storme Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 (edited) G'day all This has come in useful in a few projects now so I thought I'd release it and maybe it'll be useful for others. The usage is straight froward and all in the header so I haven't included a test file. If you need help let me know. I've had help writing this but can't remember who. If you've helped me on this let me know (IM) and I'll add your name. If you have any advice or improvements please let me know. Example ProgressOn("FileHippo Download", "Downloading : malwarebytes_anti_malware") $test = _FileHippoDownload("malwarebytes_anti_malware", @ScriptDir & "\downloads\", "", True, True, "_UpdateProgress") ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $test = ' & $test & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console ProgressOff() _ArrayDisplay($test) Exit #include <Misc.au3> Func _UpdateProgress($Percentage) ProgressSet($Percentage, $Percentage & "%") If _IsPressed("77") Then Return False ; Abort on F8 Return True ; bei 1 Fortsetzten EndFunc ;==>_UpdateProgress expandcollapse popup#cs ConsoleWrite("Start: malwarebytes_anti_malware") $MWB_down = _FileHippoDownload("malwarebytes_anti_malware", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes", "install_malware.exe", True) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", @error) EndIf ConsoleWrite("End: malwarebytes_anti_malware") ConsoleWrite("Start: avg_antivirus_32") $AVG32_down = _FileHippoDownload("avg_antivirus_32", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes", "install_avg_32.exe", True) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", @error) EndIf ConsoleWrite("End: avg_antivirus_32") ConsoleWrite("Start: avg_antivirus_64") $AVG64_down = _FileHippoDownload("avg_antivirus_64", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes", "install_avg_64.exe", True) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", @error) EndIf ConsoleWrite("End: avg_antivirus_64") ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=y ProgressOn("FileHippo Download", "Downloading : Firefox") $test = _FileHippoDownload("firefox", @ScriptDir & "\downloads\", "", True, False, "_UpdateProgress") ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $test = ' & $test & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console ProgressOff() _ArrayDisplay($test) Exit #include <Misc.au3> Func _UpdateProgress($Percentage) ProgressSet($Percentage, $Percentage & "%") If _IsPressed("77") Then Return False ; Abort on F8 Return True ; bei 1 Fortsetzten EndFunc ;==>_UpdateProgress #ce #include-once #include <array.au3> ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _FileHippoDownload ; Description ...: Downloads the designated file from FileHippo and/or returns the latest verison number ; Syntax.........: _FileHippoDownload($sProgramTitle, $sDownloadFolder[, $sDownloadFileName = ""][, $bDownload = True][,$bSkipBeta = True][, $FunctionToCall = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $sProgramTitle - the title of the program as it appears in the URL ; - "malwarebytes_anti_malware" from ; $sDownloadFolder - the full path for the file to be downloaded to ; $sDownloadFileName - the filename of the file to be downloaded ; - if filename = "" use filename from filehippo ; $bDownload - [optional] True = program will be downloaded False = return Version number ONLY ; $bSkipBeta - [optional] True = BETA copies will not be downloaded False = latest version will be downloaded ; $FunctionToCall - [optional] A function which can update a Progressbar and react on UserInput like Click on Abort or Close App. ; - If "$FunctionToCall" returns False abort download ; - Func _UpdateProgress($Percentage) ; - ProgressSet($Percentage,$Percentage &"%") ; - If _IsPressed("77") Then Return False ; Abort on F8 ; - Return True ; ALL OK Continue download ; - Endfunc ; Return values .: Success - returns a 2D array containing technical details about the file (eg Filename, author, etc) ; - element [0][0] contains row count ; Failure - "" ; @error = 1 - Unable