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Hi guys

I've got a problem

Func AddText10()
        $SelectedText = ClipGet()
    $SelectedText=StringReplace($SelectedText, ' ',$Replace)
    $hFile = FileOpen("BanList.txt", 1)
        FileWriteLine($hFile, $slash&$banstring&" "&$SelectedText&" 10")

My idea is that the person using the program should select a word and then press "1" and then a line "/ban word 10" should appear in banlist.txt

So here when 1 is pressed it sends ctrl+c and stuff gets put on clipboard.

this works on Windows 7 if run as an administrator but doesn't work on XP? Can anyone please give some advice on how to solve this problem or maybe achieve the same result using a different method?


Although I've specified "/" as Ascii code, if a russian keyboard is turned on instead of english it just writes "|" instead. Anyway to solve this problem?

$slash= Chr ( 47 )
FileWriteLine($hFile, $slash&$banstring&" "&$SelectedText&" 10")

so this comes out as |ban word 10 instead of /ban word 10

Any help would be appreciated - thanks!


Put some error checking in to find out where things are going wrong.

msgbox or consolewrite after the clipget, to check it's copying.

Same after your white space strip [ have you seen StringStripWS btw?].

Also, is the file opening? Do you need the full path here? Chech with

If $file = -1 Then
    MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")
after the fileopen command.

Much of what I've learned over the last year or so is accompanied by commented-out msgboxes, arraydisplays etc where I've done some trial and error work!


Posted (edited)

You should have also posted the part of your code where you set the hotkey so we could see if something was wrong there.

This seems to work fine for me.

HotKeySet("{1}", "AddText10")
HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_Quit")
While 1

Func AddText10()
        $SelectedText = ClipGet()
    $SelectedText=StringReplace($SelectedText, ' ',$Replace)
    $hFile = FileOpen("BanList.txt", 1)
        FileWriteLine($hFile, $slash&$banstring&" "&$SelectedText&" 10")
    HotKeySet("1", "addText10")

Func _Quit()
    HotKeySet("{1}") ;; These HotKeySet() Lines are for safety only
Are you sure you used some method to keep the script running until you wanted to close it. I used the While 1 loop to do that.

EDIT: Minor code change for consistency.

Edited by GEOSoft


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Thanks for your replies guys

My script for Send("^c") works perfectly on windows 7, but on XP for some reason it doesn't. I will try using Send("^{c}") in the mean time and see what happens.

Could anyone else suggest a different method how i could copy selected text to clipboard?

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