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description: search image in desktop / picture.

not require dll. :D

include: myImageSearch.au3

#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
; #INDEX# =======================================================================================================================
; Title .........: myImageSearch
; AutoIt Version:
; Script Version: 1.0 (31.10.2011)
; Language: English, Polski.
; Description: Search image.
; ===============================================================================================================================
; #CURRENT# =====================================================================================================================
; myImageSearch_Desktop
; myImageSearch_Picture
; ===============================================================================================================================
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: myImageSearch_Desktop
; Description ...: Znajdz obrazek na pulpicie.
; Syntax.........: myImageSearch_Desktop($Image, $x = 0, $y = 0, $iIW = @DesktopWidth, $iIH = @DesktopHeight, $TransColorRGB = '', $OnlyFirst = True)
; Parameters ....: $Image - znajdz obrazek: adres do szuaknego obrazka, lub bitmapa (format .bmp 24-bit)
; $x - lewe koordynaty [Default is 0 (pierwszy pixel).]
; $y - gorne koordynaty. [Default is 0 (pierwszy pixel).]
; $iIW - prawe koordynaty. [Default is @DesktopWidth.]
; $iIH - dolne koordynaty. [Default is @DesktopHeight.]
; $TransColorRGB - Kolor przezroczystosci / Ignorowany kolor. Musi byc string i format RGB. a.g: "0xFFFFFF".[Default is "".]
; $OnlyFirst - [Default is True.]
; |True = Success: Zwraca tablice 2-elementowa z koordynatami.
; $array[0] = x koordynaty
; $array[1] = y koordynaty
; |False = Success: Zwraca 2D tablice z koordynatami.
; $array[0][0] = 1st x coordinate
; $array[0][1] = 1st y coordinate
; $array[1][0] = 2nd x coordinate
; $array[1][1] = 2nd y coordinate
; $array[3][0] = 3rd x coordinate
; $array[3][1] = 3rd y coordinate
; $array[n][0] = nth x coordinate
; $array[n][1] = nth y coordinate
; UWAGA: Jesli uzyjesz "False" to max obszar przeszukiwania moze wynosic 800x600 pixeli, lub ekwiwalent max 480.000 pixeli!!!
; Nie wiecej.
; Return values . : On Success - Zwrot tablica 2-elementowa z koordynatami lub 2D tablica z koordynatami.
; On Failure - @Error = 1 - Sciezka do pliku jest bledna, lub bitmapa/obrazek jest bledna.
; @Error = 2 - Obrazka nie znaleziono (na pulpicie).
; ===============================================================================================================================
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: myImageSearch_Desktop
; Description ...: Image search in desktop.
; Syntax.........: myImageSearch_Desktop($Image, $x = 0, $y = 0, $iIW = @DesktopWidth, $iIH = @DesktopHeight, $TransColorRGB = '', $OnlyFirst = True)
; Parameters ....: $Image - search image: string adress for file, or bitmat (format .bmp 24-bit)
; $x - left coordinate. [Default is 0 (first pixel).]
; $y - top coordinate. [Default is 0 (first pixel).]
; $iIW - right coordinate. [Default is @DesktopWidth.]
; $iIH - bottom coordinate. [Default is @DesktopHeight.]
; $TransColorRGB - Color transparancy / Ignore color. Must be string and format RGB. a.g: "0xFFFFFF".[Default is "".]
; $OnlyFirst - [Default is True.]
; |True = Success: Returns a two-element array coordinates.
; $array[0] = x coordinate
; $array[1] = y coordinate
; |False = Success: Returns a 2D array coordinates.
; $array[0][0] = 1st x coordinate
; $array[0][1] = 1st y coordinate
; $array[1][0] = 2nd x coordinate
; $array[1][1] = 2nd y coordinate
; $array[3][0] = 3rd x coordinate
; $array[3][1] = 3rd y coordinate
; $array[n][0] = nth x coordinate
; $array[n][1] = nth y coordinate
; ATTENTION: If u use "False" max area for search must be 800x600 pixels, or equivalent maximal 480.000 pixels!!!
; No more.
; Return values . : On Success - Returns two-element array coordinates, or 2D array coordinates.
; On Failure - @Error = 1 - Path not found or invalid image/bitmap.
; @Error = 2 - Image not exist (in desktop).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func myImageSearch_Desktop($Image, $x = 0, $y = 0, $iIW = @DesktopWidth, $iIH = @DesktopHeight, $TransColorRGB = '', $OnlyFirst = True)
Local $hBMP, $hImage1, $aReturn, $error, $i
$hBMP = _ScreenCapture_Capture("", $x, $y, $iIW + $x, $iIH + $y, False)