to download programs/description page ; @error = 2 - Unable to read programs/description page ; @error = 3 - Unable to read download page ; @error = 4 - Unable to read URL to download program ; @error = 5 - Unable to download program ; @error = 6 - Destination not reachable ; @error = 7 - Aborted by $FunctionToCall ; @error = 8 - $FunctionToCall doesn't exist ; @error = 9 - $bSkipBeta=TRUE however there are no NON-Beta files to download ; Author ........: John Morrison aka Storm-E ; Modified.......: V2.0 Added details from TECH tab ; : V2.1 Added create destination folder and error code if it can't be created @error = 6 ; : Changed InetGet to work in the backgroud and added sleep to give script time to do things (eg for adlib) ; : Changed returned array to return row count in element 0,0 ; : Added "Latest Version" number to array (element[1][1] (left it out in V2.0 OOPS ; : V2.11 Added Progress function $FunctionToCall ; : V2.12 Added check if $FunctionToCall function exists ; : V2.121 Minor fix for properties that may not exist (Author & HomePage) Thanks 'Chimaera' ; : V2.13 Added option to ignore BETA copies "$bSkipBeta" ; : V2.14 Change on FileHippo site messed up site scape Thanks engjcowi ; Remarks .......: Thanks to skin27 for your suggestion to add details and auto filename from filehippo ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileHippoDownload($sProgramTitle, $sDownloadFolder, $sDownloadFileName = "", $bDownload = True, $bSkipBeta = True, $FunctionToCall = "") Local $DownloadUrl, $asDownloadUrl Local $sCurrentVersion, $asCurrentVersion Local $sBaseSite = '' Local $sBaseFolder = '/download_' & $sProgramTitle & '/' Local $sVersionFolder = "" ; for Beta rejection ;String trailing slash "\" If StringRight($sDownloadFolder, 1) = "\" Then StringLeft($sDownloadFolder, StringLen($sDownloadFolder) - 1) If DirCreate($sDownloadFolder) = 0 Then Return SetError(6, 0, "") ; destination unreachable ;Get source for program page Local $sPageSource = _GetSourceCode($sBaseSite & $sBaseFolder) If @error Then ;Failed to get programs page Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf ;Latest Version<br/><b>Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.51.1</b><br/><br/>Old Versions $asCurrentVersion = StringRegExp($sPageSource, '(?s)(?i)Latest Version<br(.*?)</b><br/><br/>Old Versions', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf $sCurrentVersion = StringMid($asCurrentVersion[0], StringInStr($asCurrentVersion[0], " ", 0, -1) + 1) ;Check for BETA copy rejection If $bSkipBeta And StringInStr($asCurrentVersion[0], "beta") <> 0 Then ;Get table of old versions $asCurrentVersion = StringRegExp($sPageSource, '(?s)(?i)>Old Versions<(.*?)download_firefox/history/', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf ; Break table into array $asCurrentVersion = StringRegExp($asCurrentVersion[0], '(?s)(?i)<a href="/download_firefox/(.*?)/">(.*?)</a>', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf ;search array for NON beta version For $iItem = 1 To UBound($asCurrentVersion) - 1 Step 2 If StringInStr($asCurrentVersion[$iItem], "beta") = 0 Then $sVersionFolder = $asCurrentVersion[$iItem - 1] & "/" $sCurrentVersion = StringMid($asCurrentVersion[$iItem], StringInStr($asCurrentVersion[$iItem], " ", 0, -1) + 1) ExitLoop EndIf Next If $sVersionFolder = "" Then ;NO NON BETA version available Return SetError(9, 0, "") Else ;Found non beta ;Get source for non beta program page Local $sPageSource = _GetSourceCode($sBaseSite & $sBaseFolder & $sVersionFolder) If @error Then ;Failed to get programs page Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf EndIf EndIf ;Get download URL $asDownloadUrl = StringRegExp($sPageSource, '(?s)(?i)<a href="' & $sBaseFolder & 'download/(.*?)/">', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf $_DownloadUrl1 = $asDownloadUrl[0] ;Get source for details page Local $sPageSource = _GetSourceCode($sBaseSite & $sBaseFolder & 'tech/') If @error Then ;Failed to get programs page Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf ;Get Details/description Table ;$asDescTable = StringRegExp($sPageSource, '(?s)(?i)<div class="desc">.