ReFran Posted March 5, 2011 Posted March 5, 2011 (edited) Hi, the I-Maps Tiles Viewer is a study how to download and view map tiles without using IE. I thought before I start to complicate it (or integrate into in my other project) I will publish the basic-study. You can simple start the script. A cache-folder (for Inetget) will be installed in @scriptdir\cache, if you don't change. Because it's the first time I used GDI+ it would be fine if the GDI+ plus experts have a special look at the loops "Mapdownload" and "Mapemove". For the startup I put in 3 OpenStreetmaps (mapnik,cycle,osmarender). To add Googles Gmaps it's easy; Hybrid/satelitte needs some extra calculation; Yahoo and MS needs some different calculation. Because finally I want the tool to get calibrated maps for gps-software I have to think about how to bind the tiles to bigger maps. Can that be done with GDI+ or do I have to use an extra tool? The basic calculation for the needed coordinates is alredy in. Enjoy, Reinhard Updated: 5.Mar.11 Put in Google Maps (Roadm.,Terrain,Satelite,Hybrid,Nightview). Also Osm VPN Bus&Trains - works not for all places, especially in US. Combo autofilled from Maptype_array expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GDIPlus.au3> #Include <WinAPI.au3> #Include <Math.au3> ;; author: ReFran - autoIt-Forum ;; thread: #region toDo ; calculate LatLon for map and/or tiles NW/SO ; inetget with timeout ; mapAddress update after move (keep start, forward/backwards button) ; maptype cmb set up from arr ; mapgeo language set, dann Münster und nicht Muenster ; mapgeo ini ; mapmove by pixel (keys/mouse) #endregion toDo ;; app related (mt = map tiles, arrays mostly 1 based DIM $mtSize = 256 ;tile size in pixel DIM $mtiRows = 3, $mtiCols = 3 ;other values not correctly support at time DIM $mtFileNo = $mtiRows*$mtiCols+1, $mtFile[$mtFileNo], $mtImg[$mtFileNo] DIM $tileNoActiv, $zoom = 13 DIM $cachePath = @scriptdir&"\cache\" DIM $cacheState = 2 ; 0=not installed 1= don't cache maptiles; 2=use cache (should be standard) DIM $geoBase = "Deutschland" ;take this if address is blank DIM $geoURL = "{A}&output=csv" ;; {A} = placeholder for Address (real post/geo-addr. or GeoPoint(Lat,Lon) for reverse geocoding ;"MapPvId||MapPvName||MapPvUrl" &@lf _ ;|| because at least one URL contains "|" DIM $mapPv_str= "OC||Osm Cycle map||{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" &@lf _ & "OM||Osm Mapnik map||{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" &@lf _ & "OO||Osm Osmarender||{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" &@lf _ & "OV||Osm VPN B&B map (NotAll)||{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" &@lf _ & "--||--------------||{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" &@lf _ & "GR||Google Roadmap||{X}&y={Y}&z={Z}" &@lf _ & "GT||Google Terrain||{X}&y={Y}&z={Z}" &@lf _ & "GH||Google Hybrid||{X}&y={Y}&z={Z}" &@lf _ & "GS||Google Satelite||{X}&y={Y}&z={Z}" &@lf _ & "GN||Google Night||{X}&y={Y}&z={Z}";&@lf _ ;& "--||--------------||{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" &@lf _ ;& "YR||Yahoo Roadmap||{X}&y={Y}&z={Z}" ;; placeholders: {Z} zoom based on GMAP-zoom, {X} tileNoX calc'ed from Lon; {Y} tileNoY calc'ed from Lat; ;; defined as string for later use with ini DIM $mapPv_arr= stringSplit($mapPv_str,@lf) DIM $mapPvIdDefault = "OM" ;set preferred maptype DIM $mapPvId, $mapPvName, $mapPvURL DIM $autoRedraw = 1 ;used to switch out autoredraw DIM $pi = 3.14159265358979 ;; GUI related Dim $mainGUI, $MainGuiTitle = "IMap-TileViewer_v0.2",$mTileGui, $mtileCanvas, $Inp_Addr, $dino Dim $mgw = 774, $mgh = 800, $mgt , $mgtDelta DIM $lab_cache,$chb_cache,$inp_mtMoveStep,$cmb_mapType #region MainMenuLoop mainGui() Func MainGui() $mainGUI = GUICreate($MainGuiTitle, $mgw, $mgh, 20, -1, _ $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW +$WS_CLIPCHILDREN + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUISetStyle(BitOR($WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_SYSMENU)) ;GUISetIcon("shell32.dll", 44) ;225) ;TraySetIcon("shell32.dll", 44) ; 225) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("", 49, $mgh-160+2,$mgw-52, 28) GUISetBkColor(0x808080) $dino = GUICtrlCreateIcon(@WindowsDir & "\cursors\dinosaur.ani",-1, 50, $mgh-160,28, 28) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,0x808080) ;; definition of tabs $mainTab = GUICtrlCreateTab(2, $mgh-150,$mgw-4,$mgh-655) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) $mainTab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("View") $Inp_Addr = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Wesel,de",5,$mgh-150+30,220,18) GuiCtrlsetdata(-1,"Bocholt,de|Venlo,nl|Taverne on the Green, New York, US|Hofbraeuhaus, Muenchen, DE|Zum Frosch, Prag, cz") $cmb_Zoom = GUICtrlCreateCombo("",230, $mgh-150+30,40,18) GuiCtrlsetdata(-1,"16|15|14|13|12|11|10","13") $inp_zoom = GUICtrlCreateInput(0,272,$mgh-150+30,19,22) $udn_zoom = GUICtrlCreateUpdown($inp_zoom) $btn_go =GUICtrlCreateButton("go",305,$mgh-150+30,30,20) $cmb_mapType = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("",5,$mgh-150+30+30,220,18) ;GuiCtrlsetdata(-1,"[OM] Osm Mapnik|[OC] Osm Cycle map|[OO] Osm Osmarender","[OM] Osm Mapnik") $btn_dnl = "";GUICtrlCreateButton("dnl",230,$mgh-150+30+30,30,30) $btn_mUp =GUICtrlCreateButton("Up",$mgw-100,$mgh-150+30,20,20) $btn_mDown =GUICtrlCreateButton("Dn",$mgw-100,$mgh-150+30+30,20,20) $btn_mleft =GUICtrlCreateButton("<-",$mgw-125,$mgh-150+30+15,20,20) $btn_mRight =GUICtrlCreateButton("->",$mgw-75,$mgh-150+30+15,20,20) $inp_mtMoveStep = GUICtrlCreateInput("1",$mgw-100,$mgh-30, 35, 20) $udn_mtMoveStep = GUICtrlCreateUpdown($inp_mtMoveStep) $lab_cache = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Cache",5,$mgh-30,220,18,$SS_SUNKEN) $chb_cache = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("",230, $mgh-30,40,18) GUICtrlSetState ( -1, $GUI_CHECKED ) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Switch cache on/off") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") GUISetState() $mtileGUI = GUICreate("", $mgw-4, $mgh-160-2, 2, 2, $WS_CHILD, -1, $mainGUI) GUISetBkColor(0x808080) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKTOP) GUISetState() _GDIPlus_Startup() $mtileCanvas = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($mtileGUI) cacheCheck() MapPvSet($mapPvIdDefault) GUISetState() GUIRegisterMsg($WM_PAINT, "MY_WM_PAINT") $a = 50 While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() ;; dino run ;$a += +0.1 ;if $a > 700 then $a=50 ;GUICtrlSetPos($dino, $a,$mgh-160) ;; msg loop Switch $Msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit ;case $GUI_EVENT_RESTORE ; mapDraw() case $udn_zoom $x=guictrlread($cmb_zoom) $i=guictrlread($inp_zoom) $s = $x+$i if $s < 1 then $s = 1 if $s > 16 Then $s = 16 guictrlsetData($inp_zoom,0) guictrlsetData($cmb_zoom,$s) if stringlen($tileNoActiv) > 1 then MapDownload($mapPvId,$tileNoActiv,$s) case $btn_go $x = GUICtrlRead($chb_cache) if $x = 1 Then if $cacheState = 0 then dirCreate($cachePath) $cacheState = 2 else $cacheState = 1 if not Fileexists($cachePath) then $cachState=0 EndIf $Zoom = GuiCtrlRead($Cmb_Zoom) $inp = GuiCtrlRead($Inp_Addr) if $inp = "" then $inp = $geoBase $xs = GuiCtrlRead($cmb_mapType) $xid = stringmid($xs,2,2) mapPvSet($xid) $xa = stringreplace($geoUrl,"{A}",$inp) consolewrite("geoURL:"&$xa&@lf) $xa = InetGet($xa,@tempdir&"Temp.tmp") $geoGet = Fileread(@tempdir&"Temp.tmp") consolewrite("geoCSV:"&$geoGet&@lf) if not stringInstr($geoGet,'"') Then $geoGet_arr = stringsplit($geoGet,",") $tileNoActiv = LatLonToTileNumber($geoGet_arr[3],$geoGet_arr[4], $Zoom) ;msgbox(0,"",$rc) MapDownload($mapPvId,$tileNoActiv,$Zoom) endif ;; move by tile-steps case $btn_mUp MapTilesMove("u") case $btn_mDown MapTilesMove("d") case $btn_mleft MapTilesMove("l") case $btn_mRight MapTilesMove("r") case $udn_mtMoveStep , $inp_mtMoveStep $x = guictrlread($inp_mtMoveStep) if $x < 1 then guictrlsetdata($inp_mtMoveStep,1) EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>MainGui Func MY_WM_PAINT($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ;_WinAPI_RedrawWindow($mtileGUI, 0, 0, $RDW_UPDATENOW) if $autoRedraw = 1 then mapDraw() ;_WinAPI_RedrawWindow($mtileGUI, 0, 0, $RDW_VALIDATE) Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc #endregion MainMenuLoop #Region Calc func LatLonToTileNumber($lat,$lon,$zoom) $tileX= int(($lon+180)/360 *2^$zoom) $lat_rad = $lat*($pi/180) $tileY = int((1 - log(tan($lat_rad) + (1 / cos($lat_rad))) / $pi) / 2*2^$zoom) ;ytile = int((1.0 - log(tan(lat_rad) + (1 / cos(lat_rad))) / pi) / 2 * n) $tileNoActiv = $tileX&"|"&$tileY ;consolewrite("tileNO: "&$tileNumber&@crlf) return $tileNoActiv endfunc func TileNumberToLonLat($tileX,$tileY,$zoom) $lon = $tileX / 2^$zoom * 360.0 - 180.0 $lat_rad = atan(_sinh($pi * (1 - 2 * $tileY / 2^$zoom))) $lat = _degree($lat_rad) $LatLonNW = $lon&","&$lat return $LatLonNW endfunc Func _Sinh(Const $nX) ;; written by trancexx - autoIt-Forum If Not IsNumber($nX) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $aResult Local $h_DLL = DllOpen("msvcrt.dll") If $h_DLL <> -1 Then $aResult = DllCall($h_DLL, "double:cdecl", "sinh", "double", $nX) If @error Then DllClose($h_DLL) Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf DllClose($h_DLL) Return SetError(0, 0, $aResult[0]) EndFunc ;==>_Sinh #endRegion Calc func cacheCheck() if Fileexists($cachePath) Then $ax = dirGetSize($cachePath,1) If IsArray($ax) Then GUICtrlsetdata($lab_cache,"Cache; "&int($ax[0]/1024)&" KB / "&$ax[1] &" Fls") endif Else dirCreate($cachePath) GUICtrlsetdata($lab_cache,"No Cache") GUICtrlSetState ($chb_cache, $GUI_UNCHECKED ) $catcheState=0 endif endfunc func MapPvSet($xmId = "OC") local $sname = "" for $i =1 to ubound($mapPv_arr)-1 $x = stringsplit(stringreplace($mapPv_arr[$i],"||",@lf),@lf) if stringleft($mapPv_arr[$i],2) = $xmId Then $mapPvId = $x[1] $mapPvName = $x[2] $mapPvURL = $x[3] $mapPvIdDefault = "[" &$x[1] &"] " &$x[2] endif $sName &= "["&$x[1]&"] "&$x[2]&"|" next $x = GuiCtrlRead($cmb_mapType) if $x = "" then GuiCtrlsetdata($cmb_mapType,$sName,$mapPvIdDefault) endfunc ;GuiCtrlsetdata(-1,"[OM] Osm Mapnik|[OC] Osm Cycle map|[OO] Osm Osmarender","[OM] Osm Mapnik") #region MapTilesAction func MapTilesMove($where) consolewrite(@lf&"MapTilesMove > tileNo: "&$tileNoActiv &" to:"&$where &@lf) $mtmoveStep = guictrlread($inp_mtMoveStep) if stringinstr($tileNoActiv,"|") > 0 Then $tileNo_arr = stringsplit($tileNoActiv,"|") if $where = "l" then $tileNo_arr[1] = $tileNo_arr[1]-$mtMoveStep if $where = "r" then $tileNo_arr[1] = $tileNo_arr[1]+$mtMoveStep if $where = "u" then $tileNo_arr[2] = $tileNo_arr[2]-$mtMoveStep if $where = "d" then $tileNo_arr[2] = $tileNo_arr[2]+$mtMoveStep $tileNoActiv = $tileNo_arr[1]&"|"&$tileNo_arr[2] consolewrite("movezoom: "&$zoom) MapDownload($mapPvId,$TileNoActiv,$zoom) EndIf endfunc func