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Here is a UDF to easily apply that "snappy edge" effect to your GUI that you have probably seen on many programs. "Snappy" meaning anytime the boarder of your gui gets close to another windows boarder, or the desktop edges, your gui will automatically snap and align itself to that boarder. It is a very nice feature when it comes to aligning and resizeing your GUIs side by side.

One problem that I still have to hammer out is what Style you use for your GUI. If you choose to make the GUI non sizeable, it will still work but you'll see the edges will overlap a little bit. There is some invisible boarder there that isnt acounted for when I get the gui width and height. I need to look at Getsystemmetrics. Im pretty sure the answer is there.

Anyway plz take a look and tell me what you think. I love feed back or any new ideas. Thanks ;)

Updated 9/17/11: Automatic alignment to ALL visible windows now. Not just other Autoit windows. :huh2: Also removed _WinSnap_RegisterMsgs() as it is not nessasary. Windows Msgs are automatically registered on startup. See UDF header for more details.

Updated 5/31/11: Added new function _WinSnap_SetStyle() to configure what the window snaps to and to be able to enable/disable then snaps. Needed if you want to lock a window to another.


Previous Download:122

Note: The .html link is just to help me keep track of downloads. Open the .html file and a download dialog will display.


Example 1:

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include "WinSnap.au3"
Global $GUI1 = GUICreate("GUI1", 200, 150, 100, 200, $style)
Global $GUI2 = GUICreate("GUI2", 200, 150, 370, 200, $style)
Global $GUI3 = GUICreate("GUI3", 200, 150, 100, 420, $style)
Global $GUI4 = GUICreate("GUI4", 200, 150, 370, 420, $style)
Until GUIGetMsg() = -3

Example 2:

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include "WinSnap.au3"
Global $GUI1 = GUICreate("GUI1", 200, 150, 100, 200, $style)
Global $button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton('DisableAll', 60, 50, 80, 30)
Global $GUI2 = GUICreate("GUI2", 200, 150, 350, 200, $style)
Global $button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton('DisableAll', 60, 50, 80, 30)
Global $Msg
While 1
$Msg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $Msg
  Case $button1
   If GUICtrlRead($button1) = 'EnableAll' Then
    _WinSnap_SetStyle($GUI1, 3)
    GUICtrlSetData($button1, 'DisableAll')
   ElseIf GUICtrlRead($button1) = 'DisableAll' Then
    _WinSnap_SetStyle($GUI1, 0)
    GUICtrlSetData($button1, 'DeskOnly')
   ElseIf GUICtrlRead($button1) = 'DeskOnly' Then
    _WinSnap_SetStyle($GUI1, 1)
    GUICtrlSetData($button1, 'Moveonly')
   ElseIf GUICtrlRead($button1) = 'Moveonly' Then
    _WinSnap_SetStyle($GUI1, 2)
    GUICtrlSetData($button1, 'EnableAll')
  Case $button2
   If GUICtrlRead($button2) = 'EnableAll' Then
    _WinSnap_SetStyle($GUI2, 3)
    GUICtrlSetData($button2, 'DisableAll')
   ElseIf GUICtrlRead($button2) = 'DisableAll' Then
    _WinSnap_SetStyle($GUI2, 0)
    GUICtrlSetData($button2, 'DeskOnly')
   ElseIf GUICtrlRead($button2) = 'DeskOnly' Then
    _WinSnap_SetStyle($GUI2, 1)
    GUICtrlSetData($button2, 'Moveonly')
   ElseIf GUICtrlRead($button2) = 'Moveonly' Then
    _WinSnap_SetStyle($GUI2, 2)
    GUICtrlSetData($button2, 'EnableAll')


