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Hi Supergrobi,

the following function will list all available categories and their color values.

To assign one or more of this categories to an appointment set the property "Categories=category1,category2"

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: _OL_CategoryGet
; Description ...: Returns all categories by which Outlook items can be grouped.
; Syntax.........: _OL_BarGroupGet($oOL)
; Parameters ....: $oOL    - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open()
; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information:
;                  |0 - CategoryBorderColor: OLE_COLOR value that represents the border color of the color swatch for a category
;                  |1 - CategoryGradientBottomColo: OLE_COLOR value that represents the bottom gradient color of the color swatch for a category
;                  |2 - CategoryGradientTopColor: OLE_COLOR value that represents the top gradient color of the color swatch for a category
;                  |3 - CategoryID: String value that represents the unique identifier for the category
;                  |4 - Color: OlCategoryColor constant that indicates the color used by the category object
;                  |5 - Name: Display name for the category
;                  |6 - ShortcutKey: OlCategoryShortcutKey constant that specifies the shortcut key used by the category
;                  Failure - Returns "" and sets @error:
;                  |1 - Error accessing the Session.Categories object. For details please see @extended
; Author ........: water
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _OL_CategoryGet($oOL)

    Local $iOL_Index = 1
    Local $oOL_Categories = $oOL.Session.Categories
    If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(1, @error, "")
    Local $aOL_Categories[$oOL_Categories.Count + 1][7]
    For $oOL_Category in $oOL_Categories
        $aOL_Categories[$iOL_Index][0] = $oOL_Category.CategoryBorderColor
        $aOL_Categories[$iOL_Index][1] = $oOL_Category.CategoryGradientBottomColor
        $aOL_Categories[$iOL_Index][2] = $oOL_Category.CategoryGradientTopColor
        $aOL_Categories[$iOL_Index][3] = $oOL_Category.CategoryID
        $aOL_Categories[$iOL_Index][4] = $oOL_Category.Color
        $aOL_Categories[$iOL_Index][5] = $oOL_Category.Name
        $aOL_Categories[$iOL_Index][6] = $oOL_Category.ShortcutKey
        $iOL_Index += 1
    $aOL_Categories[0][0] = $iOL_Index - 1
    $aOL_Categories[0][1] = UBound($aOL_Categories, 2)
    Return $aOL_Categories

EndFunc   ;==>_OL_CategoryGet


$oItem = _OL_ItemCreate($oOutlook, $olAppointmentItem, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test\TargetFolder\Calendar", "", "Subject=TestSubject", "Start=" & _NowCalc(), "End=" & _DateAdd("h", 3, _NowCalc()), _
        "Location=Building A, Room 10", "Categories=Private,Birthday")

Functions to add, delete, modify categories will follow.

Edited by water

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Hi Water,

that was fast. :)

But this doesn't work for me.

I guess I know the reason.

I think it is my Environment because the Function call _OL_Open already fails.

I must say that I am still using your "old" outlook.au3 and haven't tried out the new one yet.

Then I tested the old call for opening Outlook. This works but when I execute the Function is will bring back

the following:

_OL_CategoryGet.au3 (26) : ==> The requested action with this object has failed.:

Local $oOL_Categories = $oOL.Session.Categories

Local $oOL_Categories = $oOL.Session.Categories^ ERROR

I will setup a new test environment on Monday and give it a try. My Problem is I need to get it worked in this specific Environment.

I will update as soon as I know more.

But anyway thanks a lot for that already. Maybe I will find a solution. You gave me an idea. That's great.

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Hi Supergrobi,

the problem with _OL_Open is caused by new code that only works with >= Outlook 2007. A corrected version can be found

The problem with _OL_CategoryGet is caused by Outlook 2003 not knowing this object.

It seems as if the categories (OL2003 calls them Master Categories List) are stored in the registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Categories).

A good description can be found here.

I fear you'll have to do it yourself and play around with the registry.

Edited by water

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Hi Water,

thanks for the info. Know I know where the problem is.

But after reading and successfully as a test exporting the categories, I found out that this is actually not what I am after. (MEGASMILE)

Reason: The "Beschriftung" Descriptions are not located in the Categories.

I want to specitfy "Beschriftung" and not "Kategorie".

See attached the sample pic. I hope this explains it. I want to specify the dropdownlist marked with the black arrow.

With the categories I specify the text field marked with the pink arrow.

I know that I already wasted a lot of your time but if you could give me a good starting point that would be fantastic.



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Hi Supergrobi,

I have found the following entry on the web (or this one) telling that you can't do what you want using the COM of Outlook 2003. But it seems to be possible with CDO.

Both entries show code examples how to do it with CDO.

Unfortunately I can't help you with CDO as I don't know anything about CDO.

BTW: You didn't waste my time. I would have told you!

Every question shows me what the OutlookEX UDF needs and lets me learn something new every day.

