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hey forum,

I currently have a source folder with about 50 sub-folders in it.

What I am trying to do is create a destination folder w/ each day of the week in letters in it

then move 6 sub-folders from the source folder into each day of the week folder

me and a friend put together the script below however we didn't know how to do the above step.

what the script does below, is takes files within the source folder, creates # of main folders specified,

puts # of sub folders specified into the main folders and copies the source files into each sub folder.

any help with what i'm trying to do would be greatly appreciated. i'm thinking a switch is needed of some sort to change the days of wk to letters but i'm not really sure.

thanks in advance for your time

#Include <File.au3>

$sourceFolder = @ScriptDir & "\source"
$destinationFolder = @ScriptDir & "\folders"
$mainFolderPrefix = "main_" & @WDAY
$subFolderPrefix = ""

$howmanyMain = 6
$howmanySubs = 6

$mainFolderCount = 0
$subFolderCount = 0

For $i = 1 to $howmanyMain Step 1
    $newfolder = $destinationFolder & "\" & $mainFolderPrefix & $i
    For $x = 1 to $howmanySubs step 1
        $subFolder = $newFolder & "\" & $subFolderPrefix & $x

        ; copy the files in source folder into the newly created sub folder
        FileCopy($sourceFolder, $subFolder, 1)


MsgBox(0,"","Created " & $mainFolderCount & " main folders and " & $subFolderCount & " subfolders total.");

Do an #include <Date.au3> then Check the function _DateDayOfWeek

Full description here. I think that's what you need, yes?

hey mrmitchell, thanks for the reply - I just gave your suggestion a try and it does create the folder for the day.

However i think my explanation i gave was wrong and i apologize for the confusion. I would like to create 7 folders each named to the day of the week ie folder 1: monday, folder 2: tuesday etc

Posted (edited)

Just a simple For loop from 1 to 7 to generate all the days

#include <Date.au3>

For $i = 1 to 7
    $sDayofWeek = _DateDayOfWeek($i)
    ConsoleWrite($sDayofWeek & @CRLF)
    ;DirCreate(blah blah blah & '\' & $sDayofWeek)

Or since you need all of them, you can avoid using Date.au3 and go this route:

Dim $aDays[7] = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]

For $each In $aDays
    ConsoleWrite($each & @CRLF)
Edited by MrMitchell

Or since you need all of them, you can avoid using Date.au3 and go this route:

Dim $aDays[7] = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]

For $each In $aDays
    ConsoleWrite($each & @CRLF)

Great, This 2nd way worked great :) Thank you MrMitchell.

For the 2nd part of my question. I used dircreate to create 6 sub folders in each day of the week folder created.

How would I take the source folder w/ 50 sub-folders and move 6 of them into each day of the week folder for a total of 42 folders moved?


Great, This 2nd way worked great :) Thank you MrMitchell.

For the 2nd part of my question. I used dircreate to create 6 sub folders in each day of the week folder created.

How would I take the source folder w/ 50 sub-folders and move 6 of them into each day of the week folder for a total of 42 folders moved?

Well I can't imagine you would want to move 6 of them into each day's folder, since a move deletes your source folder. So use DirCopy()


Try this.

#include <File.au3>
;#include <Array.au3>

;------- Create test directory with subdirectories ----------
Local $sourceFolder = "C:\TestDir", $File = 0
If FileExists($sourceFolder & "\Dir01\File1.txt") = 0 Then
    For $i = 1 To 42
        DirCreate($sourceFolder & "\Dir" & StringRight("0" & $i, 2))
        $File += 1
        _FileCreate($sourceFolder & "\Dir" & StringRight("0" & $i, 2) & "\File" & $File & ".txt")
        $File += 1
        _FileCreate($sourceFolder & "\Dir" & StringRight("0" & $i, 2) & "\File" & $File & ".txt")
MsgBox(0, "Pause", 'You may now check the existence of "C:\TestDir" and its subdirectories.' & @CRLF & _
        "And, remember to REFRESH Folders if directory is not visible." & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
        "Press button to continue")
;-------> End of Create test directory with subdirectories ----------

; ----- Move directories -----------------------
Local $aDays[8] = [7, "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
Local $sourceFolder = "C:\TestDir"
Local $destinationFolder = "C:\TestDirNew"
Local $howmanySubs = 6
Local $aDirList = _FileListToArray($sourceFolder, "*", 2) ; Directories only.

For $i = 1 To 7
    DirCreate($destinationFolder & "\" & $aDays[$i])
    For $SubDirs = ($howmanySubs * ($i - 1)) To ($howmanySubs * $i) - 1
        $SrcSubDir = $sourceFolder & "\" & $aDirList[$SubDirs + 1]
        $DestSubDir = $destinationFolder & "\" & $aDays[$i] & "\" & $aDirList[$SubDirs + 1]
        DirMove($SrcSubDir, $DestSubDir)

MsgBox(0, "Check Files before Finish", "Directories Moved - Check before button is pressed.")

DirRemove($sourceFolder, 1)
DirRemove($destinationFolder, 1)

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