bosko Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 i know Send("{F5}") is to refresh but i have no clue how to do anything else so if somebeody could help me put this togather i would love them for ever and ever and wanna have mabies/babies
DaleHohm Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 put what together? Free Internet Tools: DebugBar, AutoIt IE Builder, HTTP UDF, MODIV2, IE Developer Toolbar, IEDocMon, Fiddler, HTML Validator, WGet, curl MSDN docs: InternetExplorer Object, Document Object, Overviews and Tutorials, DHTML Objects, DHTML Events, WinHttpRequest, XmlHttpRequest, Cross-Frame Scripting, Office object model Automate input type=file (Related) Alternative to _IECreateEmbedded? better: _IECreatePseudoEmbedded Better Better? IE.au3 issues with Vista - Workarounds SciTe Debug mode - it's magic: #AutoIt3Wrapper_run_debug_mode=Y Doesn't work needs to be ripped out of the troubleshooting lexicon. It means that what you tried did not produce the results you expected. It begs the questions 1) what did you try?, 2) what did you expect? and 3) what happened instead? Reproducer: a small (the smallest?) piece of stand-alone code that demonstrates your trouble
bosko Posted June 28, 2005 Author Posted June 28, 2005 put what together?<{POST_SNAPBACK}>a refresheri cant find it in the tutorial how to make a browser witha link and a button that starts reffreshing 5000times with a counter and one that stops it cant figure any of it does au3 have any books ?
trickytroy Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 If you read the helpfile youll find what you need. [quote]Randy:This is for what?! Arresting me for what?! I'm not allowed to stand up for myself?! I thought this was America! Huh? Isn't this America?! I'm sorry! I thought this was America![/quote]
buzz44 Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 (edited) This is a stupid thread.For $I = 1 To 5000 Send("{F5}") NextMy brain is acking from the thought involved.Edit: As for a 'browser' I don't see the point... Try searching for cwebpage.dll. Edited June 28, 2005 by Burrup qq
bosko Posted June 28, 2005 Author Posted June 28, 2005 This is a stupid thread.For $I = 1 To 5000 Send("{F5}") NextMy brain is acking from the thought involved.Edit: As for a 'browser' I don't see the point... Try searching for cwebpage.dll.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>all that does is refresh the page its opened on whitch its opened on with no start and stop buttons if all i did was read the tuts i would have done that but i need something to imput a link as to where to refresh it doesnt need to show the page but so it doesnt disturbe the other pages ex: when i oppened the file in my documents it started refreshing and i couldnt close the page...thats why im trying to make it in a box
herewasplato Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 ...if all i did was read the tuts i would have done that...<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Wait a minute. If you saw the tutorial for sending text to Notepad, then you saw one way to use WinWaitActive. So, if you spent some time with the tutorials, then why would you "have done that..." ["That" referring to the loop that Burrup gave you.] Yes, the F5 is going to be sent to whatever window is active since you did not bother to add one line of code to the code which Burrup offered.Do you want to learn AutoIt or have people write code for you? Ok, assuming that you want to learn. Go read about InetGet and HotKeySet...For $I = 1 To 5000 InetGet("", "C:\foo.html",1,0) NextIn the help file for HotKeySet, there is a sample script at the bottom of the page. In that script is the remark:;;;; Body of program would go here ;;;;You replace the While/WEnd loop in the sample script with the For/Next loop shown above and replace the URL with the URL that you want...You should have what you want - a script that:"doesnt disturbe the other pages""start and stop buttons""reffreshing 5000times"You do not need:"a browser"(if you want that - you have been told to search the forum for cwebpage.dll)"something to imput a link as to where to refresh"(if you want that - read about InputBox)If you want "a counter" , then read about SplashTextOn.So - you have a script that will run the "hit counter" up on a website, if the site/counter is poorly designed.later [size="1"][font="Arial"].[u].[/u][/font][/size]