MapDownload($Map,$TileNo,$zoom) $autoRedraw = 0 ;set to 0 because especially GuiCtrlsetdat init a redraw GUICtrlSetImage($dino,@WindowsDir& "\cursors\dinosau2.ani") consoleWrite(@lf&"MapDownLoad -> M:"&$map&" T:"&$TileNo&" Z:"&$zoom&@lf) ;; get tilenumbers consolewrite("tileNO: "&$tileNo&@crlf) GuiCtrlsetdata($lab_cache,"tileNO: "&$tileNo) if stringinstr($tileNo,"|") > 0 Then $tileNo_arr = stringsplit($tileNo,"|") EndIf ;; peprare url $ActiveUrl = $mapPvURL $mtiCenter = 2 ;5te Kachel wird zentriert bei 9Kachel local $iLeft=0, $iTop=0, $iget = "" for $i = 1 to $mtFileNo-1 ;consolewrite("tileArr: "&$tileNo_arr[0]&@crlf) $x = $tileNo_arr[1] + $ileft - $mtiCenter+1 $y = $tileNo_arr[2] + $iTop - $mtiCenter+1 consolewrite($i&": "&$x&" / " &$y&@lf) GuiCtrlsetdata($lab_cache,"Get tile "&$i&": "&$x&" / " &$y&" / " &$zoom) $xfn = $cachePath&$map&"_"&$x&"_"&$y&"_"&$zoom&".png" if not FileExists($xfn) or $cacheState < 2 then $xurl = stringReplace(stringReplace(stringReplace($activeUrl,"{X}",$x),"{Y}",$y),"{Z}",$zoom) consolewrite($xurl&@lf) inetget($xurl,$xfn) endif $mtFile[$i] = $xfn $ileft +=+1 if $ileft = $mticols Then $ileft = 0 $itop +=+1 endif next if IsHWnd($iget) then inetClose($iget) consolewrite("Mapdownload END -> call mapdraw"&@lf) MapImageDispose() mapDraw() consolewrite("MapDraw End") GUICtrlSetImage($dino,@WindowsDir& "\cursors\dinosaur.ani") cacheCheck() $autoRedraw = 1 endfunc func MapDraw() ;; draw the maps on tilecanavas _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($mtileGUI, 0, 0, $RDW_UPDATENOW) local $ileft=0,$iTop=0 for $i = 1 to $mtFileNo-1 if $mtFile[$i] <> "" then $mtimg[$i] = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($mtFile[$i]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($mtileCanvas, $mtimg[$i], $ileft*$mtSize,$iTop*$mtSize,$mtSize,$mtSize ) endif $ileft +=+1 if $ileft = $mticols Then $ileft = 0 $itop +=+1 endif next _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($mtileGUI, 0, 0, $RDW_VALIDATE) endfunc func MapImageDispose() for $i = 1 to $mtFileNo-1 _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($mtFile[$i]) next endfunc #endregion MapTilesAction Edited March 5, 2011 by ReFran
twitchyliquid64 Posted March 5, 2011 Posted March 5, 2011 (edited) Very good. I am doubtless that serveral individuals will be intergrating this into their projects. I am one of those individuals. Code could use moar comments, thou reasonably understandable. I do believe your implementation of maps just on its own is of credit. The best system possible would be to 'drag' the map around under your cursor, like google maps, thou im not sure if good ol' Autoit Interpreter has the grunt. All in all, Great work! Edited March 5, 2011 by hyperzap ongoing projects:-firestorm: Largescale P2P Social NetworkCompleted Autoit Programs/Scripts: Variable Pickler | Networked Streaming Audio (in pure autoIT) | firenet p2p web messenger | Proxy Checker | Dynamic Execute() Code Generator | P2P UDF | Graph Theory Proof of Concept - Breadth First search
AppTux Posted March 5, 2011 Posted March 5, 2011 Nice script, could be nice if you also can use Google's maps Maybe will I use this in another project PowerSlide2UnlockiPhone look-a-like program you can use to lock your pc, you can't access your desktop again until the password is entered and the slider slided to the right. (really proud of it)-- After a time AutoIt and Windows, I switched to Mac. Don't expect me to answer anymore.
ReFran Posted March 5, 2011 Author Posted March 5, 2011 Hi, thanks for your interest. Script updated. Best regards, Reinhard
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