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Add randomize character(s) into a string

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Hi all,

I need to add randomize character(s) into a string.

Let say I have this string:

$str = "This is my string, i love it so much"

I need to make this string unique every time I run my application.

for example, add a "!" chracter to the end of the string:

"This is my string, i love it so much!"

or/and add 2 "!!" character to the end of the string:

"This is my string, i love it so much!!"

or/and add white space(s) into the string:

"This is my string, i love it so much!!"

|_> this is 2 spaces

or/and substitute a word(s):

"This is my word, i like it so much!!"

I need to make it as many as variations I can.

Any idea how to make it randomize? Maybe based on random number or time or the other?

Thanks a lot :unsure:

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Hi all,

I need to add randomize character(s) into a string.

Let say I have this string:

$str = "This is my string, i love it so much"

I need to make this string unique every time I run my application.

for example, add a "!" chracter to the end of the string:

"This is my string, i love it so much!"

or/and add 2 "!!" character to the end of the string:

"This is my string, i love it so much!!"

or/and add white space(s) into the string:

"This is my string, i love it so much!!"

|_> this is 2 spaces

or/and substitute a word(s):

"This is my word, i like it so much!!"

I need to make it as many as variations I can.

Any idea how to make it randomize? Maybe based on random number or time or the other?

Thanks a lot :unsure:

Off the top of my head, what I'd probably do is create an array with the random character combinations you prefer, and have the random characters selected into another variable using... never mind

heres what I would do

Global $J[11], $m = "", $I

$J[1] = "!"
$J[2] = "~"
$J[3] = "*"
$J[4] = "%"
$J[5] = "&"
$J[6] = "+"
$J[7] = "("
$J[8] = "@"
$J[9] = "#"
$J[10] = "^"

For $I = 1 To Random(1,9,1)
    $M &= $J[Random(1,9,1)]

maybe something like this ?

Edited by System238
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Hi System238,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

That is not really I want, but thanks for the idea :unsure:

I think i need to assign a substitute words

$str = "This is my string, i love it so much"

$subs_my[0] = "our"

$subs_my[1] = "his"

$subs_my[2] = "her"

$subs_my[3] = "their"

$subs_my[4] = "my"

$subs_love[0] = "like"

$subs_love[1] = "love"

$subs_so[0] = "very"

$subs_so[1] = "so"

and add a "!" or "!!" or "!!!" character in the end of string. This will make many variation of the string.

btw, how to add another white space between words? How is the logic?

for example: "this is" become "this is"

thanks! :>

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Here is how I would do it:

#include <Array.au3>

Global $Letter[26]

$RandomNumber = Random(1,5,1)
For $i = 1 To $RandomNumber Step +1
$Letter[$i] = Chr(Random(Asc("A"), Asc("Z"), 1))
$String = _ArrayToString($Letter, "")

Now you will get a random number between 1-5.

Depending on that, you will get x amount of random letters and then that will be outputted to a string.

For example:

$RandomNumber = 3

$Letter[1] = A

$Letter[2] = Y

$Letter[3] = R

Output is: AYR

You can then put those into another string.

Hope this helps :unsure:

Let me know if you have any questions.

*** EDIT ***

I read your post after making this one ^^;

I wrote another quick script that does what you want, but I ran into a bug. If the word to replace is the "is" it also replaces the "is" in "This" so you could get a weird outcome. Maybe someone can fix this? I dunno that much about RegExpReplace ^^; just was trying to help.

But, here is my attempt!

global $NewString

$File = "Dict.txt"
$RandomLine = Random(1,8113,1)
$Word = FileReadLine($File, $RandomLine)
$String = "This is my string, I love it so much"
$StringSplit = StringSplit($String, " ")
$RandomWord = Random(1,$StringSplit[0],1)
$StringRegExp = StringRegExpReplace($String,$StringSplit[$RandomWord],$Word)


And the text document it refers to is a list of 8113 words which can be downloaded from here:

Download Link

Edited by Damein


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Maybe something like this?

$str = "This is my string, i love it so much"
$out = ""
For $i = 1 To 10
    $str &= "!"
    $out &= $str & @CRLF
ConsoleWrite($out & @CRLF)



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