bosko Posted June 29, 2005 Author Posted June 29, 2005 (edited) Wait a minute. If you saw the tutorial for sending text to Notepad, then you saw one way to use WinWaitActive. So, if you spent some time with the tutorials, then why would you "have done that..." ["That" referring to the loop that Burrup gave you.] Yes, the F5 is going to be sent to whatever window is active since you did not bother to add one line of code to the code which Burrup offered.Do you want to learn AutoIt or have people write code for you? Ok, assuming that you want to learn. Go read about InetGet and HotKeySet...For $I = 1 To 5000 InetGet("", "C:\foo.html",1,0) NextIn the help file for HotKeySet, there is a sample script at the bottom of the page. In that script is the remark:;;;; Body of program would go here ;;;;You replace the While/WEnd loop in the sample script with the For/Next loop shown above and replace the URL with the URL that you want...You should have what you want - a script that:"doesnt disturbe the other pages""start and stop buttons""reffreshing 5000times"You do not need:"a browser"(if you want that - you have been told to search the forum for cwebpage.dll)"something to imput a link as to where to refresh"(if you want that - read about InputBox)If you want "a counter" , then read about SplashTextOn.So - you have a script that will run the "hit counter" up on a website, if the site/counter is poorly designed.later<{POST_SNAPBACK}>im trying to work with gui's; Press Esc to terminate script, Pause/Break to "pause", Press "Enter" to start Global $Paused HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Exit Program") HotKeySet("ENTER", "Start") ;;;; Body of program would go here;;;; While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd ;;;;;;;; Func TogglePause() $Paused = NOT $Paused While $Paused sleep(100) ToolTip('Refreser Paused"',0,0) WEnd ToolTip("") EndFunc Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc Func Start For $I = 1 To 5000 Send("{F5}") Next EndFuncit says that Func (the last one) is badly formatededit: i do need a browser or at least a link box because im not making this for myself but for a cheat siteedit2: thats what i got when i used what you told me to use. without the .dll file Edited June 29, 2005 by bosko
herewasplato Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 You were smart enough to figure out what part of my suggestion not to follow :-) ... but you missed a few details :-( Which one of these lines is missing a set of brackets{}?HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Exit Program") HotKeySet("ENTER", "Start") Which one of these lines has a bad "format"?Func TogglePause() Func Terminate() Func Start I cannot help you with GUIs. Did you read this? "something to imput a link as to where to refresh" (if you want that - read about InputBox) so long [size="1"][font="Arial"].[u].[/u][/font][/size]
MSLx Fanboy Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 (edited) Mozilla Firefox has a plugin called ReloadEvery, which will do the same thing that you want... Edited June 30, 2005 by MSLx Fanboy Writing AutoIt scripts since _DateAdd("d", -2, _NowCalcDate())
bosko Posted June 30, 2005 Author Posted June 30, 2005 (edited) You were smart enough to figure out what part of my suggestion not to follow :-)... but you missed a few details :-(Which one of these lines is missing a set of brackets{}?HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Exit Program") HotKeySet("ENTER", "Start")Which one of these lines has a bad "format"?Func TogglePause() Func Terminate() Func StartI cannot help you with GUIs. Did you read this?"something to imput a link as to where to refresh"(if you want that - read about InputBox)so long<{POST_SNAPBACK}>kk i fixed all that. and this is how it looks like; Press Esc to terminate script, Pause/Break to "pause", Press "Enter" to start Global $Paused HotKeySet("{PAUSE/BREAK}", "TogglePause") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") HotKeySet("{ENTER}", "Start") ;;;; Body of program would go here;;;; While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd ;;;;;;;; Func TogglePause() $Paused = NOT $Paused While $Paused sleep(100) ToolTip('Refreser Paused"',0,0) WEnd ToolTip("") EndFunc Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc Func Start() For $I = 1 To 5000 Send("{F5}") Next EndFuncbut now the hot keys ESC and PAUSE/BREAK dont work +its not refreshing in the right spot.... it just refreshes my doccuments Edited June 30, 2005 by bosko