#region Header
; #INDEX# =======================================================================================================================
; Title .........: WinSnap
; AutoIt Version :
; Language ......: English
; Description ...: Functions for making windows have "snap to" edges
; Author(s) .....: Beege
; Remarks........:  This UDF registers windows msgs WM_MOVING, WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE, WS_WM_SIZING. If any of these msgs
;     are registered in your script, your function must pass the msgs on to this UDF. Below are examples of the calls
; you will need to add if this is the case:
; Func WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; EndFunc   ;==>WM_SIZING;
; Func WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; WS_WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; EndFunc   ;==>WM_SIZING;
; Func WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; WS_WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; EndFunc   ;==>WM_SIZING;
; ===============================================================================================================================
; #CURRENT# =====================================================================================================================
; _WinSnap_Set
; _WinSnap_SetStyle
; ===============================================================================================================================
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <StructureConstants.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#endregion Header
#region Global Varialbes
;~ Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)
Global Enum $g_iHwnd, $g_iStyle
Global $g_aSnapGUIs[1][2] = [[0, 0]]
$g_aSnapGUIs[$i][$g_iHwnd]  = Handle to window
$g_aSnapGUIs[$i][$g_iStyle] = Style Flag
Global $g_iMouseDistancetoX, $g_iMouseDistancetoY
Global $g_iDesktopHeight
Global $g_bMovingStarted = False
Global $g_iMonitorTotal
Global Const $WS_WM_MOVING = 0x0216
Global Const $WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE = 0x0231
#endregion Global Varialbes
#region Public functions
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: _WinSnap_Set
; Description....: Sets window to have "snap to" edges
; Syntax.........: _WinSnap_Set($hGUI)
; Parameters.....: $hGUI - handle to window
; Return values..: Success -  1
; Failure -  0 and sets @error
; Author.........: Beege
; Remarks........: None
; ===============================================================================================================
Func _WinSnap_Set($hGUI)
$g_aSnapGUIs[0][0] += 1
ReDim $g_aSnapGUIs[$g_aSnapGUIs[0][0] + 1][2]
$g_aSnapGUIs[$g_aSnapGUIs[0][0]][$g_iHwnd] = $hGUI
$g_aSnapGUIs[$g_aSnapGUIs[0][0]][$g_iStyle] = 3
Local $tRectMoving = DllStructCreate($tagRECT)
_WinAPI_SystemParametersInfo(0x0030, 0, DllStructGetPtr($tRectMoving), 0);SPI_GETWORKAREA
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
$g_iDesktopHeight = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom')
$g_iMonitorTotal = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics(80);SM_CMONITORS
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return 1
EndFunc   ;==>_WinSnap_Set
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: _WinSnap_SetStyle
; Description....: Sets what the window will snap to. Desktop edges or Window edges
; Syntax.........: _WinSnap_SetStyle($hGUI, $iFlag)
; Parameters.....: $hGUI - Handle to window to set style
; $iFlag - Style Value:
; | 0 = No Snap at all
; | 1 = Snap to Desktop Edges
; | 2 = Snap to Other Autoit Windows
; | 3 = Snap to all (Defualt)
; Return values..: Success - Returns the value of the previous setting
; Failure - 0 and set @error to 1
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func _WinSnap_SetStyle($hGUI, $iFlag)
Local $iIndex = _GetIndex($hGUI)
If Not $iIndex Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Local $iLast = $g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle]
$g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle] = $iFlag
Return $iLast
EndFunc   ;==>_WinSnap_SetStyle
#endregion Public functions
#region internel functions
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: _GetIndex
; Description....: returns array index for handle
; Syntax.........: _GetIndex($hGUI)
; Parameters.....: $hGUI - handle to window
; Return values..: Success - array index for gui handle
; Failure - 0
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func _GetIndex($hGUI)
For $i = 1 To $g_aSnapGUIs[0][0]
If $hGUI = $g_aSnapGUIs[$i][$g_iHwnd] Then Return $i
Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>_GetIndex
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE
; Description....:  Called when window begins to move.
; Syntax.........: WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; Return values..: None
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
#forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam
Local $pGUI1 = WinGetPos($hWndGUI)
Local $aMousePos = MouseGetPos()
$g_bMovingStarted = False
$g_iMouseDistancetoX = $aMousePos[0] - $pGUI1[0]
$g_iMouseDistancetoY = $pGUI1[1] - $aMousePos[1]
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: WS_WM_MOVING
; Description....: Called when a window is being moved
; Syntax.........: WS_WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; Return values..: None
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func WS_WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
#forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam
Static $iStartW, $iStartH
Local $iIndex = _GetIndex($hWndGUI)
If Not $iIndex Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG
Local $tRectMoving = DllStructCreate($tagRECT, $lParam)
If Not $g_bMovingStarted Then
$g_bMovingStarted = True
$iStartW = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left')
$iStartH = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top')
;If window is snaped we need to monitor how much the mouse has moved
;from is original drag point position on the title bar.
Local $aMousePos = MouseGetPos()
Local $iChangeinX = Abs($aMousePos[0] - (DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $g_iMouseDistancetoX))
Local $iChangeinY = Abs((DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') - $aMousePos[1]) - $g_iMouseDistancetoY)
Local $iTopMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom')
Local $iLeftMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right')
#region Check if near desktop edges
;Check if style includes snaping to desktop edges
If BitAND($g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle], 1) Then
For $i = 1 To $g_iMonitorTotal
If _IsClose($iRightMoving, (@DesktopWidth * $i)) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * $i))
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - $iStartW)
For $i = 0 To $g_iMonitorTotal - 1
