BugFix Posted May 21, 2011 Share Posted May 21, 2011 (edited) I've started to write some scripts with LUA to have more comfort with AutoIt in SciTE.Here I've a script to print by saving scripts everytime an time stamp and if you want, it makes an backup of the current file too with increasing version number automatically.The version number is used as: 'v main.sub', i.e. 'v 1.5' or 'v 2.13'.You can use this for .au3 and .lua scripts. At the moment I'm using following time stamps, with or without version number (starting at 'v 0.1'):autoit:#Region - TimeStamp ; 2011-05-17 10:34:30 v 0.1 #EndRegion - TimeStamplua:-- TIME_STAMP 2011-05-17 00:17:03 v 1.0(Thanks to i2c for his time stamp version, that gives me the idea to work with LUA. Parts of them are included in my solution.)Whats why I have it made? - I think it is useful to save different steps by develope a program. So you can go back to a special point and create another solution from this.The backups are stored as following:You give an root folder [VER_DIR] for version backups with an entry in SciTEUser.properties. The path has to write without quotation and without trailing backslash!With the word: Default - the current scriptfolder are used, with: no - no backup will created, only time stamp print.Version backup requires time stamp. Your SciTEUser.properties should include following:#~ Save with TimeStamp Y/N (1/0) - Requires '1' if version backup are wanted SetTimeStamp.au3=1 SetTimeStamp.lua=0 #~ Path for saving version backups [VER_DIR]: (Path/Deafult/no) #~ IMPORTANT: Don't write path inside quotation! #~ NO trailing backslash! #~ Default = create subfolder in current script folder #~ foldername: VER_DIR\BUVer_FILENAME.EXT\ #~ filename: \FILENAME[Version-Number].EXT #~ no = don't increase version number, don't save backup (only time stamp will print) Version.Path.au3=$(SciteDefaultHome)\VersionBackup\AU3 Version.Path.lua=noSo you get this structure:VER_DIR\BUVer_FILENAME.EXT\FILENAME[Version-Number].EXT(BUVer_ as mnemonic for: BackUpVer_)i.e...\SciTE\VersionBackup\BUVer_test.au3\test[0.1].au3..\SciTE\VersionBackup\BUVer_test.au3\test[0.2].au3..\SciTE\VersionBackup\BUVer_test.au3\test[0.3].au3..\SciTE\VersionBackup\BUVer_test.au3\test[1.0].au3..\SciTE\VersionBackup\BUVer_test1.au3\test1[0.1].au3..\SciTE\VersionBackup\BUVer_test1.au3\test1[0.2].au3..\SciTE\VersionBackup\BUVer_test1.au3\test1[1.0].au3..\SciTE\VersionBackup\BUVer_test1.au3\test1[1.1].au3You can decide before you save your script (don't forget: run script will save before too):- at first time to save with an asterisk at first position in editor: no backup from this file will created time stamp without version number are set - every other time set a marker behind 'v 0.1' of the current version number (or behind the time, if is no version set until now) markers are: v subversion number increase ('v 0.1' ==> 'v 0.2') V mainversion number increase, subversion number set to '0' ('v 0.6' ==> 'v 1.0') n versionnumber are used as given, may changed by hand for version jump, create backup with this given number (takes no effect, if is no version set until now)Everytime you want, you make an backup by setting a marker. All the other time only the time stamp will changed.Here my file "AutoStampSaveVersion.lua"expandcollapse popup-- TIME_STAMP 2011-05-21 15:33:45 v 1.0 -- by BugFix (bugfix@autoit.de) -- declare table to hold helper functions local f = {} -- BEFORE SAVE==============================================BEGIN function OnBeforeSave(fname) local tFile = {Dir = props['FileDir'], Name = props['FileName'], Ext = props['FileExt']:lower()} if tFile.Ext == nil or (tFile.Ext ~= 'au3' and tFile.Ext ~= 'lua') then return end local stamp = tonumber(props["SetTimeStamp."..tFile.Ext]) if stamp == 1 then f.InsertTimestamp(tFile) end end -- BEFORE SAVE================================================END -- HELPER FUNCTIONS=========================================BEGIN ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check if an file exists, return: true/false f.FileExists = function(sPath) local fh = io.open(sPath) local sRet = false if fh ~= nil then fh:close() sRet = true end return sRet end ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check if an folder exists, return: true/false f.FolderExists = function(sPath) local ret = os.rename(sPath, sPath) if ret then return true else return false end end ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create a new folder -- (incl. subfolders, if given but not exists) -- use CMD - because that: short time pops up the