CodyBarrett Posted February 8, 2011 Posted February 8, 2011 (edited) here is my take on the TRON game, old school. OLD VERSIONS OF TRONhowever, i have only gotten the basic movements down, with only one player, it will need MANY more tweaks to get done right, here is what i've got so faar, yeah its crazy because i'm creating a label every time it moves a certain amount of pixels, but idk how to incorporate GDI drawings into this if anyone has any ideas for an AI if anyone has any ideas for a BETTER AI that would be cool or if i've made mistakes somewhere OLD VERSION WITH GDI+expandcollapse popup;================================ ;INCLUDES======================== ;================================ #include <GDIPLUS.au3> #include <GUICONSTANTSEX.AU3> #include <WINDOWSCONSTANTS.AU3> #include <STATICCONSTANTS.AU3> #include <ARRAY.AU3> #include <MISC.AU3> #include <COLOR.AU3> ;================================ ;GLOBAL VARS===================== ;================================ Global $nBUFFER_SPEED = 10 Global $nCYCLE_SLEEP = 25 Global $nLINE_THICKNESS = 5 Global $nPLAYER_COUNT = 4 Global $nPLAYER_SURVIVED_COUNT = -1 Global $nGAME_TYPE = 0 Global $nGAME_TYPE_NEW = 0 ;================================ ;ARRAYs========================== ;================================ Dim $aGAME_TYPE[3] = [0,1,2];NORMAL,LAST-MAN-STANDING,DOMINATION Dim $aHOT_KEYS[1] = ['74'] Dim $aWINSIZE[2] = [400,400] Dim $aGRID[$aWINSIZE[0]/$nLINE_THICKNESS][$aWINSIZE[1]/$nLINE_THICKNESS] Dim $aPLAYER_DEFAULT_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER_COUNT+1] Dim $aPLAYER_TYPE[$nPLAYER_COUNT+1] Dim $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER_COUNT+1] Dim $aPLAYER_STATUS[$nPLAYER_COUNT+1] Dim $aPLAYER_COLOR[$nPLAYER_COUNT+1] Dim $aPLAYER_COLOR_HANDLE[$nPLAYER_COUNT+1] Dim $aSTART_POS[$nPLAYER_COUNT+1][2] Dim $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER_COUNT+1][2] Dim $aPLAYER_SCORE[$nPLAYER_COUNT+1] Dim $aPLAYER_KEYPRESS[$nPLAYER_COUNT+1][4] Dim $aDIRECTION[4] = [0,1,2,3] Dim $aOPPOSITE_DIRECTION[4] = [$aDIRECTION[2],$aDIRECTION[3],$aDIRECTION[0],$aDIRECTION[1]] Dim $aSCORE_LABEL[$nPLAYER_COUNT+1] Dim $aMENUID[6] ;================================ ;================================ ;================================ ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;================================ ;START MAIN SCRIPT=============== ;================================ _GDIPlus_Startup() ;================================ Opt ('GUIONEVENTMODE',1) ;================================ Global $hMAIN_WINDOW = GUICreate ('',$aWINSIZE[0],$aWINSIZE[1]+40,Default,Default,Default,Default,Default) GUISetOnEvent (-3,'exitprogram',$hMAIN_WINDOW) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW,$hMAIN_WINDOW) ;================================ Global $hGRAPHIC_GUI = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hMAIN_WINDOW) ;Graphics AREA Global $hBMP_BUFF = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($aWINSIZE[0], $aWINSIZE[1], $hGRAPHIC_GUI) ;USED TO BUFFER Global $hGRAPHIC = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBMP_BUFF) ;AREA to draw new graphics on _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hGRAPHIC, 0xFF000000) Global $hBACKGROUND_BRUSH = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid(0xFF000000) ;================================ $aMENUID[0] = GUICtrlCreateMenu ('Menu [pause]') $aMENUID[1] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ('Start/Restart' & @TAB & @TAB & '[F5]',$aMENUID[0]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ($aMENUID[1],'start_game') $aMENUID[2] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ('Normal Mode' & @TAB & @TAB & '(requires restart)',$aMENUID[0]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ($aMENUID[2],'change_mode0') $aMENUID[3] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ('Last-Man-Standing Mode' & @TAB & @TAB & '(requires restart)',$aMENUID[0]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ($aMENUID[3],'change_mode1') $aMENUID[4] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ('Domination Mode' & @TAB & @TAB & '(requires restart)',$aMENUID[0]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ($aMENUID[4],'change_mode2') $aMENUID[5] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ('EXIT' & @TAB & @TAB & '[ESC]',$aMENUID[0]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ($aMENUID[5],'exitprogram') ;================================ ProgressOn ('Loading...','Please Wait...','',Default,Default,1) For $nX = 0 To UBound ($aGRID,1)-1 For $nY = 0 To UBound ($aGRID,2)-1 $aGRID[$nX][$nY] = 0 Next $nPERCENT = Round (($nX/(UBound ($aGRID,1)-1))*100,2) ProgressSet ($nPERCENT,$nPERCENT & '%','Please Wait...') Next ProgressOff () ;================================ ;PLAYER CREATION================= ;================================ ;create_player(player_number,0 for ai OR 1 for user,x,y,[up,[right,[left,[down]]]]) create_player (1,1,1,1,1,'0xFF0000','57','44','53','41') ;PLAYER1 1 = user create_player (2,0,3,(UBound ($aGRID,1)-1)-1,(UBound ($aGRID,2)-1)-1,'0x0000FF') ;PLAYER2 0 = ai create_player (3,0,1,1,(UBound ($aGRID,2)-1)-1,'0xFF00FF') ;PLAYER3 0 = ai create_player (4,0,3,(UBound ($aGRID,1)-1)-1,1,'0x00FF00') ;PLAYER4 0 = ai ;================================ For $nPLAYER = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT $aSCORE_LABEL[$nPLAYER] = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Player' & $nPLAYER & ' Score: ' & 0,($nPLAYER-1)*($aWINSIZE[0]/$nPLAYER_COUNT),$aWINSIZE[1],$aWINSIZE[0]/$nPLAYER_COUNT,20,$SS_CENTERIMAGE) GUICtrlSetBkColor ($aSCORE_LABEL[$nPLAYER],$aPLAYER_COLOR[$nPLAYER]) GUICtrlSetColor ($aSCORE_LABEL[$nPLAYER],invert_colour($aPLAYER_COLOR[$nPLAYER])) Next ;================================ ;CONSTANT LOOPS================== ;================================ AdlibRegister ('BUFFER',$nBUFFER_SPEED) AdlibRegister ('set_visuals',$nBUFFER_SPEED) AdlibRegister ('hot_key_check',$nCYCLE_SLEEP) AdlibRegister ('detect_user_direction',$nCYCLE_SLEEP) AdlibRegister ('detect_ai_direction',$nCYCLE_SLEEP) GUIRegisterMsg(0xF, 'WM_PAINT'); Register PAINT-Event 0x000F = $WM_PAINT (WindowsConstants.au3) GUIRegisterMsg(0x85, 'WM_PAINT'); $WM_NCPAINT = 0x0085 (WindowsConstants.au3)Restore after Minimize. ;================================ ;END MAIN SCRIPT================= ;================================ ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;================================ ;MAIN LOOP======================= ;================================ While True CYCLE () Sleep ($nCYCLE_SLEEP) WEnd ;================================ ;================================ ;================================ ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;================================ ;START FUNCTIONS================= ;================================ ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;MISCELLANCIOUS-------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- Func BUFFER () _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGRAPHIC_GUI, $hBMP_BUFF, 0, 0) EndFunc Func hot_key_check () Local $n For $n = 0 To UBound ($aHOT_KEYS)-1 If _IsPressed ($aHOT_KEYS[$n]) Then hot_key_action ($n) Return EndIf Next EndFunc Func hot_key_action ($nKEY) Switch $nKEY Case 0 start_game () Return Case Else Return EndSwitch EndFunc Func invert_colour ($bCOLOUR) Local $bRED = Hex (255-_ColorGetRed($bCOLOUR),2) Local $bGREEN = Hex (255-_ColorGetGreen($bCOLOUR),2) Local $bBLUE = Hex (255-_ColorGetBlue($bCOLOUR),2) Local $bINVERT = '0x' & $bRED & $bGREEN & $bBLUE Return $bINVERT EndFunc Func set_visuals () Local $nPLAYER For $nPLAYER = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT If StringTrimLeft (GUICtrlRead ($aSCORE_LABEL[$nPLAYER]),StringLen ('player'&$nPLAYER & ' score: ')) <> $aPLAYER_SCORE[$nPLAYER] Then GUICtrlSetData ($aSCORE_LABEL[$nPLAYER],'player'&$nPLAYER & ' score: ' & $aPLAYER_SCORE[$nPLAYER]) EndIf Next EndFunc Func WM_PAINT($hWND, $MSG, $wPARAM, $lPARAM) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGRAPHIC_GUI, $hBMP_BUFF,0,0) _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($hWND,Default,Default, BitOR($RDW_INVALIDATE, $RDW_UPDATENOW, $RDW_FRAME)); , $RDW_ALLCHILDREN EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;USER INTERACTION FUNCTIONS-------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- Func change_mode0 () $nGAME_TYPE_NEW = 0 EndFunc Func change_mode1 () $nGAME_TYPE_NEW = 1 EndFunc Func change_mode2 () $nGAME_TYPE_NEW = 2 EndFunc Func detect_user_direction () Local $nPLAYER = 1 Local $nDIRECTION = 0 For $nPLAYER = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT If $aPLAYER_STATUS[$nPLAYER] = True Then If $aPLAYER_TYPE[$nPLAYER] = 1 Then For $nDIRECTION = 0 To 3 If _IsPressed ($aPLAYER_KEYPRESS[$nPLAYER][$nDIRECTION]) Then change_direction ($nPLAYER,$nDIRECTION) Return EndIf Next EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func exitprogram () For $nPLAYER = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT _GDIPlus_BrushDispose ($aPLAYER_COLOR_HANDLE[$nPLAYER]) Next _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($hBACKGROUND_BRUSH) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGRAPHIC) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose ($hBMP_BUFF) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit EndFunc Func start_game () If WinGetHandle ('[active]') = $hMAIN_WINDOW Then Local $nPLAYER = 1 Local $nPERCENT ProgressOn ('Loading...','Please Wait...','',Default,Default,1) For $nPLAYER = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT reset_player ($nPLAYER) $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][0] = $aSTART_POS[$nPLAYER][0] $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][1] = $aSTART_POS[$nPLAYER][1] $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER] = $aPLAYER_DEFAULT_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER] $aPLAYER_STATUS[$nPLAYER] = True $aPLAYER_SCORE[$nPLAYER] = 1 $nPERCENT = Round (($nPLAYER/$nPLAYER_COUNT)*100,2) ProgressSet ($nPERCENT,$nPERCENT & '%','Please Wait...') Next ProgressOff () $nGAME_TYPE = $nGAME_TYPE_NEW $nPLAYER_SURVIVED_COUNT = $nPLAYER_COUNT EndIf EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;AI FUNCTIONS---------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- Func detect_ai_direction () Local $nX Local $nY Local $nCHOICE Local $nDIRECTION Local $nDIRECTION_PREVIOUS Local $nCTRLID Local $nPLAYER Local $nMAX For $nPLAYER = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT If $aPLAYER_STATUS[$nPLAYER] = True Then If $aPLAYER_TYPE[$nPLAYER] = 0 Then $nDIRECTION_PREVIOUS = $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER] $nMAX = Floor (($nCYCLE_SLEEP*3)/2)-1 $nCHOICE = Random (0,$nMAX,1) If $nCHOICE = 0 Then For $n = 0 To 3 $nDIRECTION = get_random_direction ($aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER],$aOPPOSITE_DIRECTION[$aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER]]) change_direction ($nPLAYER,$nDIRECTION) If check_for_crash (move_player (0,$nPLAYER,1),move_player(1,$nPLAYER,1)) = 0 Then ExitLoop Else If $n = 3 Then change_direction ($nPLAYER,$nDIRECTION_PREVIOUS) EndIf EndIf Next Else $nDIRECTION = search_sibling_squares ($nPLAYER) change_direction ($nPLAYER,$nDIRECTION) If check_for_crash (move_player (0,$nPLAYER,1),move_player(1,$nPLAYER,1)) <> 0 Then change_direction ($nPLAYER,$nDIRECTION_PREVIOUS) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func search_sibling_squares ($nPLAYER) Local $nDIRECTION Local $nDIRECTION_PREVIOUS = $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER] If check_for_crash (move_player (0,$nPLAYER,1),move_player(1,$nPLAYER,1)) = 0 Then Return $nDIRECTION_PREVIOUS Else For $nDIRECTION = 0 To 3 change_direction ($nPLAYER,$nDIRECTION) If check_for_crash (move_player (0,$nPLAYER,1),move_player(1,$nPLAYER,1)) = 0 Then Return $nDIRECTION EndIf Next Return $nDIRECTION_PREVIOUS EndIf EndFunc Func get_random_direction ($nDIRECTION_NO_GO_1,$nDIRECTION_NO_GO_2) Local $nDIRECTION = Random (0,3,1) If $nDIRECTION = $nDIRECTION_NO_GO_1 Or $nDIRECTION = $nDIRECTION_NO_GO_2 Then $nDIRECTION = get_random_direction ($nDIRECTION_NO_GO_1,$nDIRECTION_NO_GO_2) EndIf Return $nDIRECTION EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;BACKGROUND FUNCTIONS-------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------- Func change_direction ($nPLAYER,$nDIRECTION) If $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER] = $aDIRECTION[$nDIRECTION] Then Return Else If $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER] = $aOPPOSITE_DIRECTION[$nDIRECTION] Then Return Else $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER] = $aDIRECTION[$nDIRECTION] EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func check_for_crash ($nX,$nY) If $nX*$nLINE_THICKNESS < 0 Or $nY*$nLINE_THICKNESS < 0 Then Return -1 ElseIf $nX*$nLINE_THICKNESS >= $aWINSIZE[0] Or $nY*$nLINE_THICKNESS >= $aWINSIZE[1] Then Return -1 ElseIf $aGRID[$nX][$nY] <> 0 Then Return $aGRID[$nX][$nY] Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc Func create_player ($nPLAYER,$nTYPE,$nDIRECTION,$nX,$nY,$nCOLOR,$sUP=0,$sRIGHT=0,$sDOWN=0,$sLEFT=0) $aPLAYER_TYPE[$nPLAYER] = $nTYPE $aPLAYER_STATUS[$nPLAYER] = True $aPLAYER_DEFAULT_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER] = $nDIRECTION $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER] = $nDIRECTION $aSTART_POS[$nPLAYER][0] = $nX $aSTART_POS[$nPLAYER][1] = $nY $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][0] = $nX $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][1] = $nY $aPLAYER_COLOR[$nPLAYER] = $nCOLOR $aPLAYER_COLOR_HANDLE[$nPLAYER] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid ('0xFF' & StringTrimLeft ($nCOLOR,2)) $aPLAYER_KEYPRESS[$nPLAYER][0] = $sUP $aPLAYER_KEYPRESS[$nPLAYER][1] = $sRIGHT $aPLAYER_KEYPRESS[$nPLAYER][2] = $sDOWN $aPLAYER_KEYPRESS[$nPLAYER][3] = $sLEFT EndFunc Func CYCLE () Local $nPLAYER = 1 Local $nX Local $nY Local $nCRASH_VALUE If $nPLAYER_SURVIVED_COUNT > 1 Then For $nPLAYER = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT If $aPLAYER_STATUS[$nPLAYER] = True Then $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][0] = move_player (0,$nPLAYER,1) $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][1] = move_player (1,$nPLAYER,1) $nCRASH_VALUE = check_for_crash ($aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][0],$aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][1]) If $nCRASH_VALUE = 0 Then position_player ($nPLAYER) Else delete_player ($nPLAYER,$nCRASH_VALUE) EndIf EndIf Next Else end_game() EndIf EndFunc Func delete_player ($nPLAYER,$nCRASH_VALUE) Local $nX = 0 Local $nY = 0 Switch $nGAME_TYPE Case $aGAME_TYPE[0] reset_player ($nPLAYER) Case $aGAME_TYPE[1] reset_player ($nPLAYER) Case $aGAME_TYPE[2] If $nCRASH_VALUE <> -1 And $nCRASH_VALUE <> $nPLAYER Then For $nX = 0 To UBound ($aGRID,1)-1 For $nY = 0 To UBound ($aGRID,2)-1 If GUICtrlRead ($aGRID[$nX][$nY]) = $nPLAYER Then $aGRID[$nX][$nY] = $nCRASH_VALUE draw_square ($nCRASH_VALUE,$nX,$nY) EndIf Next Next $aPLAYER_SCORE[$nCRASH_VALUE] = $aPLAYER_SCORE[$nCRASH_VALUE]+$aPLAYER_SCORE[$nPLAYER] Else reset_player ($nPLAYER) EndIf EndSwitch $aPLAYER_STATUS[$nPLAYER] = False $nPLAYER_SURVIVED_COUNT = $nPLAYER_SURVIVED_COUNT-1 EndFunc Func draw_square ($nPLAYER,$nX=-1,$nY=-1) If $nX = -1 Or $nY = -1 Then $nX = $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][0] $nY = $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][1] EndIf _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hGRAPHIC, $nX*$nLINE_THICKNESS, $nY*$nLINE_THICKNESS, $nLINE_THICKNESS, $nLINE_THICKNESS, $aPLAYER_COLOR_HANDLE[$nPLAYER]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($hGRAPHIC, $nX*$nLINE_THICKNESS, $nY*$nLINE_THICKNESS, $nLINE_THICKNESS,$nLINE_THICKNESS) EndFunc Func end_game () Local $nX = 0 Local $nY = 0 Local $nPLAYER = 1 Local $nPLAYER_SCORE = 1 Local $nWINNER = 0 If $nPLAYER_SURVIVED_COUNT = 0 Then MsgBox (64,'GAME OVER','There Was ' & $nWINNER & ' Winners...',Default,WinGetHandle ('[active]')) $nPLAYER_SURVIVED_COUNT = -1 ElseIf $nPLAYER_SURVIVED_COUNT > 0 Then For $nPLAYER = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT If $aPLAYER_STATUS[$nPLAYER] = True Then Switch $nGAME_TYPE Case $aGAME_TYPE[0] $nWINNER = _ArrayMaxIndex ($aPLAYER_SCORE,1) Case $aGAME_TYPE[1] $nWINNER = $nPLAYER Case $aGAME_TYPE[2] If $nPLAYER = _ArrayMaxIndex ($aPLAYER_SCORE,1) Then $nWINNER = $nPLAYER Else $nWINNER = _ArrayMaxIndex ($aPLAYER_SCORE,1) EndIf EndSwitch MsgBox (64,'GAME OVER','Player' & $nWINNER & ' WINS!' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'Player' & $nWINNER & ' Has A Score Of ' & $aPLAYER_SCORE[$nWINNER],Default,WinGetHandle ('[active]')) $nPLAYER_SURVIVED_COUNT = -1 Return EndIf Next Else Return EndIf EndFunc Func move_player ($nDIRECTION,$nPLAYER,$nDISTANCE) Switch $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nPLAYER] Case $aDIRECTION[0] If $nDIRECTION = 0 Then Return $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][0] ElseIf $nDIRECTION = 1 Then Return $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][1]-$nDISTANCE EndIf Case $aDIRECTION[1] If $nDIRECTION = 0 Then Return $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][0]+$nDISTANCE ElseIf $nDIRECTION = 1 Then Return $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][1] EndIf Case $aDIRECTION[2] If $nDIRECTION = 0 Then Return $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][0] ElseIf $nDIRECTION = 1 Then Return $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][1]+$nDISTANCE EndIf Case $aDIRECTION[3] If $nDIRECTION = 0 Then Return $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][0]-$nDISTANCE ElseIf $nDIRECTION = 1 Then Return $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][1] EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc Func position_player ($nPLAYER) Local $nX = $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][0] Local $nY = $aCURRENT_POS[$nPLAYER][1] $aGRID[$nX][$nY] = $nPLAYER draw_square ($nPLAYER,$nX,$nY) $aPLAYER_SCORE[$nPLAYER] = $aPLAYER_SCORE[$nPLAYER]+1 EndFunc Func reset_player ($nPLAYER) Local $nX = 0 Local $nY = 0 For $nX = 0 To UBound ($aGRID,1)-1 For $nY = 0 To UBound ($aGRID,2)-1 If $aGRID[$nX][$nY] = $nPLAYER Then $aGRID[$nX][$nY] = 0 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hGRAPHIC, $nX*$nLINE_THICKNESS, $nY*$nLINE_THICKNESS, $nLINE_THICKNESS, $nLINE_THICKNESS) EndIf Next Next EndFunc ;================================ ;END FUNCTIONS=================== ;================================OLD VERSION remastered and rewritten WITH GDI+ image is recommended: (download and place in the same folder)expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <GuiConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <misc.au3> #include <COLOR.AU3> #include <Array.AU3> _GDIPlus_Startup() Global $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[2][3] $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][0] = 800;(width) $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][1] = 600 ;(height) $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][0] = $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][0]*0.8 ;(width) $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][1] = $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][1]*0.8 ;(height) Global $nGAME_TYPE = 1 ;1 = userVSai deathmatch 2 player ;2 = aiVSai deathmatch 2 player ;3 = userVSai free-for-all 4 player ;4 = aiVSai free-for-all 4 player Global $nPREVIOUS_CTRLID = 1 Global $nPLAYER_COUNT = 2 Global $nCYCLE_SLEEP = 40 Global $nBUFFER_SPEED = 35 Global $nPLAYER_SIZE = 5 Global $nGAME_STATUS = False ;false = N\A ;true = running Global $hTRON_LOGO = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile(@ScriptDir & '\TRON3.png') Global $hGRAPHIC_GUI Global $hMAIN_GRAPHIC Global $aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[5] = ['',False,False,False,False] Global $aPLAYER_GRAPHIC[5] = ['',False,False,False,False] Global $hBACKGROUND_BMP_BUFF Global $bBUFFERING = True Global $bPAINTING = True Global $aGRID Global $aOPPOSITE_DIRECTION[4] = [2,3,0,1] GUIRegisterMsg(0xF, "MY_PAINT") GUIRegisterMsg(0x85, "MY_PAINT") AdlibRegister ('BUFFER',$nBUFFER_SPEED) MAIN_MENU () Func MAIN_MENU () Local $nGUI_CTRLID[6] Local $nCOUNT = 0 Local $nMSG Local $nX = $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][0] / 4 Local $nY = $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][1] / 1.5 Local $nW = $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][0] / 2 Local $nH = $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][1] / 30 $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][2] = GUICreate (@ScriptName,$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][0],$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][1],Default,Default,$WS_POPUPWINDOW,$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,Default) GUISetBkColor (0x000000,$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][2]) GUISetFont (8,999,'','Tahoma',$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][2]) GUICtrlSetDefBkColor (0xFF0000,$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][2]) GUICtrlSetDefColor (0xFFFFFF,$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][2]) $hMAIN_GRAPHIC = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][2]) $nGUI_CTRLID[0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('START',$nX*1.5,$nY,$nW/2,$nH,BitOR ($SS_CENTER,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) $nY += $nH*1.5 $nGUI_CTRLID[1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('2 Players' & @TAB & 'USER vs AI' & @TAB & 'Death-Match',$nX,$nY,$nW,$nH,BitOR ($SS_CENTER,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) $nY += $nH*1.5 $nGUI_CTRLID[2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('2 Players' & @TAB & 'AI vs AI' & @TAB & 'Death-Match',$nX,$nY,$nW,$nH,BitOR ($SS_CENTER,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) $nY += $nH*1.5 $nGUI_CTRLID[3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('4 Players' & @TAB & 'USER vs AI' & @TAB & 'Free-For-All',$nX,$nY,$nW,$nH,BitOR ($SS_CENTER,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) $nY += $nH*1.5 $nGUI_CTRLID[4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('4 Players' & @TAB & 'AI vs AI' & @TAB & 'Free-For-All' ,$nX,$nY,$nW,$nH,BitOR ($SS_CENTER,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) $nY += $nH*1.5 $nGUI_CTRLID[5] = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('QUIT',$nX*1.5,$nY,$nW/2,$nH,BitOR ($SS_CENTER,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) For $nCOUNT = 0 To 5 GUICtrlSetCursor ($nGUI_CTRLID[$nCOUNT],0) Next GUICtrlSetBkColor ($nGUI_CTRLID[1],0x0000FF) $nPREVIOUS_CTRLID = $nGUI_CTRLID[1] GUISetState (@SW_SHOW,$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][2]) $bBUFFERING = False $bPAINTING = False MY_PAINT (0,0,0,0) While True $nMSG = GUIGetMsg() If _IsPressed ('26') Then ;UP If $nGAME_TYPE > 1 Then $nMSG = $nGUI_CTRLID[$nGAME_TYPE-1] Else $nMSG = $nGUI_CTRLID[4] EndIf ElseIf _IsPressed ('28') Then ;DOWN If $nGAME_TYPE < 4 Then $nMSG = $nGUI_CTRLID[$nGAME_TYPE+1] Else $nMSG = $nGUI_CTRLID[1] EndIf ElseIf _IsPressed ('0D') Then ;ENTER $nMSG = $nGUI_CTRLID[0] EndIf Switch $nMSG Case $nGUI_CTRLID[0] START_GAME () Case $nGUI_CTRLID[1] GUICtrlSetBkColor ($nPREVIOUS_CTRLID,0xFF0000) GUICtrlSetBkColor ($nGUI_CTRLID[1],0x0000FF) $nPREVIOUS_CTRLID = $nGUI_CTRLID[1] $nGAME_TYPE = 1 $nPLAYER_COUNT = 2 Case $nGUI_CTRLID[2] GUICtrlSetBkColor ($nPREVIOUS_CTRLID,0xFF0000) GUICtrlSetBkColor ($nGUI_CTRLID[2],0x0000FF) $nPREVIOUS_CTRLID = $nGUI_CTRLID[2] $nGAME_TYPE = 2 $nPLAYER_COUNT = 2 Case $nGUI_CTRLID[3] GUICtrlSetBkColor ($nPREVIOUS_CTRLID,0xFF0000) GUICtrlSetBkColor ($nGUI_CTRLID[3],0x0000FF) $nPREVIOUS_CTRLID = $nGUI_CTRLID[3] $nGAME_TYPE = 3 $nPLAYER_COUNT = 4 Case $nGUI_CTRLID[4] GUICtrlSetBkColor ($nPREVIOUS_CTRLID,0xFF0000) GUICtrlSetBkColor ($nGUI_CTRLID[4],0x0000FF) $nPREVIOUS_CTRLID = $nGUI_CTRLID[4] $nGAME_TYPE = 4 $nPLAYER_COUNT = 4 Case $nGUI_CTRLID[5] _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit Case Else ; do nothing EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc Func MY_PAINT($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam) If $bPAINTING = False Then $bPAINTING = True If $nGAME_STATUS = True Then Local $iX = 0 Local $iY = 0 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGRAPHIC_GUI, $hBACKGROUND_BMP_BUFF,$iX,$iY) Local $nCOUNT For $nCOUNT = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT If $aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[$nCOUNT] <> False Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGRAPHIC_GUI, $aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[$nCOUNT], $iX,$iY) EndIf Next Else Local $nScrX = 0 Local $nScrY = 0 Local $nDstX = 0 Local $nDstY = 0 Local $nW = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hTRON_LOGO) Local $nH = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight ($hTRON_LOGO) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRectRect($hMAIN_GRAPHIC, $hTRON_LOGO,$nScrX,$nScrY,$nW,$nH,$nDstX,$nDstY,$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][0],$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][1]/2) EndIf $bPAINTING = False EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc Func BUFFER () If $bBUFFERING = False Then $bBUFFERING = True If $nGAME_STATUS = True Then Local $iX = 0 Local $iY = 0 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGRAPHIC_GUI, $hBACKGROUND_BMP_BUFF,$iX, $iY) Local $nCOUNT For $nCOUNT = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT If $aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[$nCOUNT] <> False Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGRAPHIC_GUI, $aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[$nCOUNT], $iX,$iY) EndIf Next EndIf $bBUFFERING = False EndIf EndFunc Func crash ($nX,$nY,$aGRID) If $nX*$nPLAYER_SIZE < 0 Or $nY*$nPLAYER_SIZE < 0 Then Return True ElseIf $nX*$nPLAYER_SIZE >= $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][0] Or $nY*$nPLAYER_SIZE >= $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][1] Then Return True ElseIf $aGRID[$nX][$nY] <> 0 Then Return True Else Return False EndIf