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, (@DesktopWidth * $i)) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', (@DesktopWidth * $i))
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW)
If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH)
If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH)
If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, @DesktopHeight) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', @DesktopHeight)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH)
;Here we check if the mouse has moved from original drag point. if it has we unsnap the window
If $iChangeinX > 20 Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $aMousePos[0] - $g_iMouseDistancetoX)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW)
If $iChangeinY > 15 Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $aMousePos[1] + $g_iMouseDistancetoY)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH)
#endregion Check if near desktop edges
#region Check if window in near other Autoit Windows
Local $aWinlist = WinList()
;Check if style of window includes other Autoit Windows
If BitAND($g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle], 2) Then
For $i = 1 To $aWinlist[0][0]
If $aWinlist[$i][0] = '' Or $aWinlist[$i][1] = $hWndGUI Or Not _IsVisible($aWinlist[$i][1]) Then ContinueLoop
Local $tRectNonMoving = _WinAPI_GetWindowRect($aWinlist[$i][1])
Local $iTopNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Bottom')
Local $iLeftNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Right')
If $iTopMoving <= ($iBottomNonMoving + 5) And ($iBottomMoving + 5) >= $iTopNonMoving Then
;Gui1Right to Gui2Right
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - $iStartW)
;Gui1Left to Gui2left
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW)
;Gui1Left to Gui2Right
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW)
;Gui1Right to Gui2Left
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - $iStartW)
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
;gui1top to gui2top
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH)
;~  gui1top to gui2bottom
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH)
;gui1bottom to gui2bottom
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH)
;gui1bottom to gui2top
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH)
;Here we check if the mouse has moved from original drag point. if it has we unsnap the window
If $iChangeinX > 20 Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $aMousePos[0] - $g_iMouseDistancetoX)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW)
If $iChangeinY > 15 Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $aMousePos[1] + $g_iMouseDistancetoY)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH)
#endregion Check if window in near other Autoit Windows
EndFunc   ;==>WS_WM_MOVING
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: WS_WM_SIZING
; Description....: Called when a window is being sized
; Syntax.........: WS_WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; Return values..: None
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func WS_WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
#forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam
If Not _GetIndex($hWndGUI) Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG
Local $tRectMoving = DllStructCreate($tagRECT, $lParam)
Local $iLeftMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right')
Local $iTopMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom')
#region check if resizing near desktop edge
Switch $wParam
Case 6; bottom edge
If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight)
Case 7; bottom Left corner
If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight)
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', @DesktopWidth)
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', 0)
Case 1; left
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', @DesktopWidth)
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', 0)
Case 2; right
If _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', @DesktopWidth)
ElseIf _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth * 2) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * 2))
Case 8; bottom right
If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight)
If _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', @DesktopWidth)
ElseIf _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth * 2) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * 2))
Case 3; top
If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0)
Case 4; top left
If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0)
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', @DesktopWidth)
Case 5; top right
If _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', @DesktopWidth)
ElseIf _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth * 2) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * 2))
If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0)
#endregion check if resizing near desktop edge
#region Check if resizing near other windows
Local $aWinlist = WinList()
For $i = 1 To $aWinlist[0][0]
If $aWinlist[$i][0] = '' Or $aWinlist[$i][1] = $hWndGUI Or Not _IsVisible($aWinlist[$i][1]) Then ContinueLoop
Local $tRectNonMoving = _WinAPI_GetWindowRect($aWinlist[$i][1])
Local $iLeftNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Right')
Local $iTopNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Bottom')
Switch $wParam
Case 6; bottom edge
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving)
Case 7; bottom Left corner
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving)
Case 1; left
If $iTopMoving <= ($iBottomNonMoving + 5) And ($iBottomMoving + 5) >= $iTopNonMoving Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving)
Case 2; right
If $iTopMoving <= ($iBottomNonMoving + 5) And ($iBottomMoving + 5) >= $iTopNonMoving Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving)
Case 8; bottom right
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving)
Case 3; top
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving)
Case 4; top left
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving)
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', 0)
Case 5; top right
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving)
#endregion Check if resizing near other windows
EndFunc   ;==>WS_WM_SIZING
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: _IsClose
; Description....: Tests if Position a is near Postion b
; Syntax.........: _IsClose($a, $b)
; Parameters.....: $a - Position 1
; $b - Position 2
; Return values..: True/False
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func _IsClose($a, $b)
Return (Abs($a - $b) < 15)
EndFunc   ;==>_IsClose
#endregion internel functions
Func _IsVisible($handle)
Return (BitAND(WinGetState($handle), 2) = 2)
EndFunc   ;==>_IsVisible
Edited by Beege

