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I am playing around with Skype and I wanted to see if I could write a small program that would filter incoming and outgoing messages but I am not aware of anyway to interact with a TChatContentControl.

Posted (edited)

Check out this page. I don't have Skype so I haven't tried it.

Edit: Ok, try this code and see what it does. Keep in mind that I don't have Skype so I'm coding blindly here:

Edit: I didn't actually code this. I just converted it to AutoIt.

#include <WinAPI.au3>

Global Const $IID_IAccessible = DllStructCreate("long lData1; integer nData2; integer nData3; byte abytData4[8]")

DllStructSetData($IID_IAccessible, 1, 0x618736E0)
DllStructSetData($IID_IAccessible, 2, 0x3C3D)
DllStructSetData($IID_IAccessible, 3, 0x11CF)
DllStructSetData($IID_IAccessible, 4, 0x81, 1)
DllStructSetData($IID_IAccessible, 4, 0xC, 2)
DllStructSetData($IID_IAccessible, 4, 0x0, 3)
DllStructSetData($IID_IAccessible, 4, 0xAA, 4)
DllStructSetData($IID_IAccessible, 4, 0x0, 5)
DllStructSetData($IID_IAccessible, 4, 0x38, 6)
DllStructSetData($IID_IAccessible, 4, 0x9B, 7)
DllStructSetData($IID_IAccessible, 4, 0x71, 8)


Func FindWindowEx($parent, $child, $class)
    DllCall("User32.dll", "hwnd", "FindWindowEx", "hwnd", $parent, "hwnd", $child, "str", $class, "str", '')
EndFunc   ;==>FindWindowEx

Func AccessibleObjectFromWindow($hWnd, $obj_id, $riid, ByRef $obj)
    Local Const $result = DllCall("Oleacc.dll", "integer", "AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "hwnd", $hWnd, "dword", $obj_id, "integer", $riid, "ptr", $obj)

    If IsArray($result) Then
        Return $result[0]
        Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>AccessibleObjectFromWindow

Func AccessibleChildren($cont, $child_start, $children, ByRef $var_children, ByRef $obtained)
    Local Const $result = DllCall("Oleacc.dll", "integer", "AccessibleChildren", "ptr", $cont, "long", $child_start, "long", $children, "ptr", $var_children, "long", $obtained)

    If IsArray($result) Then
        Return $result[0]
        Return 0

Func EnumHistory()
    Local $hWnd = FindWindowEx(0, 0, "TskMultiChatForm.UnicodeClass")
    Local $hr = "HRESULT"
    Local $childCount
    Local $WindowObject
    Local $accChildren
    Local $nReceived
    Local Const $OBJID_CLIENT = 0xFFFFFFFC

    If $hWnd <> 0 Then
        $hWnd = FindWindowEx($hWnd, 0, "TChatBackground")

        If $hWnd <> 0 Then
            $hWnd = FindWindowEx($hWnd, 0, "TPanel")

            If $hWnd <> 0 Then
                $hWnd = FindWindowEx($hWnd, 0, "TPanel")

                If $hWnd <> 0 Then
                    $hWnd = FindWindowEx($hWnd, 0, "TChatContentControl")

                    If $hWnd <> 0 Then
                        $hr = AccessibleObjectFromWindow($hWnd, $OBJID_CLIENT, $IID_IAccessible, $WindowObject)

                        If $hr >= 0 Then
                            $childCount = $WindowObject.accChildCount
                            ReDim $accChildren[$childCount - 1]

                            If $childCount > 0 Then
                                $hr = AccessibleChildren($WindowObject, 0, $childCount, $accChildren[0], $nReceived)

                                If $hr >= 0 Then
                                    For $i = 0 To $nReceived - 1
;~                                      If TypeOf $accChildren($i) Is IAccessible Then
                                        ConsoleWrite("Found object: " & $accChildren($i).accName(0) & @LF)
;~                                      Else
                                        ConsoleWrite("Found object:" & $WindowObject.accName($accChildren($i)) & @LF & @LF)
;~                                      EndIf
                                    ConsoleWrite("Accessible Chilren failed with code: " & $hr & @LF)
                            ConsoleWrite("AccessibleObjectFromWindow failed with code: " & $hr & @LF)
                        ConsoleWrite("Could not find TChatContentControl" & @LF)
                    ConsoleWrite("Could not find TPanel #2" & @LF)
                ConsoleWrite("Could not find TPanel #1" & @LF)
            ConsoleWrite("Could not find the TChatBackground class" & @LF)
        ConsoleWrite("Could not find a chat window" & @LF)
EndFunc   ;==>EnumHistory
Edited by LaCastiglione

You may have a problem with this. If I'm not mistaken Skype was written in Delphi and there are times when it's near impossible to get decent results when trying to automate anything to do with Delphi windows or controls.

Of course now that Microsoft owns Skype that may all change in the not too distant future.


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