Homes32 Posted May 9, 2012 Author Posted May 9, 2012 Do you have an example of the _WIM_ApplyImage() function. The code documentation seems to be a copy of the capture function.its very similar to capture.I have updated the example code in the first post with a basic Apply function.
Damian89 Posted June 8, 2013 Posted June 8, 2013 (edited) First, thanks a lot for this UDF! Its Awesome and will help me a crazy amount. I was wondering if you could help me. I'm trying to call multiple functions in the same script such as Mount and then unmounts or create .wim and then mount but once I call one of the functions no more functions will work. Any ideas where I'm going wrong? Any help would be very appreciated. expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=favicon.ico #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <Wimgapi.au3> ; functions for WIM #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Global $swimfile, $hWim, $hImage, $filepath, $Percent, $rTime, $pCallBack Global $gsWimDLL = "x86\wimgapi.dll" ;Global $gsWimDLL = @SystemDir & "\wimgapi.dll" ; path to wimgapi.dll $debug = 0; $ProgramName = "Backup Manager" MainMenu() ; Apply ;----------------------------- Func Apply($sWimFile, $iImageIndex, $sTarget) ProgressOn('Apply', '', '', -1, -1, 19) ; Register callbacks so we get progress information for the capture process. ; WARNING: This does not work very well with Apply do to the way autoit handles callbacks. ; See the following post for more info: ; [url=][/url] $pCallBack = DllCallbackRegister('CallBack', 'int', 'dword;WPARAM;LPARAM;dword') _WIM_RegisterMessageCallback(0, DllCallbackGetPtr($pCallBack), 0) ; load .wim file with read access $hWim = _WIM_CreateFile($sWimFile, $WIM_GENERIC_READ, $WIM_OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0, 0) If $hWim = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to load image. (" & $hWim & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (252) EndIf ; set our temp path $aResult = _WIM_SetTemporaryPath($hWim, $sTarget) ; load the image index $hImage = _WIM_LoadImage($hWim, $iImageIndex) ; Apply the image $aResult = _WIM_ApplyImage($hImage, $sTarget) If $aResult = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to apply image. Make sure your path exists! (" & $aResult & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() ProgressOff() EndFunc ; Mount ;----------------------------- Func Mount($sMountPath, $sWimFile, $iImageIndex, $RW) $aResult = _WIM_MountImage($sMountPath, $sWimFile, $iImageIndex, $RW) If $aResult = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Mount Error: (" & $aResult & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (253) ; mount error EndIf Cleanup() EndFunc ; UnMount ;----------------------------- Func UnMount($sMountPath, $iCommit) $aResult = _WIM_UnMountImage($sMountPath, 0, 0, $iCommit) If $aResult = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "UnMount Error: (" & $aResult & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (254) ; Unmount error EndIf Cleanup() EndFunc ; GetInfo ; Modified to display info instead of writing to a file! ;----------------------------- Func GetInfo($sWimFile) ; load .wim file with read access $hWim = _WIM_CreateFile($sWimFile, $WIM_GENERIC_READ, $WIM_OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0, 0) If $hWim = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to load image. (" & $hWim & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (252) EndIf ; set our temp path $aResult = _WIM_SetTemporaryPath($hWim, @TempDir) ; read wim attributes $aWimAttribs = _WIM_GetImageAttributes($hWim) ; read info from the image $aXML = _WIM_GetImageInformation($hWim) ; Cleanup any open handles Cleanup() ; make our output pretty Switch $aWimAttribs[4] Case $WIM_COMPRESS_NONE $aWimAttribs[4] = "NONE" Case $WIM_COMPRESS_XPRESS $aWimAttribs[4] = "XPRESS" Case $WIM_COMPRESS_LZX $aWimAttribs[4] = "LZX" EndSwitch MsgBox(0,"Backup Complete","Backup Information:" & @CRLF & _ "----------------" & @CRLF & _ "Backup Path: : " & $aWimAttribs[1] & @CRLF & _ "GUID : " & $aWimAttribs[2] & @CRLF & _ "Image Count: " & $aWimAttribs[3] & @CRLF & _ "Compression: " & $aWimAttribs[4] & @CRLF & _ "Part Number: " & $aWimAttribs[5] & "/" & $aWimAttribs[6] & @CRLF & _ "Boot Index : " & $aWimAttribs[7] & @CRLF & _ "Attributes : " & $aWimAttribs[8] & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Available Image Choices:" & @CRLF & _ "------------------------" & @CRLF & _ $aXML[1]) ;Local $outFile = @ScriptDir & "wiminfo.txt" ;If FileExists($outFile) Then FileDelete($outFile) ;FileWrite($outFile, @CRLF & $ProgramName & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ ; "WIM Information:" & @CRLF & _ ; "----------------" & @CRLF & _ ; "Wim Path: : " & $aWimAttribs[1] & @CRLF & _ ; "GUID : " & $aWimAttribs[2] & @CRLF & _ ; "Image Count: " & $aWimAttribs[3] & @CRLF & _ ; "Compression: " & $aWimAttribs[4] & @CRLF & _ ; "Part Number: " & $aWimAttribs[5] & "/" & $aWimAttribs[6] & @CRLF & _ ; "Boot Index : " & $aWimAttribs[7] & @CRLF & _ ; "Attributes : " & $aWimAttribs[8] & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ ; "Available Image Choices:" & @CRLF & _ ; "------------------------" & @CRLF & _ ; $aXML[1]) EndFunc ;==>GetInfo ; Extract ;----------------------------- Func Extract($sWimFile, $iImageIndex, $sFilePath, $sExtractTo) ; load .wim file with read access $hWim = _WIM_CreateFile($sWimFile, $WIM_GENERIC_READ, $WIM_OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0, 0) If $hWim = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to load image. (" & $hWim & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (252) EndIf ; set our temp path $aResult = _WIM_SetTemporaryPath($hWim, @TempDir) ; load the image index $hImage = _WIM_LoadImage($hWim, $iImageIndex) ; extract the file $aResult = _WIM_ExtractImagePath($hImage, $sFilePath, $sExtractTo) If $aResult = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to extract from image. Make sure your path exists! (" & $aResult & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() EndFunc ; Capture ;----------------------------- Func Capture($Path, $sWimFile, $sImageName, $sImageDesc, $Compress) ProgressOn('Backing up...', '', '', -1, -1, 19) ; Register callbacks so we get progress information for the capture process. $pCallBack = DllCallbackRegister('CallBack', 'int', 'dword;WPARAM;LPARAM;dword') _WIM_RegisterMessageCallback(0, DllCallbackGetPtr($pCallBack), 0) ; first we need to create a blank .wim file with write access and our compression options $hWim = _WIM_CreateFile($sWimFile, $WIM_GENERIC_WRITE, $WIM_CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, $Compress, 0) If $hWim = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to create image. (" & $hWim & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (252) ; image create failed EndIf ; set our temp path $aResult = _WIM_SetTemporaryPath($hWim, @TempDir) ; start the image capture!!! $hImage = _WIM_CaptureImage($hWim, $Path, 0) If $hImage = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to capture image. (" & $hImage & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (251) ; image capture failed EndIf ; add our name and description to the XML data - ChrW(65279) is the BOM $sXML = ChrW(65279) & "<IMAGE><NAME>" & $sImageName & "</NAME><DESCRIPTION>" & $sImageDesc & "</DESCRIPTION></IMAGE>" _WIM_SetImageInformation($hImage, $sXML) _WIM_SetBootImage($hWim, 1) Cleanup() ; free resources ProgressOff() EndFunc ;==>Capture ; ================================================================================================================== ; Function: CallBack ; Description: Very Basic Sample Callback function for capture progress ; Usage: CallBack($msgId, $param1, $param2, $B) ; Author: Homes32 ; ================================================================================================================== Func CallBack($msgId, $param1, $param2, $unused) Switch $msgId Case $WIM_MSG_PROGRESS ; get progress % and time remaining $Percent = $param1 If $param2 = 0 Then $rTime = "" Else $rTime = StringFormat('Remaining: %i sec.', $param2 / 1000) EndIf Case $WIM_MSG_PROCESS ; get the file name being processed $Struct = DllStructCreate("ushort[1024]", $param1) $sFilePath = "" $i = 1 While 1 $Tmp = DllStructGetData($Struct, 