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Posted (edited)

I might be missing something obvious here and if I am forgive me. However, I cannot figure out why this script isn't working the way I want it to work.

I have a text file I need to extract particular records from. While there is a ton of records in it the ones I need look like this:

Name = 005
Type = Mark
CreateTime = 2002-08-18 02:09:42Z
Hidden = FALSE
Locked = FALSE
Desc = 
Color = 0x000000
LatLon = 58 24.92999 N 154 00.47400 W
BmpIdx = 0
ArrivalCircleRadius = 0.050 nm
NameOffset = -11,10
DescOffset = -15,20
ShowName = TRUE
ShowDescription = FALSE
RangeCircleColor = 0xff0000
RangeCircleDisplay Count = 0
RangeCirclePen Width = 1
BoundaryCircleOffLimits = None
RangeCircleRadius = 0.500 nm
RangeCircleBindToArrivalCircle = FALSE
MarkRenamed = FALSE
ExistsOutsideCollection = FALSE
PlanningLegSOG = 0.5 kts
NameDisplayMoved = FALSE
TDChain1 = 
TDChain2 =

Once I find Type = Mark the data I need is six lines down, the latlon field. Since this was meant to be quick and dirty I dashed off this:

While 1
    $Checktheline=FileReadLine($WhattoOpen) ; read a line from the file
    $W = $W+1
    $IsitaMark=StringInStr($Checktheline,"Type = Mark") ;find out if it is a mark record
    If $IsitaMark <> 0 Then
        filewrite($WhattoWriteto,$Thisisthelatlon & @CRLF)

When I look at the resulting text file this is what I see:

LatLon = 46 56.18280 N 124 26.64430 W

Type = Mark

Type = Mark

"Type = Mark" until the end of the file.

The first time Type = Mark is found I get what I want. However, every other time it does not appear to add 6 to the value of $W. I cannot figure out why this isn't working.

Edited by Mellon

For starters you don't need to use the first FileOpen(). FileRead() will take care of that.

Based on the info you gave, I'm not sure if this is the results you are after or not but give it a try.

#include<array.au3>;; Used for displaying the array only.
$sStr = FileRead(C:\stpete\Export.Txt)
$aLatLonng = StringRegExp($sStr, "(?i)(?m:^)latl.+=\s*(\d.+)(?:\v|$)+", 3)
If NOT @Error <> 2 Then
    _ArrayDisplay($aLatLong);; Just for testing purposes
    MsgBox(4096, "Error", "The expression did not match any data in the file.")


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I suspect that will work. However, regular expressions make my teeth bleed. The benefit of my coding is that, should I need it or something like it again I can support it.

  • Moderators
Posted (edited)

I'm pretty sure this is what you're looking for :

#Include <File.au3>
$File = ''
For $A = 1 To _FileCountLines ($File)
    $Line = FileReadLine ($File, $A)
    If StringInStr ($Line, 'Type = Mark') Then FileWriteLine ('Export.txt', FileReadLine ($File, $A + 6))

Hope this helps,

- John

Ouch, that's really inefficient :).

I'll try to explain why:

1. _FileCountLines: FileOpen, FileRead, FileClose, StringSplit, return array upper bound ( I assume this is how count lines works, haven't looked )

2. FileReadLine: FileOpen, read line, FileClose ( every single loop )

3. FileReadLine: FileOpen, read line + 6, FileClose ( every single loop, and past EOF for last 5 lines of the file )

4. FileWriteLine: FileOpen, write line, FileClose ( every single loop )

Now the above ( on semi large or many files ) would take an extremely long time for all that extra opening, closing, reading, writing...

Might try the same concept ( I'm not sure if it's what the OP wanted, I'm only showing your code change ), with less overhead:

Func _myFunction($s_filein, $s_filewriteto)
    ; 1 file open, read, close
    Local $s_fread = FileRead($s_filein)
    If Not $s_fread Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    ; get lines of file ( this works if the file uses CRLF or at least LF
    ; for line separators
    Local $a_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($s_fread), @LF)
    Local $s_output = ""
    For $iline = 1 To $a_lines[0] - 6
        ; make sure the line is not null, then match string
        ; speed boost making sure it's not blank
        If $a_lines[$iline] And StringInStr($a_lines[$iline], "Type = Mark") Then
            $s_output &= $a_lines[$iline + 6] & @CRLF
    If Not $s_output Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
    ; 1 file open, write, close
    FileWrite($s_filewriteto, $s_output)
    Return 1

This code is untested, I wrote it in this little post pane, more for concept than anything.

Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

Posted (edited)

Hi Chimaera,

I suppose you could replace:

If $a_lines[$iline] And StringInStr($a_lines[$iline], "Type = Mark") Then

with a Regular expression, e.g. StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline],"(Type = Mark|Type = Peter)").