ivan Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 it sounds as if you're trying to increase site hits via autoit... Not a very good idea both for the advertisers and for you, as you might end up loosing customers. If this is the case, i'd make manually refresh the page first, as advertisers usually want to block this kind of roboting. In my experience, i build sites with anti roboting so i can offer advertisers a better deal. Think out of the boxGrabber: Yet another WinInfo tool_CSVLib (still alpha)Dynamic html in au3
bosko Posted July 1, 2005 Author Posted July 1, 2005 it sounds as if you're trying to increase site hits via autoit... Not a very good idea both for the advertisers and for you, as you might end up loosing customers.If this is the case, i'd make manually refresh the page first, as advertisers usually want to block this kind of roboting. In my experience, i build sites with anti roboting so i can offer advertisers a better deal.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>WTF are you talking about increasing site hits? i need bloody help and im asking and getting answers....geneious
LiquidWarlock Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 WTF are you talking about increasing site hits? i need bloody help and im asking and getting answers....geneious <{POST_SNAPBACK}>haha he means you are doing it for another site to get high site viewing statistics...not on here Genius
bosko Posted July 1, 2005 Author Posted July 1, 2005 haha he means you are doing it for another site to get high site viewing statistics...not on here Genius <{POST_SNAPBACK}>all i said was its for a neopets cheat site didnt say whitch one no more spam just ppl to help me with mny code
erifash Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 Okay, this will work. Just replace the part where it says "edit here" with the url of the site you want to refresh. Here's the code:expandcollapse popup;--------> EDIT URL HERE ---v $sURL = "" ;--------> EDIT URL HERE ---^ Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) Global $pause = 0, $win = "- Microsoft Internet Explorer" $oIE = ObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") With $oIE .Navigate($sURL) While .ReadyState <> 4 Sleep(10) Wend Sleep(500) .Visible = 1 EndWith WinWaitActive($win, "") Sleep(300) WinSetState($win, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) WinSetOnTop($win, "", 1) HotkeySet("{PAUSE}", "GoPause") HotkeySet("{ESC}", "myexit") While 1 If not WinActive($win, "") Then WinActivate($win, "") If not WinExists($win, "") Then Exit Send("{F5}") While $oIE.ReadyState <> 4 If not WinExists($win, "") Then Exit Sleep(10) Wend Wend Func GoPause() $pause = 1 HotkeySet("{PAUSE}", "UnPause") While $pause Sleep(10) Wend HotkeySet("{PAUSE}", "GoPause") EndFunc Func UnPause() $pause = 0 EndFunc Func myexit() WinKill($win, "") Exit EndFuncTry to learn from this, okay? My UDFs:_FilePrint() | _ProcessGetName() | _Degree() and _Radian()My Scripts:Drive Lock - Computer Lock Using a Flash DriveAU3Chat - Simple Multiuser TCP ChatroomStringChunk - Split a String Into Equal PartsAutoProxy - Custom Webserver
bosko Posted July 3, 2005 Author Posted July 3, 2005 (edited) Okay, this will work. Just replace the part where it says "edit here" with the url of the site you want to refresh. Here's the code:expandcollapse popup;--------> EDIT URL HERE ---v $sURL = "" ;--------> EDIT URL HERE ---^ Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) Global $pause = 0, $win = "- Microsoft Internet Explorer" $oIE = ObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") With $oIE .Navigate($sURL) While .ReadyState <> 4 Sleep(10) Wend Sleep(500) .Visible = 1 EndWith WinWaitActive($win, "") Sleep(300) WinSetState($win, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) WinSetOnTop($win, "", 1) HotkeySet("{PAUSE}", "GoPause") HotkeySet("{ESC}", "myexit") While 1 If not WinActive($win, "") Then WinActivate($win, "") If not WinExists($win, "") Then Exit Send("{F5}") While $oIE.ReadyState <> 4 If not WinExists($win, "") Then Exit Sleep(10) Wend Wend Func GoPause() $pause = 1 HotkeySet("{PAUSE}", "UnPause") While $pause Sleep(10) Wend HotkeySet("{PAUSE}", "GoPause") EndFunc Func UnPause() $pause = 0 EndFunc Func myexit() WinKill($win, "") Exit EndFuncTry to learn from this, okay? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I LOVE YOU edit: $oIE = ObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")Unknown function name Edited July 3, 2005 by bosko
MSLx Fanboy Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 You need the latest beta version available in teh 3.1.1++ thread in the v3 Developers forum. Writing AutoIt scripts since _DateAdd("d", -2, _NowCalcDate())
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