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Posted (edited)

Trying to make a function to filter by attributes

#include <Array.au3> ; для _ArrayDisplay
#include <FileOperations.au3>

$FileList = _FO_FileSearch(@SystemDir & 'drivers', '*.sys')
$cn = $FileList[0]

$Filters = 'RHS'

$timer = TimerInit()
; _AttribFilters($FileList, $Filters, 0, 1)
_AttribFilters($FileList, $Filters, 0, 0)
$timer = Round(TimerDiff($timer) / 1000, 2) & ' sec'
; _ArrayDisplay($FileList, $timer & ', ' & $cn)
MsgBox(0, 'FileList, ' & $cn & ', ' & $Filters & ', ' & $timer, $FileList)

Func _AttribFilters(ByRef $aFileList, $sAttrib, $iExclude = 1, $iArray = 1)
    $sAttrib = StringRegExpReplace(StringUpper($sAttrib), '[^RASHNOT]', '')
    If Not $sAttrib Then Return SetError(2, 0, '')
    If $iExclude Then $sAttrib = '^' & $sAttrib

    If $iArray Then
        $c = 0
        For $i = 1 To $aFileList[0]
            $sFileAttrib = FileGetAttrib($aFileList[$i])
            If StringRegExp($sFileAttrib, '[' & $sAttrib & ']') Then
                $c += 1
                $aFileList[$c] = $aFileList[$i]
        If $c Then
            $aFileList[0] = $c
            ReDim $aFileList[$c + 1]
            Dim $aFileList[1] = [0]
            Return SetError(3, 0, '')
        $c = ''
        For $i = 1 To $aFileList[0]
            $sFileAttrib = FileGetAttrib($aFileList[$i])
            If StringRegExp($sFileAttrib, '[' & $sAttrib & ']') Then
                $c &= $aFileList[$i] & @CRLF
        $c = StringTrimRight($c, 2)
        If $c Then
            $aFileList = $c
            Return SetError(3, 0, '')

Speed test

if Len($sAttrib)>4 Then Time(SPE) < Time(StringInStr)

Global $aFileAttrib[8] = [7, _
        'RASH', _
        'R', _
        'A', _
        'SH', _
        'RSH', _
        'ASH', _
$sAttrib = 'RSHT'

$timer = TimerInit()
$c1 = _AttribFilters($aFileAttrib, $sAttrib)
$d1 = @extended
$t1 = Round(TimerDiff($timer), 2) & ' msec'

$timer = TimerInit()
$c2 = _AttribFilters1($aFileAttrib, $sAttrib)
$d2 = @extended
$t2 = Round(TimerDiff($timer), 2) & ' msec'
MsgBox(0, '', _
'StrStr:' & @Tab & $c1 & @Tab & $d1 & @Tab & $t1 & @CRLF & _
'SPE..:' & @Tab & $c2 & @Tab & $d2 & @Tab & $t2)

Func _AttribFilters($aFileAttrib, $sAttrib)
    Local $c = 0, $d = 0
    $asAttrib = StringSplit($sAttrib, '')
    If @error Then Return

    For $s = 1 To 1000
        For $i = 1 To $aFileAttrib[0]
            For $j = 1 To $asAttrib[0]
                If StringInStr($aFileAttrib[$i], $asAttrib[$j]) Then
                    $d += 1
                    ContinueLoop 2
            $c += 1
    Return SetError(0, $d, $c)

Func _AttribFilters1($aFileAttrib, $sAttrib)
    Local $c = 0, $d = 0
    For $s = 1 To 1000
        For $i = 1 To $aFileAttrib[0]
            If StringRegExp($aFileAttrib[$i], '[' & $sAttrib & ']') Then
                $d += 1
                $c += 1
    Return SetError(0, $d, $c)
Edited by AZJIO
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

how do a search for a specefic file, and return the result, if it is found

#include <Array.au3> ; _ArrayDisplay
#include <FileOperations.au3>

; Example 1
$aFileList = _FO_FileSearch('C:WINDOWSsystem', 'specific_file.tmp')
If Not @error Then _ArrayDisplay($aFileList)