CMD-window -- return: true, 'successfully created' = Succes -- false, 'creation failed' = Failed -- false, 'always exists' = Folder always exists f.FolderCreate = function(sPath) if not f.FolderExists(sPath) then local ret = os.execute('MKDIR "' .. sPath .. '"') if ret == 0 then return true, 'successfully created' else return false, 'creation failed' end else return false, 'always exists' end end ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Write to a file f.FileWrite = function(sPath, data, flag) local fhOut = io.open(sPath, flag) fhOut:write(data) fhOut:close() return true end ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Split version number to main and sub part f.splitVer = function(sVer) if type(sVer) ~= 'string' then sVer = tostring(sVer) end if string.len(sVer) == 0 then return nil end local tVer = {'',''} n = 1 for k, w in string.gmatch(sVer, ".") do if k ~= "." then tVer[n] = tVer[n] .. k else n = n +1 end end return tonumber(tVer[1]), tonumber(tVer[2]) end ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get current version number and increase if required f.Version = function (text, verMark) local sVer, verMain, verSub local mustSave = 0 local vStart, vEnd = string.find(text, "v %d+\.%d+") if vStart == nil then verMain = 0 verSub = 1 else sVer = string.sub(text, vStart+2, vEnd) verMain, verSub = f.splitVer(sVer) end if verMark ~= nil then verMark = string.sub(text, verMark, verMark) end -- choose: 'V' =Main-Num increase, Sub-Num set back to '0'; 'v' =Sub-Num increase; -- 'n' =existing Ver-Num will used as is (may be changed by hand for version jump) and a backup will create if verMark == 'V' then verMain = verMain +1 verSub = 0 mustSave = 1 elseif verMark == 'v' then verSub = verSub +1 mustSave = 1 elseif verMark == 'n' then mustSave = 1 end sVer = 'v '..verMain..'.'..verSub return sVer, mustSave end ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Save a copy of the current file with new version number and set time stamp --[[ Need an entry in SciTEUser.properties to use right folder! #~ Save with TimeStamp Y/N (1/0) - Requires '1' if version backup are wanted SetTimeStamp.au3=1 SetTimeStamp.lua=0 #~ Path for saving version backups [VER_DIR]: (Path/Deafult/no) #~ IMPORTANT: Don't write path inside quotation! #~ NO trailing backslash! #~ Default = create subfolder in current script folder #~ foldername: VER_DIR\BUVer_FILENAME.EXT\ #~ filename: \FILENAME[Version-Number].EXT #~ no = don't increase version number, don't save backup (only time stamp will print) Version.Path.au3=$(SciteDefaultHome)\VersionBackup\AU3 Version.Path.lua=no ]] f.SaveToVersionFolder = function (tFile, sVer) local sSaveFolder = props['Version.Path.'..tFile.Ext]:lower() if sSaveFolder == 'no' then return end local sVerFolder = 'BUVer_'..tFile.Name..'.'..tFile.Ext..'\\' local sVerFile = tFile.Name..'['..string.sub(sVer, 3, string.len(sVer))..']'..'.'..tFile.Ext if sSaveFolder == 'default' then sSaveFolder = tFile.Dir..'\\' end local len = string.len(sSaveFolder) if string.sub(sSaveFolder, len, len) ~= '\\' then sSaveFolder = sSaveFolder..'\\' end if not f.FolderExists(sSaveFolder..sVerFolder) then f.FolderCreate(sSaveFolder..sVerFolder) end if f.FileExists(sSaveFolder..sVerFolder..sVerFile) then return nil end return f.FileWrite(sSaveFolder..sVerFolder..sVerFile, editor:GetText(), "wb") end -- HELPER FUNCTIONS===========================================END --TIME STAMP WITH VERSION BACKUP============================BEGIN f.InsertTimestamp = function (tFile) local caret = editor.CurrentPos local s = editor:GetText(), t, start, ende, lineNr, lineTxt, verMark, verLen local mustSave = 0 local sVer = 'v 0.1' lineLen = 0 local onlyStamp = false space = ' ' if props['Version.Path.'..tFile.Ext]:lower() == 'no' then onlyStamp = true space = '' sVer = '' end if tFile.Ext == 'au3' then start = "#Region - TimeStamp" ende = "#EndRegion - TimeStamp" elseif tFile.Ext == 'lua' then start = "-- TIME_STAMP" ende = start end local a,b = editor:findtext("^"..start, SCFIND_REGEXP) local x,y = editor:findtext("^"..ende, SCFIND_REGEXP) editor:BeginUndoAction() if a ~= nil then editor:GotoPos(a) lineNr = editor:LineFromPosition(editor.CurrentPos) if tFile.Ext == 'lua' then lineTxt, lineLen = editor:GetLine(lineNr) else lineTxt = editor:GetLine(lineNr +1) end if y then -- time stamp exists if not onlyStamp then verMark = string.find(lineTxt, "[vVn]\r\n") if verMark == nil then -- no marker set, time stamp with/without version number if string.find(lineTxt, "v %d+\.