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I need a script that would run in background and constantly block (close) programs or windows with a specified title.

so for example:

- i would tell it each time a program or window is opened that contains the word ; keyfinder, crack, ...etc it should close this windows and report to Administrator.

-actually i would like to make a blacklist for titles that are closed immediately

thanks for your suggestions.

Posted (edited)

1. You can store blacklist to a file, where each line will contain one title

2. Get a list of windows using WinList()

3. Get number of lines in file

4. Read a line using FileReadLine()

5. Look for a title read by FileReadLine()in elemets of array returned by WinList()

Edited by ahmet

I would try to use these functions - WinList, StringinStr, WinClose or WinKill. For the blacklist thing, the File functions (open, read, write). For reporting, that would depend on how you wanted to notify someone.

- Bruce /*somdcomputerguy */  If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.


ok. But do i need to specifie that this check process happens for each new window opened. I mean do i need to tell the script to repeat each time.

And how do i do this?




Can i also tell the script to pause or wait until a new program/window opens, and then make(repeat) the title check?

In this way i would save CPU load i guess..?, and the script would repeat only when new window opens?


You would have to keep repeating the 'check' to see if a new program is 'in the list' that wasn't from the previous check. Put a Sleep at the end of the 'check loop' to reduce CPU load. Sleep uses milliseconds, so 1000 is 1 second, which should be fine. Increase or decrease this value if needed.

- Bruce /*somdcomputerguy */  If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

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