; Example 2
$aFileList = _FO_FileSearch(@WindowsDir, 'shell32.dll')
If Not @error Then _ArrayDisplay($aFileList)

; Example 3
$sFileList = _FO_FileSearch(@WindowsDir, 'shell32.dll', True, 125, 1, 0)
If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, 'Yes?', $sFileList)
Edited by AZJIO
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

the code you wrote in #21

Is there a way to exclude a folder, so it doesn't search in a specified folder?

I want to search the content for diffrent drives for .txt files, ex d: but exclude a folder on d:\

Edited by legend

Need to get a list of folders, and then do a search for each folder, except the specified. The folder you exclude can be in other directories. This will give the wrong result. So I did not add in the option to exclude folders.

A little later I'll do an example, but not for the UDF.

Posted (edited)

#include <Array.au3> ; _ArrayDisplay
#include <FileOperations.au3>

$FileList = _FO_FileSearchExceptions(@HomeDrive, '*exe', True, '*Settings|MSOCache|Program Files|RECYCLER|System Volume Information|WINDOWS', 125, 1, 0)
MsgBox(0, @error, $FileList)

; $FileList = _FO_FileSearchExceptions(@HomeDrive, '*exe', True, '*Settings|MSOCache|Program Files|RECYCLER|System Volume Information|WINDOWS')
; _ArrayDisplay($FileList)

Func _FO_FileSearchExceptions($sPath, $sMask = '*', $fInclude = True, $sExceptions = '', $iDepth = 125, $iFull = 1, $iArray = 1, $iTypeMask = 1, $sLocale = 0)
    Local $vFolderList
    If Not $sExceptions Then
        $vFolderList = _FO_FileSearch($sPath, $sMask, $fInclude, $iDepth, $iFull, $iArray, $iTypeMask, $sLocale)
        Return SetError(@error, 0, $vFolderList)

    Local $i, $rgex, $vFileList = ''
    $vFolderList = _FO_FolderSearch($sPath, '*', True, 0, 0, 0)
    If @error Then
        $vFolderList = _FO_FileSearch($sPath, $sMask, $fInclude, $iDepth, $iFull, $iArray, $iTypeMask, $sLocale)
        Return SetError(@error, 0, $vFolderList)

    $sExceptions = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sExceptions, '[][$^.{}()+]', '$0'), '?', '.'), '*', '.*?')

    If Not $sLocale Then
        $rgex = 'i'
    ElseIf Not ($sLocale == '1') Then
        $rgex = 'i'
        $sExceptions = __FO_UserLocale($sExceptions, $sLocale)

    $vFolderList = StringTrimRight(StringRegExpReplace($vFolderList & @CRLF, '(?m' & $rgex & ')^(' & $sExceptions & ')rn', ''), 2)
    If Not $vFolderList Then
        $vFolderList = _FO_FileSearch($sPath, $sMask, $fInclude, $iDepth, $iFull, $iArray, $iTypeMask, $sLocale)
        Return SetError(@error, 0, $vFolderList)
    ; MsgBox(0, '???', '|' & $vFolderList & '|')
    $vFolderList = StringSplit($vFolderList, @CRLF, 1)
    ; _ArrayDisplay($vFolderList)
    For $i = 1 To $vFolderList[0]
        $vFileList &= _FO_FileSearch($sPath & '' & $vFolderList[$i], $sMask, $fInclude, $iDepth, 1, 0, $iTypeMask, $sLocale)
        If Not @error Then $vFileList &= @CRLF
    $vFileList &= _FO_FileSearch($sPath, $sMask, $fInclude, 0, 1, 0, $iTypeMask, $sLocale) ; ???
    If @error Then $vFileList = StringTrimRight($vFileList, 2)
    ; $vFileList = StringTrimRight($vFileList, 2)