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Version 0.1.0 has been released.

Please test before using in production!

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Hi Water,

thanks for the info. Know I know where the problem is.

But after reading and successfully as a test exporting the categories, I found out that this is actually not what I am after. (MEGASMILE)

Reason: The "Beschriftung" Descriptions are not located in the Categories.

I want to specitfy "Beschriftung" and not "Kategorie".

See attached the sample pic. I hope this explains it. I want to specify the dropdownlist marked with the black arrow.

With the categories I specify the text field marked with the pink arrow.

I know that I already wasted a lot of your time but if you could give me a good starting point that would be fantastic.


You want something like this ?

$oOApp = ObjCreate("Outlook.Application")
$myNamespace =$oOApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
$myFolder = $myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(9)
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Hi Juvigy,

sorry for answering late. Was fairly busy. ;-)

Thanks for your help.

I have tried your code but I still get the same results as mentioned before.

The field Categories still points to the wrong information. -> Sample Pic Pink Arrow.

I need to find out the stuff who is marked by the Black Arrow.

Appreciate your help. Thanks.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello...I have a question. I do not seem to be able to get the send mail to work even at the easiest level. i dont get an error, i get nothing...for example i have this test bit of code...



#include <OutlookEx.au3>

$oOL = _OL_Open()

_OL_Wrapper_SendMail($oOL, "me@mycompany.com", "", "", "Testmail", "<b>Test</b>", "", $olFormatHTML, $olImportanceHigh)


I have outlook open. i run this script and nothing. My setup here is Win7 64 with 32 bit outlook 2010.

i have this similarly as a snippet in an application and i get an "Error: Variable must be of type object" error. and of course it lists a line number that is not possible to dicern or find...any ideas?? could the issue be the setup i am currently running?


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I cant seem to find this field in my outlook 2007. What version do you have?

Here is a small code that lists all categories for one appointment. Tell me if you find yours somewhere there:

$oOApp = ObjCreate("Outlook.Application")
$myNamespace =$oOApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
$myFolder = $myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(9)
$objFields = $myFolder.Items(1).ItemProperties
For $element in $objFields
;~  ConsoleWrite("ID:"&$element.ID&@CRLF)
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I'm not at my Windows PC at the moment - I will answer on friday.

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I'm not at my Windows PC at the moment - I will answer on friday.

Okay Water...thanks...before you go on a mission, the problem is in calling the script after using the #RequireAdmin in my parent scripts. I have to find a way to run this piece as the logged in user.

You see I have a health check application that requires read and write access to the registry, WMI etc and based on what it finds, it will then perform remediation steps and these steps require the elevated access. When it finds things it cant fix, I am trying to get it to email the issue to us so we can open a ticket and notify the end user. Calling the email piece from the check script calls it as Administrator and so that account has no access to the outlook application.

Thanks for all the work you and everyone else does.

Edited by wesb
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I ran the _OL_Wrapper_SendMail example script with #RequireAdmin and got the same results.

_OL_Open ends with @error = 1 which means: "Unable to Create Outlook Object. See @extended for details (@error returned by ObjCreate)". @extended returns -2146959355 (decimal) = 0x80080005 (hex) which means: "Server execution failed".

This is caused by Outlook not being installed or not being configured.

Edited by water

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I ran the _OL_Wrapper_SendMail example script with #RequireAdmin and got the same results.

_OL_Open ends with @error = 1 which means: "Unable to Create Outlook Object. See @extended for details (@error returned by ObjCreate)". @extended returns -2146959355 (decimal) = 0x80080005 (hex) which means: "Server execution failed".

This is caused by Outlook not being installed or not being configured.

I am guessing Outlook is not configured for that user (Administrator)...this morning, I tried shelling it out using both the Administrative command prompt and the user command prompt...it worked fine with user command prompt and failed on the Administrative command prompt...

I have tried to call a started script from the primary to then launch a third script but it seems the same issue continues. If outlook is closed...the email will be created and then sent once outlook is opened...only i cant force outlook to close just to send my response and too many of my users never shut the machines down...only put it to sleep.

Edited by wesb
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I was wondering if this was possible.

In short, my company uses outlook to reserve certain items. In this case, we have several wireless air cards that can be checked out to individual users, so what we do is the following...We will call one of the wireless air cards, Aircard C for reference

New Item -> Appointment -> Scheduling Assistant -> Add attendees -> Add Aircard C to Resources and hit OK -> Go back to Appointment, and Send

Sorry if that was annoying, but wanted to make sure the process was understood.

But the GetAppointment seems to be close to the way I wanted to go. But was wondering if it was possible to simply get the start and end date of the Aircard C, and display the values.

I would then want to have some fields to make it possible to reserve a card using OutlookCreateAppointment and sending it with the Aircard added into the attendee list.

But this stuff looks very well written and I hope I can use it!


