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Trying to Execute or Run a Query inside a Access Database.

instead of running

$Saw_oRS.open("UPDATE Data SET Data.Moved = -1 WHERE (((Data.Moved)=0) AND ((Data.Date_Start)<>'0000-00-00'))", $Saw_oConn, 1, 3)

I was hopeing to do something like

$Saw_oRS.EXECUTE("Data.Moved", $Saw_oConn, 1, 3)

Any ideas people ?



In an ADO EXECUTE stmt the 1st parm is an SQL stmt, as in your first example.

You can set a variable to the sql like

local $sqlvar = "UPDATE Data SET Data.Moved = -1 WHERE (((Data.Moved)=0) AND ((Data.Date_Start)<>'0000-00-00'))"

and then do

$Saw_oRS.EXECUTE($sqlvar, $Saw_oConn, 1, 3)


Forum Rules         Procedure for posting code

"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill


Thats what I do right now.. I would prefer to just do somethign like $ors.conn.Execute("Query1") that way the code stays in the database and all the Operations for the most part in the database.



I don't have any experience in this but do "stored procedures" fit the bill?


Forum Rules         Procedure for posting code

"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill


Well apparentley after alot of drinking / googleing your able to do a ADODB Execute .. Soemthing like

Set recordset = command.Execute( RecordsAffected, Parameters, Options )

Think I can get the stupid thing to work... NOPE...

If anyone can pass any help along on how to execute a query on the database side and have it run.. PLEASE let me know...


When you want to run a multi-line query, create the query string between BEGIN/END statements.

You can also create store procedures with the CREATE PROCEDURE function, then run it with EXECUTE.


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law

Hi Ghost21,

I have an vbs example that might help you here:

Set connDB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connDB.ConnectionString = "DSN=updt1413;DBQ=C:\accessdb.mdb;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;"

Set comm = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
comm.ActiveConnection = connDB

comm.CommandText = "Import1"

comm.CommandText = "Insert1"

comm.CommandText = "Update1"

Set comm = Nothing
Set connAktualizaceDB = Nothing


There should be no big problem porting this to AutoIT.

Regards,Hannes[spoiler]If you can't convince them, confuse them![/spoiler]

Func _SawdbOpen()

$Saw_oConn = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection")

$Saw_oRS = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset")

If FileExists("SawData.mdb") Then

$Saw_oConn.Open("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=SawData.mdb")



EndFunc ;==>_SawdbOpen

This is what I tried


$comm = ObjCreate("ADODB.Command")

$comm.ActiveConnection = $Saw_oConn

$comm.CommandText = "01_UpdateSawMoveStatus"



EndFunc ;==>_UpdateSawMoveStatus

This is the ERROR I get

COM Error Details:

err.description is: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL statement; ex[ected 'DELETE','INSERT','PROCEDURE'.'SELECT',or 'UPDATE'

err.source is Microsoft OLD DB PRovider for ODBC Drivers

Below is whats working right now...

$Saw_oRS.open("UPDATE Data SET Data.Moved = -1 WHERE (((Data.Moved)=0) AND ((Data.Date_Start)<>'0000-00-00'))", $Saw_oConn, 1, 3)


This isn't right as your code should all be in the database not in your program..



ADO Is still expecting an SQL Statement.

Your line

$comm.CommandText = "01_UpdateSawMoveStatus"

That is where it is expecting the statement to be.

Where are you getting "01_UpdateSawMoveStatus" from?


I was taking a look at this page.


Go there and see if it may lead you in the right direction. It looks like the Access Query Objects are very rudimentary and have to be formatted a certain way.

Please post your Query object after you take a look at that.



Made a Query inside an Access 2003 Database.

That inturn runs a large SQL statement against the table.

1. Query Marks Data

2. Appends Data to Backup Table

3. Deletes the Marked Data

So instead of writing a huge statement like $Saw_oRS.open("UPDATE Data SET Data.Moved = -1 WHERE (((Data.Moved)=0) AND ((Data.Date_Start)<>'0000-00-00'))", $Saw_oConn, 1, 3) and others that are way bigger..

If I can just run the name of the Query called 01_Markrecords like $Saw_Conn.Execute("01_Markrecords") would be way easier.

It is such a better pratice to put all the database code in the database instead of in your program... SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!



;$Saw_oRS.open("DELETE Data.*, Data.Moved, Data.Date_Start FROM Data WHERE (((Data.Moved)=-1) AND ((Data.Date_Start)<>'0000-00-00'))", $Saw_oConn, 1, 3)
$Saw_oRS.Open('exec 04_ClearOldSawData', $Saw_oConn, 1, 3)     <--- Look how simple and clean that is .. 

What this does is it gives the processing power to the database and your client is just a thin frontend.

$Saw_oRS.Open('exec 04_ClearOldSawData', $Saw_oConn, 1, 3) <--- Look how simple and clean that is ..

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