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I have been trying to do this for last 3 days but nothing seems to be working (correctly). What i am trying to do is extracting an iso image to my pendrive during which progress bar should show the process. The actual size of the archive size is not known but no significant difference is there after extraction. Here is my code and where am i making mistke?

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
$Progress = GUICtrlCreateProgress(8, 56, 417, 25)
$Form = GUICreate("Copy File", 369, 128, 193, 126)
$Progress1 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(8, 56, 353, 17)
$close = GUICtrlCreateButton("Close", 200, 88, 75, 25, 0)
$start = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 80, 88, 75, 25, 0)
$Source = "E:\archive.iso"
$Dest = "K:\TEST\"
Const $INITIAL_SIZE = DriveSpaceFree( "K:" )
Const $FILE_SIZE = FileGetSize ( $Source )
While 1
  $msg = GUIGetMsg()
  Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
  Case $msg = $close
  Case $msg = $start
   $Extract = Run(@ScriptDir & '\7z.exe' & ' x "' & $Source & '" ' & "-y -o" & '"' & $Dest & '"', "", @SW_HIDE)
   Sleep (100)
   While ProcessExists($Extract) > 0
    $SPACE_FREE = DriveSpaceFree( "K:" )
   $percentage = Round((( DriveSpaceFree( "K:" ) - $INITIAL_SIZE ) * 100 / $FILE_SIZE), 0)
   If $percentage > 0 And $percentage < 101 Then

Any help is appriciated.


Look in your Program Files folder where 7zip is installed. In there, you will find an executable called 7zG.exe. It is the same thing as 7z.exe except it displays a GUI progressbar.

#include <ByteMe.au3>


Look in your Program Files folder where 7zip is installed. In there, you will find an executable called 7zG.exe. It is the same thing as 7z.exe except it displays a GUI progressbar.

Thanks for the reply. That worked but in a seperate window. However i am trying to integrate the progress bar with in my GUI.

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