$hImage1 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($hBMP)
$aReturn = myImageSearch_Picture($hImage1, $Image, 0, 0, $iIW, $iIH, $TransColorRGB, $OnlyFirst)
$error = @error
Switch $error
Case 0
If $OnlyFirst Then
$aReturn[0] += $x
$aReturn[1] += $y
For $i = 0 To UBound($aReturn, 1) - 1
$aReturn[$i][0] += $x
$aReturn[$i][1] += $y
Return $aReturn
Case 2
Return SetError(1, 1, '')
Case Else
Return SetError(2, 2, '')
EndFunc ;==>myImageSearch_Desktop
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: myImageSearch_Picture
; Description ...: Znajdz obrazek na obrazku.
; Syntax.........: myImageSearch_Picture($hImage1, $hImage2, $x = 0, $y = 0, $iIW = 0, $iIH = 0, $TransColorRGB = '', $OnlyFirst = True)
; Parameters ....: $hImage1 - bazowy obrazek: adres do szuaknego obrazka, lub bitmapa (format .bmp 24-bit)
; $hImage2 - znajdz obrazek: adres do szuaknego obrazka, lub bitmapa (format .bmp 24-bit)
; $x - lewe koordynaty [Default is 0 (pierwszy pixel).]
; $y - gorne koordynaty. [Default is 0 (pierwszy pixel).]
; $iIW - prawe koordynaty. [Default is 0 (0 to ostani pixel (caly obrazek).]
; $iIH - dolne koordynaty. [Default is 0 (0 to ostani pixel (caly obrazek).]
; $TransColorRGB - Kolor przezroczystosci / Ignorowany kolor. Musi byc string i format RGB. a.g: "0xFFFFFF".[Default is "".]
; $OnlyFirst - [Default is True.]
; |True = Success: Zwraca tablice 2-elementowa z koordynatami.
; $array[0] = x koordynaty
; $array[1] = y koordynaty
; |False = Success: Zwraca 2D tablice z koordynatami.
; $array[0][0] = 1st x coordinate
; $array[0][1] = 1st y coordinate
; $array[1][0] = 2nd x coordinate
; $array[1][1] = 2nd y coordinate
; $array[3][0] = 3rd x coordinate
; $array[3][1] = 3rd y coordinate
; $array[n][0] = nth x coordinate
; $array[n][1] = nth y coordinate
; UWAGA: Jesli uzyjesz "False" to max obszar przeszukiwania moze wynosic 800x600 pixeli, lub ekwiwalent max 480.000 pixeli!!!
; Nie wiecej.
; Return values . : On Success - Zwrot tablica 2-elementowa z koordynatami lub 2D tablica z koordynatami.
; On Failure - @Error = 1 - 1 sciezka do pliku jest bledna, lub bitmapa/obrazek jest bledna.
; @Error = 2 - 2 sciezka do pliku jest bledna, lub bitmapa/obrazek jest bledna.
; @Error = 3 - Obrazka nie znaleziono (na obrazku).
; ===============================================================================================================================
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: myImageSearch_Picture
; Description ...: Image search in picture.
; Syntax.........: myImageSearch_Picture($hImage1, $hImage2, $x = 0, $y = 0, $iIW = 0, $iIH = 0, $TransColorRGB = '', $OnlyFirst = True)
; Parameters ....: $hImage1 - base image: string adress for file, or bitmat (format .bmp 24-bit)
; $hImage2 - search image: string adress for file, or bitmat (format .bmp 24-bit)
; $x - left coordinate. [Default is 0 (first pixel).]
; $y - top coordinate. [Default is 0 (first pixel).]
; $iIW - right coordinate. [Default is 0 (0 is last pixel (full imege).]
; $iIH - bottom coordinate. [Default is 0 (0 is last pixel (full imege).]
; $TransColorRGB - Color transparancy / Ignore color. Must be string and format RGB. a.g: "0xFFFFFF".[Default is "".]
; $OnlyFirst - [Default is True.]
; |True = Success: Returns a two-element array coordinates.
; $array[0] = x coordinate
; $array[1] = y coordinate
; |False = Success: Returns a 2D array coordinates.
; $array[0][0] = 1st x coordinate
; $array[0][1] = 1st y coordinate
; $array[1][0] = 2nd x coordinate
; $array[1][1] = 2nd y coordinate
; $array[3][0] = 3rd x coordinate
; $array[3][1] = 3rd y coordinate
; $array[n][0] = nth x coordinate
; $array[n][1] = nth y coordinate
; ATTENTION: If u use "False" max area for search must be 800x600 pixels, or equivalent maximal 480.000 pixels!!!
; No more.
; Return values . : On Success - Returns two-element array coordinates, or 2D array coordinates.
; On Failure - @Error = 1 - 1st path not found or invalid image/bitmap.
; @Error = 2 - 2nd path not found or invalid image/bitmap.
; @Error = 3 - Image not exist (in picture).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func myImageSearch_Picture($hImage1, $hImage2, $x = 0, $y = 0, $iIW = 0, $iIH = 0, $TransColorRGB = '', $OnlyFirst = True)
Local $testiIW, $testiIH
Local $hBitmap1, $Reslt, $width, $height, $stride, $format, $Scan0
Local $iIW_2, $iIH_2, $hBitmap2, $Reslt2, $width2, $height2, $stride2, $format2, $Scan02
Local $sREResult1, $sREResult2, $sREResult3
