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You are more than welcome to the credit. I sometimes think that it would be best if people put their names at the top of their scripts so that it is easier to remember who did them.

That's a great idea! I might start doing that from now on... B)

Hmmm... It looks like it should work but it doesn't on this computer because I only have Microsoft Sam. Can anyone else test this out?

Mike and Mary (or was it michelle?) can be installed from Office XP if you have it. Should be under excel section of addons. You do not need the large SDK 5.1 if you have Win XP.

Mike and Mary (or was it michelle?) can be installed from Office XP if you have it. Should be under excel section of addons. You do not need the large SDK 5.1 if you have Win XP.

Oh, my computer didn't come with Office XP. I guess that was part of the problem! B)
  • 5 months later...

Anyone know of an easy way to install Microsoft Anna without having Vista? I know if you install MS Streets and Trips 2006 with voice support, she gets installed. In fact, I can currently activate her using AutoIT scripts. But that's only because I've installed MS Streets and Trips 2006.

Pity there isn't a simple install proggy out there that would just add that voice/functionality to WinXP without having to add some other piece of software in the process. Or is there? :think:

“Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.”-Peter F. Drucker


here is a program i made, it lists every voice installed on your computer

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Dim $voice = ObjCreate("Sapi.SpVoice")
$Error = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "ErrFunc")
GUICreate("Talker", 600, 280)
$text = GUICtrlCreateInput("Text to speak", 10, 10, 580, 50, $ES_MULTILINE)
$speak = GUICtrlCreateButton("Speak", 10, 65, -1, -1, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("Options", 10, 100, 580, 170)
$rate = GUICtrlCreateSlider(20, 150, 280, 30, $TBS_TOP + $TBS_AUTOTICKS)
GUICtrlSetLimit($rate, 50, -50)
GUICtrlSetData($rate, 0)
$volume = GUICtrlCreateSlider(300, 150, 280, 30, $TBS_TOP + $TBS_AUTOTICKS)
GUICtrlSetLimit($volume, 100, 1)
GUICtrlSetData($volume, 100)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Slow", 20, 185)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Normal", 140, 185)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Fast", 270, 185)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Quiet", 310, 185)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Loud", 550, 185)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Voice:", 20, 233)
$voiceC = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Microsoft Sam", 60, 230, 100)
Dim $SOTokens = $voice.GetVoices('', '')
For $Token In $SOTokens
    GUICtrlSetData($voiceC, $Token.GetDescription)
;~ GUICtrlSetData($voiceC, "Microsoft Mike|Microsoft Mary|LH Michael|LH Michelle")

While 1
    Switch GUIGetMsg()
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $speak
            Speak(GUICtrlRead($text), GUICtrlRead($voiceC), GUICtrlRead($rate) / 10, GUICtrlRead($volume))

Func Speak($text, $SapiVoice, $rate = 1, $Vol = 100)
    $voice.Rate = $rate
    If @error Then Return
    $voice.Volume = $Vol
    If @error Then Return
    Local $t_voice = $voice.GetVoices ("Name=" & $SapiVoice, "Language=409").Item (0)
    If @error Then Return
    $voice.Voice = $t_voice
    If Not @error Then $voice.Speak ($text)
EndFunc ;==>Speak

Func ErrFunc()
    MsgBox(48, "Error", "This machine doesn't have " & GUICtrlRead($voiceC) & " installed")
EndFunc ;==>ErrFunc

My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.

why is there 2 topics on this now?

My Programs:AInstall - Create a standalone installer for your programUnit Converter - Converts Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Temperature and Pressure to different unitsBinary Clock - Hours, minutes and seconds have 10 columns each to display timeAutoIt Editor - Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting.Laserix Editor & Player - Create, Edit and Play Laserix LevelsLyric Syncer - Create and use Synchronised Lyrics.Connect 4 - 2 Player Connect 4 Game (Local or Online!, Formatted Chat!!)MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger and Whirlpool Hash Finder - Dictionary and Brute Force FindCool Text Client - Create Rendered ImageMy UDF's:GUI Enhance - Enhance your GUIs visually.IDEA File Encryption - Encrypt and decrypt files easily! File Rename - Rename files easilyRC4 Text Encryption - Encrypt text using the RC4 AlgorithmPrime Number - Check if a number is primeString Remove - remove lots of strings at onceProgress Bar - made easySound UDF - Play, Pause, Resume, Seek and Stop.
  • 9 months later...

Is it here a way to change other attributes of the voice such as the pitch, the mood or to make it sound like a robot or a boy?

I have a little proggy from MS, I think its name is TalkIt and it's funny. But it would be nice to know how it works. Cheers. Lucas.

AutoIt is a blessing, I don't know how I was able to use my computer before [Auto]It :-S


I remember someone did a really cool speaking function. I forget the members name, and most of the information, but i remember it accessed a site on the internet and it had many voices to choose from.


Awaiting Diablo III..


I remember someone did a really cool speaking function. I forget the members name, and most of the information, but i remember it accessed a site on the internet and it had many voices to choose from.


Was it CyberZeroCool?


I did a script for the Willow speech talker program, (the program itself is no longer supported and is free to download) that had quite a few cool voices.

Of course, I can`t find it in the forums now, if its ok by the Mods here I`ll put it on my website and post the links.

I remember the post about the website, it was one where you could demo the voices by typing text into it, sorry one I did`nt save, you`ll have to search the forums..

2015 - Still no flying cars, instead blankets with sleeves.

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