    If Not $vFileList Then Return SetError(3, 0, '')
    Switch $iFull
        Case 0
            $vFileList = StringRegExpReplace($vFileList, '(?m)^(?:.{' & StringLen($sPath) & '})(.*)$', '1')
        Case 2
            $vFileList = StringRegExpReplace($vFileList, '(?m)^(?:.*)(.*)$', '1')
        Case 3
            $vFileList = StringRegExpReplace($vFileList, '(?m)^(?:.*)([^]*?)(?:.[^.]+)?$', '1' & @CR)
            $vFileList = StringTrimRight($vFileList, 1)
    Switch $iArray
        Case 1
            $vFileList = StringSplit($vFileList, @CRLF, 1)
        Case 2
            $vFileList = StringSplit($vFileList, @CRLF, 3)
    Return $vFileList
EndFunc   ;==>_FO_FileSearchExceptions

Edited by AZJIO
  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I added the option $vExcludeFolders


$$vExcludeFolders - Excludes folders from search, only the root. List the folder names via the "|", for example, "Name1|Name2|Name3|".



The main file is not updated, but I think I will leave this option. The search speed is not reduced and the exclusion of unnecessary search faster.



How it is more convenient to pass a list of exceptions? As a single parameter or as a component?

$sPath = 'C:\Program Files\<Program Files|WINDOWS>'

Func _FO_FileSearch_Test($sPath)
    If StringRight($sPath, 1) = '>' Then
        $iPos = StringInStr($sPath, '<', 1, -1)
        $vExcludeFolders = StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($sPath, $iPos), 1)
        $sPath = StringLeft($sPath, $iPos - 1)
    MsgBox(0, 'Сообщение', $sPath & @LF & $vExcludeFolders)
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

To me reported about a mistake in version 1.7. When testing the 1.6 version works fine.

At version 1.7, an error (Win7 x64)

previously called with Const or expression on ByRef param


C:Program Files (x86)AutoIt3IncludeFileOperations.au3(238,155) : ERROR: __FO_FileSearchType() previously called with Const or expression on ByRef param(s).
Func __FO_FileSearchType(ByRef $sFileList, $sPath, ByRef $sMask, ByRef $fInclude, ByRef $iDepth, ByRef $aExcludeFolders, ByRef $iExcludeDepth, $iCurD = 0)

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\FileOperations.au3(147,118) : REF: first call to __FO_FileSearchType().
               __FO_FileSearchType($vFileList, $sPath, '|' & $sMask & '|', $fInclude, $iDepth, $vExcludeFolders, $iExcludeDepth) 
#include <Array.au3> ; for _ArrayDisplay
#include <FileOperations.au3>

$timer = TimerInit()
$FileList = _FO_FileSearch(@WindowsDir, 'exe|dll|txt|zip', True, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 'system32', 0)
$timer = Round(TimerDiff($timer) / 1000, 2) & ' sec'
_ArrayDisplay($FileList, 'timer ' & $timer)

I checked on Win7 x64, Win8 x64, there were no errors. I used to save memory ByRef. So that when the depth of recursion 20 used one copy.

Has anyone any thoughts on this?


Apparently gives Au3Check.exe error when run from Scite.exe

Edited by AZJIO
Posted (edited)

This error should go away in the new betas and stable release. I'm not sure if this is just an Au3Check error, but I don't think so. The issue is you can only use a non Const variable as an argument to a ByRef function parameter. In your example, you're passing a string -  '|' & $sMask & '|' - which is not allowed.

You could work around it by setting the value of $sMask =  '|' & $sMask & '|' before calling the function, and passing just $sMask.

Edited by wraithdu
  • 9 months later...

Reported a new problem:

If a symbolic link to a directory is in the same directory, then it leads to an infinite loop.

c:ProgramData -> Application Data -> c:ProgramData ...etc


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

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