Nice UDF :huh2:

UDF List:

_AdapterConnections()_AlwaysRun()_AppMon()_AppMonEx()_ArrayFilter/_ArrayReduce_BinaryBin()_CheckMsgBox()_CmdLineRaw()_ContextMenu()_ConvertLHWebColor()/_ConvertSHWebColor()_DesktopDimensions()_DisplayPassword()_DotNet_Load()/_DotNet_Unload()_Fibonacci()_FileCompare()_FileCompareContents()_FileNameByHandle()_FilePrefix/SRE()_FindInFile()_GetBackgroundColor()/_SetBackgroundColor()_GetConrolID()_GetCtrlClass()_GetDirectoryFormat()_GetDriveMediaType()_GetFilename()/_GetFilenameExt()_GetHardwareID()_GetIP()_GetIP_Country()_GetOSLanguage()_GetSavedSource()_GetStringSize()_GetSystemPaths()_GetURLImage()_GIFImage()_GoogleWeather()_GUICtrlCreateGroup()_GUICtrlListBox_CreateArray()_GUICtrlListView_CreateArray()_GUICtrlListView_SaveCSV()_GUICtrlListView_SaveHTML()_GUICtrlListView_SaveTxt()_GUICtrlListView_SaveXML()_GUICtrlMenu_Recent()_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemImage()_GUICtrlTreeView_CreateArray()_GUIDisable()_GUIImageList_SetIconFromHandle()_GUIRegisterMsg()_GUISetIcon()_Icon_Clear()/_Icon_Set()_IdleTime()_InetGet()_InetGetGUI()_InetGetProgress()_IPDetails()_IsFileOlder()_IsGUID()_IsHex()_IsPalindrome()_IsRegKey()_IsStringRegExp()_IsSystemDrive()_IsUPX()_IsValidType()_IsWebColor()_Language()_Log()_MicrosoftInternetConnectivity()_MSDNDataType()_PathFull/GetRelative/Split()_PathSplitEx()_PrintFromArray()_ProgressSetMarquee()_ReDim()_RockPaperScissors()/_RockPaperScissorsLizardSpock()_ScrollingCredits_SelfDelete()_SelfRename()_SelfUpdate()_SendTo()_ShellAll()_ShellFile()_ShellFolder()_SingletonHWID()_SingletonPID()_Startup()_StringCompact()_StringIsValid()_StringRegExpMetaCharacters()_StringReplaceWholeWord()_StringStripChars()_Temperature()_TrialPeriod()_UKToUSDate()/_USToUKDate()_WinAPI_Create_CTL_CODE()_WinAPI_CreateGUID()_WMIDateStringToDate()/_DateToWMIDateString()Au3 script parsingAutoIt SearchAutoIt3 PortableAutoIt3WrapperToPragmaAutoItWinGetTitle()/AutoItWinSetTitle()CodingDirToHTML5FileInstallrFileReadLastChars()GeoIP databaseGUI - Only Close ButtonGUI ExamplesGUICtrlDeleteImage()GUICtrlGetBkColor()GUICtrlGetStyle()GUIEventsGUIGetBkColor()Int_Parse() & Int_TryParse()IsISBN()LockFile()Mapping CtrlIDsOOP in AutoItParseHeadersToSciTE()PasswordValidPasteBinPosts Per DayPreExpandProtect GlobalsQueue()Resource UpdateResourcesExSciTE JumpSettings INISHELLHOOKShunting-YardSignature CreatorStack()Stopwatch()StringAddLF()/StringStripLF()StringEOLToCRLF()VSCROLLWM_COPYDATAMore Examples...