*?<table>(.*?)</table>', 3) $asDescTable = StringRegExp($sPageSource, '(?s)(?i)<div id="txt">.*?<table>(.*?)</table>', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf $sDescTable = $asDescTable[0] ;Split up table $asDescTable = StringRegExp($sDescTable, '(?s)(?i)<tr><td><b>(.*?):</b></td><td>(.*?)</td></tr>', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf ;Convert to 2D array Dim $_FileDetails[UBound($asDescTable) / 2 + 2][2] $_FileDetails[0][0] = UBound($asDescTable) / 2 ; number of rows in array $_FileDetails[2][0] = $asDescTable[0] $_FileDetails[2][1] = $asDescTable[1] For $item = 2 To UBound($asDescTable) - 1 Step 2 $_FileDetails[$item / 2 + 2][0] = $asDescTable[$item] $_FileDetails[$item / 2 + 2][1] = $asDescTable[$item + 1] Next ;Cleanup Author Local $iIndex = _ArraySearch($_FileDetails, "Author") If Not @error Then $_FileDetails[$iIndex][1] = StringLeft($_FileDetails[$iIndex][1], StringInStr($_FileDetails[$iIndex][1], "<") - 1) EndIf ;Cleanup HomePage $iIndex = _ArraySearch($_FileDetails, "HomePage") If Not @error Then $_FileDetails[$iIndex][1] = StringMid($_FileDetails[$iIndex][1], StringInStr($_FileDetails[$iIndex][1], "href=") + 6) $_FileDetails[$iIndex][1] = StringMid($_FileDetails[$iIndex][1], 1, StringInStr($_FileDetails[$iIndex][1], '"') - 1) EndIf $_FileDetails[1][0] = "Latest Version" $_FileDetails[1][1] = $sCurrentVersion If $bDownload Then ;<a href="/download_malwarebytes_anti_malware/download/f9c81a8e689661f472f47aa7a0b12ada/"><img src="" alt="Download"/></a> ;Get source for download page $sPageSource = _GetSourceCode($sBaseSite & $sBaseFolder & 'download/' & $_DownloadUrl1) ; downlaod page If @error Then ;Failed to get programs page Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf ;<a id="_ctl0_contentMain_lnkURL" class="black" href="/download/file/de709ff1117ec419609d7fceecd86e625fe523b1385fa00515aa824249206a40/">If not then please click this link</a> $asDownloadUrl = StringRegExp($sPageSource, '(?s)(?i)href="/download/file/(.*?)/">', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, "") EndIf $DownloadUrl = "/download/file/" & $asDownloadUrl[0] & "/" If $sDownloadFileName = "" Then ;Use FileHippo filename $sDownloadFileName = $_FileDetails[_ArraySearch($_FileDetails, "Filename")][1] EndIf ; DOWNLOAD FILE Local $iFileSize = InetGetSize($sBaseSite & $DownloadUrl, 1) Local $DownloadedSoFar = 0 ; howmany bytes of the file have been downloaded Local $bRtn = True ; Progress function return OK Local $hDownload = InetGet($sBaseSite & $DownloadUrl, $sDownloadFolder & "\" & $sDownloadFileName, 1, 1) Do If $FunctionToCall <> "" Then $bRtn = Call($FunctionToCall, Floor((InetGetInfo($hDownload, 0) / $iFileSize) * 100)) If @error Then InetClose($hDownload) ; Close the handle to release resourcs. Return SetError(8, 0, "") EndIf EndIf Sleep(250) Until InetGetInfo($hDownload, 2) Or $bRtn = False ; Check if the download is complete. Local $nBytes = InetGetInfo($hDownload, 0) InetClose($hDownload) ; Close the handle to release resourcs. If @error Then Return SetError(5, 0, "") EndIf If $bRtn = False Then ;Download aborted by $FunctionToCall Return SetError(7, 0, "") EndIf EndIf Return $_FileDetails EndFunc ;==>_FileHippoDownload Func _GetSourceCode($_Url) Local $_InetRead = InetRead($_Url) If Not @error Then Local $_BinaryToString = BinaryToString($_InetRead) If Not @error Then Return $_BinaryToString EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetSourceCode Edits 12/08/2011 V2.0 added details from FileHippo site returned as a 2D array, also if filename is blank will use file name from FileHippo 14/08/2011 V2.1 Added create destination folder and error code if it can't be created @error = 6 - Changed InetGet to work in the backgroud and added sleep to give script time to do things (eg for adlib) - Changed returned array to return row count in element 0,0 - Other minor changes 14/08/2011 V2.11 Added progress bar function call 16/08/2011 V2.12 Added check if $FunctionToCall function exists 17/08/2011 V2.121 Minor fix for properties that may not exist (Author HomePage) Thanks 'Chimaera' 18/02/2012 V2.13 Added option to ignore BETA copies "$bSkipBeta" 18/04/2012 V2.14 Change on FileHippo site messed up site scrape Thanks engjcowi Edited April 18, 2012 by storme Some of my small contributions to AutoIt Browse for Folder Dialog - Automation SysTreeView32 | FileHippo Download and/or retrieve program information | Get installedpath from uninstall key in registry | RoboCopy function John Morrison aka Storm-E