1, $i) If $Tmp = 0 Then ExitLoop $sFilePath &= ChrW($Tmp) $i += 1 WEnd EndSwitch ProgressSet($Percent, StringFormat('%3i%% completed. %snn %s', $Percent, $rTime, $filePath), 'Backing up... ' & $sWimFile) Return $WIM_MSG_SUCCESS EndFunc ;==>CallBack Func Cleanup() ; Cleanup any open handles If $hImage Then _WIM_CloseHandle($hImage) If $hWim Then _WIM_CloseHandle($hWim) If $pCallBack Then ; Cleanup our callbacks $aResult = _WIM_UnregisterMessageCallback(0, DllCallbackGetPtr($pCallBack)) DllCallbackFree($pCallBack) EndIf _WIM_Shutdown() ; shutdown wimgapi.dll EndFunc ;==>Cleanup ;File Save Dialog but also appends file type Func _FileSaveDialog ($sTitle, $sInitDir, $sFilter = 'All (*.*)', $iOpt = 0, $sDefaultFile = "", $sDefaultExt = "", $mainGUI = 0) Local $iFileLen = 65536 ; Max chars in returned string ; API flags prepare Local $iFlag = BitOR (BitShift (BitAND ($iOpt, 2),-10), BitShift (BitAND ($iOpt,16), 3 )) ; Filter string to array convertion Local $asFLines = StringSplit ( $sFilter, '|'), $asFilter [$asFLines [0] *2+1] Local $i, $iStart, $iFinal, $suFilter = '' $asFilter [0] = $asFLines [0] *2 For $i=1 To $asFLines [0] $iStart = StringInStr ($asFLines [$i], '(', 0, 1) $iFinal = StringInStr ($asFLines [$i], ')', 0,-1) $asFilter [$i*2-1] = StringStripWS (StringLeft ($asFLines [$i], $iStart-1), 3) $asFilter [$i*2] = StringStripWS (StringTrimRight (StringTrimLeft ($asFLines [$i], $iStart), StringLen ($asFLines [$i]) -$iFinal+1), 3) $suFilter = $suFilter & 'byte[' & StringLen ($asFilter [$i*2-1])+1 & '];byte[' & StringLen ($asFilter [$i*2])+1 & '];' Next ; Create API structures Local $uOFN = DllStructCreate ('dword;int;int;ptr;ptr;dword;dword;ptr;dword' & _ ';ptr;int;ptr;ptr;dword;short;short;ptr;ptr;ptr;ptr;ptr;dword;dword' ) Local $usTitle = DllStructCreate ('byte[' & StringLen ($sTitle) +1 & ']') Local $usInitDir= DllStructCreate ('byte[' & StringLen ($sInitDir) +1 & ']') Local $usFilter = DllStructCreate ($suFilter & 'byte') Local $usFile = DllStructCreate ('char[' & $iFileLen & ']') Local $usExtn = DllStructCreate ('byte[' & StringLen ($sDefaultExt) +1 & ']') For $i=1 To $asFilter [0] DllStructSetData ($usFilter, $i, $asFilter [$i]) Next ; Set Data of API structures DllStructSetData ($usTitle, 1, $sTitle) DllStructSetData ($usInitDir, 1, $sInitDir) DllStructSetData ($usFile, 1, $sDefaultFile) DllStructSetData ($usExtn, 1, $sDefaultExt) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 1, DllStructGetSize($uOFN)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 2, $mainGUI) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 4, DllStructGetPtr ($usFilter)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 7, 1) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 8, DllStructGetPtr ($usFile)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 9, $iFileLen) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 12, DllStructGetPtr ($usInitDir)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 13, DllStructGetPtr ($usTitle)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 14, $iFlag) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 17, DllStructGetPtr ($usExtn)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 23, BitShift (BitAND ($iOpt, 32), 5)) ; Call API function $ret = DllCall ('comdlg32.dll', 'int', 'GetSaveFileName', _ 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr ($uOFN) ) If $ret [0] Then Return StringStripWS(DllStructGetData ($usFile, 1),3) Else SetError (1) Return "" EndIf EndFunc Func MainMenu() ;Local $MESSAGE = "The following buttons have been clicked" Local $browseBackupOption, $makeBackupOption, $close, $msg, $backupLocationBrowse,$captureLocation GUICreate("Select",250,150) ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered $browseBackupOption = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse Backup", 64, 30, 125, 25) $makeBackupOption = GUICtrlCreateButton("Make Backup", 64, 60, 125, 25) $close = GUICtrlCreateButton("Close", 64, 90, 125, 25) GUISetState() $msg = 0 While $msg <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $browseBackupOption ; Fire up wimgapi.dll $aResult = _WIM_Startup() If @error = 2 Then