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I would like to make a slide show just do not know how to do that opened up the next slide after X sec or when you click.

and that all my pictures were hidden in a dll or something to normal user could not see these photos.

Posted (edited)

and whether this could be done to hide the pictures in the dll file or something similar?

Or to put photos in the script to exe converter

Edited by metis
Posted (edited)

and whether this could be done to hide the pictures in the dll file or something similar?

Or to put photos in the script to exe converter

You can add pictures using binary strings to your script and display all pictures from memory.

Have a look here or search the forum for examples how to load an image from a binary string.

Here the code to create binary strings

; ============================================================================================================================
; Purpose  : Converts any file to HEX binary string
; Author   : Ward / UEZ
; ============================================================================================================================

Local $VarName = StringStripWS(InputBox("Convert to Binary String", "Select a name for the variable." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "$ will automatically added to the beginning of the variable!:", "BinaryString"), 3)
If $VarName = "" Then Exit

Local $FileName = FileOpenDialog("Open a file", @ScriptDir, "DLL file (*.*)")
If $FileName = "" Then Exit

Local $Handle = FileOpen($FileName, 16)
Local $BinaryString = FileRead($Handle)

Local $LineLen = 1024
Local $DllString = String($BinaryString)

Local $Script = "Func " & $VarName & "()" & @CRLF & @TAB & "Local _" & @CRLF & @TAB & "$" & $VarName & " = '" & StringLeft($DllString, $LineLen) & "'" & @CRLF
$DllString = StringTrimLeft($DllString, $LineLen)

While StringLen($DllString) > $LineLen
    $Script &= "    $" & $VarName & " &= '" & StringLeft($DllString, $LineLen) & "'" & @CRLF
    $DllString = StringTrimLeft($DllString, $LineLen)

If StringLen($DllString) <> 0 Then $Script &= "    $" & $VarName & " &= '" & $DllString & "'" & @CRLF
 $Script &= @TAB & "Return Binary($" & $VarName & ")" & @CRLF & "EndFunc"
;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $Script = ' & $Script & @crlf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @crlf) ;### Debug Console

MsgBox(64, "Convert to Binary String", "The result is in the clipboard, you can paste it to your script.")



Edited by UEZ

Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply!

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