No problem. This can be done with the new OutlookEX UDF.

Here is an example code:

#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
Global $oOutlook = _OL_Open()
; Access default folder = Your calendar
Global $aFolder = _OL_FolderAccess($oOutlook, "", $olFolderCalendar)
; Create appointment item
Global  $oItem = _OL_ItemCreate($oOutlook, $olAppointmentItem, $aFolder[1], "",  "Subject=Test", "Start=" & _NowCalc(), "End=" & _DateAdd("h",  3, _NowCalc()))
If @error <> 0 Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Outlook  TestScript", "Error creating appointment: @error: " & @error &  ", @extended: " & @extended)
; add ressource
$oItem = _OL_ItemRecipientAdd($oOutlook, $oItem, Default, $olResource, "Aircard C")
If  @error <> 0 Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Outlook TestScript", "Error  adding ressource: @error: " & @error & ", @extended: " &  @extended)
; send appointment
$oItem = _OL_ItemSend($oOutlook, $oItem)
If  @error <> 0 Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Outlook TestScript", "Error  sending appointment: @error: " & @error & ", @extended: " &  @extended)
Edited by water

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I asked a question about checking out assets that are in outlook, and was hoping for a little more guidance, sorry I am still very new to the syntax of not only autoit, but also the UDF

I have been fidling with it and have not quite figured out how to get the specific resource checked out

Global $oItem = _OL_ItemCreate($oOutlook, $olAppointmentItem, $aFolder[1], "", "Subject=Test", "Start=" & _NowCalc(), "End=" & _DateAdd("h", 3, _NowCalc()))

One thing I am unsure of is how to format the Start= and End=, is it in the format of 010111, for jan 1, 2011?

And I am a bot unsure of this line too,

$oItem = _OL_ItemRecipientAdd($oOutlook, $oItem, Default, $olResource, "Mobile Broadband - USB Verizon Hotspot ©")

where Mobile Broadband - USB Verizon Hotspot © is the actual name of the resource.

Thanks again for all of your time!

If you do a
ConsoleWrite(_Nowcalc() & @CRLF)
you will get something like "2011/05/17 08:36:48" as a result. So that's the date/time format to use.

My example script creates an appointment in your calendar and adds the resource "Mobile Broadband - USB Verizon Hotspot ©" as a "participant" to the appointment. The name you enter should resolve when you do it manually.

Is this what you want?

If yes, do you get any errors? Please insert

ConsoleWrite("Error: " & @error & ", Extended: " & @extended & @CRLF)
after each line. Edited by water

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Version 0.2.0 has been released.

Please test before using in production!

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If you do a

ConsoleWrite(_Nowcalc() & @CRLF)
you will get something like "2011/05/17 08:36:48" as a result. So that's the date/time format to use.

My example script creates an appointment in your calendar and adds the resource "Mobile Broadband - USB Verizon Hotspot ©" as a "participant" to the appointment. The name you enter should resolve when you do it manually.

Is this what you want?

If yes, do you get any errors? Please insert

ConsoleWrite("Error: " & @error & ", Extended: " & @extended & @CRLF)
after each line.

It worked with no errors, but it didnt seem to book the item. The only change I see, is in my reminders pops up, and there is a new entry called "Test" (Which its called in code), and if I double click it, and email pops up with everything filled out like it should be (if I hit the send button I think it will create everything as usual)

And if I view the aircard using the resources, it does not seem to be checked out

Global $oItem = _OL_ItemCreate($oOutlook, $olAppointmentItem, $aFolder[1], "", "Subject=Test", "Start=2011/19/17 08:36:48" & _NowCalc(), "End=2011/20/17 08:36:48" & _DateAdd("h", 3, _NowCalc()))

This is the line I modified.

Thanks for all your help!


After looking at the scheduling assistant, I can see the Test on my calendar for 2:00-2:30 for today on my calendar. But the Device should be marked as occupied on its own calendar if that makes any sense.

Also, after a request is sent, an email should appear and tell you if the request was accepted or not. This might be too difficult to do though.


Edited by ICANSEEYOU7687
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My fault, sorry!

My example code just creates an appointment but what we need here is a meeting request!

Could you please change this line

Global  $oItem = _OL_ItemCreate($oOutlook, $olAppointmentItem, $aFolder[1], "",  "Subject=Test", "Start=" & _NowCalc(), "End=" & _DateAdd("h",  3, _NowCalc()))

Global  $oItem = _OL_ItemCreate($oOutlook, $olAppointmentItem, $aFolder[1], "",  "Subject=Test", "Start=" & _NowCalc(), "End=" & _DateAdd("h",  3, _NowCalc()),"MeetingStatus=1")

This will send a meeting request to all recipients. The owner of the resource can accept or deny the meeting request. If accepted your reservation should be written to the calendar of the ressource and a response should be sent to you.

Does this work for you?

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