wakillon Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 (edited) WebSite has added an "Update Checker".It will scan computer for installed software, check the versions and then send this information to to see if there are any newer releases. Edited August 13, 2011 by wakillon AutoIt X86 - SciTE 3.6.0 - WIN 8.1 X64 - Other Example Scripts
storme Posted August 13, 2011 Author Posted August 13, 2011 WebSite has added an "Update Checker".It will scan computer for installed software, check the versions and then send this information to to see if there are any newer releases.Yep like many web download sites and they can be very useful if updating existing software is what your interested in.This script is more for the situation where the scripter wants to download it him/herself for install or updateingOR they want to control what versions are installed.OR this is the ONLY program they want to update on a client computer.Thanks for the info.John Morrison Some of my small contributions to AutoIt Browse for Folder Dialog - Automation SysTreeView32 | FileHippo Download and/or retrieve program information | Get installedpath from uninstall key in registry | RoboCopy function John Morrison aka Storm-E
skin27 Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 Storme thanks for sharing. Nice function if you're working with a script with files hosted on filehippo (a lot). Is there a chance you could retrieve the filename of the file to download, because now you have to know the extension of the file before downloading.Such functions would be nice for more sites like, sourceforge etc than it would be easier to do simple package management in autoit.
storme Posted August 13, 2011 Author Posted August 13, 2011 Storme thanks for sharing. Nice function if you're working with a script with files hosted on filehippo (a lot). Is there a chance you could retrieve the filename of the file to download, because now you have to know the extension of the file before downloading.Such functions would be nice for more sites like, sourceforge etc than it would be easier to do simple package management in autoit.I looked into retrieving the filename but there is some "Internet-e-stuff" (Tech term ) that gives the browser the final name of the file.For my purposes I already new the name and wanted it to be the same name every time to simplify the rest of the script.If it's a new program you do the first download manually and that gives you everything from then on.The extension should always be ".exe" for an installer from these sites (well maybe ".msi").I may bring out other downloaders as they are mostly variations on this theme. But it'll be when I need them. I don't have time to work/debug code I wont' be using myself. I'm sure I'll run into sourceforge sometime though, it's a great site. Thanks for the feedback!John MorrisonBTW if you find out how to get the final name let me know and I'll see if I can incorporate it into the script. Some of my small contributions to AutoIt Browse for Folder Dialog - Automation SysTreeView32 | FileHippo Download and/or retrieve program information | Get installedpath from uninstall key in registry | RoboCopy function John Morrison aka Storm-E