MsgBox(16, $ProgramName, "Error loading library: " & "(" & $aResult & "," & @error & ", " & $gsWimDLL & ")" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "The file could not be found.") Exit (2) ElseIf @error = 1 Then MsgBox(16, $ProgramName, "Error loading library: " & "(" & $aResult & "," & @error & ", " & $gsWimDLL & ")" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Wrong DLL. Make sure you are using the right arch (x86/x64)") Exit (254) EndIf ;Save file dialog box to find out where to save the .wim $fileToOpen = FileOpenDialog("Image Location", "D:\Captures" & "", "Backups (*.wim)", 1 + 4) ;Debug messages If $debug = 1 Then MsgBox (0, "BackupFrom","Backup is stored in " &$fileToOpen) EndIf $sMountPath = "C:\mount" Mount($sMountPath, $fileToOpen, 1,0) Run("Explorer.exe " & $sMountPath) MsgBox (0, "Close Backup","Click Ok to close backup ") UnMount($sMountPath, 1) ;$aResult = _WIM_UnMountImage($sMountPath, 0, 0, 0) ;Unload .dll Cleanup() Case $msg = $makeBackupOption ; Fire up wimgapi.dll $aResult = _WIM_Startup() If @error = 2 Then MsgBox(16, $ProgramName, "Error loading library: " & "(" & $aResult & "," & @error & ", " & $gsWimDLL & ")" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "The file could not be found.") Exit (2) ElseIf @error = 1 Then MsgBox(16, $ProgramName, "Error loading library: " & "(" & $aResult & "," & @error & ", " & $gsWimDLL & ")" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Wrong DLL. Make sure you are using the right arch (x86/x64)") Exit (254) EndIf ;$placeToBackup = "C:" ;Open file open dialog box $placeToBackup = FileSelectFolder ( "Folder To Backup", "" ) ;Debug messages If $debug = 1 Then MsgBox (0, "BackupFrom","Capture Location " & $placeToBackup) EndIf ;Save file dialog box to find out where to save the .wim $placeToBackupTo = _FileSaveDialog("Image Location", "D:\Captures" & "", "Backups (*.wim)", 1 + 4) ;Debug messages If $debug = 1 Then MsgBox (0, "BackupFrom","Backup is stored in " &$placeToBackupTo) EndIf ;Capture the folder or Drive Capture($placeToBackup, $placeToBackupTo, "My Backup IMG", "This is a backup", 1) MsgBox (0, "Backup Complete!","Backup Completed Successfully! " & $placeToBackupTo) ;Unload .dll Cleanup() Case $msg = $close ;MsgBox(0, "", "the closing button has been clicked", 2) Exit EndSelect WEnd EndFunc ;==>Example  Edited June 9, 2013 by Melba23 Added tags
Damian89 Posted June 9, 2013 Posted June 9, 2013 (edited) expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=favicon.ico #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <Wimgapi.au3> ; functions for WIM #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Global $swimfile, $hWim, $hImage, $filepath, $Percent, $rTime, $pCallBack Global $gsWimDLL = "x86\wimgapi.dll" ;Global $gsWimDLL = @SystemDir & "\wimgapi.dll" ; path to wimgapi.dll $debug = 0; $ProgramName = "Backup Manager" MainMenu() ; Apply ;----------------------------- Func Apply($sWimFile, $iImageIndex, $sTarget) ProgressOn('Apply', '', '', -1, -1, 19) ; Register callbacks so we get progress information for the capture process. ; WARNING: This does not work very well with Apply do to the way autoit handles callbacks. ; See the following post for more info: ; $pCallBack = DllCallbackRegister('CallBack', 'int', 'dword;WPARAM;LPARAM;dword') _WIM_RegisterMessageCallback(0, DllCallbackGetPtr($pCallBack), 0) ; load .wim file with read access $hWim = _WIM_CreateFile($sWimFile, $WIM_GENERIC_READ, $WIM_OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0, 0) If $hWim = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to load image. (" & $hWim & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (252) EndIf ; set our temp path $aResult = _WIM_SetTemporaryPath($hWim, $sTarget) ; load the image index $hImage = _WIM_LoadImage($hWim, $iImageIndex) ; Apply the image $aResult = _WIM_ApplyImage($hImage, $sTarget) If $aResult = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to apply image. Make sure your path exists! (" & $aResult & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") ;Cleanup() ProgressOff() EndFunc ; Mount ;----------------------------- Func