logikal16 Posted June 14, 2005 Posted June 14, 2005 (edited) Hey, For some reason, the GUI doesn't want to reload a picture. Here's the scenario. I used the tabbed interface, and in one tab exists a weather checker. Everytime the weather information gets pulled up, it successfully places weather information into the labels, such as degrees and humidity. Also, I use INetGet to retrieve a picture displaying the weather (ex: a sun, clouds, whatever). The problem is that the image doesn't refresh until the window is minimized, and when the window returns, the image is visible in ALL tabs, not just the weather tab. ;--- WEATHER TAB $weatherpic = GuiCtrlCreatePic ("sky.gif",320,100,40,40) ;OK if doesn't exist ;--- FUNCTION $pic = "http://www.google.com/images/weather/mostly_sunny.gif" InetGet($pic,"sky.gif", 1, 1) I tried using GuiCtrlSetGraphic ($weatherpic, $GUI_GR_REFRESH) in the function after the new image loaded, but it doesn't work... Any ideas? Edited June 14, 2005 by logikal16
jpm Posted June 14, 2005 Posted June 14, 2005 Hey,For some reason, the GUI doesn't want to reload a picture. Here's the scenario. I used the tabbed interface, and in one tab exists a weather checker. Everytime the weather information gets pulled up, it successfully places weather information into the labels, such as degrees and humidity. Also, I use INetGet to retrieve a picture displaying the weather (ex: a sun, clouds, whatever). The problem is that the image doesn't refresh until the window is minimized, and when the window returns, the image is visible in ALL tabs, not just the weather tab.;--- WEATHER TAB$weatherpic = GuiCtrlCreatePic ("sky.gif",320,100,40,40) ;OK if doesn't exist;--- FUNCTION$pic = "http://www.google.com/images/weather/mostly_sunny.gif"InetGet($pic,"sky.gif", 1, 1)I tried using GuiCtrlSetGraphic ($weatherpic, $GUI_GR_REFRESH) in the function after the new image loaded, but it doesn't work...Any ideas? <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Can you post a simplify script reproducing the behaviour you described?Thanks
logikal16 Posted June 14, 2005 Author Posted June 14, 2005 (edited) Here's the script, thanks for wanting to help...Tab:#include <GuiConstants.au3> TraySetIcon ("shell32.dll",47) GuiCreate ("Matt's Automate-Me", 400, 380) GuiSetFont (9,400,1,"Georgia") GuiSetIcon ("shell32.dll",47) ;---------------> INITIALIZE $version = "0.1b" GuiCtrlCreatePic ("automate.gif",0,0,400,50) $statusMsg = GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("Ready",10,355,200) ;---------------> MAIN TAB GuiCtrlCreateTab (10, 60, 380, 280) ;---------------> WEATHER TAB GuiCtrlCreateTabItem ("Somethingelse") GuiCtrlCreateTabItem ("Weather") $weatherpic = GuiCtrlCreatePic ("sky.gif",320,100,40,40) GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("Your Local Weather!",20,100) $z = IniRead ("user.ini","Weather","Zip","default") $zipcode = GuiCtrlCreateInput ($z,20,120,60,20) $getweather = GuiCtrlCreateButton ( "Go",100,120,40,20) GuiSetFont (12,600,1,"Georgia") $cond1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("",100,180,200,20,$SS_CENTER) GuiSetFont (9,400,1,"Georgia") $cond2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("",100,210,200,20,$SS_CENTER) $cond3 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("",100,240,200,20,$SS_CENTER) $cond4 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("",100,270,200,20,$SS_CENTER) $cond5 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("",100,300,200,20,$SS_CENTER)Loop: (all USER.INI does is retrieve a stored zip code)GuiSetState () While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg () Select Case $msg = $Gui_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $msg = $getweather If GuiCtrlRead ($getWeather) == "" Then MsgBox (0,"Error!","Zip Code?") Else IniWrite ("user.ini","Weather","Zip",GuiCtrlRead ($zipcode)) getWeather() EndIf EndSelect WEnd ExitFunction:expandcollapse popup;---------------> GET WEATHER Func getWeather () GuiCtrlSetData ($cond1, "") GuiCtrlSetData ($cond2, "") GuiCtrlSetData ($cond3, "") GuiCtrlSetData ($cond4, "") GuiCtrlSetData ($cond5, "") GuiCtrlSetData ($statusMsg,"Processing request") InetGet("http://www.google.com/search?q=weather+" & GuiCtrlRead ($zipcode), "weather.htm", 1, 1) $contents = "" While @InetGetActive Sleep(50) Wend $file = FileOpen ("weather.htm", 0) While 1 $contents = $contents & FileRead ($file, 1000) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop Wend ; CITY $invalid = 0 While StringLeft ($contents, 22) <> "<b>Weather</b> for <b>" $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 1) $invalid = $invalid + 1 If $invalid = 5000 Then $invalid = 0 GuiCtrlSetData ($cond1, "Invalid Zip Code?") ExitLoop EndIf Wend If $invalid <> 0 Then $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 22) $letters = "" While StringLeft ($contents, 4) <> "</b>" $letters = $letters & StringLeft ($contents, 1) $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 1) Wend $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 4) $city = $letters ; TEMPERATURE While StringLeft ($contents, 17) <> "<font size=+1><b>" $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 1) Wend $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 17) $letters = "" While StringLeft ($contents, 4) <> "°" $letters = $letters & StringLeft ($contents, 1) $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 1) Wend $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 4) $temperature = $letters & " °" ; CONDITION While StringLeft ($contents, 17) <> "<font size=-1><b>" $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 1) Wend $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 17) $letters = "" While StringLeft ($contents, 8) <> "</b><br>" $letters = $letters & StringLeft ($contents, 1) $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 1) Wend $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 8) $condition = $letters ; WIND $letters = "" While StringLeft ($contents, 4) <> "<br>" $letters = $letters & StringLeft ($contents, 1) $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 1) Wend $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 4) $wind = $letters ; HUMIDITY $letters = "" While StringLeft ($contents, 7) <> "</font>" $letters = $letters & StringLeft ($contents, 1) $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 1) Wend $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 7) $humidity = $letters ; IMAGE LINK While StringLeft ($contents, 4) <> "src=" $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 1) Wend $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 5) $letters = "" While StringLeft ($contents, 5) <> " alt=" $letters = $letters & StringLeft ($contents, 1) $contents = StringTrimLeft ($contents, 1) Wend $pic = "http://www.google.com" & StringTrimRight ($letters, 1) $contents = "" ; PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER GuiCtrlSetData ($cond1, $city) GuiCtrlSetData ($cond2, $temperature) GuiCtrlSetData ($cond3, $condition) GuiCtrlSetData ($cond4, $wind) GuiCtrlSetData ($cond5, $humidity) InetGet($pic,"sky.gif", 1, 1) While @InetGetActive Sleep(50) Wend GuiCtrlSetGraphic ($weatherpic, $GUI_GR_REFRESH) GuiCtrlCreatePic ("sky.gif",320,100,40,40) EndIf GuiCtrlSetData ($statusMsg,"Ready") EndFuncType in a zip code, such as 10001, and after it loads (it takes a few seconds), click the other tab and you'll notice that the picture is only visible upon refresh, and it it visible on ALL tabs (and isn't supposed to be) Edited June 14, 2005 by logikal16
jpm Posted June 15, 2005 Posted June 15, 2005 anyone?<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Your problem come from the fact that after retrieving the image you create a new picture which is not on the tab but behind. you must create the picture as you did with a first image and update it with GUICtrlsetImageInetGet($pic,"sky.gif", 1, 1) While @InetGetActive Sleep(50) Wend GuiCtrlSetImage($weatherpic,"sky.gif")
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