If IsString($hImage1) Then
$hImage1 = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($hImage1)
$testiIW = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage1)
$testiIH = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage1)
If $hImage2 = "" Or $testiIW = 0 Or $testiIH = 0 Then
Return SetError(1, 1, '')
If $iIW = 0 Or $testiIW < $iIW Then $iIW = $testiIW
If $iIH = 0 Or $testiIH < $iIH Then $iIH = $testiIH
$hBitmap1 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea($hImage1, 0, 0, $iIW, $iIH, $GDIP_PXF32ARGB)
$Reslt = _GDIPlus_BitmapLockBits($hBitmap1, $x, $y, $iIW - $x, $iIH - $y, BitOR($GDIP_ILMREAD, $GDIP_ILMWRITE), $GDIP_PXF32ARGB)
$width = DllStructGetData($Reslt, "width")
$height = DllStructGetData($Reslt, "height")
$stride = DllStructGetData($Reslt, "stride")
$format = DllStructGetData($Reslt, "format")
$Scan0 = DllStructGetData($Reslt, "Scan0")
$sREResult1 = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $height * $width * 4 & "]", $Scan0); Create DLL structure for all pixels
$sREResult1 = DllStructGetData($sREResult1, 1)
_GDIPlus_BitmapUnlockBits($hBitmap1, $Reslt); releases the locked region
If IsString($hImage2) Then
$hImage2 = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($hImage2)
$iIW_2 = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage2)
$iIH_2 = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage2)
If $hImage2 = "" Or $iIW_2 = 0 Or $iIH_2 = 0 Then
Return SetError(2, 2, '')
$hBitmap2 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea($hImage2, 0, 0, $iIW_2, $iIH_2, $GDIP_PXF32ARGB)
$Reslt2 = _GDIPlus_BitmapLockBits($hBitmap2, 0, 0, $iIW_2, $iIH_2, BitOR($GDIP_ILMREAD, $GDIP_ILMWRITE), $GDIP_PXF32ARGB)
$width2 = DllStructGetData($Reslt2, "width")
$height2 = DllStructGetData($Reslt2, "height")
$stride2 = DllStructGetData($Reslt2, "stride")
$format2 = DllStructGetData($Reslt2, "format")
$Scan02 = DllStructGetData($Reslt2, "Scan0")
$sREResult2 = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $height2 * $width2 * 4 & "]", $Scan02); Create DLL structure for all pixels
$sREResult2 = DllStructGetData($sREResult2, 1)
_GDIPlus_BitmapUnlockBits($hBitmap2, $Reslt2); releases the locked region
$sREResult1 = StringTrimLeft($sREResult1, 2)
$sREResult2 = StringTrimLeft($sREResult2, 2)
If IsString($TransColorRGB) Then ; ignore color
$TransColorRGB = StringRegExpReplace($TransColorRGB, "0x(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})", "\3\2\1FF")
If $TransColorRGB Then
$sREResult2 = StringRegExpReplace($sREResult2, "(.{8})", "\1 ")
$sREResult2 = StringReplace($sREResult2, $TransColorRGB, "........")
$sREResult2 = StringReplace($sREResult2, " ", "")
;ConsoleWrite($sREResult2 & @CRLF)
$sREResult2 = StringRegExpReplace($sREResult2, "(.{" & $iIW_2 * 8 & "})", "\\Q\1\\E.\{" & ($iIW - $iIW_2) * 8 & "\}")
$sREResult2 = StringTrimRight($sREResult2, StringLen(($iIW - $iIW_2) * 8) + 3)
;ConsoleWrite($sREResult2 & @CRLF)
If $TransColorRGB Then
$sREResult2 = StringReplace($sREResult2, "........", "\E........\Q")
$sREResult2 = StringReplace($sREResult2, "\Q\E", "")
$sREResult2 = StringRegExpReplace($sREResult2, "([.}{\w]*)([\\].*[E])([.}{\w]*)", "\2") ; obcina kropki
;ConsoleWrite($sREResult2 & @CRLF)
If $OnlyFirst Then
$sREResult2 = '(?i)(.*?)' & $sREResult2 & ".*"
;ConsoleWrite($sREResult2 & @CRLF)
$sREResult3 = StringRegExpReplace($sREResult1, $sREResult2, "\1") ; test pathern ("first")
If Not @extended Then Return SetError(3, 3, '') ; extendet zero to nie znaleziono nic
$sREResult3 = StringLen($sREResult3) / 8
Local $pozycja_Y = Int($sREResult3 / $iIW) + $y
Local $pozycja_X = Int($sREResult3 - $pozycja_Y * $iIW) + ($y * $iIW)
Local $aReturn[2] = [$pozycja_X, $pozycja_Y]
$sREResult2 = '(?i)(.*?)(' & $sREResult2 & ".*?)" ; wersja dla wielu winikow
;ConsoleWrite($sREResult2 & @CRLF)
$sREResult3 = StringRegExp($sREResult1, $sREResult2, 3) ; test pathern ("mulit")
If @error Or Not IsArray($sREResult3) Then Return SetError(3, 3, '')
Local $ile = UBound($sREResult3)
Local $i
Local $aReturn[$ile / 2][2]
Local $sREResult4 = 0
Local $pozycja_Y
Local $pozycja_X
For $i = 0 To $ile - 1 Step 2
$sREResult4 += StringLen($sREResult3[$i]) / 8
If $i > 0 Then $sREResult4 += StringLen($sREResult3[$i + 1]) / 8
$pozycja_Y = Int($sREResult4 / $iIW) + $y
$pozycja_X = Int($sREResult4 - $pozycja_Y * $iIW) + ($y * $iIW)
$aReturn[$i / 2][0] = $pozycja_X
$aReturn[$i / 2][1] = $pozycja_Y
Return $aReturn
EndFunc ;==>myImageSearch_Picture