Updated: 22/04/2018


Cool work!

When snapping corners the distance is greater than when snapping sides. Is that intentional?



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The own fart smells best!
Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ

Posted (edited)

Cool work!

When snapping corners the distance is greater than when snapping sides. Is that intentional?



Thankyou very much for the feedback and No it defiantly shouldn't. When you say corner and sides do you mean the desktop corners and sides or when your resizing a window using one of its corners or sides?

Edited by Beege
Posted (edited)

Thankyou very much for the feedback and No it defiantly shouldn't. When you say corner and sides do you mean the desktop corners and sides or when your resizing a window using one of its corners or sides?

If I start the Example.au3 and position the left upper corner of the 2nd window to the right bottom corner of the 1st window the distance of the edges between the two windows are too big regarding to the other snap behavior.



Edited by UEZ

Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply!

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The own fart smells best!
Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ

Posted (edited)

If I start the Example.au3 and position the left upper corner of the 2nd window to the right bottom corner of the 1st window the distance of the edges between the two windows are too big regarding to the other snap behavior.



Ok I see what you mean. I'm pretty sure the windows are aligned with the correct distance, it just looks further because the windows show they have rounded corners, when in reality they have square corners that we cant see. I took a small snap shot to better explain.

Posted Image

If you look close at the green lines I drew you should see the horizontal borders line up perfectly, as well as the vertical ones do. If we could actually see the square corners they would be touching just right but we cant.. Hopefully were talking about the same thing. If not let me know. Thanks again for the feed back again. :huh2: Edited by Beege

Yes, you are right, I didn't think about rounded corners of the windows. :huh2:

It would look nicer if the corner distance would be smaller...

Btw, happy birthday!



Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply!

Selection of finest graphical examples at Codepen.io

The own fart smells best!
Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ


Yes, you are right, I didn't think about rounded corners of the windows. :huh2:

It would look nicer if the corner distance would be smaller...

Btw, happy birthday!



Ha thanks UEZ! First one this year. Your Awesome! Posted Image


Happy birthday, Beege!! :huh2:

[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"]Hobby graphics artist, using gimp.Automating pc stuff, using AutoIt.Listening to music, using Grooveshark.[/font]Scripts:[spoiler]Simple ScreenshotSaves you alot of trouble when taking a screenshot!Don't remember what happened with this, but aperantly the exe is all i got.If you don't want to run it, simply don't._IsRun UDFIt figures out if the script has ben ran before based on the info in a ini file.If you don't want to use exactly what i wrote, you can use it as inspiration.[/spoiler]

  • 3 months later...

Updated. Automatic alignment to ALL visible windows now. Not just other Autoit windows :graduated:

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I have Aero Style with WindowBlinds and it give this : :graduated:

This is something to do with that "one problem" I mentioned in post 1. The same thing happens when I change the style of the gui to be non resizable. Im guessing WindowsBlinds is changing the style of the window. Its snapping the window to the edge of the inner window and not the outer edge. Ill take another look at it. Maybe I can figure it out this time. Edited by Beege
  • 4 years later...

Signature beginning:
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My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane

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OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX

IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskSchedulerIE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related:How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11

I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions *  EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *

I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code:  * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuffOnHungApp handlerAvoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor

winhttp.au3 related : * https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/206771-winhttpau3-download-problem-youre-speaking-plain-http-to-an-ssl-enabled-server-port/

"Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer
"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"
:naughty:  :ranting:, be  :) and       \\//_.

Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty."

Signature last update: 2023-04-24

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)


I had the same problems with some guis that don't fit. So I modded the UDF with an offset.

#region Header
; #INDEX# =======================================================================================================================
; Title .........: WinSnap
; AutoIt Version :
; Language ......: English
; Description ...: Functions for making windows have "snap to" edges
; Author(s) .....: Beege
; Remarks........:  This UDF registers windows msgs WM_MOVING, WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE, WS_WM_SIZING. If any of these msgs
;     are registered in your script, your function must pass the msgs on to this UDF. Below are examples of the calls
; you will need to add if this is the case:
; Func WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; EndFunc   ;==>WM_SIZING;
; Func WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; WS_WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; EndFunc   ;==>WM_SIZING;
; Func WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; WS_WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; EndFunc   ;==>WM_SIZING;
; ===============================================================================================================================

; #CURRENT# =====================================================================================================================
; _WinSnap_Set
; _WinSnap_SetStyle
; ===============================================================================================================================

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <StructureConstants.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#endregion Header
#region Global Varialbes
;~ Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)

Global Enum $g_iHwnd, $g_iStyle
Global $g_aSnapGUIs[1][2] = [[0, 0]]
$g_aSnapGUIs[$i][$g_iHwnd]  = Handle to window
$g_aSnapGUIs[$i][$g_iStyle] = Style Flag

Global $g_iMouseDistancetoX, $g_iMouseDistancetoY
Global $g_iDesktopHeight
Global $g_bMovingStarted = False
Global $g_iMonitorTotal
Global $g_iGuiOffset ; mod by cox because of some GUIs that don't fit

Global Const $WS_WM_MOVING = 0x0216
Global Const $WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE = 0x0231


#endregion Global Varialbes

#region Public functions
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: _WinSnap_Set
; Description....: Sets window to have "snap to" edges
; Syntax.........: _WinSnap_Set($hGUI)
; Parameters.....: $hGUI - handle to window
; Return values..: Success -  1
; Failure -  0 and sets @error
; Author.........: Beege
; Remarks........: None
; ===============================================================================================================
Func _WinSnap_Set($hGUI, $iGuiOffset = 0) ; mod by cox
$g_iGuiOffset = $iGuiOffset ; mod by cox
$g_aSnapGUIs[0][0] += 1
ReDim $g_aSnapGUIs[$g_aSnapGUIs[0][0] + 1][2]
$g_aSnapGUIs[$g_aSnapGUIs[0][0]][$g_iHwnd] = $hGUI
$g_aSnapGUIs[$g_aSnapGUIs[0][0]][$g_iStyle] = 3

Local $tRectMoving = DllStructCreate($tagRECT)
_WinAPI_SystemParametersInfo(0x0030, 0, DllStructGetPtr($tRectMoving), 0);SPI_GETWORKAREA
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
$g_iDesktopHeight = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom')

$g_iMonitorTotal = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics(80);SM_CMONITORS
If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)

Return 1

EndFunc   ;==>_WinSnap_Set

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: _WinSnap_SetStyle
; Description....: Sets what the window will snap to. Desktop edges or Window edges
; Syntax.........: _WinSnap_SetStyle($hGUI, $iFlag)
; Parameters.....: $hGUI - Handle to window to set style
; $iFlag - Style Value:
; | 0 = No Snap at all
; | 1 = Snap to Desktop Edges
; | 2 = Snap to Other Autoit Windows
; | 3 = Snap to all (Defualt)
; Return values..: Success - Returns the value of the previous setting
; Failure - 0 and set @error to 1
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func _WinSnap_SetStyle($hGUI, $iFlag)

Local $iIndex = _GetIndex($hGUI)
If Not $iIndex Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)

Local $iLast = $g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle]
$g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle] = $iFlag

Return $iLast

EndFunc   ;==>_WinSnap_SetStyle

#endregion Public functions

#region internel functions
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: _GetIndex
; Description....: returns array index for handle
; Syntax.........: _GetIndex($hGUI)
; Parameters.....: $hGUI - handle to window
; Return values..: Success - array index for gui handle
; Failure - 0
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func _GetIndex($hGUI)
For $i = 1 To $g_aSnapGUIs[0][0]
If $hGUI = $g_aSnapGUIs[$i][$g_iHwnd] Then Return $i
Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>_GetIndex