EndFunc Func move_pos ($nDIMENSION,$nDIRECTION,$nX,$nY,$bREVERT=False) Switch $nDIRECTION Case 0 If $bREVERT = False Then $nY -= 1 ElseIf $bREVERT = True Then $nY += 1 EndIf Case 1 If $bREVERT = False Then $nX += 1 ElseIf $bREVERT = True Then $nX -= 1 EndIf Case 2 If $bREVERT = False Then $nY += 1 ElseIf $bREVERT = True Then $nY -= 1 EndIf Case 3 If $bREVERT = False Then $nX -= 1 ElseIf $bREVERT = True Then $nX += 1 EndIf EndSwitch If $nDIMENSION = 0 Then Return $nX ElseIf $nDIMENSION = 1 Then Return $nY EndIf EndFunc Func invert_colour ($bCOLOUR) Local $bRED = Hex (255-_ColorGetRed($bCOLOUR),2) Local $bGREEN = Hex (255-_ColorGetGreen($bCOLOUR),2) Local $bBLUE = Hex (255-_ColorGetBlue($bCOLOUR),2) Local $bINVERT = '0x' & $bRED & $bGREEN & $bBLUE Return $bINVERT EndFunc Func ai_find_path ($nDIRECTION,$nXi,$nYi,$aGRID,$nDEPTH) Local $nCHOICE Local $nX Local $nY Local $nDIRECTION_TEMP = 0 If $nDEPTH = 0 Then Return $nDIRECTION Else Local $nCHOICE = Random(1,50,1) Local $nX = move_pos(0,$nDIRECTION,$nXi,$nYi) Local $nY = move_pos(1,$nDIRECTION,$nXi,$nYi) If $nCHOICE = 1 Or crash ($nX,$nY,$aGRID) = True Then Do $nDIRECTION_TEMP = Random (0,3,1) Until $nDIRECTION_TEMP <> $nDIRECTION And $nDIRECTION_TEMP <> $aOPPOSITE_DIRECTION[$nDIRECTION] $nX = move_pos(0,$nDIRECTION_TEMP,$nX,$nY) $nY = move_pos(1,$nDIRECTION_TEMP,$nX,$nY) If crash ($nX,$nY,$aGRID) = True Then $nDIRECTION_TEMP = $aOPPOSITE_DIRECTION[$nDIRECTION_TEMP] $nX = move_pos(0,$nDIRECTION_TEMP,$nX,$nY) $nY = move_pos(1,$nDIRECTION_TEMP,$nX,$nY) If crash ($nX,$nY,$aGRID) = False Then $nDIRECTION_TEMP = ai_find_path ($nDIRECTION_TEMP,$nX,$nY,$aGRID,$nDEPTH-1) EndIf Else $nDIRECTION_TEMP = ai_find_path ($nDIRECTION_TEMP,$nX,$nY,$aGRID,$nDEPTH-1) EndIf Else Return $nDIRECTION EndIf EndIf Return $nDIRECTION_TEMP EndFunc Func START_GAME () Local $nDIRECTION Local $nGRIDxMAX = $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][0]/$nPLAYER_SIZE Local $nGRIDyMAX = $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][1]/$nPLAYER_SIZE Local $aGRID[$nGRIDxMAX+1][$nGRIDyMAX+1] Local $aPLAYER_TYPE[5] Local $aPLAYER_STATUS[5] Local $aPLAYER_X[5] Local $aPLAYER_Y[5] Local $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[5] Local $aPLAYER_COLOR[5] Local $aPLAYER_BRUSH_HWND[5] Local $aPLAYER_KEYS[5][4] Local $nX Local $nY Local $nCOUNT Local $nINDEX Local $sBACK_GROUND_COLOR = '0x' & Hex(Random (0x000000,0xFFFFFF,1),6) Global $aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[5] = ['',False,False,False,False] Global $aPLAYER_GRAPHIC[5] = ['',False,False,False,False] $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][2] = GUICreate("GDIPlus Example", $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][0], $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][1],Default,Default,$WS_POPUPWINDOW,Default,$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[0][2]) GUISetBkColor ($sBACK_GROUND_COLOR,$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][2]) ;creating the drawing area $hGRAPHIC_GUI = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][2]) ;creating the visual grid $hBACKGROUND_BMP_BUFF = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][0], $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][1], $hGRAPHIC_GUI) $hBACKGROUND_GRAPHIC = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBACKGROUND_BMP_BUFF) $hGRID_BRUSH = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid('0x20' & StringTrimLeft (invert_colour ($sBACK_GROUND_COLOR),2)) For $nX = 1 To $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][0] Step 20 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect ($hBACKGROUND_GRAPHIC,$nX,0,1,$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][1],$hGRID_BRUSH) Next For $nY = 1 To $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][1] Step 20 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect ($hBACKGROUND_GRAPHIC,0,$nY,$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][0],1,$hGRID_BRUSH) Next ;defining GRID array For $nX = 0 To $nGRIDxMAX For $nY = 0 To $nGRIDyMAX $aGRID[$nX][$nY] = 0 Next Next ;player 1 If $nGAME_TYPE = 1 Then $aPLAYER_TYPE[1] = True Else If $nGAME_TYPE = 3 Then $aPLAYER_TYPE[1] = True Else $aPLAYER_TYPE[1] = False EndIf EndIf $aPLAYER_STATUS[1] = True $aPLAYER_X[1] = 1 $aPLAYER_Y[1] = 1 $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[1] = 1 $aPLAYER_COLOR[1] = '0xFF0000' $aPLAYER_BRUSH_HWND[1] = '' $aPLAYER_KEYS[1][0] = '57' $aPLAYER_KEYS[1][1] = '44' $aPLAYER_KEYS[1][2] = '53' $aPLAYER_KEYS[1][3] = '41' ;player 2 $aPLAYER_TYPE[2] = False $aPLAYER_STATUS[2] = True $aPLAYER_X[2] = $nGRIDxMAX-2 $aPLAYER_Y[2] = $nGRIDyMAX-2 $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[2] = 3 $aPLAYER_COLOR[2] = '0x0000FF' $aPLAYER_BRUSH_HWND[2] = '' If $nPLAYER_COUNT > 2 Then ;player 3 $aPLAYER_TYPE[3] = False $aPLAYER_STATUS[3] = True $aPLAYER_X[3] = $nGRIDxMAX-2 $aPLAYER_Y[3] = 1 $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[3] = 2 $aPLAYER_COLOR[3] = '0x00FF00' $aPLAYER_BRUSH_HWND[3] = '' ;player 4 $aPLAYER_TYPE[4] = False $aPLAYER_STATUS[4] = True $aPLAYER_X[4] = 1 $aPLAYER_Y[4] = $nGRIDyMAX-2 $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[4] = 0 $aPLAYER_COLOR[4] = '0xFF00FF' $aPLAYER_BRUSH_HWND[4] = '' EndIf For $nCOUNT = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT $aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[$nCOUNT] = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][0], $aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][1], $hGRAPHIC_GUI) $aPLAYER_GRAPHIC[$nCOUNT] = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[$nCOUNT]) $aPLAYER_BRUSH_HWND[$nCOUNT] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid('0xFF' & StringTrimLeft ($aPLAYER_COLOR[$nCOUNT],2)) _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($aPLAYER_GRAPHIC[$nCOUNT],'0x20' & StringTrimLeft ($sBACK_GROUND_COLOR,2)) Next GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][2]) $nGAME_STATUS = True While True ;################################################## ;================================================= ;------------------------------------------------ ;CYCLE For $nCOUNT = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT If $aPLAYER_STATUS[$nCOUNT] = True Then If $aPLAYER_TYPE[$nCOUNT] = True Then ;direction USER For $nDIRECTION = 0 To 3 If _IsPressed ($aPLAYER_KEYS[$nCOUNT][$nDIRECTION]) Then $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nCOUNT] = $nDIRECTION ExitLoop EndIf Next Else ;direction AI $aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nCOUNT] = ai_find_path ($aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nCOUNT],$aPLAYER_X[$nCOUNT],$aPLAYER_Y[$nCOUNT],$aGRID,2) EndIf $aPLAYER_X[$nCOUNT] = move_pos (0,$aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nCOUNT],$aPLAYER_X[$nCOUNT],$aPLAYER_Y[$nCOUNT]) $aPLAYER_Y[$nCOUNT] = move_pos (1,$aPLAYER_DIRECTION[$nCOUNT],$aPLAYER_X[$nCOUNT],$aPLAYER_Y[$nCOUNT]) If crash ($aPLAYER_X[$nCOUNT],$aPLAYER_Y[$nCOUNT],$aGRID) = False Then $aGRID[$aPLAYER_X[$nCOUNT]][$aPLAYER_Y[$nCOUNT]] = $nCOUNT _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($aPLAYER_GRAPHIC[$nCOUNT], $aPLAYER_X[$nCOUNT]*$nPLAYER_SIZE,$aPLAYER_Y[$nCOUNT]*$nPLAYER_SIZE, $nPLAYER_SIZE, $nPLAYER_SIZE,$aPLAYER_BRUSH_HWND[$nCOUNT]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($aPLAYER_GRAPHIC[$nCOUNT], $aPLAYER_X[$nCOUNT]*$nPLAYER_SIZE,$aPLAYER_Y[$nCOUNT]*$nPLAYER_SIZE, $nPLAYER_SIZE,$nPLAYER_SIZE) Else _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($aPLAYER_GRAPHIC[$nCOUNT], '0x20' & StringTrimLeft ($sBACK_GROUND_COLOR,2)) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($aPLAYER_GRAPHIC[$nCOUNT]) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose ($aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[$nCOUNT]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($aPLAYER_BRUSH_HWND[$nCOUNT]) $aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[$nCOUNT] = False $aPLAYER_BRUSH_HWND[$nCOUNT] = False $aPLAYER_GRAPHIC[$nCOUNT] = False $aPLAYER_STATUS[$nCOUNT] = False EndIf EndIf Next Sleep ($nCYCLE_SLEEP) ;------------------------------------------------ ;================================================= ;################################################## ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;################################################## ;================================================= ;------------------------------------------------ ;GUI functions If GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then $nGAME_STATUS = False For $nCOUNT = 1 To $nPLAYER_COUNT _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($aPLAYER_BRUSH_HWND[$nCOUNT]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($aPLAYER_GRAPHIC[$nCOUNT]) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose ($aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[$nCOUNT]) $aPLAYER_BMP_BUFF[$nCOUNT] = False $aPLAYER_GRAPHIC[$nCOUNT] = False Next _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($hGRID_BRUSH) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hBACKGROUND_GRAPHIC) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose ($hBACKGROUND_BMP_BUFF) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGRAPHIC_GUI) GUIDelete ($aWINDOW_INFORMATION[1][2]) Return EndIf ;------------------------------------------------ ;================================================= ;################################################## WEnd EndFuncHey guys, i've reqritten (again) the script, cut out the AI (its too difficult to make it work properly without glitches.NEW VERSION OF TRONcontrols ESC brings back to main screen, exits when on the main screenENTER is the action button for main screen & pick bike screenP1:up=wdown=sleft=aright=dP2:up,down,left,right=arrow keysthis is the new version, from scratch, UEZ helped with my knowledge of GDI+all images are required. place them all in the same folder. Edited July 14, 2011 by CodyBarrett mLipok 1 [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
AlmarM Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 here is my take on the TRON game, old school. however, i have only gotten the basic movements down, with only one player, it will need MANY more tweaks to get done right, here is what i've got so faar, yeah its crazy because i'm creating a label every time it moves a certain amount of pixels, but idk how to incorporate GDI drawings into this if anyone has any ideas for an AI that would be cool or if i've made mistakes somewhere o.o Like it! But you're going way to much calculating. I was interested and made my own little version. I can't think of a way to create a smart AI yet. expandcollapse popupGlobal $iColumns = 75 Global $iRows = 75 Global $iTileSize = 5 Global Const $iTargetFPS = 30 Global $aField [$iColumns][$iRows] Global $aChecked [$iColumns][$iRows] Global $iPlayerX = 2 Global $iPlayerY = 2 Global $iSpeedX = 1 Global $iSpeedY = 0 Global $iPlayerColor = 0xFF0000 Global $iIdleColor = 0x000000 HotKeySet("{UP}", "MoveUp") HotKeySet("{RIGHT}", "MoveRight") HotKeySet("{DOWN}", "MoveDown") HotKeySet("{LEFT}", "MoveLeft") Global $hWnd = GUICreate("", $iColumns * $iTileSize, $iRows * $iTileSize) InitializeField() SetPlayer() GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case -3 Exit EndSwitch UpdatePlayer() Sleep(1000 / $iTargetFPS) WEnd Func InitializeField() For $x = 0 To UBound($aField) - 1 For $y = 0 To UBound($aField, 2) - 1 $aField[$x][$y] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $x * $iTileSize, $y * $iTileSize, $iTileSize, $iTileSize) $aChecked[$x][$y] = False GUICtrlSetBkColor($aField[$x][$y], $iIdleColor) Next Next EndFunc Func SetPlayer() GUICtrlSetBkColor($aField[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY], $iPlayerColor) $aChecked[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY] = True EndFunc Func UpdatePlayer() GUICtrlSetBkColor($aField[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY], $iPlayerColor) $aChecked[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY] = True CheckBounds() $iPlayerX += $iSpeedX $iPlayerY += $iSPeedY CheckCollision() EndFunc Func CheckBounds() If (($iPlayerX + $iSpeedX) < 0 Or ($iPlayerX + $iSpeedX) > (UBound($aField) - 1)) Then GameOver() If (($iPlayerY + $iSpeedY) < 0 Or ($iPlayerY + $iSpeedY) > (UBound($aField, 2) - 1)) Then GameOver() EndFunc Func CheckCollision() If ($aChecked[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY]) Then GameOver() EndIf EndFunc Func GameOver() Exit MsgBox(0, "Game over", "Sorry, game over!") EndFunc Func MoveUp() If ($iSpeedY <> 1) Then $iSpeedX = 0 $iSpeedY = -1 EndIf EndFunc Func MoveRight() If ($iSpeedX <> -1) Then $iSpeedX = 1 $iSPeedY = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func MoveDown() If ($iSpeedY <> -1) Then $iSpeedX = 0 $iSpeedY = 1 EndIf EndFunc Func MoveLeft() If ($iSpeedX <> 1) Then $iSpeedX = -1 $iSpeedY = 0 EndIf EndFunc Good luck! Minesweeper A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available. _Mouse_UDF An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit. 2D Hitbox Editor A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.
