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What do you think of this library ?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about FastFind ?

    • It's really great, I can't imagine doing a script without it
    • It's of some use for me in my current scripts
    • I could use it some day
    • Looks nice, but of no use for me
    • I've tried it, but it doesnt fit my needs
    • Sounds good on the paper, but can't make it work (bug or too difficult to use it)
  2. 2. Have you tried it ?

    • Yes, I'm using it right now
    • Somewhat, I've done some testing, will surely use it later
    • I've downloaded it and just played a little with packaged demo scripts
    • I've downloaded it, but not tried it so far
    • Not downloaded it so far, but I probably will some day
    • It's of no interested for me.
  3. 3. What is missing or should be improved ?

    • It has all the features I may need about Pixels Handling
    • OK it's pretty fast, but couldn't it be faster ?
    • Too hard to use it, could you simplify usage ?
    • Some additional features would be nice to have (please explain in a message)
    • It really lacks some decent documentation (I still hope to find someone to help on that)
    • Some critical features are missing, can't use it (please explain in a message)
    • I found some minor bugs (please explain in a message)
    • I've found some serious bugs (please explain in a message)
    • I've never tried it so far, can't tell
    • It would be nice if you could provide easy access to the associated tool - FFShowPixel
    • I would like to use it other languages. Could you provide wrappers ? (please explain in a message)

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functions declared as this :

        public static extern int FFGetPixel(int X, int Y, int NoSnapShot);

        public static extern int SnapShot(int aLeft, int aTop, int aRight, int aBottom, int NoSnapShot);

and also remove :

LogWrite("PixelSearch : Found at (" + Math.Abs(j) + ":" + Math.Abs(k) + ")");


  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Hi, guys!

Sorry for my English.

I have totally different snapshots in 1st and 2nd Snapshot "slots". (FFSaveBMP saves totally different pics)

FFIsDifferent(0, 1) always returns false.

What I'm can do wrong?

Thanks in advice.

Edited by argnist

Thank you for that awesome collection. I'm using it quite alot.

There're some features I miss.

Something like ImagesearchUDF, as far as I get it. (I more or less just startet with Autoit) it should be possible with FFBestSpot too, or am I wrong? But its quite complicated.

Docs on the Shade Variation: What is it and how to use it?

I would also like some functions using Pixel checksum

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys!

I have problem with snapshot work under VMware. Without VM it works perfectly.

I making screenshot by handle

FFSnapShot(0, 0,0, 0, 1,$hWnd)

With VM it brings my same screenshot every time, without- work like it should.

If i make FFSnapShot by coords, not by handle- it crashes, because i use 2 monitors and make screenshots on second monitor.

Any ideas?

  • 2 months later...

Great tool, this is helping me a lot with a timing tool to measure HMI update speeds.
I do have a problem that has been mentioned before: Using the coordinates to define an area to snapshot is not working on multi-monitor setups. The DLL can't handle the coordinates outside the first monitor.

Any chance you might fix this?

Posted (edited)

Please review this, post I made regarding getting Pixel colors and windows 10, 

Your library helps a bit, but still does not provide the speed in Windows 10 that the basic autoit PixelGetColor has in Windows 7.
This library does help quite a bit in Windows 10 compared to PixelGetColor, with that example code in the linked post. It brings the execution down to 3 seconds including script startup time. Keep in mind, PixelGetColor on a 39x47 rectangle 8 times is .3 seconds in wondows 7. I have not fully tested with the library in Windows 7 yet. I will update this post when I finish the tests.

Here is an old discussion on the root cause of the issue. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/en-US/4db649d2-4747-4773-8f9a-9b74dacc5a7d/getpixel-calls-slow-under-aero?forum=windowsuidevelopment

Here is one possible solution. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/617613/Fast-pixel-operations-in-NET-with-and-without-unsa

Edited by Mysticdrew
Posted (edited)

FFColorCount doesn't seem to work with exclusion areas, I'm getting the same result for different exclusion area combinations, is it a bug or a feature?


