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Can you give me a clue how to change the OOO for an other user (issue 3), please?

Hi supersonic,

this modified function should let you set the OOO for another mailbox. Parameter 2 has been inserted. "*" denotes you mailbox, "firstname.lastname@company.com" would denote the mailbox of another user in our environment.

#include <OutlookEX.au3>

Global Const $olExchangeMailbox = 1
Global Const $olPrimaryExchangeMailbox = 0

$oOL = _OL_Open()
$IResult = _OL_OOOSet($oOL, "*", "Test", True)
ConsoleWrite($IResult & "-" & @error & "-" & @extended & @CRLF)

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: _OL_OOOSet
; Description ...: Sets the OOO (Out of Office) message for the Primary Exchange Mailbox and/or activates/deactivates it.
; Syntax.........: _OL_OOOSet($oOL, $sOL_Mailbox, $sOL_OOOText[, $bOL_OOOActivate = False])
; Parameters ....: $oOL             - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open()
;                  $sOL_Mailbox     - Mailbox for which the OOO should be set. Use "*" to denote your mailbox or specify the mailbox of another user if you have write permission
;                  $sOL_OOOText     - Text of the OOO. "" clears the text. "Default" leaves the text unchanged and only activates/deactivates the OOO
;                  $bOL_OOOActivate - Optional: If set to True the OOO is activated (default = False)
; Return values .: Success - 1
;                  Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error:
;                  |1 - Error returned by _OL_FolderAccess (the error code of this function can be found in @extended)
;                  |2 - Error returned by Outlook GetStorage method. For details please see @extended
;                  |3 - Error returned by Outlook Save method. For details please see @extended
; Author ........: water
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/outlookdev/thread/3e3dd60b-a9ce-4484-b974-6b78766e376b
; Example .......: Yes
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _OL_OOOSet($oOL, $sOL_Mailbox, $sOL_OOOText, $bOL_OOOActivate = False)

    Local $aOL_Folder = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, "\\" & $sOL_Mailbox, $olFolderInbox)
    If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0)
    ; Set the text of the OOO
    If $sOL_OOOText <> Default Then
        Local $oOL_Item = $aOL_Folder[1] .GetStorage("IPM.Note.Rules.OofTemplate.Microsoft", 2)
        If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
        $oOL_Item.Body = $sOL_OOOText
        If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    ; Set the status of the OOO for the specified mailbox
    For $oOL_Store In $oOL.Session.Stores
        If $oOL_Store.Displayname = $aOL_Folder[1].Parent.Name And _
                ($oOL_Store.ExchangeStoreType = $olPrimaryExchangeMailbox Or $oOL_Store.ExchangeStoreType = $olExchangeMailbox) Then
            $oOL_Store.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x661D000B", $bOL_OOOActivate)
    Return 1

EndFunc   ;==>_OL_OOOSet
Edited by water

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Testscript to backup the Outlook configuration. As a first step the script just backs up all Outlook profiles found in the registry. In a second step all necessary files (rules, signatures, PST etc.) will be backed up.

To import a profile on another machine just run the reg file. Filename = Outlook profile name. The reg files can be found in C:\temp\OutlookBU\Profiles.

If you are interested please test and report any problems, questions etc.


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thanks for the pointer,

I will remove the bug in the next version.

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Hi supersonic,

another script for you to play with :)

The readonly functions for rules are in the making. _OL_RuleGet lists all (active) rules of a store, _OL_RuleActionGet lists all (active) actions of a rule. _OL_RuleConditionGet which lists all conditions of a rule will follow.

_OL_RuleActionGet is a bit complex as the returned data depends on the type of the rule. Please have a look at the header of function_OL_RuleActionGet.

Please tell me what you think of this functions.

Edited by water

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Hi water,

I've tested both UDFs; I don't got them work!? :)

(Both UDFs were run as you provided them.)

The first version of '_OL_OOOSet()' works well; the current version returns '0-1-2'. I've tested it with my local Outlook account. If you run this UDF with an invalid mailbox name, AutoIt returns the following:

D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\_OL_OOOSet.au3 (37) : ==> Object referenced outside a "With" statement.:

Local $oOL_Item = $aOL_Folder[1].GetStorage("IPM.Note.Rules.OofTemplate.Microsoft", 2)

Local $oOL_Item = $aOL_Folder[1]^ ERROR

This could be a script breaker; maybe this could be avoided? ;)

If running '_OL_RuleGet()' the UDF returns the following:

D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3(105,62) : WARNING: $olRuleActionAssignToCategory: possibly used before declaration.