Edited by Hannes123
Regards,Hannes[spoiler]If you can't convince them, confuse them![/spoiler]

Like this you mean?

Func _myFunction($s_filein, $s_filewriteto)
    ; 1 file open, read, close
    Local $s_fread = FileRead($s_filein)
    If Not $s_fread Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    ; get lines of file ( this works if the file uses CRLF or at least LF
    ; for line separators
    Local $a_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($s_fread), @LF)
    Local $s_output = ""
    For $iline = 1 To $a_lines[0] - 6
        ; make sure the line is not null, then match string
        ; speed boost making sure it's not blank
             StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline],"Mark", "Ted", "Gary", "Bob", "Hannah", "Mat") Then
            $s_output &= $a_lines[$iline + 6] & @CRLF
    If Not $s_output Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
    ; 1 file open, write, close
    FileWrite($s_filewriteto, $s_output)
    Return 1

Hi Chimaera,

This won't work.

Maybe you want to try this way:

$pattern = "(Type = Mark|Type = Peter|Type = Ted|Type = Mat|Type = Bob)"
If $a_lines[$iline] And StringInStr($a_lines[$iline], $pattern) Then
; Do something
End If


Regards,Hannes[spoiler]If you can't convince them, confuse them![/spoiler]

All of which begs my question. Why does my script work correctly for the first record and then fail for all the rest?

  • Developers
Posted (edited)

All of which begs my question. Why does my script work correctly for the first record and then fail for all the rest?

You move the filepointer 6 records forward but do not add 6 to $w.

try below that has some debug lines in it so you can see what is happening:

While 1
    $Checktheline=FileReadLine($WhattoOpen) ; read a line from the file
    If @error then ExitLoop
    $W += 1
    ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug : $W = ' & $W &  ' $Checktheline = ' & $Checktheline & @crlf) ;### Debug Console
    $IsitaMark=StringInStr($Checktheline,"Type = Mark") ;find out if it is a mark record
    If $IsitaMark <> 0 Then
        ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $Thisisthelatlon = ' & $Thisisthelatlon & @crlf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @crlf) ;### Debug Console
        filewrite($WhattoWriteto,$Thisisthelatlon & @CRLF)
        $W += 6

ps... the posted code would never end as you do not check for EOF...


Edited by Jos

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  • Moderators
Posted (edited)

One, my apologies for not directly looking at your issue in my previous post.

Your text file looks like nothing more than an ini file to me.

This could solve your issue, however, I'm not a fan of it still opening and closing all the time, but it's a simple solution.

#include <array.au3> ; for _arraydisplay only
Global $gs_file = "test.txt"
Global $ga_lonslats = _myGetLatLon($gs_file, "Mark")
If IsArray($ga_lonslats) Then
    ConsoleWrite("Found " & $ga_lonslats[0] & " longitudes and latitudes." & @CRLF)
    ; Now you could enum through the array and write to the file if you wanted.

Func _myGetLatLon($s_filein, $s_type)

    Local $a_secnames = IniReadSectionNames($s_filein)
    If @error Or Not IsArray($a_secnames) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)

    ; return array of longitudes and latitudes
    Local $a_ret[$a_secnames[0] + 1], $i_add = 0

    For $iname = 1 To $a_secnames[0]
        If IniRead($s_filein, $a_secnames[$iname], "Type", "") = $s_type Then
            $i_add += 1
            $a_ret[$i_add] = IniRead($s_filein, $a_secnames[$iname], "LatLon", "")

    If Not $i_add Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)

    ReDim $a_ret[$i_add + 1]
    $a_ret[0] = $i_add

    Return $a_ret

Another method you might look at is regex ( quick and dirty ):

#include <array.au3> ; for _arraydisplay only
Global $gs_file = "test.txt"
Global $ga_lonslats = _myGetLatLon2($gs_file, "Mark")
If IsArray($ga_lonslats) Then
    ConsoleWrite("Found " & $ga_lonslats[0] & " longitudes and latitudes." & @CRLF)
    ; Now you could enum through the array and write to the file if you wanted.

Func _myGetLatLon2($s_filein, $s_type)

    Local $s_fread = FileRead($s_filein)
    If $s_fread = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)

    Local $s_pattern = "(?is)(?:\A|\v)Type\s*=\s*\Q" & $s_type & "\E"
    $s_pattern &= "\s*\v.+?\vLatLon\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(?:\v|\z)"

    Local $a_sre = StringRegExp($s_fread, $s_pattern, 3)
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)

    ; comment out below if you want a zero base array and
    ;  just return $a_sre

    ; convert to 1 base array where [0] has total number of indexes
    Local $i_ub = UBound($a_sre)
    Local $a_ret[$i_ub + 1] = [$i_ub]

    For $i = 0 To $i_ub - 1
        $a_ret[$i + 1] = $a_sre[$i]

    Return $a_ret
Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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