skin27 Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 BTW if you find out how to get the final name let me know and I'll see if I can incorporate it into the script. This worked for me, you may have a look at it expandcollapse popup; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _FileHippoDownload ; Description ...: Downloads the designated file from FileHippo and/or returns the latest verison number ; Syntax.........: _FileHippoDownload($sProgramTitle, $sDownloadPathAndName, $bDownload = True) ; Parameters ....: $sProgramTitle - the title of the program as it appears in the URL ; - "malwarebytes_anti_malware" from ; $sDownloadPathAndName - the full path or the file to be downloaded to ; $bDownload - True = program will be downloaded ; - False = return Version number ONLY ; Return values .: Success - returns the latest version number ; Failure - "" ; @error = 1 - Unable to read programs page ; @error = 2 - Unable to read URL to download page ; @error = 3 - Unable to read download page ; @error = 4 - Unable to read URL to download program ; @error = 5 - Unable to download program ; Author ........: John Morrison aka Storm-E ; Modified.......: 13-08 by skin27 ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileHippoDownload($sProgramTitle, $sDownloadPath, $bDownload = True) Local $_DownloadUrl1, $asDownloadUrl, $asFilename, $Filename Local $sCurrentVersion, $asCurrentVersion Local $sBaseSite = '' Local $sBaseFolder = '/download_' & $sProgramTitle & '/' Local $sBaseFolderDetails = '/download_' & $sProgramTitle & '/tech/' ;Get source for program page Local $sPageSource = _GetSourceCode($sBaseSite & $sBaseFolder) Local $sPageSourceDetails = _GetSourceCode($sBaseSite & $sBaseFolderDetails) If @error Then ;Failed to get programs page Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf ;Latest Version<br/><b>Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.51.1</b><br/><br/>Old Versions $asCurrentVersion = StringRegExp($sPageSource, '(?s)(?i)Latest Version<br(.*?)</b><br/><br/>Old Versions', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf $sCurrentVersion = StringMid($asCurrentVersion[0], StringInStr($asCurrentVersion[0], " ", 0, -1) + 1) If $bDownload Then ;<a href="/download_malwarebytes_anti_malware/download/f9c81a8e689661f472f47aa7a0b12ada/"><img src="" alt="Download"/></a> $asDownloadUrl = StringRegExp($sPageSource, '(?s)(?i)<a href="' & $sBaseFolder & 'download/(.*?)/">', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf $_DownloadUrl1 = $asDownloadUrl[0] ;<a href="/download_malwarebytes_anti_malware/download/f9c81a8e689661f472f47aa7a0b12ada/"><img src="" alt="Download"/></a> $asFilename = StringRegExp($sPageSourceDetails, '(?s)(?i)Filename:</b></td><td>(.*?)</td></tr><tr><td><b>File size', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf $Filename = $asFilename[0] ;Get source for download page $sPageSource = _GetSourceCode($sBaseSite & $sBaseFolder & 'download/' & $_DownloadUrl1) ; downlaod page If @error Then ;Failed to get programs page Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf ;<a id="_ctl0_contentMain_lnkURL" class="black" href="/download/file/de709ff1117ec419609d7fceecd86e625fe523b1385fa00515aa824249206a40/">If not then please click this link</a> $asDownloadUrl = StringRegExp($sPageSource, '(?s)(?i)href="/download/file/(.*?)/">', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, "") EndIf $_DownloadUrl1 = "/download/file/" & $asDownloadUrl[0] & "/" ; DOWNLOAD FILE Local $hDownload = InetGet($sBaseSite & $_DownloadUrl1, $sDownloadPath & "\" & $Filename, 1, 0) If @error Then Return SetError(5, 0, "") EndIf EndIf Return $sCurrentVersion EndFunc ;==>_FileHippoDownload Func _GetSourceCode($_Url) Local $_InetRead = InetRead($_Url) If Not @error Then Local $_BinaryToString = BinaryToString($_InetRead) If Not @error Then Return $_BinaryToString EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetSourceCode
skin27 Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 Note that when using my solution then I think it would be better to have an extra parameter "filename". When this parameter empty it could retrieve the default filename from the website, otherwise it takes the users input. The tech site adds some other interesting information about filesize, orignial website. Maybe this information could returned with the latest version in an array.