For $col = 1 To $Height Step 1
   For $row = 1 To $Width Step 1
      $currentTileLeft = Round($leftTilePos + ($row-1) *$tilePixelSize,0) + $margin
      $currentTileTop  = Round($upTilePos + ($col-1) *$tilePixelSize,0) + $margin
      $currentTileRight = Round($leftTilePos + $row *$tilePixelSize,0) - $margin
      $currentTileBottom = Round($upTilePos + $col*$tilePixelSize,0) - $margin
      FFResetExcludedAreas( )
      FFAddExcludedArea( 0, 0, @DesktopWidth, $currentTileTop )
      FFAddExcludedArea( 0, $currentTileTop, $currentTileLeft, $currentTileBottom )
      FFAddExcludedArea( $currentTileRight, $currentTileTop, @DesktopWidth, $currentTileBottom )
      FFAddExcludedArea( 0, $currentTileBottom, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight )
      $tileValues[$col][$row] = FFColorCount($color,$variation,False)


Edited by sas
  • 1 month later...

I currently have a dual boot System with Windows 10 x64 and Windows 7 x64 (Aero Design disabled) which gives me a chance to do a comparison:

i7 6700k @ 4.00 GHz, DDR4 3200

Windows 10.png

Windows 7.png

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Has anyone successfully been able to compile version 2.3 from GitHub? I really need those fixes and can't tell you how many times I've tried. So many errors with the 2 versions of VS that I have and has just been impossible to try and bypass all the incompatibilities and still produce a library that functions properly :(

Edit:  Grabbed old source for 2.2 and found a copy of VS2010 Professional lying around. Manually fixed the bug with FFColorCount and finally got it compiled and working! I'd post my dlls but I think you should compile yourself for safety reasons

Edited by bluechipps
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I'm surprised that I've not seen this before, I use alot of pixel functions.  I've read all posts. And have been playing with the code.

The first thing I noticed was that the snapshots in the benchmark were excluded from being timed.  This is a bit like saying you have a well tuned car because it's going real fast and ignoring the fact it was tossed out of an airplane.

After including the Snaps as part of the benchmark it shows that in the time it takes to do 1 Snapshot, you can do a few hundred of AutoIt's pixelgetcolor functions.

So basically if you're not doing a TON of pixel work in a fast (video) paced application. Then I think AutoIt functions should be learned really well before tackling this harder to use tool.

I'm not saying it's bad, don't get me wrong. Just Sayin :)

Also the Benchmark is poorly written, and does not work properly. (version 2.2 here, and github are the same.)

First Comment is wrong as the DebugMode disabled is itself disabled.

; In order to acheive full possible speed, I disable all debug features

It generates 1260 lines of errors in the TRACER.TXT due to the fact the full screen shot is 1920x1080 and then pixels up to 2000 and 3000 are sent as parameters.

for $x = 1 to 2000
  $a = FFGetPixel($x, 500);

for $x = 1 to 3000
  DllCall($FFDllHandle, "int", "FFGetPixel", "int", $x, "int", 500, "int", $FFLastSnap)

Again, not slamming the work, it's decent.


Spent a few hours modifying the Benchmark to improve timers, Fix Bugs, Build a GUI, Streamlined Feedback all using same measurements for easier comparison.  I know this is an old thing, but hey :)  Love to Code.


Edited by LeCarre
Added Improved Code

My Interest in this Tool was pretty strong, I read every forum post, etc, finally got down to using it, Replaced my first function that uses pixelgetcolor, and pixelsearch.

Found 3 bugs. And 1 Bad Behavior. In my first few hours with it.

Bad Behavior

1) Bad Behavior

Unless i'm mistaken a DLL should report Errors to the Application using it, not to the user thru dialog boxes.

I was taking small snaps in a window at a high rate of speed, occasionally FF would popup a dialog reporting that taking the snap had failed.

This is what a return code is for!

This alone is a DLL Buster, am i going to realease a program to the public knowing I can't control it?


1) Debug Off still creates the TRACER.TXT file, and appends to it indefinately, a forever growing file you can't avoid. I had to add code to my program to delete the file on exit.   FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\TRACER.TXT")

2) Using FFNearestSpot to replace pixelsearch failed for me. I got a result of 0 instead of an array, and @Error was not set.

It took me awhile to figure out the reason it would not return the expected array was that it apparently could not process an area that had a height of 1 pixel, and a width of 100, had to modify my code to use a 2x100 snap and exclude 1 row of pixels for it to work.

3) I wanted to find all x,y coordinates of a pixel color with a slight ShadeVariation.

So I thought to find first pixel, then use FFSetPixel to change the found pixel to black so it would not be found again on the next loop.

After a little hair pulling, and bad results I did the following.

Take a Snap, save the JPG, Find the Pixel.

