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Posted (edited)


I have ListBox with 2 items. When mouse click at item - creatin new Modal Form,

Until I close my Modal Form, code not contining.


Simulate code:

ControlCommand ("[CLASS:TFmMain]", "", "[CLASS:TListBox;INSTANCE:1]", "SelectString" , "Отчетность по форме 0409251" )

Code works great, but pausing work.

I tryed another way:

_GUICtrlListBox_SelectString($handle, "Отчетность по форме 0409251",-1)

Selecting changed, but no Modalwindow.

This code not work :graduated:

$handle = ControlGetHandle("[CLASS:TFmMain]", "", "[CLASS:TListBox;INSTANCE:1]")
_GUICtrlListBox_SetSel($handle, 1)


ControlCommand ("[CLASS:TFmMain]", "", "[CLASS:TListBox;INSTANCE:1]", "SelectString" , "Отчетность по форме 0409251" )

How write same code with SendMessageTimeout?

Edited by ItManRus

Are you saying that a new gui is created when you click on a listview item? Im not understanding you. What do mean when you say "code not contining"?

if you are creating a new gui, make sure your using guiswitch()


Are you saying that a new gui is created when you click on a listview item? Im not understanding you. What do mean when you say "code not contining"?

if you are creating a new gui, make sure your using guiswitch()

Can you check this video?


Ok I see what you mean. Your going to halve to avoid using controlcommand().. If the enter key is pressed when the string is selected, will the box open?

_GUICtrlListBox_SelectString($handle, "Отчетность по форме 0409251",-1)

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