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i am trying to use RUN command with following but cant get it correctly , i am sure this is easy

$cmd = Run(@ComSpec & " /c  typeperf -qx | findstr /C:"Network Interface" | findstr /C:"Bytes Total" ", @SystemDir, @SW_SHOW, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD)

Please Advice



I usually use chr(34)... It can sometimes get a little messy, but I always know where I am.

For example:

$cmd = Run(@ComSpec & " /c typeperf -qx | findstr /C:" & chr(34) & "Network Interface" & chr(34) & " | findstr /C:" & chr(34) & "Bytes Total" & chr(34), @SystemDir, @SW_SHOW, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD)

You can usually use & _ to signify a new line, for example:

$String = "This is some text " & _

"That sits on one line"

Will give you "This is some text That sits on one line"

Are you telling me something I need to know or something I want to know?

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