If $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionAssignToCategory Then


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3(110,58) : WARNING: $olRuleActionmoveToFolder: possibly used before declaration.

If $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionmoveToFolder Or


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3(110,112) : WARNING: $olRuleActioncopyToFolder: possibly used before declaration.

If $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionmoveToFolder Or $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActioncopyToFolder Then


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3(115,55) : WARNING: $olRuleActionCcMessage: possibly used before declaration.

If $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionCcMessage Or


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3(115,104) : WARNING: $olRuleActionForward: possibly used before declaration.

If $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionCcMessage Or $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionForward Or


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3(116,64) : WARNING: $olRuleActionForwardAsAttachment: possibly used before declaration.

$oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionForwardAsAttachment Or


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3(116,114) : WARNING: $olRuleActionRedirect: possibly used before declaration.

$oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionForwardAsAttachment Or $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionRedirect Then


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3(129,56) : WARNING: $olRuleActionMarkAsTask: possibly used before declaration.

If $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionMarkAsTask Then


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3(134,58) : WARNING: $olRuleActionNewItemAlert: possibly used before declaration.

If $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionNewItemAlert Then


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3(138,55) : WARNING: $olRuleActionPlaySound: possibly used before declaration.

If $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionPlaySound Then


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3(105,62) : ERROR: $olRuleActionAssignToCategory: undeclared global variable.

If $oOL_Action.ActionType = $olRuleActionAssignToCategory Then


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\Rules.au3 - 1 error(s), 10 warning(s)

Am I doing something wrong? ;)



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Hi supersonic,

I add the latest version of the OutlookEX.au3 so you have the same test environment as I have here.

The test scripts now like like:


OOO was renamed to OOF - it's used my M$ this way.

When I run this test for my mailbox (parameter 2 = *) then it's just working fine (displays 1-0-0).

If I run it for a user that Outlook can't resolve then I get 0-1-2 - which is fine too.

If I run it for a user that Outlook can resolve but I don't have proper permissions on that mailbox I get 0-2--2147352567 - which is fine as well.

Unfortunately resolving names in Outlook can give you a false positive when the user doesn't exist. I have a user "rutest" and if I use "test" as the mailbox name Outlook resolves it to "rutest" and therefore the test script crashes.

I'll have to find a way to make name resolution as strict as possible.

#include <OutlookEX.au3>

$oOL = _OL_Open()
$IResult = _OL_OOFSet($oOL, "*", "Test", True)
ConsoleWrite($IResult & "-" & @error & "-" & @extended & @CRLF)

If we have solved the OOF problems we will go on to the rules script.

Edited by water

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now '_OL_OOFSet()' works perfectly! :)

It seems that the current 'OutlookEX.au3' was a solution to the problem...

Is it possible to differ between external and internal OOFs?


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Is it possible to differ between external and internal OOFs?

Not at the moment. Our Exchange server is still 2003 so I can't test it (requires Exchange 2007 and Outlook 2007). I even don't know how to set this attributes (internal, external, time range etc.) with the approach I now use.

Further investigation is needed.

Can you please run thefollowing rules script and post what you get?

#include <OutlookEX.au3>

$iOL_Debug = 2
$oOL = _OL_Open()
Global $aRules = _OL_RuleGet($oOL, "*")
_ArrayDisplay($aRules, "List of activated rules")
Global $aActions = _OL_RuleActionGet($aRules[1][0])
_ArrayDisplay($aActions, "List of activated actions for the first activated rule")
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Is it possible to differ between external and internal OOFs?

If you like you can change string "IPM.Note.Rules.OofTemplate.Microsoft" in function _OL_OOFSet to "IPM.Note.Rules.ExternalOOFTemplate.Microsoft".

This should set the OOF for external users.

But you test it at your own risk.

It should work according to this weblog.