#include <array.au3>
#include <myImageSearch.au3>
;Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)
;########## test 1 Desktop ##########
Global $pozycja1
Global $time1
Global $ImageSearch = @ScriptDir & "\recycle.bmp"
Global $x = 0
Global $y = 0
Global $w = @DesktopWidth
Global $h = @DesktopHeight
Global $ColorTrans = ''
Global $mOnlyFirst = True
$time1 = TimerInit()
$pozycja1 = myImageSearch_Desktop($ImageSearch, $x, $y, $w, $h, $ColorTrans, $mOnlyFirst)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("sorry image not exist" & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite("time 1: " & TimerDiff($time1) / 1000 & ' sek.' & @CRLF)
If IsArray($pozycja1) Then
;########## test 2 Scren ##########
Global $pozycja2
Global $time2
Global $ImageBazowe = @ScriptDir & "\where is wally.bmp"
Global $ImageSearch = @ScriptDir & "\wanted wally.bmp"
Global $x = 0
Global $y = 0
Global $w = 0
Global $h = 0
Global $ColorTrans = "0x00ffff"
Global $mOnlyFirst = False ;False = search more image, but not all..,
; ;If u use "False" max area for search must be 800x600 pixels,
; ;or equivalent maximal 480.000 pixels!!!
; ;No more.
; ;Recommended is "True"
$time2 = TimerInit()
$pozycja2 = myImageSearch_Picture($ImageBazowe, $ImageSearch, $x, $y, $w, $h, $ColorTrans, $mOnlyFirst)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("sorry image not exist" & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite("time 2: " & TimerDiff($time2) / 1000 & ' sek.' & @CRLF)
If IsArray($pozycja2) Then