Mount($sMountPath, $sWimFile, $iImageIndex, $RW) $aResult = _WIM_MountImage($sMountPath, $sWimFile, $iImageIndex, $RW) If $aResult = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Mount Error: (" & $aResult & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (253) ; mount error EndIf Cleanup() EndFunc ; UnMount ;----------------------------- Func UnMount($sMountPath, $iCommit) $aResult = _WIM_UnMountImage($sMountPath, 0, 0, $iCommit) If $aResult = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "UnMount Error: (" & $aResult & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (254) ; Unmount error EndIf Cleanup() EndFunc ; GetInfo ; Modified to display info instead of writing to a file! ;----------------------------- Func GetInfo($sWimFile) ; load .wim file with read access $hWim = _WIM_CreateFile($sWimFile, $WIM_GENERIC_READ, $WIM_OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0, 0) If $hWim = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to load image. (" & $hWim & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (252) EndIf ; set our temp path $aResult = _WIM_SetTemporaryPath($hWim, @TempDir) ; read wim attributes $aWimAttribs = _WIM_GetImageAttributes($hWim) ; read info from the image $aXML = _WIM_GetImageInformation($hWim) ;Cleanup any open handles Cleanup() ; make our output pretty Switch $aWimAttribs[4] Case $WIM_COMPRESS_NONE $aWimAttribs[4] = "NONE" Case $WIM_COMPRESS_XPRESS $aWimAttribs[4] = "XPRESS" Case $WIM_COMPRESS_LZX $aWimAttribs[4] = "LZX" EndSwitch MsgBox(0,"Backup Complete","Backup Information:" & @CRLF & _ "----------------" & @CRLF & _ "Backup Path: : " & $aWimAttribs[1] & @CRLF & _ "GUID : " & $aWimAttribs[2] & @CRLF & _ "Image Count: " & $aWimAttribs[3] & @CRLF & _ "Compression: " & $aWimAttribs[4] & @CRLF & _ "Part Number: " & $aWimAttribs[5] & "/" & $aWimAttribs[6] & @CRLF & _ "Boot Index : " & $aWimAttribs[7] & @CRLF & _ "Attributes : " & $aWimAttribs[8] & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Available Image Choices:" & @CRLF & _ "------------------------" & @CRLF & _ $aXML[1]) EndFunc ;==>GetInfo ; Extract ;----------------------------- Func Extract($sWimFile, $iImageIndex, $sFilePath, $sExtractTo) ; load .wim file with read access $hWim = _WIM_CreateFile($sWimFile, $WIM_GENERIC_READ, $WIM_OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0, 0) If $hWim = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to load image. (" & $hWim & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (252) EndIf ; set our temp path $aResult = _WIM_SetTemporaryPath($hWim, @TempDir) ; load the image index $hImage = _WIM_LoadImage($hWim, $iImageIndex) ; extract the file $aResult = _WIM_ExtractImagePath($hImage, $sFilePath, $sExtractTo) If $aResult = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to extract from image. Make sure your path exists! (" & $aResult & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() EndFunc ; Capture ;----------------------------- Func Capture($Path, $sWimFile, $sImageName, $sImageDesc, $Compress) ProgressOn('Backing up...', '', '', -1, -1, 19) ; Register callbacks so we get progress information for the capture process. $pCallBack = DllCallbackRegister('CallBack', 'int', 'dword;WPARAM;LPARAM;dword') _WIM_RegisterMessageCallback(0, DllCallbackGetPtr($pCallBack), 0) ; first we need to create a blank .wim file with write access and our compression options $hWim = _WIM_CreateFile($sWimFile, $WIM_GENERIC_WRITE, $WIM_CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, $Compress, 0) If $hWim = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to create image. (" & $hWim & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (252) ; image create failed EndIf ; set our temp path $aResult = _WIM_SetTemporaryPath($hWim, @TempDir) ; start the image capture!!! $hImage = _WIM_CaptureImage($hWim, $Path, 0) If $hImage = 0 Then MsgBox(48, $ProgramName, "Error: Failed to capture image. (" & $hImage & "," & @error & "," & @extended & ")") Cleanup() Exit (251) ; image capture failed EndIf ; add our name and description to the XML data - ChrW(65279) is the BOM $sXML = ChrW(65279) & "<IMAGE><NAME>" & $sImageName & "</NAME><DESCRIPTION>" & $sImageDesc & "</DESCRIPTION></IMAGE>" _WIM_SetImageInformation($hImage, $sXML) _WIM_SetBootImage($hWim, 1) Cleanup() ; free resources ProgressOff() EndFunc ;==>Capture ; ================================================================================================================== ; Function: CallBack ; Description: Very Basic Sample Callback function for capture progress ; Usage: CallBack($msgId, $param1, $param2, $ ; Author: Homes32 ; ================================================================================================================== Func CallBack($msgId, $param1, $param2, $unused) Switch $msgId Case $WIM_MSG_PROGRESS ; get progress % and time remaining $Percent = $param1 If $param2 = 0 Then $rTime = "" Else $rTime = StringFormat('Remaining: %i sec.', $param2 / 1000) EndIf Case $WIM_MSG_PROCESS ; get the file name being processed $Struct = DllStructCreate("ushort[1024]", $param1) $sFilePath = "" $i = 1 While 1 $Tmp = DllStructGetData($Struct, 1, $i) If $Tmp = 0 Then ExitLoop $sFilePath &= ChrW($Tmp) $i += 1 WEnd EndSwitch ProgressSet($Percent, StringFormat('%3i%% completed. %s %s', $Percent, $rTime, $filePath), 'Backing up... ' & $sWimFile) Return $WIM_MSG_SUCCESS EndFunc ;==>CallBack Func Cleanup() ; Cleanup any open handles If $hImage Then _WIM_CloseHandle($hImage) If $hWim Then _WIM_CloseHandle($hWim) If $pCallBack Then ; Cleanup our callbacks $aResult = _WIM_UnregisterMessageCallback(0, DllCallbackGetPtr($pCallBack)) DllCallbackFree($pCallBack) EndIf $swimfile = "" $filepath = "" $Percent = "" $rTime = "" $pCallBack = "" EndFunc ;==>Cleanup Func CleanupMajor() ; Cleanup any open handles If $hImage Then _WIM_CloseHandle($hImage) If $hWim Then _WIM_CloseHandle($hWim) If $pCallBack Then ; Cleanup our callbacks $aResult = _WIM_UnregisterMessageCallback(0, DllCallbackGetPtr($pCallBack)) DllCallbackFree($pCallBack) EndIf $swimfile = "" $filepath = "" $Percent = "" $rTime = "" $pCallBack = "" _WIM_Shutdown() ; shutdown wimgapi.dll EndFunc ;==>Cleanup ;File Save Dialog but also appends file type Func _FileSaveDialog ($sTitle, $sInitDir, $sFilter = 'All (*.*)', $iOpt = 0, $sDefaultFile = "", $sDefaultExt = "", $mainGUI = 0) Local $iFileLen = 65536 ; Max chars in returned string ; API flags prepare Local $iFlag = BitOR (BitShift (BitAND ($iOpt, 2),-10), BitShift (BitAND ($iOpt,16), 3 )) ; Filter string to array convertion Local $asFLines = StringSplit ( $sFilter, '|'), $asFilter [$asFLines [0] *2+1] Local $i, $iStart, $iFinal, $suFilter = '' $asFilter [0] = $asFLines [0] *2 For $i=1 To $asFLines [0] $iStart = StringInStr ($asFLines [$i], '(', 0, 1) $iFinal = StringInStr ($asFLines [$i], ')', 0,-1) $asFilter [$i*2-1] = StringStripWS (StringLeft ($asFLines [$i], $iStart-1), 3) $asFilter [$i*2] = StringStripWS (StringTrimRight (StringTrimLeft ($asFLines [$i], $iStart), StringLen ($asFLines [$i]) -$iFinal+1), 3) $suFilter = $suFilter & 'byte[' & StringLen ($asFilter [$i*2-1])+1 & '];byte[' & StringLen ($asFilter [$i*2])+1 & '];' Next ; Create API structures Local $uOFN = DllStructCreate ('dword;int;int;ptr;ptr;dword;dword;ptr;dword' & _ ';ptr;int;ptr;ptr;dword;short;short;ptr;ptr;ptr;ptr;ptr;dword;dword' ) Local $usTitle = DllStructCreate ('byte[' & StringLen ($sTitle) +1 & ']') Local $usInitDir= DllStructCreate ('byte[' & StringLen ($sInitDir) +1 & ']') Local $usFilter = DllStructCreate ($suFilter & 'byte') Local $usFile = DllStructCreate ('char[' & $iFileLen & ']') Local $usExtn = DllStructCreate ('byte[' & StringLen ($sDefaultExt) +1 & ']') For $i=1 To $asFilter [0] DllStructSetData ($usFilter, $i, $asFilter [$i]) Next ; Set Data of API structures DllStructSetData ($usTitle, 1, $sTitle) DllStructSetData ($usInitDir, 1, $sInitDir) DllStructSetData ($usFile, 1, $sDefaultFile) DllStructSetData ($usExtn, 1, $sDefaultExt) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 1, DllStructGetSize($uOFN)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 2, $mainGUI) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 4, DllStructGetPtr ($usFilter)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 7, 1) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 8, DllStructGetPtr ($usFile)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 9, $iFileLen) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 12, DllStructGetPtr ($usInitDir)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 13, DllStructGetPtr ($usTitle)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 14, $iFlag) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 17, DllStructGetPtr ($usExtn)) DllStructSetData ($uOFN, 23, BitShift (BitAND ($iOpt, 32), 5)) ; Call API function $ret = DllCall ('comdlg32.dll', 'int', 'GetSaveFileName', _ 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr ($uOFN) ) If $ret [0] Then Return StringStripWS(DllStructGetData ($usFile, 1),3) Else SetError (1) Return "" EndIf EndFunc Func MainMenu() ;Local $MESSAGE = "The following buttons have been clicked" Local $browseBackupOption, $makeBackupOption, $close, $msg, $backupLocationBrowse,$captureLocation GUICreate("Select",250,150) ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered $browseBackupOption = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse Backup", 64, 30, 125, 25) $makeBackupOption = GUICtrlCreateButton("Make Backup", 64, 60, 125, 25) $close = GUICtrlCreateButton("Close", 64, 90, 125, 25) GUISetState() $msg = 0 While $msg <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $browseBackupOption ; Fire up wimgapi.dll $aResult = _WIM_Startup() If @error = 2 Then MsgBox(16, $ProgramName, "Error loading library: " & "(" & $aResult & "," & @error & ", " & $gsWimDLL & ")" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "The file could not be found.") Exit (2) ElseIf @error = 1 Then MsgBox(16, $ProgramName, "Error loading library: " & "(" & $aResult & "," & @error & ", " & $gsWimDLL & ")" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Wrong DLL. Make sure you are using the right arch (x86/x64)") Exit (254) EndIf ;Save file dialog box to find out where to save the .wim $fileToOpen = FileOpenDialog("Image Location", "D:\Captures" & "", "Backups (*.wim)", 1 + 4) ;Debug messages If $debug = 1 Then MsgBox (0, "BackupFrom","Backup is stored in " &$fileToOpen) EndIf $sMountPath = "C:\mount" Mount($sMountPath, $fileToOpen, 1,0) Run("Explorer.exe " & $sMountPath) MsgBox (0, "Close Backup","Click Ok to close backup ") UnMount($sMountPath, 1) Case $msg = $makeBackupOption ; Fire up wimgapi.dll $aResult = _WIM_Startup() If @error = 2 Then MsgBox(16, $ProgramName, "Error loading library: " & "(" & $aResult & "," & @error & ", " & $gsWimDLL & ")" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "The file could not be found.") Exit (2) ElseIf @error = 1 Then MsgBox(16, $ProgramName, "Error loading library: " & "(" & $aResult & "," & @error & ", " & $gsWimDLL & ")" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Wrong DLL. Make sure you are using the right arch (x86/x64)") Exit (254) EndIf ;$placeToBackup = "C:" ;Open file open dialog box $placeToBackup = FileSelectFolder ( "Folder To Backup", "" ) ;Debug messages If $debug = 1 Then MsgBox (0, "BackupFrom","Capture Location " & $placeToBackup) EndIf ;Save file dialog box to find out where to save the .wim $placeToBackupTo = _FileSaveDialog("Image Location", "D:\Captures" & "", "Backups (*.wim)", 1 + 4) ;Debug messages If $debug = 1 Then MsgBox (0, "BackupFrom","Backup is stored in " &$placeToBackupTo) EndIf ;Capture the folder or Drive Capture($placeToBackup, $placeToBackupTo, "My Backup IMG", "This is a backup", 1) MsgBox (0, "Backup Complete!","Backup Completed Successfully! " & $placeToBackupTo) ;GetInfo($placeToBackupTo) Case $msg = $close CleanupMajor() Exit EndSelect WEnd EndFunc ;==>Example Incase anyone is interested I found the problem. When a function is run the cleanup function is called which unloads the .dll. I changed the cleanup function to only clear the vars and I also created a major cleanup function that is called once on program shutdown to close the .dll. This is what I've got so far. I've created a small gui and I'm going to keep tweeking it. If anyone else is interested I could upload newer versions as I add features. Thanks again for this awesome udf! Edited June 9, 2013 by Melba23 Added tags