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE
; Description....:  Called when window begins to move.
; Syntax.........: WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; Return values..: None
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func WS_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
#forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam

Local $pGUI1 = WinGetPos($hWndGUI)
Local $aMousePos = MouseGetPos()

$g_bMovingStarted = False
$g_iMouseDistancetoX = $aMousePos[0] - $pGUI1[0]
$g_iMouseDistancetoY = $pGUI1[1] - $aMousePos[1]


; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: WS_WM_MOVING
; Description....: Called when a window is being moved
; Syntax.........: WS_WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; Return values..: None
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func WS_WM_MOVING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
#forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam

Static $iStartW, $iStartH

Local $iIndex = _GetIndex($hWndGUI)
If Not $iIndex Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG

Local $tRectMoving = DllStructCreate($tagRECT, $lParam)

If Not $g_bMovingStarted Then
$g_bMovingStarted = True
$iStartW = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left')
$iStartH = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top')

;If window is snaped we need to monitor how much the mouse has moved
;from is original drag point position on the title bar.
Local $aMousePos = MouseGetPos()
Local $iChangeinX = Abs($aMousePos[0] - (DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $g_iMouseDistancetoX))
Local $iChangeinY = Abs((DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') - $aMousePos[1]) - $g_iMouseDistancetoY)

Local $iTopMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom')
Local $iLeftMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right')

#region Check if near desktop edges
;Check if style includes snaping to desktop edges
If BitAND($g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle], 1) Then
For $i = 1 To $g_iMonitorTotal
If _IsClose($iRightMoving, (@DesktopWidth * $i)) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * $i) - $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - $iStartW)

For $i = 0 To $g_iMonitorTotal - 1
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, (@DesktopWidth * $i)) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', (@DesktopWidth * $i) + $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW)

If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0 + $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH)

If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight - $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH)

If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, @DesktopHeight) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', @DesktopHeight - $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH)

;Here we check if the mouse has moved from original drag point. if it has we unsnap the window
If $iChangeinX > 20 Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $aMousePos[0] - $g_iMouseDistancetoX)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW)
If $iChangeinY > 15 Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $aMousePos[1] + $g_iMouseDistancetoY)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH)

#endregion Check if near desktop edges

#region Check if window in near other Autoit Windows
Local $aWinlist = WinList()
;Check if style of window includes other Autoit Windows
If BitAND($g_aSnapGUIs[$iIndex][$g_iStyle], 2) Then

For $i = 1 To $aWinlist[0][0]

If $aWinlist[$i][0] = '' Or $aWinlist[$i][1] = $hWndGUI Or Not _IsVisible($aWinlist[$i][1]) Then ContinueLoop

Local $tRectNonMoving = _WinAPI_GetWindowRect($aWinlist[$i][1])
Local $iTopNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Bottom')
Local $iLeftNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Right')

If $iTopMoving <= ($iBottomNonMoving + 5) And ($iBottomMoving + 5) >= $iTopNonMoving Then
;Gui1Right to Gui2Right
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving - $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - $iStartW)

;Gui1Left to Gui2left
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving + $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW)

;Gui1Left to Gui2Right
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving + $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW)

;Gui1Right to Gui2Left
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving - $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right') - $iStartW)

If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
;gui1top to gui2top
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving + $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH)

;~  gui1top to gui2bottom
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving + $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH)

;gui1bottom to gui2bottom
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving - $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH)

;gui1bottom to gui2top
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving - $g_iGuiOffset) ; mod by cox
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom') - $iStartH)

;Here we check if the mouse has moved from original drag point. if it has we unsnap the window
If $iChangeinX > 20 Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $aMousePos[0] - $g_iMouseDistancetoX)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left') + $iStartW)

If $iChangeinY > 15 Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $aMousePos[1] + $g_iMouseDistancetoY)
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top') + $iStartH)
#endregion Check if window in near other Autoit Windows


