This is the "General Help and Support" thread for the Extended Outlook UDF (OutlookEX).
The UDF itself can be downloaded here (please see my signature below).
So if you have any questions, suggestions or errors please post here.
To access the folder of another user you should use something like this:
Global $aFolder = _OL_FolderAccess($oOutlook, "\\ICT Servicedesk\Inbox", $olFolderInbox)
if @error then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Error returned by _OL_FolderAccess: " & @error & "-" & @extended)
Global $asFolderList = _OL_FolderFind($oOutlook, $aFolder[1], 99, "", 1, $olMailItem)
if @error then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Error returned by _OL_FolderFind: " & @error & "-" & @extended)