storme Posted August 13, 2011 Author Posted August 13, 2011 Note that when using my solution then I think it would be better to have an extra parameter "filename". When this parameter empty it could retrieve the default filename from the website, otherwise it takes the users input. The tech site adds some other interesting information about filesize, orignial website. Maybe this information could returned with the latest version in an array. Thanks for pointing out the &%&$%&*& obvious...sigh I must have clicked on that "tech" tab when I first found Filehippo but I've got so used to seeing the page I've just ignored it since. I'll defiantly implement your suggestions, but it may take a while keep an eye on this topic. I haven't looked into the Tech page source yet but first thoughts are The returned Array will probably be a 2D array with column 0 containing the rows description and column 1 containing the information Like this Title, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.51.1 Filename, mbam-setup- File size, 9.03MB (9,466,208 bytes) Requirements, Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 Languages, Multiple languages License, Shareware Date added, July 15, 2011 Author, Malwarebytes It's easy to search using array search or if you know the index just use it directly. AND If I can workout a Table -> Array method it won't have to be updated if Filehippo adds new sections to the details. Thanks for the suggestions! John Morrison Some of my small contributions to AutoIt Browse for Folder Dialog - Automation SysTreeView32 | FileHippo Download and/or retrieve program information | Get installedpath from uninstall key in registry | RoboCopy function John Morrison aka Storm-E
skin27 Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 I agree with you on the things that you want in 2d array. A table would of course be great. Hereunder I added an example for sourceforge (this works a little different, namely by projectname) expandcollapse popup; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SourceDownload ; Description ...: Downloads the featured downloadfile from Sourceforge and/or returns the filename ; Syntax.........: _SourceforgeDownload($sProgramTitle, $sDownloadPathAndName, $bDownload = True) ; Parameters ....: $sProgramTitle - the title of the program as it appears in the URL ; - "projectname" from ; $sDownloadPath - the full path to be downloaded to ; $bDownload - True = program will be downloaded ; - False = return Version number ONLY ; Return values .: Success - returns the latest version number ; Failure - "" ; @error = 1 - Unable to read programs page ; @error = 2 - Unable to read URL to download page ; @error = 3 - Unable to download program ; Author ........: Storme ; Modified.......: skin27 ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _FileHippoDownload ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SourceforgeDownload($sProgramTitle, $sDownloadPath, $bDownload = True) Local $_DownloadUrl1, $asFilename, $Filename Local $sCurrentFile, $asCurrentFile Local $sBaseSite = '' Local $sBaseFolder = '/projects/' & $sProgramTitle & '/' ;Get source for program page Local $sPageSource = _GetSourceCode($sBaseSite & $sBaseFolder) If @error Then ;Failed to get programs page Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf ;get latest file to download $asCurrentFile = StringRegExp($sPageSource, '(?s)(?i)title="Download /(.*?)from', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf $sCurrentFile = $asCurrentFile[0] If $bDownload Then $_DownloadUrl1 = $sBaseSite & $sBaseFolder & '/' & $sCurrentFile & '/download/' ; DOWNLOAD FILE Local $hDownload = InetGet($_DownloadUrl1, $sDownloadPath & "\" & $sCurrentFile, 1, 0) If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf EndIf Return $sCurrentFile EndFunc Func _GetSourceCode($_Url) Local $_InetRead = InetRead($_Url) If Not @error Then Local $_BinaryToString = BinaryToString($_InetRead) If Not @error Then Return $_BinaryToString EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetSourceCode
storme Posted August 13, 2011 Author Posted August 13, 2011 I agree with you on the things that you want in 2d array. A table would of course be great. Hereunder I added an example for sourceforge (this works a little different, namely by projectname)Looks good!Have look at the Version 2.0 of the FileHippo function in the first post and see if that meets everything you wanted.If it does and you match up the interface of your function with mine (ie return a 2D array) maybe we could combine them into a little UDF.??SiteDownloaderUDF.Au3??But the interfaces should be consistant so users don't have deal with different function calls for each site.BTW I have another function for the "protableapps" site primitive compared to the current one but I'll fix it up when we have this one cleaned up.Thanks for the feedback and help!John Morrison Some of my small contributions to AutoIt Browse for Folder Dialog - Automation SysTreeView32 | FileHippo Download and/or retrieve program information | Get installedpath from uninstall key in registry | RoboCopy function John Morrison aka Storm-E
skin27 Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 Version 2.0 works very good (and fast!). Some small remarks for the cleanup: 1) Can you still add the version number as a separate entry in the array 2) I think that you add in array[0] the size of the array (Ubound). This is kind of standard. 3) Check line 113 (still a debug message left) 4) $sDownloadFolder is clearer than $sDownloadPath (as this may get confused to the download url) I was thinking about a good name for the UDF too and didn't come up with a good name also as "DownloadSoftwareFromDownloadWebsites_UDF" is a bit long .