CodyBarrett Posted February 9, 2011 Author Posted February 9, 2011 AWESOME! i was wondering how to make the lagg less when i was creating a label for each new line! solution? don't MAKE new labels, just use the GRID. thanks a bunch, OH and i have a 2player version nearly read (just gotta add the GRID thing) downside, its only 2players on a local machine, as in two people on one keyboard. AI? still no luck [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
jvanegmond Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 (edited) Based on AlmarM's version I added a score. So you can compare each game with your previous.Edit: By the way, if you make it 2-player, I will add network multiplayer. expandcollapse popupGlobal $iColumns = 75 Global $iRows = 75 Global $iTileSize = 5 Global Const $iTargetFPS = 30 Global $aField [$iColumns][$iRows] Global $aChecked [$iColumns][$iRows] Global $iPlayerX = 2 Global $iPlayerY = 2 Global $iSpeedX = 1 Global $iSpeedY = 0 Global $iPlayerColor = 0xFF0000 Global $iIdleColor = 0x000000 Global $iScore = 0 HotKeySet("{UP}", "MoveUp") HotKeySet("{RIGHT}", "MoveRight") HotKeySet("{DOWN}", "MoveDown") HotKeySet("{LEFT}", "MoveLeft") Global $hWnd = GUICreate("", $iColumns * $iTileSize, $iRows * $iTileSize) InitializeField() SetPlayer() GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case -3 Exit EndSwitch UpdatePlayer() Sleep(1000 / $iTargetFPS) WEnd Func InitializeField() For $x = 0 To UBound($aField) - 1 For $y = 0 To UBound($aField, 2) - 1 $aField[$x][$y] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $x * $iTileSize, $y * $iTileSize, $iTileSize, $iTileSize) $aChecked[$x][$y] = False GUICtrlSetBkColor($aField[$x][$y], $iIdleColor) Next Next EndFunc Func SetPlayer() GUICtrlSetBkColor($aField[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY], $iPlayerColor) $aChecked[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY] = True EndFunc Func UpdatePlayer() GUICtrlSetBkColor($aField[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY], $iPlayerColor) $aChecked[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY] = True CheckBounds() $iPlayerX += $iSpeedX $iPlayerY += $iSPeedY $iScore += 1 CheckCollision() EndFunc Func CheckBounds() If (($iPlayerX + $iSpeedX) < 0 Or ($iPlayerX + $iSpeedX) > (UBound($aField) - 1)) Then GameOver() If (($iPlayerY + $iSpeedY) < 0 Or ($iPlayerY + $iSpeedY) > (UBound($aField, 2) - 1)) Then GameOver() EndFunc Func CheckCollision() If ($aChecked[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY]) Then GameOver() EndIf EndFunc Func GameOver() Exit MsgBox(0, "Game over", "Sorry, game over!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Your score: " & $iScore) EndFunc Func MoveUp() If ($iSpeedY <> 1) Then $iSpeedX = 0 $iSpeedY = -1 EndIf EndFunc Func MoveRight() If ($iSpeedX <> -1) Then $iSpeedX = 1 $iSPeedY = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func MoveDown() If ($iSpeedY <> -1) Then $iSpeedX = 0 $iSpeedY = 1 EndIf EndFunc Func MoveLeft() If ($iSpeedX <> 1) Then $iSpeedX = -1 $iSpeedY = 0 EndIf EndFunc Edited February 9, 2011 by Manadar
CodyBarrett Posted February 9, 2011 Author Posted February 9, 2011 (edited) UPDATED AT THE TOP PROS: cleaned up a bit made more dynamic 2player 1 keyboard is now supported with each player having elements in an array for the ISPRESSED commands. CONS: ISPRESSED may not respond in time if the cycle is too slow. LOTS of loops LOTS of labels (however now there is a fixed amount thanks to AlmarM) any bugs or anything i can work on please tell me!!! as for Networked, well id need a TRON server machine, i don't have one and UDP client to client is not reliable enough. EDIT: nice score Manadar! i'll add that for my next one! (but maybe a realtime updating Label for each user...) Edited February 9, 2011 by CodyBarrett [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
jvanegmond Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 (edited) I had 15 minute spare time then I made it multiplayer. It works very poorly, but it works. Tested with my girlfriend on the machine next to me.Basically it just sends TCP messages in XXYY format. If X or Y value is less than 10, it should be reported as 0X0Y. 8)expandcollapse popupGlobal $iColumns = 75 Global $iRows = 75 Global $iTileSize = 5 Global Const $SleepTime = 50 Global $aField [$iColumns][$iRows] Global $aChecked [$iColumns][$iRows] Global $iPlayerX = Random(5, $iColumns-5, 1) Global $iPlayerY = Random(5, $iRows-5, 1) Global $iSpeedX = 1 Global $iSpeedY = 0 Global $iOtherPlayerX = 0 Global $iOtherPlayerY = 0 Global $iPlayerColor = 0xFF0000 Global $iOtherPlayerColor = 0x0000FF Global $iIdleColor = 0x000000 Global $iScore = 0 HotKeySet("{UP}", "MoveUp") HotKeySet("{RIGHT}", "MoveRight") HotKeySet("{DOWN}", "MoveDown") HotKeySet("{LEFT}", "MoveLeft") TCPStartup() Global $iSocketMode = "server" $listen = TCPListen(@IPAddress1, 27015) If @error Then $iSocketMode = "client" $ip = @IPAddress1 $socket = TCPConnect($ip, 27015) Else $hWnd = GUICreate("Waiting for other players.. You are: " & @IPAddress1) $button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Click to enter IP instead", 0, 0) GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case -3 Exit Case $button $iSocketMode = "client" $ip = InputBox("IP please", "Enter the IP please", @IPAddress1) If @error Then Exit $socket = TCPConnect($ip, 27015) If @error Then Exit ExitLoop EndSwitch $socket = TCPAccept($listen) If $socket <> -1 Then ExitLoop EndIf WEnd GUIDelete() EndIf Global $hWnd = GUICreate($iSocketMode, $iColumns * $iTileSize, $iRows * $iTileSize) InitializeField() SetPlayer() GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case -3 Exit EndSwitch $timeStarted = TimerInit() UpdatePlayer() UpdateOtherPlayer() $timeEnded = TimerDiff($timeStarted) While $timeEnded < $SleepTime Sleep(1) $timeEnded = TimerDiff($timeStarted) WEnd WEnd Func InitializeField() For $x = 0 To UBound($aField) - 1 For $y = 0 To UBound($aField, 2) - 1 $aField[$x][$y] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $x * $iTileSize, $y * $iTileSize, $iTileSize, $iTileSize) $aChecked[$x][$y] = False GUICtrlSetBkColor($aField[$x][$y], $iIdleColor) Next Next EndFunc Func SetPlayer() GUICtrlSetBkColor($aField[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY], $iPlayerColor) $aChecked[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY] = True EndFunc Func UpdateOtherPlayer() $myPos = "" If $iPlayerX < 10 Then $myPos &= "0" & String($iPlayerX) Else $myPos &= $iPlayerX EndIf If $iPlayerY < 10 Then $myPos &= "0" & $iPlayerY Else $myPos &= $iPlayerY EndIf TCPSend($socket, $myPos) If @error Then Exit EndIf While 1 $data = TCPRecv($socket, 4) If @error Then Exit EndIf If StringLen($data) <> 4 Then ExitLoop EndIf $iOtherPlayerX = StringLeft($data, 2) $iOtherPlayerY = StringRight($data, 2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($aField[$iOtherPlayerX][$iOtherPlayerY], $iOtherPlayerColor) $aChecked[$iOtherPlayerX][$iOtherPlayerY] = True WEnd EndFunc Func UpdatePlayer() GUICtrlSetBkColor($aField[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY], $iPlayerColor) $aChecked[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY] = True CheckBounds() $iPlayerX += $iSpeedX $iPlayerY += $iSPeedY $iScore += 1 CheckCollision() EndFunc Func CheckBounds() If (($iPlayerX + $iSpeedX) < 0 Or ($iPlayerX + $iSpeedX) > (UBound($aField) - 1)) Then GameOver() If (($iPlayerY + $iSpeedY) < 0 Or ($iPlayerY + $iSpeedY) > (UBound($aField, 2) - 1)) Then GameOver() EndFunc Func CheckCollision() If ($aChecked[$iPlayerX][$iPlayerY]) Then GameOver() EndIf EndFunc Func GameOver() Exit MsgBox(0, "Game over", "Sorry, game over!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Your score: " & $iScore) EndFunc Func MoveUp() If ($iSpeedY <> 1) Then $iSpeedX = 0 $iSpeedY = -1 EndIf EndFunc Func MoveRight() If ($iSpeedX <> -1) Then $iSpeedX = 1 $iSPeedY = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func MoveDown() If ($iSpeedY <> -1) Then $iSpeedX = 0 $iSpeedY = 1 EndIf EndFunc Func MoveLeft() If ($iSpeedX <> 1) Then $iSpeedX = -1 $iSpeedY = 0 EndIf EndFuncEdit: Added lag-synchronization. Things should now go more smoothly. There needs to be some kind of "loaded" indicator ... That, or the game should be loaded in the background ready to go. Edited February 10, 2011 by Manadar
CodyBarrett Posted February 9, 2011 Author Posted February 9, 2011 interesting... i'll have to try and implement that too [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
AlmarM Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 (edited) I might have an idea for an AI, but that would be a silly simple one. I´ll try creating it on the single player game. EDIT: Tried AI, but it's hard. I stopped creating it. Edited February 10, 2011 by AlmarM Minesweeper A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available. _Mouse_UDF An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit. 2D Hitbox Editor A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.
