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Posted (edited)


im trying to work abit with googles map api.

Hers the standard code

#include <File.au3>

Global $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
$oXML.Open("GET", "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/directions/xml?origin=48143,Muenster&destination=23560,Luebeck&sensor=false", 0)

Global $sFile = "test.xml"
FileWrite($sFile, $oXML.responseText)

in the test file are the complete xml answer.

but i just want / or need one value

at the end of the file is the point "distance" / text = (distance in kilometers) (AT LINE 589)

so the value i search is "341 km" but the value can change depending on the adress i put in the post.

so how i can get only this value from the hole xml answer? or how i can seperate this value?

sorry for my bad english

Edited by Vision

How about you read the file into an array - _FileReadToArray

display it, to make the next steps easier to code:

Then find all the occurrences of "<distance>" using _ArrayFindAll

Take the LAST of these [using the value returned] and look in the original array for the value of the element 2 entries below it.


Posted (edited)

im getting allways 0 / -1 back

#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Global $aRecords
Global $aiResult

Global $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
$oXML.Open("GET", "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/directions/xml?origin=48143,Muenster&destination=23560,Luebeck&sensor=false", 0)

Global $sFile = "test.xml"
FileWrite($sFile, $oXML.responseText)


$result = _ArrayFindAll($filetoarray, "<text>")

Msgbox(0,'Results:', $result)
MsgBox(0,"Error", @error)

the array in $filetoarray is ok

but arrayfindall doesnt work?!

Edited by Vision

OK, that gave an error that $filetoarray isn't an array, which I don't understand.

But I've found another way:

#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Global $aRecords
Global $aiResult, $filetoarray, $handle, $XML, $newtext

Global $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
$oXML.Open("GET", "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/directions/xml?origin=48143,Muenster&destination=23560,Luebeck&sensor=false", 0)

$XML = $oXML.responseText

$array = StringSplit ($XML,"</distance>",1) ; splits at every instance of /distance

$array2 = stringsplit ($array[$array[0]-1], "<text>", 1) ; selects the last split segment, which contains the total distance, and splits it down by text occurrences

;_ArrayDisplay ($array2) ; just to demo

$Distance = StringTrimRight($array2[$array2[0]],11) ; picks last instance and trims the end tags.

Msgbox(0,'Results:', $distance)

thia works on the example you gave, but you'd have to test i for reliability with other values etc.



I'm no xml expert, infact I've never even used it/them.

But I have seen an xml dom wrapper in example scripts, and I think xml is similar to html but has nodes and suchlike. I'm probably talking gibberish but I'll bet there is a function in that UDF for exactly what you want.

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