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The VS IDE editor has Control-t to swap the last 2 characters entered. I like that. Any thought of using it for other than coding I abandoned since the load time is "go make a sandwich" order of magnitude. :graduated:

So few Windows editors I'm familiar with have this feature that I wrote a hotkey to add it, along with some stuff for browsers, Explorer etc..

I think C# and C++ are too gnarly for sloppy input. Delphi I'd just free flow type the crap in and hit Control-d for DelForex to line up the Begin and End stuff.

Visual Studio loads just as fast as anything else I run and I've even got a few addons installed.

If your C# is gnarly, you're doing it wrong. C# cuts out everything that made C++ gnarly and can be autoformatted on the fly without any problems.

Posted (edited)

Dude! I don't really like being preached at. Chances are I've been programming as long as you have if not longer. Sanctimonious attitude is really lame. To argue that VS studio loads fast off the dime is disingenuous. It's not even debatable.

Edited by MilesAhead

I saw a significant difference between the load times of vs express and professional. I think there was also a noticeable change going from 2008 -> 2010. It's not as slow as some of the other 'large' IDEs, but I wouldn't put its load time as one of its better features.

Visual studio's load time is acceptable because it manages projects, so you shouldn't need to open it very often. Same with windows itself. I load it once per day at the most so I'll put up with waiting a few minutes.


Dude! I don't really like being preached at.

Your definition of being preached at is fucked up. I can't see where you are being preached at all.

Chances are I've been programming as long as you have if not longer.

Want a cookie? Time as a programmer != competence as a programmer.

Sanctimonious attitude is really lame.

Anybody who invokes sanctimony as a negative trait in somebody's posting is guilty of it far more egregiously than the original poster.

To argue that VS studio loads fast off the dime is disingenuous. It's not even debatable.

You're insane. It took 11 seconds for me to load Visual Studio with a blank project just now. I would expend several orders of magnitude more time using another editor with less useful intellisense, auto-complete, syntax highlighting, automatic indentation, integrated debugging, et cetera. I'm completely fine with giving up those 11 seconds on startup for all the thousands of seconds it saves me in other areas. Note: It took an additional 10 seconds to load the AutoIt solution which is 4 projects. I had 10 files open when it was done which I'm sure also affected startup time.

If you don't want to use Visual Studio, fine. At least have the courtesy to come up with a non-bullshit reason, though. As pointed out already, it's not something you're going to be starting every 5 minutes. You start it, use it for awhile, presumably take advantage of it's copious amounts of programmer convenience and close it when you're done - or not. Unless you're using some ancient beast from another decade in which case buy a fucking modern computer, they really aren't very much.

Posted (edited)

Yup I'm nuts. I don't use VS 2010 every time I jot a note just to get Control-t 2 chars left of caret swap. I instead usie an AHK program to do it with any editor. Crazy I know. Such a psychotic!! And I could be sitting there for 11 seconds waiting for my editor to come up with all the smart people!! Dang!! I'll never learn.

Edited by MilesAhead

Yup I'm nuts. I don't use VS 2010 every time I jot a note just to get Control-t 2 chars left of caret swap. I instead usie an AHK program to do it with any editor. Crazy I know. Such a psychotic!! And I could be sitting there for 11 seconds waiting for my editor to come up with all the smart people!! Dang!! I'll never learn.

What are you doing here if you use AutoHotKey?

Yup I'm nuts. I don't use VS 2010 every time I jot a note just to get Control-t 2 chars left of caret swap. I instead usie an AHK program to do it with any editor. Crazy I know. Such a psychotic!! And I could be sitting there for 11 seconds waiting for my editor to come up with all the smart people!! Dang!! I'll never learn.

What the fuck are you talking about now? Nobody said Visual Studio was a general purpose text editor. Oh, never mind. I see this whole side-conversation was spawned by poor grammar on your part:

Any thought of using it for other than coding I abandoned since the load time is "go make a sandwich" order of magnitude

I think it was unclear to most of us just what that sentence was really saying due to poor wording.

Back onto the topic of SciTE. I just saw this on the SciTE mailing list and it looks really neat. I'll try it out but I imagine Au3Check may be updated to support that feature when it goes live.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Just saw Trac Ticket #2059 - I've being using the shortcut Alt + I everyday on Windows 7 x64 SP1, Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista ... (you get the idea) and with the latest version of SciTE4AutoIt3 without any problems at all. The ticket displays limited information about the users system so I'm suspecting they're using an old version of SciTE or simply need to re-install.

Edited by guinness

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Updated: 22/04/2018

  • 3 weeks later...

AutoIt3Wrapper, Obfuscator tab, Doc/Comment.

"To strip the source, which is included in the ouput EXE from all Comments, ..."

"To strip the source, which is included in the output EXE,(?) from all Comments, ..."

... I must be really fucked up, and bored, if I still feel the need to post shit like this ...

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"The Secrets of Quantum Physics" : New and excellent 2 part documentary on Quantum Physics by Jim Al-Khalili. (Dec 2014)

"Believing what you know ain't so" ...

Knock Knock ...


Just a quick question about scite editor.

I notice that some of the call tips for native functions are a little askew.

For example ControlClick() will always be one parameter ahead of the one you are actually writing.

There are others, which I have seen which I cannot recall off the top of my head.

Is this something that needs reporting or something the user ought to sort themselves?

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Monkey's are, like, natures humans.


If you have a string which contains a comma then the parameter position will be off. Otherwise it seems fine for me with my version of SciTE which has files built from the same script as SciTE4AutoIt3.

  • Developers

AutoIt3Wrapper, Obfuscator tab, Doc/Comment.

"To strip the source, which is included in the ouput EXE from all Comments, ..."

"To strip the source, which is included in the output EXE,(?) from all Comments, ..."

... I must be really fucked up, and bored, if I still feel the need to post shit like this ...

Yes ... and Thanks

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I guess I should add the following line to au3.properties to make it only skip to the next param on a comma:


I thought of that but assumed you were already using that line since I am. Obviously I forgot to mention it in my post, though.
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