Chimaera Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 Just curious is there a way to add a progress bar within it? Very good stuff this should help lots so thanks again Is it for more than filehippo then?, is that why the name needs to be changed .. Chimaera If Ive just helped you ... miracles do happen. Chimaera CopyRobo() * Hidden Admin Account Enabler * Software Location From Registry * Find Display Resolution * _ChangeServices()
skin27 Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 Is it for more than filehippo then?, is that why the name needs to be changed .. Chimaera The function is site-pecific, because it uses the source of the website. You can use it for other download websites as well by modifying the code (see my Sourceforge example). Here is an example of the function: #include <Array.au3> ;example 1: download ccleaner with the default filename to the desktop _FileHippoDownload("ccleaner", @DesktopDir,"", true) ;example 2: get info about the download $info = _FileHippoDownload("ccleaner", @DesktopDir,"", false) _ArrayDisplay($info) ;example 3download ccleaner with a specified name to the desktop and retrieve the homepage of the software publisher $info = _FileHippoDownload("ccleaner", @DesktopDir,"CleanerTool.exe", true) MsgBox(0,"Homepage",$info[8][1])
Chimaera Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 (edited) I have it working just didnt realise it could be used for other sites Is there a way to make the downloads wait until one is finished before it goes after the next? I tried sleep see eg below but it dosent hold it off correctly, and when several get going it makes the gui twitchy or non responsive Can RunWait or similar be used or something like that? $MWB_down = _FileHippoDownload("malwarebytes_anti_malware", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes" , "install_malware.exe", True) Sleep(1500) $AVG32_down = _FileHippoDownload("avg_antivirus_32", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes" , "install_avg_32.exe", True) Sleep(1500) $AVG64_down = _FileHippoDownload("avg_antivirus_64", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes" , "install_avg_64.exe", True) Edit: Typo Edited August 13, 2011 by Chimaera If Ive just helped you ... miracles do happen. Chimaera CopyRobo() * Hidden Admin Account Enabler * Software Location From Registry * Find Display Resolution * _ChangeServices()
skin27 Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 I have it working just didnt realise it could be used for other sites Is there a way to make the downloads wait until one is finished before it goes after the next? I tried sleep see eg below but it dosent hold it off correctly, and when several get going it makes the gui twitchy or non responsive Can RunWait or similar be used or something like that? $MWB_down = _FileHippoDownload("malwarebytes_anti_malware", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes" , "install_malware.exe", True) Sleep(1500) $AVG32_down = _FileHippoDownload("avg_antivirus_32", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes" , "install_avg_32.exe", True) Sleep(1500) $AVG64_down = _FileHippoDownload("avg_antivirus_64", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes" , "install_avg_64.exe", True) Edit: Typo The samples were more for general use. About the wait function you may try to loop until the downloaded file exist. Something like this: While FileExists (@ScriptDir & "\file_includes\install_malware.exe") = 0 Sleep(100) Wend
storme Posted August 14, 2011 Author Posted August 14, 2011 (edited) I have it working just didnt realise it could be used for other sites Is there a way to make the downloads wait until one is finished before it goes after the next? The function does wait untill the download is complete. the heart of the function is Local $hDownload = InetGet($sBaseSite & $DownloadUrl, $sDownloadPath & "\" & $sDownloadFileName , 1, 0) The zero at the end means "0 = (default) Wait until the download is complete before continuing." Check the return values @error. You maybe hitting an error (eg destination folder doesn't exist - I've just added an check for that) Try somthing like this ConsoleWrite("Start: malwarebytes_anti_malware") $MWB_down = _FileHippoDownload("malwarebytes_anti_malware", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes", "install_malware.exe", True) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", @error) EndIf ConsoleWrite("End: malwarebytes_anti_malware") ConsoleWrite("Start: avg_antivirus_32") $AVG32_down = _FileHippoDownload("avg_antivirus_32", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes", "install_avg_32.exe", True) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", @error) EndIf ConsoleWrite("End: avg_antivirus_32") ConsoleWrite("Start: avg_antivirus_64") $AVG64_down = _FileHippoDownload("avg_antivirus_64", @ScriptDir & "\file_includes", "install_avg_64.exe", True) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", @error) EndIf ConsoleWrite("End: avg_antivirus_64") Let me know how it goes. I tried sleep see eg below but it dosent hold it off correctly, and when several get going it makes the gui twitchy or non responsive My guess is when this is running your GUI will be totally non responsive until the download is done. <EDIT> I just changed it so the "InetGet" runs in the background and there is a do-until with a a sleep (used the code from help used the code from "HELP" (yes I do read it ) That 'should' give the rest of the script a bit of time to do things. BUT remember the function is "blocking" and nothing will happen till the function exits. Hope that helps! John Morrison New Update on it's way 2.1 Edited August 14, 2011 by storme Some of my small contributions to AutoIt Browse for Folder Dialog - Automation SysTreeView32 | FileHippo Download and/or retrieve program information | Get installedpath from uninstall key in registry | RoboCopy function John Morrison aka Storm-E
storme Posted August 14, 2011 Author Posted August 14, 2011 Just curious is there a way to add a progress bar within it?I wouldn't want progress bar to be created by the function because it will almost never fit with the calling program.However, if a reference is passed to the function for a progress bar it could be updated by the function.As of V2.1 the download is running in the background so a progress bar could be updated in the do-until loop.It's not a priority for me at the moment. Remind me later when it's settled down and I'll add it. Keep the ideas comingJohn Morrison Some of my small contributions to AutoIt Browse for Folder Dialog - Automation SysTreeView32 | FileHippo Download and/or retrieve program information | Get installedpath from uninstall key in registry | RoboCopy function John Morrison aka Storm-E
storme Posted August 14, 2011 Author Posted August 14, 2011 1) Can you still add the version number as a separate entry in the array Done V2.1....... element [0][0]...... sorry I missed it 2) I think that you add in array[0] the size of the array (Ubound). This is kind of standard. Done V2.1....... Personally I don't like it but it can come 3) Check line 113 (still a debug message left) OOPS! Done V2.1 4) $sDownloadFolder is clearer than $sDownloadPath (as this may get confused to the download url) Point taken DONE V2.1 I was thinking about a good name for the UDF too and didn't come up with a good name also as "DownloadSoftwareFromDownloadWebsites_UDF" is a bit long . YEP! I ended up with similarly rediculious names. Maybe just SoftwareArchivesDownloaders_UDF (well it's a little shorter. John Some of my small contributions to AutoIt Browse for Folder Dialog - Automation SysTreeView32 | FileHippo Download and/or retrieve program information | Get installedpath from uninstall key in registry | RoboCopy function John Morrison aka Storm-E
Chimaera Posted August 14, 2011 Posted August 14, 2011 (edited) How about _FileDownloader ? or _AutoDownloader ? thats kinda what it does. Edit Just tried 2.1 Clever Stuff M8 Edited August 14, 2011 by Chimaera If Ive just helped you ... miracles do happen. Chimaera CopyRobo() * Hidden Admin Account Enabler * Software Location From Registry * Find Display Resolution * _ChangeServices()
storme Posted August 14, 2011 Author Posted August 14, 2011 How about _FileDownloader ? or _AutoDownloader ?thats kinda what it does.Yep.... But what we were talking about was expanding it so that we had routines for other download archives.This was a name for the whole package/UDF. Just tried 2.1 Clever Stuff M8 If you mean the function call...I stole that from _ftp_download (in the help file, Yes I'm admiting I read it )I thought this approach should do everything you want and maybe a bit more. Let me know if it does what you need.John Morrison Some of my small contributions to AutoIt Browse for Folder Dialog - Automation SysTreeView32 | FileHippo Download and/or retrieve program information | Get installedpath from uninstall key in registry | RoboCopy function John Morrison aka Storm-E
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