Moderators Melba23 Posted June 9, 2013 Moderators Posted June 9, 2013 Damian89, When you post code please use Code tags - see here how to do it. Then you get a scrolling box and syntax colouring as you can see above now I have added the tags. M23  Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area Â
AZJIO Posted August 15, 2013 Posted August 15, 2013 (edited) Thanks for UDF I translated into Russian and made some corrections in the description of functions. wimgapi.7z Edited August 15, 2013 by AZJIO My other projects or all
hvandrie Posted January 13, 2015 Posted January 13, 2015 (edited) Hi, Have been using this UDF, and added another function to it for the people to use:Â _WIM_GetMountedImageInfo expandcollapse popup; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _WIM_GetMountedImageInfo ; Description ...: Returns list of mounted images ; Syntax.........: _WIM_GetMountedImageInfo() ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: Success - Returns Array where [0][0] holds number of mounted images, each subsequent row holds information to each image ; Failure - Returns 0 and Sets @Error: ; |0 - No DLLCall error. ; |1 - Unable to use the DLL file ; |2 - Unknown "return type" ; |3 - "function" not found in the DLL file ; |4 - Bad number of parameters. ; Both - Sets @Extended to _WinAPI_GetLastError() ; Author(s) .....: Herman van Drie (hvandrie) ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; ; ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WIM_GetMountedImageInfo() Local $aReturn[2][4] Local $pWimMountList = DllStructCreate($tagWIM_MOUNT_LIST) Local $pWimMountInfoLevel1 = DllStructCreate($tagWIM_MOUNT_INFO_LEVEL1) Local $pWimMountImageCount = DllStructCreate("dword pdwImageCount;") Local $pWimMountListSize = DllStructCreate("dword pcbReturnLength;") Local $aResult $aResult = DllCall($ghwimgapi, "bool", "WIMGetMountedImageInfo", _ "int", 1, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pWimMountImageCount), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pWimMountList), _ "dword", DllStructGetSize($pWimMountList), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pWimMountListSize)) If _WinAPI_GetLastError() = 122 Then ; ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER 122 (0x7A) : The data area passed to a system call is too small. ; Calculate required buffer / array size Local $iRequiredBufferSizeFactor = Int(DllStructGetData($pWimMountListSize, "pcbReturnLength"))/int(DllStructGetSize($pWimMountList)) Local $tWimMountList ReDim $aReturn[UBound($aReturn,1)+$iRequiredBufferSizeFactor][4] For $i = 1 To $iRequiredBufferSizeFactor $tWimMountList &= $tagWIM_MOUNT_LIST & "; " Next $pWimMountList = DllStructCreate($tWimMountList) ; Retry the call $aResult = DllCall($ghwimgapi, "bool", "WIMGetMountedImageInfo", _ "int", 1, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pWimMountImageCount), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pWimMountList), _ "dword", DllStructGetSize($pWimMountList), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pWimMountListSize)) EndIf $aReturn[0][0]= DllStructGetData($pWimMountImageCount,"pdwImageCount") ; number of mounted images For $i = 0 To $aReturn[0][0] - 1 $aReturn[$i+1][0] = DllStructGetData($pWimMountList, 4*$i+1 ) ; "WimPath" $aReturn[$i+1][1] = DllStructGetData($pWimMountList, 4*$i+2 ) ; "MountPath" $aReturn[$i+1][2] = DllStructGetData($pWimMountList, 4*$i+3 ) ; "ImageIndex") $aReturn[$i+1][3] = DllStructGetData($pWimMountList, 4*$i+4 ) ; "MountedForRW") Next Return SetError(@error, _WinAPI_GetLastError(), $aReturn) EndFunc ;==>_WIM_GetMountedImageInfo Have fun with it! Edited January 13, 2015 by hvandrie
Deye Posted September 20, 2015 Posted September 20, 2015 Looked interesting to try out Couldn't see the correct syntax for applyApply($drive & "\sources\install.wim",4,"C:\")OrApply($drive & "\sources\install.wim","4","C:") or "c"nevertheless It already fails me at "load .wim file with read access" passThanks
FreeBeing Posted January 3, 2017 Posted January 3, 2017 Thank you for your WIMGAPI UDF, it really helped me to create an alternate Windows Installer.
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