Set the pixel to RED (Easier to see results) and save the JPEG.

What I expected was to see 1 Red Pixel, but instead the RED pixel had blurred over and shaded the adjacent pixels changing them and ruining the snapshot i was working with, how can FFSetPixel alter 4 or 5 pixels?

So I had to calculate the coordinates of an exclusion rectangle to avoid redetecting this pixel, which i'm sure is slower than FFSETPIXEL as i progress thru the loops. Slower defeats the entire reason for the DLL in the first place.


In the end I timed my app using both methods keeping an avg time used by the routines.

Analyzing a 2x100 pixel area was 25% slower using FastFind after 5 minutes of stress test.


My excitement for Fast Find v.2.2 is dead.

Overall I can't trust this DLL to do anything with accuracy.  Too bad it was never cleaned up, or even tested well.


  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/25/2017 at 10:58 AM, LeCarre said:

My Interest in this Tool was pretty strong, I read every forum post, etc, finally got down to using it, Replaced my first function that uses pixelgetcolor, and pixelsearch.

1) Bad Behavior

1) Debug Off still creates the TRACER.TXT file, and appends to it indefinately,

3) Take a Snap, save the JPG, Find the Pixel.



I've just started playing with it.   Its working quite well for me.

Bad Behavior. 
Have not seen that yet,  but yes.  I would agree, it should be returning a code.    However.   I think I read he did the DLL.  Someone else did the autoit wrapper file.   The msgbox is coming from the wrapper.  So thats easy to fix.  I see it in the "fastfind.au3" file.   I may have read who did what wrong.  I've just skimmed this thread while trying a few things out.   However.  I do see reference to the DLL throwing a msgbox on serious errors in the help file.   So..... Now I'm not sure.

Me too.  Found that out when my dropbox filled up.  It seems to write a lot of data when you do exclusions.   But its still writing smaller amounts to it on a regular basis.  I'm now unloading the dll so I can delete the file at the end of my script.   Good enough while I play with it.   I have not looked yet.  Is this unwanted data from the DLL or from the au3 file?   Writing to a txt file has to be slowing things down I would think.   I have not looked at when and how its being written to yet.

Save the JPG
I believe your problem is that your looking at a JPG.  Its compressed even if you set it to 100.  I don't think the JPG represents the contents of the memory map.  Save the exact same map as both a BMP and as a JPG and you see there is a difference.   In my BMP I see only 1 pixel turned red.  In the JPG I see the orig pixel plus 3 surrounding ones modified.   Also I would have changed what the defaults are on the JPG so they match the BMP defaults to be consistent.   But that is just me being nit-picky.   Overall this is very good.

I'm currently playing with the FFBestSpot func.   Searching for a 10x10 spot with optimal 50 pixels.  If the spot is not what I want I hit a key excluding 100 pix from that spot in all directions and repeat the search.   This is working fairly well and not something I could have easily done myself with pixelsearch.


Is this being worked on?  His last visit is Feb 2015 over 2 years ago.    Even as is.  I see good use in this.



  • 4 months later...

Hi everybody, I have a problem about FFNearestPixel code. I can find only one pixel location on the screen for one color value. if there are 2 different points for one color value on the screen, the code only find one location. for example if I have grids like my uploaded image, code only finds 1 numbered yellow point location, but I need also find 2 numbered yellow point location. can anybody help me? thanks


  • Developers
3 hours ago, blue_screen said:

an anybody help me? thanks

Welcome, my guess is that line 609 has a mistake in it. ;)
(assume you can interpret what that means, else ask.)


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thanks for your reply Jos,


in 609. line program checks if  "result" an array or not in FFGetRawData. 

I can not use efficiently FFGetRawData function. This function gives me so many pixel values for 1920x1080 resolutions. Checking every pixel to find my base color locations is very time consumed with this function. is there a way to find more than one location for one color value by using FastFind.au3?

  • Developers
Just now, blue_screen said:

in 609. line program checks if  "result" an array or not in FFGetRawData. 

Seriously, you really think I have a crystal ball in which I can see sources that are on your computer?
The meaning of that comment was to kindly tell you you need to provide proper information like the source code before people really can help!


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  • Moderators
32 minutes ago, blue_screen said:

in 609. line program checks if  "result" an array or not in FFGetRawData. 

You have my sincere appreciation for the laugh this generated :D

"Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball

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