myImageSearch (Examples).au3


where is wally.bmp

wanted wally.bmp

  • 2 months later...

nice work. Finally something which seems to be able to find more pictures then just one, do I understand it right? You just could try to write comments in english man :)

  • 2 months later...

hello pal, i am try to make a loop of your way, but no luck, could you please take a look and tell me whats happening...

#include <array.au3>
#include <myImageSearch.au3>
func exittheprog ()
HotKeySet( "{F10}", "exittheprog" )
while 1


;########## Number0 ##########
Global $Number0
Global $time1
Global $ImageSearch = @ScriptDir & "images0.bmp"
Global $x = 0
Global $y = 0
Global $w = @DesktopWidth
Global $h = @DesktopHeight
Global $ColorTrans = ''
Global $mOnlyFirst = True
$time1 = TimerInit()
$Number0 = myImageSearch_Desktop($ImageSearch, $x, $y, $w, $h, $ColorTrans, $mOnlyFirst)
If @error Then ConsoleWrite("sorry image not exist" & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite("time 1: " & TimerDiff($time1) / 1000 & ' sek.' & @CRLF)
If IsArray($Number0) Then
send ("0")
Send ("{ENTER}")
Posted (edited)

hello pal, i am try to make a loop of your way, but no luck, could you please take a look and tell me whats happening...

maybe u have wrong format.

create picture:

#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
_ScreenCapture_Capture(@ScriptDir & "testscren.bmp", 100, 100, 120 , 120)


#include <myImageSearch.au3>
HotKeySet("{F10}", "exittheprog")
Global $Number0
Global $Error
Global $ImageSearch = @ScriptDir & "testscren.bmp"
While 1
$Number0 = myImageSearch_Desktop($ImageSearch)
$Error = @error
If $Error Then ConsoleWrite("sorry image not exist. Error nr:" & $Error & @CRLF)
If IsArray($Number0) Then
  ConsoleWrite("Pos: " & $Number0[0] & " : " & $Number0[1] & @CRLF)
  MouseMove($Number0[0], $Number0[1])
Func exittheprog()
EndFunc   ;==>exittheprog
Edited by akurakkauaaa
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...