CodyBarrett Posted February 10, 2011 Author Posted February 10, 2011 for my version, all i need for an AI is integrate a decision making algorithm, and then move up,right,down, or left. and the background Cycle will take care of the movement. my problem. the actual algorithm for a decision making ai. minimax is one idea, however i wouldn't know how to implement it because for my tick tack toe i barely even used an algorithm... any ideas how to make one? [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
AlmarM Posted February 11, 2011 Posted February 11, 2011 (edited) What I tried was making an AI that used the same functions like a player (only added 'Bot' before it, ex: BotCheckBounds, BotMoveUp, etc).What I wrote as algoritme was:Set a random timerStart the bot as soon as the player startsWhen the random timer hits its limit, the bot moves randomly to Up,Right,Down,Left (sets random timer again)If the (BotX + BotSpeedX) (prediction) is out of the array range, change directionSame as the previous step, but for (BotY + BotSpeedY)If the bot predicts a "Checked" cell, move randomly to a directionEDIT:Tried making a SplashScreen while the game is initializing.This is just an example, isn't working very well though.expandcollapse popupGlobal $iColumns = 100 Global $iRows = 100 Global $iTileSize = 5 Global $aField [$iColumns][$iRows] Global $WS_POPUP = 0x80000000 MsgBox(0, "", "Press 'OK' to start the game.") $hInitialize = _OpenSplash() Global $hWnd = GUICreate("", $iColumns * $iTileSize, $iRows * $iTileSize) InitializeField() _CloseSplash($hInitialize) GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case -3 Exit EndSwitch WEnd Func _OpenSplash() $hWnd = GUICreate("", 230, 70, -1, -1, $WS_POPUP) $hLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Initializing game...", 10, 20, 250, 50) GUICtrlSetFont($hLabel, 20) GUISetState() Return $hWnd EndFunc Func _CloseSplash($hWnd) GUIDelete($hWnd) EndFunc Func InitializeField() For $x = 0 To UBound($aField) - 1 For $y = 0 To UBound($aField, 2) - 1 $aField[$x][$y] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $x * $iTileSize, $y * $iTileSize, $iTileSize, $iTileSize) GUICtrlSetBkColor($aField[$x][$y], 0x00) Next Next EndFunc Edited February 11, 2011 by AlmarM Minesweeper A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available. _Mouse_UDF An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit. 2D Hitbox Editor A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.
CodyBarrett Posted February 11, 2011 Author Posted February 11, 2011 i tried making my ai check 1-5 squares in the direction it was going and if there is a crash it would check 1-5 squares in any other direction and the first one that didn't have a crash it would change into that direction, however when it was playing: -ai starts off bottom right corner directiop:LEFT -ai doesn't move until just before it hits the other side -ai changes direction:UP -and repeats process until it basically draws a circle. [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
CodyBarrett Posted February 14, 2011 Author Posted February 14, 2011 NEW VERSION added: -GAME TYPES -BASIC (very basic) AI -SCORE SYSTEM fixed: -miscellaneous bugs any ideas for a better ai? [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
AdmiralAlkex Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 Have you looked at the other Tron game by monoceres? AutoiTRON. It could give you some ideas. Download from here (see his signature for why) .Some of my scripts: ShiftER, Codec-Control, Resolution switcher for HTC ShiftSome of my UDFs: SDL UDF, SetDefaultDllDirectories, Converting GDI+ Bitmap/Image to SDL Surface
AlmarM Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 You did great improvements! Minesweeper A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available. _Mouse_UDF An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit. 2D Hitbox Editor A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.
CodyBarrett Posted February 15, 2011 Author Posted February 15, 2011 (edited) You did great improvements! any ideas for a smarter AI? :SHave you looked at the other Tron game by monoceres? AutoiTRON. It could give you some ideas. Download from here (see his signature for why)his link is broken, i'm posting on that topic right now for an update... hopefully i'll see what he has done soon.EDIT:just reread your post and you gave me the direct downloadlink haha thanks.EDIT:monoceres version is actually pretty awesome, fairly simplistic although i dont understand some of the GDI but its cool, and FAST! Edited February 15, 2011 by CodyBarrett [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
AlmarM Posted February 16, 2011 Posted February 16, 2011 any ideas for a smarter AI? :SLike I said earlier, set a random counter and keep track of how many steps the bot takes.If the bot reaches the random timer, reset the random counter and do something like MoveRandom() wich will randomly choose from Up, Right, Down, Left. Minesweeper A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available. _Mouse_UDF An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit. 2D Hitbox Editor A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.
CodyBarrett Posted February 16, 2011 Author Posted February 16, 2011 (edited) I have a kind of random counter.. $nchoice in detect_ai_.... func. EDIT -added 7 more AIs total of 8 players on the grid -fixed up some of the code -fixed a few small bugs CURRENTLY i'm working on a GDI+ version instead of GUI....Label creation. so far its exceptionally faster Edited February 16, 2011 by CodyBarrett [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
CodyBarrett Posted February 17, 2011 Author Posted February 17, 2011 NEW VERSION GDI+ first time i used it, so i'm sure i've messed up somewhere... any ideas how to do it more efficiently? [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
CodyBarrett Posted February 22, 2011 Author Posted February 22, 2011 (edited) NEW VERSION!check the topCHANGES:--everything. ----rewritten around GDI+----changed different game styles----player max, a max of 4----cycle speed----buffer speed----gui layout----ai movement (depth orientated)----player movement (w,a,d,s)----visual grid----logo (still under maintenance)----onevent now getmsg----over all IS FASTERwhat else... "EVERYTHING" seems to cover most of itissues:--ai is stupid --only 1 USER----easy fix just gotta change a few things around--no networked play--ai decision laggs the CPU----my 2.6GHz went up from 7% to 60% when game was playingi'm sure there is some other issues, what do you guys think? EDITRIGHT i forgot to add.does any one know how to erase the object for the brush of a certain player that doesn't involve deleting the entire object of the drawing area (just one players tail when they crash) Edited February 22, 2011 by CodyBarrett [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size]
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