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RegEx Help - Parsing HTML


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Why will this not work? I have spent a few hours on this one little problem. I have tried everything I can think of to make it work, but never wants too. I have tested the pattern in a few other scripts and it works fine. the @ERROR says it is a bad string - but how can String($HTML) be bad? Is it to much text for it to string?

$IE = _IECreate("C:\Users\Ned\Dropbox\Public\Findings.html", "", 0)
$HTML = _IEBodyReadHTML($IE)
$HTML = String($HTML)
$array = StringRegExp($HTML, '(?<=\QNew: <a href="/items/view/\E)(.*?)(?=\Q">\E)', 3) ;gets new item numbers
Edited by Ned
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I dont see any error checking. How do you know its coming from String()? Have you tried printing $HTML to the console to verify that _IEBodyReadHTML() worked?

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Wait...If you manually add the string $html to your script it works? That is weird. I have a few ideas that might work, but nothing to figure out whats actually going wrong. Maybe try putting on the clipboard and then reading back?

$html = clipget()

If that doesnt work maybe :graduated:

$html = clipget()
_filecreate(@scriptdir & '\Temphtml.txt')
filewrite(@scriptdir & '\Temphtml.txt', $html)
$html = fileread(@scriptdir & '\Temphtml.txt')
filedelete(@scriptdir & '\Temphtml.txt')
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