What about can this work with IE? like for example capture an flash object, which could be a upload buttons. If it does not work with IE, any thought about integrate with it IE?

This will be greatly useful.

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

of course my is slow. but has more option.


Probably it's slow... but it works quite well, but I found a strange behavior: when I look for an image (actually, an icon) at the desktop, using '_ImageSearch_Desktop' function, it doesn't find it, but when I look for the same icon in a specific area of the desktop, using following code (yeah, it's derived from yours!):

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _ImageSearch_Position
; Description ...: Image search in a position of the desktop, according to provided width and height
; Syntax.........: _ImageSearch_Position($Image, $Position, $Width, $Height, $TransColorRGB = '')
; Parameters ....: $Image - search image: string address for file, or bitmap (format .bmp 24-bit)
;                  $Position - topleft, topcenter, topright, middleleft, center (default), middleright, bottomleft, bottomcenter, bottomright
;                  $Width - width of searching area [Default is @DesktopWidth.]
;                  $Height - height of searching area [Default is @DesktopHeight.]
;                  $TransColorRGB - Color transparency / Ignore color. Must be string and format RGB. a.g: "0xFFFFFF".[Default is "".]
; Return values . : On Success - Returns two-element array coordinates, or 2D array coordinates. CENTER of search image.
;                   On Failure - @Error = 1 - Path not found or invalid image/bitmap.
;                                @Error = 2 - Image not exist (in searching area).
; ===============================================================================================================================

Func _ImageSearch_Position($Image, $Position = "center", $width = @DesktopWidth, $height = @DesktopHeight, $TransColorRGB = '')
    Local $aCoords[4], $aReturn, $error

    ;Some initial checks
    $width = Int($width)
    $height = Int($height)
    If $width = 0 Or $width > @DesktopWidth Then
        $width = @DesktopWidth
    If $height = 0 Or $height > @DesktopHeight Then
        $height = @DesktopHeight

    ;Coordinates calculation
    Switch $Position
        Case "topleft"
            $aCoords[0] = 0
            $aCoords[1] = 0
        Case "topcenter"
            $aCoords[0] = Int((@DesktopWidth - $width) / 2)
            $aCoords[1] = 0
        Case "topright"
            $aCoords[0] = @DesktopWidth - $width
            $aCoords[1] = 0
        Case "middleleft"
            $aCoords[0] = 0
            $aCoords[1] = Int((@DesktopHeight - $height) / 2)
        Case "middleright"
            $aCoords[0] = @DesktopWidth - $width
            $aCoords[1] = Int((@DesktopHeight - $height) / 2)
        Case "bottomleft"
            $aCoords[0] = 0
            $aCoords[1] = @DesktopHeight - $height
        Case "bottomcenter"
            $aCoords[0] = Int((@DesktopWidth - $width) / 2)
            $aCoords[1] = @DesktopHeight - $height
        Case "bottomright"
            $aCoords[0] = @DesktopWidth - $width
            $aCoords[1] = @DesktopHeight - $height
        Case Else ;"center"
            $aCoords[0] = Int((@DesktopWidth - $width) / 2)
            $aCoords[1] = Int((@DesktopHeight - $height) / 2)
    $aCoords[2] = $aCoords[0] + $width
    $aCoords[3] = $aCoords[1] + $height

    $aReturn = _ImageSearch_Desktop($Image, $aCoords[0], $aCoords[1], $aCoords[2], $aCoords[3], $TransColorRGB)
    $error = @error

    Switch $error
        Case 0
            Return $aReturn
        Case 1
            Return SetError(1, 1, '')
        Case 2
            Return SetError(2, 2, '')
EndFunc   ;==>_ImageSearch_Position

It finds it!

I think the reason is that my desktop is quite big (1920x1200), and the original code 'get lost'. As I know that the icon is located in a specific area of the desktop, I can search in a smaller area.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your code!

  • 1 year later...

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