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Posted (edited)

ok, edited to make it abit more understandable (i hope)

What do i need help with:

I have this input box on a website that has some numebers in it,

that i want to exstract and write to a .ini file or something.

however as the site does not have a Formname to "lock" onto,

nor does the inputbox have anything except name and value, ie no ID ect.

so how can i get the info i need from it?.

down below is a little C & P of the section where that inputbox is..

I have tried various things myself, inkl "_ieformget. but without luck,

so just requesting some guidence :)

<TD WIDTH="10">&nbsp;</TD>
<table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
<tr><td valign=top><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'>
<a href="yourpage.jsp?CT=RoutingAdm&WAA_PACKAGE=Re&Operation=Main">Tilbake..</a><br>
<form action="yourpage.jsp">
<input type=hidden name="CT" value="Routidm">
<input type=hidden name="WAA_PACKAGE" value="RoutgAdm">
<input type=hidden name="WAA_FORM" value="Showge">
<input type=hidden name="ID" value="140196">
<input type=hidden name="Operation" value="Adm">
<input type=hidden name="DDINumber" value="829195        ">
<table border=0>
<tr><td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'>Nummer: <td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'><b>829        </b>
<tr><td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'>KundeNummer: <td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'><b>  2094</b>
<tr><td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'>Convertion Number:<td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'><input type=text name="Number" value="21360">
<tr><td colspan=2><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'><br><b>Open/close Info</b><hr size=1>
<tr><td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'>Openstatus<td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'>
<input type=radio name="OpenStatus" value="1" checked>Open<br>
<input type=radio name="OpenStatus" value="0" >Closed<br>
<input type=radio name="OpenStatus" value="" >Schedule (see below)<br>
<tr><td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'>Time From:<td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'><input type=text name="TimeFrom" value=""> (Write on following form: "12:00")
<tr><td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'>Time to:<td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'><input type=text name="TimeTo" value="">
<tr><td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'>Open days:<td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'>

And the spesific line i need the Value from

<tr><td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'>Convertion Number:<td><font size='1' color='#000000' face='Verdana,Arial,Helvetica'><input type=text name="Number" value="21360">
Edited by pezo89

Really stupid question, I'm sure you've already thought of this yourself, BUT. Have you run "AutoIt Window Info" on the form to see if you can find something a bit more concrete to identify?

Regardless of whether you have or not, any chance you can share the url of this webpage so that we can take a look at it? Maybe we can see somethign you may have overlooked.


on the question, regarding the AWI. the

here's the info, i could not find any usefull info from it :)

>>>> Window <<<<
Title:  Te - Windows Internet Explorer
Class:  IEFrame
Position:   314, 58
Size:   1200, 675
Style:  0x16CF0000
ExStyle:    0x00000100
Handle: 0x01D10E92

>>>> Control <<<<
Class:  Internet Explorer_Server
Instance:   1
ClassnameNN:    Internet Explorer_Server1
Advanced (Class):   [CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]
Position:   0, 123
Size:   1192, 495
ControlClick Coords:    120, 348
Style:  0x56000000
ExStyle:    0x00000000
Handle: 0x002D16FC

>>>> Mouse <<<<
Position:   438, 559
Cursor ID:  0
Color:  0xEEEEEE

>>>> StatusBar <<<<

>>>> ToolsBar <<<<

>>>> Visible Text <<<<
Legg til i Favoritter-feltet


>>>> Hidden Text <<<<

as for the site, no i cannot, as it is in an restricted area. ie. password requirement, which i can not share.

Posted (edited)

Try the following

_IEFormGetCollection() - This let's you grab the form by index number instead of by name (since it doesn't have a name).

_IEFormElementGetObjByName() - Once you get the correct form object using function above you should be able to use this function along with the name of the text input (named "Number") you need the value of.

This is all in the help file, under IE Management. Don't forget to #include <IE.au3>

Edited by MrMitchell

ahh fuck, that's right you can use it with 0-index.

did't think about that :)

il try it abit later and il have an update on how it goes :)

Posted (edited)

ahh fuck, that's right you can use it with 0-index.

did't think about that :)

il try it abit later and il have an update on how it goes :P

hmm, tried pulling the index in it, but still gives me 0 back :)

this would be right setup right?

$oForm = _IEFormGetCollection($oIE,18) 

$sCollect = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm,"Number")
Edited by pezo89

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