%d+") then -- with version number sVer, mustSave = f.Version(lineTxt, verMark) else -- without version number space = '' sVer = '' end else -- marker set, time stamp with/without version number if string.find(lineTxt, "v %d+\.%d+") then -- with version number, version backup desired sVer, mustSave = f.Version(lineTxt, verMark) else -- without version number, first backup if string.find(lineTxt, "%dv\r\n") then sVer = 'v 0.1' mustSave = 1 elseif string.find(lineTxt, "%dV\r\n") then sVer = 'v 1.0' mustSave = 1 else space = '' sVer = '' end end end end if tFile.Ext == 'lua' then t = "-- TIME_STAMP "..os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")..space..sVer.."\r\n" y = a + lineLen else t = "#Region - TimeStamp\r\n; "..os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")..space..sVer.."\r\n#EndRegion - TimeStamp\r\n" y = y +2 end editor:SetSel(a,y) editor:ReplaceSel(t) end else -- first saving - to avoid backup, use asterisk at first editor position mustSave = 1 editor:SetSel(0,1) if editor:GetSelText() == '*' then -- with asterisk at first editor position: no backup will saved, only time stamp are print mustSave = 0 space = '' sVer = '' s = string.sub(s, 2) -- delete asterisk from editor text end editor:GotoPos(0) if tFile.Ext == 'lua' then t = "-- TIME_STAMP "..os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")..space..sVer.."\r\n" editor:SetText(t.."\r\n"..s) else t = "#Region - TimeStamp\r\n; "..os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")..space..sVer.."\r\n#EndRegion - TimeStamp\r\n" editor:SetText(t.."\r\n"..s) end caret = caret + string.len(t) +2 end editor:EndUndoAction() editor:GotoPos(caret) if mustSave == 1 then f.SaveToVersionFolder(tFile, sVer) end end -- TIME STAMP WITH VERSION BACKUP=============================ENDPut this file in your folder: "..\SciTE\LUA\"The file in attachement has suffix ".txt" (can't upload .lua), you must change this to ".lua".You must instruct your SciTE, that this file is to load. This happens in your: "..\SciTE\LUA\SciTEStartup.lua".This is my:expandcollapse popup-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SciTE startup script. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A table listing all loaded files. LoadLuaFileList = { } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LoadLuaFile(file, directory) -- -- Helper function for easily loading Lua files. -- -- Parameters: -- file - The name of a Lua file to load. -- directory - If specified, file is looked for in that directory. By default, -- this directory is $(SciTEDefaultHome)\Lua. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function LoadLuaFile(file, directory) if directory == nil then directory = props["SciteDefaultHome"] .. "\\Lua\\" end table.insert(LoadLuaFileList, directory .. file) dofile(directory .. file) end -- LoadLuaFile() -- Load all the Lua files. LoadLuaFile("Class.lua") -- Always load first. LoadLuaFile("Common.lua") -- Always load second. LoadLuaFile("AutoItPixmap.lua") LoadLuaFile("AutoHScroll.lua") LoadLuaFile("AutoItAutoComplete.lua") LoadLuaFile("LoadSession.lua") LoadLuaFile("AutoItIndentFix.lua") LoadLuaFile("EdgeMode.lua") LoadLuaFile("SmartAutoCompleteHide.lua") LoadLuaFile("Tools.lua") LoadLuaFile("AutoItTools.lua") LoadLuaFile("AutoItGotoDefinition.lua") LoadLuaFile("AutoCloseBraces.lua") -- if you don't use this tool, set comment (--) or delete this line -- Start up the events ( Calls OnStartup() ) EventClass:BeginEvents() -- Never load before BeginEvents() !! LoadLuaFile("AutoStampSaveVersion.lua") -- includes event "OnBeforeSave"One point: To create folder, i use CMD. So it pops up for a short moment the CMD-window. I have no way found to hide this. If anyone has an idea to solve this - thats welcome.Lua scripts are running inside SciTE, but if you want to test some lua scripts in SciTE User Interface and want to run them wit "F5", you need "lua.exe / luac.exe" and must change pathes for them in your "lua.properties" (at the end of the file):# compatible with LuaBinaries for Lua 5.1; will work on both platforms. #~ command.compile.*.lua=luac5.1 -o "$(FileName).luc" "$(FileNameExt)" command.compile.*.lua="C:\Program Files\Lua\5.1\luac.exe" -o "$(FileName).luc" "$(FileNameExt)" # Lua 5.1 #~ command.go.*.lua=lua5.1 "$(FileNameExt)" command.go.*.lua="C:\Program Files\Lua\5.1\lua.exe" "$(FileNameExt)" # Lua 4.0 #command.go.*.lua=Lua-4.0.exe -c -f "$(FileNameExt)"AutoStampSaveVersion.txt Edited May 21, 2011 by BugFix Best Regards BugFix Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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