EndFunc   ;==>WS_WM_MOVING

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: WS_WM_SIZING
; Description....: Called when a window is being sized
; Syntax.........: WS_WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
; Return values..: None
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func WS_WM_SIZING($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)
#forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam

If Not _GetIndex($hWndGUI) Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG

Local $tRectMoving = DllStructCreate($tagRECT, $lParam)
Local $iLeftMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right')
Local $iTopMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom')

#region check if resizing near desktop edge
Switch $wParam
Case 6; bottom edge
If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight)
Case 7; bottom Left corner
If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight)
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', @DesktopWidth)
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', 0)
Case 1; left
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', @DesktopWidth)
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', 0)
Case 2; right
If _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', @DesktopWidth)
ElseIf _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth * 2) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * 2))
Case 8; bottom right
If _IsClose($iBottomMoving, $g_iDesktopHeight) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $g_iDesktopHeight)
If _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', @DesktopWidth)
ElseIf _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth * 2) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * 2))
Case 3; top
If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0)
Case 4; top left
If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0)
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', @DesktopWidth)
Case 5; top right
If _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', @DesktopWidth)
ElseIf _IsClose($iRightMoving, @DesktopWidth * 2) Then
DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', (@DesktopWidth * 2))
If _IsClose($iTopMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', 0)
#endregion check if resizing near desktop edge

#region Check if resizing near other windows
Local $aWinlist = WinList()

For $i = 1 To $aWinlist[0][0]

If $aWinlist[$i][0] = '' Or $aWinlist[$i][1] = $hWndGUI Or Not _IsVisible($aWinlist[$i][1]) Then ContinueLoop

Local $tRectNonMoving = _WinAPI_GetWindowRect($aWinlist[$i][1])
Local $iLeftNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Right')
Local $iTopNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving = DllStructGetData($tRectNonMoving, 'Bottom')

Switch $wParam
Case 6; bottom edge
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving)
Case 7; bottom Left corner
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving)
Case 1; left
If $iTopMoving <= ($iBottomNonMoving + 5) And ($iBottomMoving + 5) >= $iTopNonMoving Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving)
Case 2; right
If $iTopMoving <= ($iBottomNonMoving + 5) And ($iBottomMoving + 5) >= $iTopNonMoving Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving)
Case 8; bottom right
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Bottom', $iTopNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving)
Case 3; top
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving)
Case 4; top left
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iLeftNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Left'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', $iRightNonMoving)
If _IsClose($iLeftMoving, 0) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Left', 0)
Case 5; top right
If ($iLeftMoving <= $iRightNonMoving + 5) And ($iRightMoving + 5 >= $iLeftNonMoving) Then
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iBottomNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iBottomNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Top'), $iTopNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Top', $iTopNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iRightNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iRightNonMoving)
If _IsClose(DllStructGetData($tRectMoving, 'Right'), $iLeftNonMoving) Then DllStructSetData($tRectMoving, 'Right', $iLeftNonMoving)
#endregion Check if resizing near other windows


EndFunc   ;==>WS_WM_SIZING

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================
; Name...........: _IsClose
; Description....: Tests if Position a is near Postion b
; Syntax.........: _IsClose($a, $b)
; Parameters.....: $a - Position 1
; $b - Position 2
; Return values..: True/False
; Author.........: Beege
; ===============================================================================================================
Func _IsClose($a, $b)
Return (Abs($a - $b) < 15)
EndFunc   ;==>_IsClose
#endregion internel functions

Func _IsVisible($handle)
Return (BitAND(WinGetState($handle), 2) = 2)
EndFunc   ;==>_IsVisible

So now you can script:

_WinSnap_Set($hGUI, $iOffset)

But you can leave $iOffset empty.

My standard offset is 5.

Regards, Conrad

P.S. Modding is marked with '; mod by cox'. So you can find it easily.

Edited by Simpel
SciTE4AutoIt =   AutoIt =   AutoItX64 = 0   OS = Win_10   Build = 19044   OSArch = X64   Language = 0407/german
H:\...\AutoIt3\SciTE     H:\...\AutoIt3      H:\...\AutoIt3\Include     (H:\ = Network Drive)

   88x31.png  Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind.

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