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As many people here I wanted to create an easy multi-select treeview.

Maybe that's not the best way to do it (should I use several checkboxes?), but never mind, I think my problem is interesting anyway.

Read and test my following test script and do the following:

1 - Try by making your selections using the mouse only: everything's alright

2 - Try making your selections using the keyboard only (arrows keys to switch between checkboxes and space key to validate): problem are coming

Moreover versions v3.1.0.14 and v3.1.1.56 do behave differently in case 2)...

Is that a bug for you or is my chec/uncheck management so strange?


A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...

When you move to item using keyboard the item gets focus and hasn't been checked yet and your else statement checks at that time.

Case Else
                For $iIndex2 = 0 To 6
                    If ($iMsg = $agItem[$iIndex2]) Then
                        If (BitAND(GuiCtrlRead($agItem[$iIndex2]), $GUI_CHECKED)) Then
                            GUICtrlSetState($gOk, $GUI_ENABLE)
                            $iState = $iState + 2^$iIndex2
                            $iChoices = $iChoices + 1
                            $iState = $iState - 2^$iIndex2
                            $iChoices = $iChoices - 1
                            If ($iState = 0) Then
                                GUICtrlSetState($gOk, $GUI_DISABLE)

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.



You're absolutely right I knew that but I let it that way for the differences of behavior between v3.1.1.0 (I made a mistake earlier) and v3.1.1.56 to be more obvious.

My point was not this but the following (I should have been more accurate):

For case 2), with v3.1.1.56:

- Launch the script and press TAB key twice => 1st element has the focus

- Press TAB key twice again => you graphically have the focus again BUT $iMsg <> $agItem[$iIndex2] ???

How can that be you receive no message?

Well, anyway, for those who need a multi-selector, here is mine...

Note that in v3.1.1.0, this only really work using the mouse!



A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...
Posted (edited)

Just a small pre-information:

The first event on a treeitem comes up cause then this item is the first time _selected_.

A general monitoring for a focus-change (focus-setting/killing) on a treeview is not implemented yet.

Maybe I can change this 'first-selected-event-fire-on-tab-changing' or delete it.

I will check it out now...

So long :D


Edit: Ok, the first 'false' focusing message can be deleted.

There is an undocumented value to check for this ( I hate these undocumented things *g* :D ok, do such things too :):evil:

Edited by Holger

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