Edited by water

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If you like you can change string "IPM.Note.Rules.OofTemplate.Microsoft" in function _OL_OOFSet to "IPM.Note.Rules.ExternalOOFTemplate.Microsoft".

This should set the OOF for external users.

But you test it at your own risk.

It should work according to this weblog.

A very good point to start with! :)

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Looks good so far.

The first screenshot means:

  • You have 6 active rules
  • They are processed in the order as specified in Col2
  • All rules are processed on the server, no rule is a local rule (Col3)
  • Col4 contains the names of the rules
  • All rules are applied to incoming messages (Col5)
The second screenshot shows details of rule 1 and means:

  • Rule action is to move the message to the specified folder (Col0)
  • ObjectClass is: MoveOrCopyRuleAction and therefore (Col1)
  • This action is enabled and will be applied to messages (Col2)
  • As it is a MoveOrCopyRuleAction the following columns have to be interpreted as:

    Object of the folder where the message will be moved to (Col3)

  • Name of the folder where the message will be moved to (Col4)
Everything is fine except that I have to set the indices in element 0 correctly :) Edited by water

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Hi supersonic,

I've a new version of function _OL_OOFSet. It should allow to set the OOF for internal and/or external senders.

It checks the required Outlook and Exchange versions when you try to set the OOF for external messages to make sure you have Outlook 2007 and Exchange 2007 or later.

Can't test it here because I'm still on Exchange 2003 so be careful.

Edited by water

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Hi water,

greate - I thought about such an extension, too! :)

Unfortunately I get this error message:

D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\OutlookEX.au3(3771,107) : WARNING: $olIdentifyByMessageClass: possibly used before declaration.

$oOL_Item = $aOL_Folder[1] .GetStorage("IPM.Note.Rules.OofTemplate.Microsoft", $olIdentifyByMessageClass)


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\OutlookEX.au3(3771,107) : ERROR: $olIdentifyByMessageClass: undeclared global variable.

$oOL_Item = $aOL_Folder[1] .GetStorage("IPM.Note.Rules.OofTemplate.Microsoft", $olIdentifyByMessageClass)


D:\SUPERSONIC\_\AUTOIT_TEST\OL\OOFSet.au3 - 1 error(s), 1 warning(s)

Maybe I need an updated version of "OutlookEX.au3"?

As far as I unterstand the modification you always have to change the internal OOF?

How about this syntax '_OL_OOFSet($oOL, $sOL_Store [, $sOL_OOFInternalText = Default [, $sOL_OOFExternalText = Default [, $bOL_OOFActivate = False]]])'?

... so you could decide which OOF you would like to change (particularly if both are different).



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Hi Supersonic,

Just insert

Global Const $olIdentifyByMessageClass = 2

As far as I unterstand the modification you always have to change the internal OOF?

You already can decide which OOF to set.

_OL_OOFSet($oOL, "*", Default, Default, False) ; Doesn't set the text of any OOF - just deactivates the OOFs
_OL_OOFSet($oOL, "*", "Internal Text") ; Just sets the internal OOF
_OL_OOFSet($oOL, "*", Default, "External Text") ; Just sets the external OOF
_OL_OOFSet($oOL, "*", "Internal Text", "External Text") ; Sets the internal and external OOF

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Does anyone need a function to permanently delete items and/or folders as with Shift+Delete?

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Hi water,

ohhh... you are right! :) I misinterpreted the function syntax...

I have no luck to change the external OOF individually.

When calling the function like this:

$IResult = _OL_OOFSet($oOL, "*", "Internal", "External", False)

... the external OOF reads "Internal" also. Though the code looks quite good...

Is there a way to (de-)activate the external OOF reply like the internal OOF reply?



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Hi Supersonic,

as I understand the OOF thing (but I might be wrong) you can set a text for the internal and/or external messages. But you can only activate/deactivate both.

Can you manually remove the text for internal/external messages and then deactivate the OOF so we have a clear start?

Then run

$IResult = _OL_OOFSet($oOL, "*", Default, "External", True)
to set the text for external messages (and leave the internal untouched) and activate the OOF.

Do you then get an OOF reply when someone internal sends you a message or when someone external sends a message?

If you create an external OOF text using the UDF is it shown in the Outlook OOF wizard?

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