  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

Well, after exactly one year here's the latest update on ICU...

2013-Jan-11, Changelog 3.5 > 4.0

  • Added new method for “Unkown Icon” handling: Top-Left|Bottom-Right|Custom Position|Ask per Icon|Off-Screen
  • "Custom Position" and "Ask per Icon" now work by selecting new position with mouse
  • Added new command line parameters (see “About” in program for details): restore, autosave, save, savereplace
  • Replaced several MsgBoxes with Tray Notifications
  • Added “Duplicate” config function
  • Enhanced config list right-click contextmenu with some functions
Source and Executable are available at


Enjoy :) and Best Regards

Edited by KaFu
  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

2013-May-24, Changelog 4.0 > 5.0

  • Improved Win8 compatibility (esp. Desktop Contextmenu Integration / DCI)
  • Added "minimized" command line switch (to start GUI minimized to tray / autostart with windows), see program "About" for details on command line switches
  • Added Tray Menu (esp. useful for Win XP) > see "minimized" switch. Also pressing ESC or minimizing the program will send ICU to the system tray now
  • Added "toggle" command line switch
  • Added "restore %resolution%" and "savereplace %resolution%" command line switches


Source and Executable are available at

Enjoy :) and Best Regards

Edited by KaFu
Posted (edited)
  • 1 year later...


I've made a small improvement to this tool, but I don't know the proper etiquette for incorporating it. What I did was to add an element to the .ini file to store the most recently used configuration name. Then the next time the user wants to save the current icon configuration, that last used name is pre-set in the name field, allowing that name to be reused without having to look up that name manually. I use this all the time because I see no need to create a new name simply because I've moved an icon or two.

I've attached the revised source file only...


Thanks for the great tool!

ICU - Icon Configuration Utility v6.1.0.0.zip


Hi Mbee, good addition 👍, added to the Beta. Next release will also contain a context menu entry to directly "Update" existing save file, as well as dealing with negative offsets in multi-monitor environments.

  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)




In next verison, in file ICU - Icon Configuration Utility v6.au3 please add fix

1) Stroke 242-244


        GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("|No Layouts saved", $c_Listview_Configs)
        GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Restore, $GUI_DISABLE)
        GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Delete, $GUI_DISABLE)


        GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("|No Layouts saved", $c_Listview_Configs)
        GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Restore, $GUI_DISABLE)
        GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Delete, $GUI_DISABLE)
        GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Duplicate, $GUI_DISABLE)

2) Stroke 837-841


    ; Reset GUI
    GUICtrlSetData($c_Label_State, "Ready")
    GUICtrlSetBkColor($c_Label_State, $i_Color_LimeGreen)
    GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Restore, $GUI_ENABLE)
    GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Delete, $GUI_ENABLE)


    GUICtrlSetData($c_Label_State, "Ready")
    GUICtrlSetBkColor($c_Label_State, $i_Color_LimeGreen)
    GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Restore, $GUI_ENABLE)
    GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Delete, $GUI_ENABLE)
    GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Duplicate, $GUI_ENABLE)

3) Stroke 1119-1121


        GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("|No Layouts saved", $c_Listview_Configs)
        GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Restore, $GUI_DISABLE)
        GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Delete, $GUI_DISABLE)


        GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("|No Layouts saved", $c_Listview_Configs)
        GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Restore, $GUI_DISABLE)
        GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Delete, $GUI_DISABLE)
        GUICtrlSetState($c_Button_Duplicate, $GUI_DISABLE)

Without this fix, button Duplicate not correctly work (enable or disable button when not config "icf" files)

Thank You!


Edited by SharkyEXE
  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi KaFu!

I first want to thank you for your amazing utility!  I ran across it trying to figure out how to do the same thing myself... so you saved me a lot of work!

Now for my next point.... I attempted to automate your program to autosave at start up. In my testing I ran across a bit of a bug I thought I should mention.

So cmdline autosave works great (thanks for the feature by the way). However when I had multiple autosaves and tried to restore with cmdline restore 1 or 2 etc. I realized it wasn't working. But would only restore the first autosave.  I'm not very fluent in coding, but after much time figuring out what exactly some of your code did (much of it is way over my head) I figured out what was wrong (maybe?) .... I see in your restore cmdline section you have two ways available -- the first for numbers and the second for restoring by name. (Right?)

What is going wrong is on line 472 you have

If IsInt ($__cmdline [2]) Then

but for whatever reason the cmdline variable is considered a string (as far as I can tell?) So IsInt always returns 0... thus always going to your name search method (line 482) which searches for a string. But 90% of the time when restoring by cmdline number, it's going to match the first auto save since they are all numbers .... so to fix this on my project I just changed line 472 to

If IsInt (Number ($__cmdline [2])) then

but I think that defeats your purpose for the "IsInt"?? (I'm not 100% clear on the "number" function)  so my method 2 would be to change the string search on line 482 to limited to the first three digits If the variable contains only digits (regex?) Which I think should work okay? But I can't help but think there is a way to make the cmdline variable be recognized as a digit to begin with?
Anyway just wanted to notify you of my findings.  Sorry for the long windedness... and lack of knowledge on a fix...


Edited by donnyh13
further understanding of the code.

LibreOffice UDF  ; Scite4AutoIt Spell-Checker Using LibreOffice


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  • 2 weeks later...

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